March 2020 Moms

Product Spotlight: Strollers!

The Product Spotlight Series continues! Each week we'll spotlight a new category of product. If you discover something new or are new to the board, you're welcome to comment on threads like these throughout your time here, not just when it's their week in the spotlight.

FTMs are encouraged to ask questions & STM/+s encouraged to share their knowledge based on experience. You can use any or all the prompts relevant to you below to share info in an easy-to-read format--or none of them. Pictures/screen grabs, if put in spoilers, are welcome! This week we're talking.... Strollers! 

For S+TMs: 

  • Lifestyle factors that might influence your choice:
  • Favorite stroller:
  • Link/picture:
  • Cost (either actual dollar amount, or just $, $$, $$$, etc.):
  • What you like about it:
  • What you don't like about it, if anything:
  • Is there a stroller you don't have but are considering? Why?:
  • Is there a stroller you've tried that you absolutely hate? Why?: 
  • Additional thoughts?:

For FTMs

  • Lifestyle factors that might influence your choice:
  • Stroller(s) you're interested in:
  • Link/picture:
  • Cost (either actual dollar amount, or just $, $$, $$$, etc.):
  • Any questions for S+TMs?:
To view the upcoming PSS schedule, based off of S19's, see here: March 2020 PSS Spreadsheet!
Up next week: Car Seats!

Re: Product Spotlight: Strollers!

  • I have a Chicco infant car seat so I opted to get Chicco strollers for ease of snapping in the car seat.

    Chicco Liteway Plus
    I can't seem to find this on Amazon anymore, which is a bummer because I like it.  It is a slightly more heavy duty single umbrella stroller that has a mode to allow you to click in the infant car seat by folding down the back.  Easy to open and close and lighter to transport (though not as light as a true umbrella stroller.)  This was my go-to stroller to keep in the car for quick trips with one kid.

    Chicco Cortina Together Double Stroller - around $300
    I wanted a double stroller that had an option for snapping in an infant car seat and had the seats stacked front to back rather than side by side.  It is a bit of a beast because it is a double stroller, but it is even easier to open/close than my Liteway - a single pull handle to collapse or open up.  It has a nice big storage area under the seats too.  No option for sit/stand, but I wasn't looking for that.  Only con is that the canopies over the seats are quite thin so not great sun coverage - have to adjust them based on the angle the sun is coming at us.  I'm still happy with it for our only double stroller.

    I also had a coworker give us a Jeep brand jogging stroller (don't know the exact model) that he had that they were not using.  He gave it to me for free (as it was a gift to his family originally but they already had a jogging stroller.)  I believe it retailed for like $400.  I liked keeping it in the garage for taking walks around the neighborhood since it has a smoother ride than the Liteway due to the air-filled tires.  It is too bulky for taking around in the car though.  We find we need to refill the air in the tires after extended periods of not using it.
    DS1 07/2015
    DS2 10/2017
    DS3 due 03/2020
  • I have 2 strollers. The Bob Revolution Flex single jogging stroller is my absolute favorite! It rides so smooth and is great for attaching an infant car seat. It is pretty heavy and takes up quite a bit of space but it’s so worth it for walks/jogs around our neighborhood and zoos/amusement park/ festivals, basically any outdoor situation. It’s pricey but 100% worth it, I won’t go with another brand after this one! I’m fairly certain we’re getting a Bob dualie for kid 2. 

    My second stroller is like a $15 umbrella one from Walmart. I use this just for places like doctors appointments where I need to keep DS contained but the Bob would be way too big. It’s not fancy and I would never use it for walking further than a parking lot to a building but it does it’s job! If you get a really nice stroller like the Bob jogging one I highly recommend having a little one like this as a backup for small indoor spaces! Downside is he had to be able to sit unassisted before we could use it and there was a period where he was too heavy with the infant car seat for me to carry but not yet sitting himself that was rough. You could solve this by buying a nicer umbrella stroller but I didn’t want to drop the $$ after getting a really nice jogging stroller. 
    Me: 33 | DH: 34
    Married: October, 19, 2015
    EDD 2/22/17 <3 DS1 born on 3/2/17
    EDD 3/8/20 <3 DS2 born on 3/10/20
    EDD 11/24/23
    (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)

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  • I managed to find a used 2012 BOB Revolution before DS was born. Got it for $160. It's a WONDERFUL stroller, but kind of heavy and bulky. I love it for many reasons (great on all terrains, handle bar height is great, canopy has great coverage, decent storage), but the thing is HUGE even when it's folded. Like you better have a large SUV, truck, or van otherwise it ain't traveling with you. So, I would highly recommend it if you don't have to travel with it very often (or have a large vehicle). 

