March 2020 Moms

PGAL Check-in w/o 9/2

1. Status/EDD

2. Previous loss(es)? 

3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? 

4. Any appointment updates? 

5. Rants/Raves/Questions? 

6. Any milestones coming up?

7. GTKY: What are some memorably “favorite” songs of yours from when you were a teenager or younger?

Re: PGAL Check-in w/o 9/2

  • 1. Status/EDD? 10w3d EDD 3/27

    2. Previous loss(es)? 4

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Kind of a wreck on both fronts recently. My nausea had a dip around that six-ish week mark where I wasn't super miserable, but it didn't last long. Every time I've brushed my teeth for the last week I vomit, and I'm not even brushing my tongue or anything. I eat maybe one "full" meal in total a day and I'm worried I'm losing weight at this point. Emotionally, I'm just struggling with the lack of control I have over everything right now. I know if I'm going to miscarry there's nothing I can do, there's no specific steps I can take to prevent it, and I hate feeling like something so important to me is so completely out of my realm of control. 

    4. Any appointment updates? Midwife appt this Friday that I'm looking forward to getting to hear baby's heartbeat. It'll ease my mind and I'll have officially passed all my milestones if baby is still growing and healthy on Friday.

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? We found out at the end of last week we're having another boy! I'm thrilled. DH was certain we were having a girl so he's taking some time to adjust, but his face lit up when I told him regardless.

    6. Any milestones coming up? If my appt Friday goes well, I'll have passed all my milestones.

    7. GTKY: What are some memorably “favorite” songs of yours from when you were a teenager or younger? My mom has always loved to tell the story about how much I loved Avril Lavigne's "Complicated" when I was little, and I would dance and sing so loudly whenever the song played.
  • @hellobabys I’m sorry you’re having a rough time. Have you tried the unisom and b6 for the nausea? I’ve been taking it for weeks now. I still don’t have a huge appetite, but I’m not throwing up. Also don’t worry too much about losing weight at this point. It’s fairly common in first tri. I have lost a pound or two also. I did last time too! 

    1. Status/EDD 12+5, 3/11

    2. Previous loss(es)? Two 

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Still not great physically. I’m still riding on a high after my good NIPT results, but I do get out my doppler every other day just to be sure. 

    4. Any appointment updates? I have one Wednesday 

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I’m annoyed that I don’t get an ultrasound until my anatomy scan. I asked if I could have one before that and the OB just said no. I know it isn’t medically necessary but I want to see the peanut. Ugh. 

    6. Any milestones coming up? End of first tri in two days! Wooo woop 🙌🏻 

    7. GTKY: What are some memorably “favorite” songs of yours from when you were a teenager or younger? Younger - Britney Spears and Spice Girls and any boy bands. Teenager I loved Pearl Jam and Nirvana and some pop music. Can’t even really think of it right now. Thanks pregnancy brain. 
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  • @treetop19 I can totally relate. This is my last pregnancy as well, and being pregnant has been the BEST and most exhilarating experience of my life. I really wanted to enjoy and appreciate every second of this one, but I too have had a hard time... the peaks of anxiety, the nausea, the fatigue, etc. Hoping to come around in the second trimester and start feeling better! 

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • @miss.sally Yes, I've been taking the unisom+b6! Some days it takes the edge off and some days it just doesn't touch it. It worked for me really well for the first couple weeks but just hasn't held up. I wonder if I need to up the dosing? Bummer about only getting the anatomy scan! I'd be super disappointed, especially because last time our anatomy scan didn't really get us any good keepsake pictures. You might go third party like @EmilyLove25
    suggested! Hope your appt tomorrow goes well!

    @EmilyLove25 I *always* struggle to breathe while pregnant! Partially bad asthma and partially the crowding. It always makes me feel so embarrassed to be completely winded at the top of some stairs.

