Late Term and Child Loss

Pregnancy after preterm loss? Help!

I lost my son a week ago at exactly 21 weeks due to preterm labor, wanted to see if any mothers out there have gone through this and had a healthy pregnancy afterwards? I was told by my doctor that I’d have to use progesterone shots next time to help prevent preterm labor. I know it seems so soon to be asking about getting pregnant again but I’ve always wanted to be a mother and I’d love to try again just scared and nervous it might not take. Any advice on how long any of you waited and did the shots and had a healthy baby? 

Re: Pregnancy after preterm loss? Help!

  • I lost a baby due to PPROM at 21 weeks and four months later convinced a little girl who just turned one last month. I’m so sorry for your loss. There is hope for a rainbow baby- I did progesterone suppositories rather than shots bc the one shot I did was a bit painful-bearable- but painful so I asked if I could stay on the suppositories. Thoughts and prayers to you!
    DS born 04/22/15, Pregnant again 03/01/17 however loss due to PPROM at 20+6 weeks now TTC rainbow
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