    I'm currently lost in the depths of double stroller hell. I have no idea what we'll get since we'll need something that is relatively light so we can travel with on a regular basis... but I also want lots of nice features. I think we're just going to have to stop by a large box store that has a bunch that we can "try out" before we make a decision. 

    *Formerly LuND*
    Me: 35 | DH: 37
    TTC: 7/2016
    Low AMH, mild MFI
    BFP 7/29/17
    EDD: 4/5/18
    <3  DS born 4/4/18  <3
    BFP #2 7/2/19
    EDD 3/13/20

  • I LOVE uppababy. I got the Cruz, and it's fantastic. Even if you don't get the same brand car seat you can get their adapters and then it's the most convenient thing ever. You take your sleeping baby from the car still in their infant car seat, and you snap it down onto the stroller (or adapters). Then push them around anywhere. When you're done you disconnect the car seat and set it back in the car and fold up this baby and put it in the trunk. It's seriously wonderful. If I'm grocery shopping and it isn't a huge load I'll throw everything in the basket underneath. 
    Now I will say this is only for one child. If you have 2 children you'll need the Vista. I'm considering getting the Vista and selling this. Oh, and I recommend getting one secondhand if you don't want to pay the huge price tag. Look at places like Facebook, eBay, offer up, etc. They are REALLY expensive brand new. 
    I've used mine for over 3 years now and it's still in fantastic condition. They last forever. 
  • I have the Baby Jogger City Mini and absolutely love it. I think it was around $250 on sale, but it was a gift so I'm not entirely sure. The canopy provides great shade coverage, and we had a converter so we were able to put our Graco Click Connect carseat in it when DD was an infant. I also really like the storage on the bottom, height of the handlebar, and that it hoses off easy.  :#

    We also have a really cheap umbrella stroller from BRU that was about...$25. I've only used it a few times but it's perfect for when we're on a roadtrip and don't have space for the bigger one.

    I'm also looking at doubles right now and am totally overwhelmed by all of the choices!
  • I have a stroller problem/obsession.

    My first stroller I got and the only one I had until DD was about 2 was the UppaBaby Vista (we expected babies close together). I absolutely love it!! DD slept in the bassinet from the stroller for the first 3ish months and slept great! It has a bassinet and a toddler seat, the car seat can snap in, it faces both directions and has an awesome recline, and a huge basket. It also converts to a double and you can get a glider board. I’m assuming we’ll be using the bassinet and glider board mostly once this baby comes (DD will be almost 4) but will probably buy the rumble seat too. I second PP suggestion about buying used because this stroller was a huge splurge, but worth it IMO. Cons: expensive and heavy, also the rumble seat (bottom seat) has a weight limit of 35 pounds so my DD will have to be on top with the younger kid on the bottom.

    Our second stroller that we got when DD was about 2 was the UppaBaby GLuxe which is a nice umbrella stroller. I like it a lot, and DD says it’s comfy. It’s great now that she’s bigger and is getting in and out frequently. The basket is decent for an umbrella stroller. It’s nice and light and easy for in and out of the car. I got this stroller as a gift from my mom, but is is pretty pricy as far as umbrella strollers go. 

    My third stroller is a BOB Revolution Flex which is about $450 new (I got on clearance from BuyBuyBaby for $179 which was a deals i couldn’t pass up!) This stroller is big and extremely comfortable for a bigger kid. It’s a jogging stroller and while i dont jog, it pushes like butter! It has big bicycle wheels and pushes easy over all terrain. It is my go to for walks, anything outside with grass/dirt/rocks. DD naps in it easily and is very comfy. The basket is pretty big too. I see a lot of BOBs being sold used online and I would definitely recommend this one.

    I also got a Baby Jogger City Select free from a friend, with all the attachments but i found it kind of bulky so I decided to get rid of it. Plus 4 strollers was a little insane!!
    BBB has big sales in i believe July and January and that’s a great time to go looking for strollers and accessories. 