    @treetop19 Yay for NIPT results! I totally understand wanting to enjoy your last pregnancy, but all the nasty feelings and fear of the first tri get in the way. Hopefully soon you can feel more confident and really savor it!
  • MalidociousMalidocious member
    edited September 2019
    1. Status/EDD 12w+4d, due 3/13

    2. Previous loss(es)? Two

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically?  Overall, pretty good.  I'm definitely still nervous but it's all feeling so real lately.  Looking at cribs and starting a registry might be the reason for that.  I'm feeling incredibly overwhelmed at just how much I don't understand yet about all the things I'm going to need for a baby, but I have a great support system to help me navigate the confusing world of baby products, lol.  Emotionally, I am still all over the freaking place.  Everything makes me cry or I get furious at things at the drop of a hat. Moody, moody, moody... Physically, I am alright.  I have been having some nausea in the mornings which is interesting since I really hadn't had much at all up until this point.  I'm still pretty exhausted and have food aversions more than cravings.  I'm optimistically looking forward to feeling less tired and more like a human.  I'd love to start waking up early and getting on the treadmill again.  That alone would probably make me feel better.

    4. Any appointment updates?  My next appointment isn't until 9/26.  I went last Thursday for the NT scan and the little peanut did NOT cooperate so they weren't able to get any measurements (which of course completely exacerbated my PGAL nerves).  The good news was that the baby was incredibly active and growing on pace (measured 12w+1d when I was only 11w+5d) with a strong heart beat, so that was reassuring.  I got my first round of blood testing done during that appointment, but will get the second round on 9/26.  I did get a call from Myriad (Counsyl) who said they received some of my blood work and let me know that I qualify for financial assistance and it's only going to cost $100.  So that was exciting!  Now I anxiously await results.....

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions?  My rant today is that my partner got me a 4-pack of these amazing popsicles that help with nausea and tummy issues and taste SO good.  I was so excited and this would be a rave, except I was at work and I watched one of his stupid Instagram stories where he was actually eating one of the 4 popsicles!!  I realize it's important to share (LOL) but dammit there were only four!!  And he's never even had them before and doesn't have any tummy distress, NOR IS HE WITH CHILD (lol) so I'm not sure why he thought he needed one.  It made me cry, which is probably not warranted... but my feelings are hurt.  It's like I was not considered, somehow.  IDK, I am rambling.

    6. Any milestones coming up?  I've passed all of my milestones.  I'm so incredibly grateful, but so unbelievably scared still in the back of my mind.

    7. GTKY: What are some memorably “favorite” songs of yours from when you were a teenager or younger?  Hanson was my ultimate favorite band when I was 11-17 before I fell in love with alternative music.  MMMBop will ALWAYS take me back.  :)   Also, Blink-182 was my other favorite band, and then Smashing Pumpkins (who are still my favorites, lol).  <3
  • @hellobabys Yay for another boy!  That is so exciting!  :) 

    @miss.sally I don't get another US until the anatomy scan either!!  I just want to see the little nugget and actually see that all is well...  I think my partner and I are going to check out one of those elective US places that @EmilyLove25 suggested.  

    @EmilyLove25 I'm going to bust out the Doppler tonight, just for some peace of mind.  Also, I am having major difficulty breathing lately!  Even just climbing a few flights of stairs at work in the parking garage has me wheezing!!  

    @treetop19 I have a cold right now, too!  Super annoying.  Also, I'm sorry you're feeling so anxious, although I can completely relate.  It's terrifying to be so completely invested in something and yet so totally out of control.  Congrats on great NIPT results!! <3  Also heck yeah to all the music you liked as a teen -- some of my favorites!! 
  • Lolll @Malidocious let’s send our husbands away together for eating our food, dammit! Don’t they know it’s NOT ok to eat your pregnant wife’s food?!? (Obviously not). I’m sorry he did that bough. I hope he saves the rest for you. 
  • @Malidocious and @kagesstarshroom I’m so impressed you’ve started registries! I’m so overwhelmed thinking about everything we need to get for baby, but also so anxious that I’m “jinxing myself” to do too much research. Grateful at least I can lurk like crazy on the product spotlight boards. 