    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • We have a City Mini GT that we’ve loved using for DD (now 3.5).

    it cost $300 new 

    so smooth and great steering!
    pretty easy to fold and unfold
    Great recline and a huge sun shade
    it was easy to get an adapter for just about any bucket seat (we used Britax)
    Great for both outdoor terrain and tighter indoor spaces. Really versatile.
    As a tall person, I appreciate the adjustable handlebar and never having to bend over to push!

    It doesn’t come with a cupholder for mom, so I bought an attachable console/cupholder. The storage underneath is ok but not great. It doesn’t come with a tray for baby, either (we never purchased one). It’s a little heavy and bulky, so I haven’t taken it on airplanes or anything. 

    I still love it enough to keep it for baby #2!

    our secondary stroller is the Summer Infant 3D lite. It cost $100. We got it for airplane travel.

    light weight and easy to lift in and out of the car
    Decent steering, though not as good as the city mini gt
    Great storage underneath
    Comfortable for my toddler, although she’s starting to outgrow it.

    the sun shade is really small and insufficient
    its a PITA to fold and unfold for some reason
    Not quite as sturdy, not for all terrains 

    We also had an umbrella stroller that I hated and gave away. If you’re tall, you need to really pay attention to the height of umbrella strollers or you will end up killing your back! Just one 3 day trip with this stroller was hell.
  • MadamemerleMadamemerle member
    edited August 2019
    @stassischroeder have you looked at the Valco snap duo? This is basically the only side by side double I think I could deal with because of the weight issue.

    I've been through a few strollers with my first and settled into a good pair that I think will do us for 2 kids. I have a Mountain Buggy + One which is a convertible inline all terrain double (so you can use it as a single) ; and a bugaboo bee, that I got used for $100 (yay!) which is great for walking in the city and traveling. 

    I had the Baby Jogger City Mini GT for my son's first 2 years. It was my only stroller then, and I mostly loved it - lightweight, super easy to fold and carry, steers and pushes like a dream. It just doesn't have a lot of storage space which in the end became an issue for things like grocery shopping (I don't drive). If you don't need to carry a lot of stuff then I think it's a fantastic stroller. 

    Also eventually had a Zoe for travel, which was OK (fine for travel but doesn't hold up to more regular or intense use). I think the Bee I now have covers travel but is way more functional and easy to push and I'll be able to use it parent facing for the new baby.

    I'm loathe to spend lots on a stroller, so I looked for more expensive brands (like Bugaboo) used. On the other hand, I think Baby Jogger strollers are generally extremely good value in terms of their quality and they have very good resale value, if that will matter to you down the line.

    If I was looking for a single stroller again, I would get a Valco Snap Ultra Trend- it looks amazing, basically everything I was looking for the first time round: very lightweight, all terrain, can parent face and has a kind of bassinet type attachment that makes it newborn ready. It is relatively expensive at around $400 ish, but since it will last from birth to 4ish it doesn't seem unreasonable, and you don't need to buy extras like a bassinet because it comes infant ready. There's a non ultra version too, if you don't want/need a parent facing option, which is cheaper. 
  • We bought a Graco travel system for DS, which we plan to use again for new baby. It think it's the Graco Fast Action SE. I couldn't justify spending more than $200 for a stroller. We really only need basic features, and this one is light weight enough that it gets the job done.

    We also have a GB Pockit lightweight stroller, which is our primary stroller now. It folds up really small, so it's easy to stash in the car. 

    If we decide to get a double stroller, it'll probably be the basic Graco one again, that we can use with the car seat. We definitely used the stroller more when DS was still in his car seat, but we go weeks without it now, so I feel like it's not a splurge worthy item for us.
    Me: 33 DH: 33
    Married: 10.15.16
    BFP: 12.24.16
    DS BD: 8.20.17
    TTC #2 1.1.19
    BFP #2 7.3.19
    EDD #2 3.13.20
  • For one baby, Graco Click Connect Travel System is great and if you watch the sales you can get a great price for the car seat/stroller combo. The click connect feature is so easy to use in both the car seat base and the stroller. And it’s awesome that it comes ready to go and you don’t need any extra pieces. Also when you’re done with the infant carseat the included regular stroller is really nice too. 

    For two kids, past the newborn stage, highly recommend the Joovy Scooter side by side double. It comes with pockets and cup holders and has a very big storage basket. It’s very narrow too as far as fitting in doorways/aisles. And it’s cheaper than many others. 
  • Based on my lifestyle, I don't really anticipate needing a full-size stroller. I was thinking of just getting one of the light strollers that collapses small for travel. Maybe something like the new gb pocket+ all-city model. 

    Does anyone think it's too ambitious of me to use a travel stroller as my main stroller?
  • @hlin89 I’m at FTM, but just planning on a mountain buggy nano (lightweight travel) and mayyyybe a jogging stroller down the road. From everything I’ve heard from friends, it’s super lifestyle dependent. 
  • It’s so funny when everyone talks about a “stroller lifestyle”. Everyone really has such different styles!

    I use our stroller whenever we go for walks, or go anywhere we will be out all day. Think mall, zoo, walking downtown, etc. Now that DD is 3 we use the stroller less, but we definitely used it ALL the time when she was little. We live in the suburbs so we often walk to town (about 1.5 miles each way) or go out for a walk with the dogs. DD May walk part of the time, but 2-3 miles is too much for her.

    I cant imagine not having a full sized stroller for at least the first 2 years. That being said, I have some chronic back pain so wearing a baby all day is too much for me. I do plan on more baby wearing this time around, but definitely plan on breaking out the stroller with the bassinet/car seat attachment as well.
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • I have a baby trend jogger for DS.  We figured we needed the jogger because we like to go camping/hiking, and the trails are rough, so a jogger would be able to navigate rough terrain.  I also like it for going on walks around the neighborhood (navigates our crappy sidewalks quite nicely... though they did re-do all the sidewalks in the neighborhood this summer, so it shouldn't be a problem anymore!)   I'd say get a jogger if you camp/hike or like to be outdoors a lot - they handle much better than the more 'traditional' strollers.

    The jogger is, however, very bulky, so it's not as fun to take around the mall/stores, since it takes up a lot of room in the aisles.  For that purpose, I have one of the umbrella strollers from Wal Mart - cheap, easy to fold up and stash in the car, and it's pretty much all you need for a quick shopping outing.

    I have to say, I had dreams of baby wearing with my DD and with my DS, but they never quite worked out -  so it was all strollers for us.  I just couldn't find a carrier that was comfortable (in the case of DS) because he wiggled constantly and didn't like being carried. Also, with DS, I find I need a stroller to keep him contained and strapped in when we're out in public - otherwise he has a tendency to sprint away.  (he's 3 now.)  With DD, we had the baby bjorn that she liked, but she quickly got too heavy and my back said 'nope' to that.   

  • Me: 32 | DH: 35
    Married: 8/22/15
    BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18 
    BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @silverhope, thanks for the info!  we don't have that particular model of jogging stroller, so we might be safe?  But it's worth some checking into.
  • A little more on my lifestyle: Neither my husband or I are runners or have ever been outdoorsy in the way of camping/hiking. We have traveled a lot in the past, but are not sure how much we will do with a little one. Most of our walking is done on sidewalks (our neighborhood is new, and so are the streets/sidewalks) or at malls/stores.

    A travel stroller should be fine, right?
  • @hlin89 It really depends on your sidewalks...

    Where we are in the city a travel stroller is a nightmare on the sidewalks. My Zoe broke after two weeks regular city sidewalk use (after being used as a travel stroller for 8 months). The small wheels mean any unevenness will potentially stop the stroller dead, and you have to be on the lookout for bumps etc to avoid nearly catapulting your kiddo forward. It's not enjoyable. 

    Personally, I would get something with bigger and better wheels (doesn't have to be expensive) if you walk regularly on sidewalks. 

    I don't have a car, so I walk an average of 5 miles a day with my stroller and I cannot deal with bad wheels... It seriously impacts my day to day happiness. 

  • @hlin89 in my experience sidewalks aren’t great for strollers unless they are kept really really well! Ours aren’t great so I was happy to have the jogging stroller even though I don’t actually use it to jog much. Also if you plan on going to places like zoos or amusement parks (think day trips with baby or toddler) having a bigger stroller is really nice! 
    Me: 33 | DH: 34
    Married: October, 19, 2015
    EDD 2/22/17 <3 DS1 born on 3/2/17
    EDD 3/8/20 <3 DS2 born on 3/10/20
    EDD 11/24/23
    (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)