    @EmilyLove25 +1 over here for the shortness of breath. I’m sorry you’re experiencing it too but it does make me feel better that it seems to be normal! We live in a 3 story townhouse and I’ll get up to the bedroom and be so winded. It’s embarrassing 🙈  

    @hellobabys I’m sorry to hear you’re so sick! I hope you’re able to figure something out that works soon. 

    1. Status/EDD 11w4d, EDD 3/20

    2. Previous loss(es)? MMC in March 2019

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Nausea seems to be mostly gone, fatigue and sore boobs still here in full force, intense heartburn and being starving 0.5 seconds after eating seem to be my new friends. Emotionally I’m very anxious. Feel like I’ve been a lackluster board member lately but I’ve gotten super scared that something is wrong and I don’t know it. We’ve started opening up to very close friends (and my MIL felt she had the right to tell to DH’s ENTIRE extended family...🤬) so I think now that it’s feeling more real and more people know I’ve also started to feel more freaked out. I’ve told myself that after my appt next week it’s time to get serious and think about registering, researching daycare, contacting potential long-term now that I’ve written it here I’ll have to stick to it!  

    3. Rants/Raves/Questions? I mean, the situation with my MIL above has made me really pissed off. DH is also mad so I feel like I’m not allowed to fully vent to him because she’s not my mom....and I don’t want this to become a big long-held tension or source of resentment and am worried that could happen. 

    4. GTKY: What are some memorably “favorite” songs of yours from when you were a teenager or younger? So many good ones! Two coming to mind that make me think of school dances are “Yeah” by Usher and “Since U Been Gone” by Kelly Clarkson! 
  • @miss.sally hoping for a good appt for you today!!
  • @hmjensen omg i would be SO MAD re: the MIL blab. Does she know about yr loss? My mom has been super sensitive about telling ppl bc last time she had to tell whoever she had told about the pg about my loss--and didn't tell everyone and someone "congratulated" me when we vacationed together and it was super awkward. But at the time didn't upset me, thank god. Anyway. Regardless of if she knew or not, if you asked her to keep it private and she didn't, then that's upsetting-but if she knew about the loss it's DOUBLE upsetting. And either way, it sucks big time because of all the emotions I'm sure it gives you. Like, I would be mad not even about the fact I'm PGAL but also by the fact that I wouldn't get to announce My Way. Ooo I'm so mad for you!
  • @malidocious, I'm glad you have a support system for shopping help.  I wouldn't worry too much about the baby products.. I stressed about that with DD, and then when she came, I realized I'd gotten a lot of things she didn't need, or things she didn't need until she got older that I could have put off getting. For DS I went pretty bare-bones for the stuff I got, and it turned out to be all he needed.  (a lot of what you want/need is really going to depend on your individual lifestyle and preferences with baby.... it's something I think I just figured out as I went along. so don't stress too much about it. :) )  I feel you on the popsicles thing.. that is just not right.  :(

    @kagesstarshroom, the NIPT was all I'm having done as far as I know. since I'm using a midwife and they typically see low-risk patients, I don't think they are super familiar with extra testing - at least, they haven't mentioned anything to me at my appointments unless I bring it up (I asked them to do the NIPT).  Sorry you've been so sick lately.  Hope it gets better!

    @hmjensen, plus one to the heartburn.. that's hit me full force now.  and your MIL..ugh, that's so annyoing!
  • @Malidocious I actually didn’t like Hanson much in the Mmmbop days, but started to get into them more in early college when they came to my school with my favorite album of theirs, Underneath. Saw them live 2 years ago and they are still rockin it!

    @hmjensen I’m totally in the same boat with the more people who know, the more freaked out I get. Think positively and lean on the most supportive folks that know! It can help to talk about your fears and not worry about keeping a secret.