  • Ok, I'm selfishly reviving this thread because I'm finally in a mental space to start really thinking about (double) strollers. I think I've narrowed it down to an Uppababy Vista or a City Select Lux. I started thinking about strollers when ya'll brought up the Vista in another thread. I'm leaning towards the City Select, but I'm wondering why you guys chose Vista. 
  • @keeksie84 I’m a FTM but looking for a stroller that will last me with baby 2 since I’m planning on having them close together. I’m between the Vista vs City Select LUX. I’m leaning towards City Select LUX since the Vista’s second seat is lower weight limit and the bassinet of the Vista once you have baby #2 has to be in the lower position. The City Select LUX got better reviews for maneuverability than the regular City Select. I do like the fact that the Vista includes the bassinet tho but I’m not sure that’s worth the extra 250 bucks.
  • @mrsc918 thanks for the input! I'm in the same boat as you, since the Vista only goes up 35 lbs on the second seat. For me personally, we'll use the car seat adapter when baby is really little, so I'm not too bummed about not having the bassinet. 
  • edited October 2019
    Guys, I was totally sold on the Evenflo Pivot Xpand Modular Stroller, but it has such "meh" reviews. I'm particularly worried about the seats being big enough for a toddler over 25 lbs. I still might give it a shot because 1. it's so cheap, and 2. I'm not even sure we'll use it a lot. We have a BOB single stroller that I can use for DS if this baby prefers to be worn like DS did for the first year.  

    I wish I'd been smart enough to invest in an Uppababy or City Select with DS was born, but now it seems silly to spend so much. Although it's pretty easy to find good deals on used.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO  :#

    *Formerly LuND*
    Me: 35 | DH: 37
    TTC: 7/2016
    Low AMH, mild MFI
    BFP 7/29/17
    EDD: 4/5/18
    <3  DS born 4/4/18  <3
    BFP #2 7/2/19
    EDD 3/13/20

  • but but but @stassischroeder the rumble seats & then glider board on the uppa means you can use it for YEARS still ;)

    married 11.1.14

    ttc #1 since 5.18

    bfp 12.22.18 letrozole + progesterone

    d&e due to trisomy 13/hydrops at 15wks

    bfp 7.21.19 letrozole + IUI 

    little girl A born 3.26.20

  • @chichiphin that's a great point! Say more things like that...   ;)

    *Formerly LuND*
    Me: 35 | DH: 37
    TTC: 7/2016
    Low AMH, mild MFI
    BFP 7/29/17
    EDD: 4/5/18
    <3  DS born 4/4/18  <3
    BFP #2 7/2/19
    EDD 3/13/20

  • @stassischroeder and it’s just... pretty! Hahaha 

    married 11.1.14

    ttc #1 since 5.18

    bfp 12.22.18 letrozole + progesterone

    d&e due to trisomy 13/hydrops at 15wks

    bfp 7.21.19 letrozole + IUI 

    little girl A born 3.26.20

  • @stassischroeder I wish I got the expensive stroller last time too!  I JUST won the City Select LUX on ebay for $350 and I'm *delighted*.  Had to share somewhere because no one else would understand.  Personally, I'd rather have a really nice used stroller than a new meh stroller.  Get the Vista!!
  • We were debating between the vista and the city lux as well. I've been taking my 2 year old to buy buy baby to test them and decided on going with the City Lux too. It folds smaller than pretty much anything, including the graco stroller we currently have, which is important because I have a chevy sonic (worst choice of car ever as a parent). My daughter is already 33 lbs and she's a stroller baby/runner. I wish I'd thought seriously about strollers before now because we always knew we wanted our kids close together. 
  • We’re going to BBB soon to check it out, but I think I’m sold on Uppababy. Anyone have experience with the Cruz as opposed to Vista? It’s like half the price, and I think you still need the extra seats and whatever to have an older kid stand on it. 
  • @keeksie84 Now I'm spending way too much time on eBay lol. Did you make an offer or win an auction?

    *Formerly LuND*
    Me: 35 | DH: 37
    TTC: 7/2016
    Low AMH, mild MFI
    BFP 7/29/17
    EDD: 4/5/18
    <3  DS born 4/4/18  <3
    BFP #2 7/2/19
    EDD 3/13/20

  • @stassischroeder I won an auction.  I used to place the bid for me at the very last second.  :)
  • @keeksie84 oooh great tip! Thanks!

    *Formerly LuND*
    Me: 35 | DH: 37
    TTC: 7/2016
    Low AMH, mild MFI
    BFP 7/29/17
    EDD: 4/5/18
    <3  DS born 4/4/18  <3
    BFP #2 7/2/19
    EDD 3/13/20

  • edited October 2019
    Okay I’m now In a mental headspace for strollers and I have several questions as FTM for anyone who has experience with these. I’m  sold on uppababy for sure, but I’m heavily debating between the Cruz and the Vista. I have the following questions:

    1) Is the bassinet actually useful? I was thinking for the first couple of months I would use the car seat in the vista/Cruz or use the infant attachment in the toddler seat: my mom was doubting the actual usefulness of the bassinet option and I thought it was useful but after her questions she has me doubting myself lol.

    2) I’ve heard from mom’s who have had two that they purchased the vista for 2 kids but ended up buying a double side-by-side stroller for them instead. Heard the vista wasn’t as practical if kids aren’t super close in age (thinking of about a 2.5-3yr age gap for number 2) and to just get the Cruz instead. Did anyone experience this? I’m very torn. 

    3) the wheels. Unfortunately the 2020 vista and Cruz won’t be released in Canada until June and the Cruz doesn’t have as much suspension or not as large of a back wheel. I live in a large Canadian city so we get winter but our roads are paved quite well. Any issues with the cruz wheels? Either for city living in general or for snow?

    4) colour. I’m going to say something very controversial: I want the Bryce (white) colour. For obvious reasons I am doubting this decision and any experience with the lighter colours on the uppababy strollers are appreciated. I’ve heard their fabric is fantastic and durable but I’m wondering if it’s an idiotic idea to expect white to stay relatively clean between two children - especially putting it in and out of my trunk with the nasty grey slush we get in January, February, and early March. Thoughts on this are welcome :) 

    thanks y’all!
  • @dunder_mifflin I feel like I can only comment on parts of your post.  I'm going to be a STM and am kicking myself that I didn't spring for a nicer stroller that can convert to a double the first time around.  If I could do it again, I would for sure get the double option.  

    As for white, I won't even where white pants or white shirts myself so I would never get a white stroller.  We sometimes keep DD occupied with snacks in her stroller (like when I'm at the doctor with her) and it gets pretty gross pretty quickly.  We have a partially red stroller and it is streaked black from some kind of car gunk.  I opted for an all black stroller this time around for those reasons.
  • @dunder_mifflin I'm a FTM too but talked to an amazing person at a local baby boutique about the differences between Cruz and Vista and I'll share some of her suggestions and insight because it really helped me make my decision!

    1) I'm going to use the bassinet with the stand as the bassinet in my room for the baby to sleep in. Initially I was worried about having something outside and inside, but I've gotten over that. I can always wipe the outside down and I'll get extra bassinet mattress covers. The woman at the boutique said it's super easy to bring along when you're out for an extended period of time at a friends house, etc., because then you don't have to lug a PNP/any other sleep things with you. I get that babies can sleep in the carseat but I'd personally feel more comfortable having a bassinet for naps and things like that if we're out for a day or something like that.

    2) The woman at the store said the same thing about people ending up buying another double side by side stroller. *shrug*

    3) Part of the reason I'm going with the Vista is because of the wheels. We walk a lot even though we're in the suburbs now but its icy in Chicago until like.. May lol. 

    4) I don't know how cleanable the fabric is but it's so gray and slushy in Chicago that I'm sure whatever I throw in the trunk will have salt stains all over it at some point.

    Also, not sure if you have an infant carseat but I was set on getting the Mesa so I didn't need an adapter and she talked me out of it and I'm going to get the Nuna Pipa. There actually was another woman in the store who chimed in and said that the new adapter is super easy to use and the Nuna carseat is way easier to use and much better than the Mesa. 

    Good luck! Hope this helps :) 
  • @lemonlove86 that is actually very helpful! Thank you so much! I am leaning toward a vista as well as Toronto winters are similar to Chicago. I’m more sold on the bassinet now, you make some excellent points! Regardless I was likely going to buy the bassinet with the Cruz just to have the option and use it indoors as well. I was also talked out of the Mesa and into the Nuna Pippa, I love it way more and its the second-highest safety rating next to the Clek carseats. I also love how I can hop into an Uber or my parent’s car without the base on the pippa.

    and yeah the white may not be so wise even though it’s so pretty! It throws me off because I asked someone who lives in Chicago said hers is holding up very well over a year later. But the slush and ice and nasty grey is having be doubtful since we definitely have snow falls until April.

    Thanks again!
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