    1. Status/EDD 10 weeks 5 days 3/27/20

    2. Previous loss(es)? D&C Dec 2018

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? I had another ultrasound today to confirm the EDD and I was a mess leading up to it, thinking they would find something wrong. Well, baby is measuring 2 days ahead with a normal heartbeat, and I still can’t believe it! My nausea seems to be receding which is awesome but it makes me nervous to lose a symptom even if it’s an awful one. I’m also bloating ridiculously in the evening, my tummy literally triples in size from morning to night!

    4. Any appointment updates? Had one today and still on track for my EDD of 3/27. Have another next Monday which is a normal every 4 weeks visit. 

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Had a fantastic trip to Maine over Labor Day weekend and my nausea ended just in time for it so I ate a ridiculous amount of lobster and blueberries! It was so hard going back to work today, wondering if I should plan a babymoon but with all of the holidays coming up it’s going to be hard to fit one in before 3rd tri. 

    6. Any milestones coming up? Passed my loss already so I have no idea what to expect next! Praying so hard to get thru these next two weeks and then it’s 2nd tri already!

    7. GTKY: What are some memorably “favorite” songs of yours from when you were a teenager or younger? Maroon 5’s Songs About Jane and Michelle Branch’s Hotel Paper albums got me through high school. Loved BSB, NSync and Britney like everyone else in middle school!
  • @AmyKDuffy *NSYNC for the win! 

    @creativesoul83 it sounds like you and I had the exact same music taste growing up! 😂 Yay for a positive appointment and what sounds like an awesome trip! I was hoping we’d  get up to Maine for a fall foliage trip this year but not sure we can make it work...and agreed on timing a babymoon with holidays! It will be challenging for sure. 

    @kagesstarshroom YES they know about our loss which agreed, is making it even more painful. H tried explaining why we were upset and she is standing her ground on like she should get to share joy at being a grandma too? And we’re like....absolutely but AFTER we have gotten to share the way we wanted! We typically have a great relationship so this is all mystifying to me. I guess babies can bring out strange emotions in all of us. 
  • @hmjensen I'm so glad YH is on your side over this and totally right there with you with his anger bc (as you pointed out initially) it's his mom, and it would be hard if it were just you mad at her. But yeah, that's a triple crazylady move to KNOW about your history and still want to blab. So insensitive. And then to not back down and defend herself! I hope, though, that you're able to put it past you once you do get to announce your way, and not stay mad at her for too long, since she clearly is excited for yall. I'd probably want to forgive... but I wouldn't forget... in this situation.

    @creativesoul63 It's so funny how everyone is listing Britney and Nsync, etc. bc I was the type of 90s/early 2000s teen that was like "pop music is uncool" and openly bashed that music for so long. There are definitely songs that I love by these artists now though! But I was such a jerk as a teen, embracing the "coolness" of my "uncoolness" lol. Also, there's a babymoon thread on here somewhere if you're interested in others' thoughts on that. 
  • edited September 2019
    @kagesstarshroom it’s ok, I forgive you 😂 I’ve always been the type of person who doesn’t have guilty pleasures because I’m proud of what I like! I do appreciate when others help me broaden my tastes though. I was never into 90’s/early 00’s grunge and pop punk at the time, but I totally love it now! I also used to absolutely detest country music but love a lot of country songs now too! PS, Iris is also one of my favorites and I just saw the Goo Goo Dolls live for the 3rd time last month! 😊
  • 1. Status/EDD 13w1d / March 13

    2. Previous loss(es)? 2

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? Alright. Still anxious. Still gassy. 

    4. Any appointment updates? Sept 11 is my next appointment - will hear heartbeat and get blood test results

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm trying to convince myself to work on a announcement. We haven't really told any one and I have no idea when I'll feel ready to do that.

    6. Any milestones coming up? 

    7. GTKY: What are some memorably “favorite” songs of yours from when you were a teenager or younger? Probably NSYNC? IDK
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