Hi All,
I didn't see a TW Tuesday or WTF Wednesday and one of my favorite parts of the BMBs is getting to vent so...
Our DD's babysitter whom we love like one of the family was going through a hard time. She quit her full time with benefits job and then found out she was expecting a baby with her long distance bf. We've been reaching out offering support (we would have let her stay with us rent free while she got back on her feet), but yesterday I saw ON FACEBOOK that she moved to another state to live with her bf. No goodbye, no response to texts or calls, didn't say goodbye to my daughter who has adored her for more than a year, nothing. We depended on her to pick up our daughter from daycare and bring her home and now I'm having to use vacation time to leave early every day to go pick her up while desperately searching for a replacement. Add to this, her younger sister was supposed to take over and I haven't been able to get a hold of her for a week either. We're interviewing someone this weekend but this entire month has been nothing but childcare drama and nausea/exhaustion!
End rant.
Re: WTF Wednesday
My WTF W is the almost $700 "deposit" we had to pay for DH's endoscopy today, wherein they widened his esophagus and therefore will be charging us more (that we can at least put on a payment plan). How TF do places get away w/ charging that much for a DEPOSIT and not letting us put it on our payment plan. (Side note, for those who don't already know: we are so effing broke. So, therefore, *most* of that deposit went towards nearly maxing out my final credit card that isn't maxed out.)
@dckateh woah that is crazy and awful
married 11.1.14
ttc #1 since 5.18
bfp 12.22.18 letrozole + progesterone
d&e due to trisomy 13/hydrops at 15wks
bfp 7.21.19 letrozole + IUI
little girl A born 3.26.20
@dckateh that’s so awful of her. I hate finding stuff out on fb when the person should tell you in person.
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
@kagesstarshroom ugh I’m sorry!
Thanks everyone, she has had a really rough go of it lately and I do understand that she owes us nothing (we knew she was leaving the job, hence having her sister lined up). I just thought our relationship was closer than leaving the state with no goodbye, at least for our daughter.
@dckateh WTH that is so rude! Totally fine to move and move on, but why on earth would you not say goodbye?
@kagesstarshroom Unreal. That isn’t a deposit, that’s a huge payment. Blah.
My WTF is something a lot of us can agree on, I'd think: WTF nausea. How can I be SO hungry, like literally starving, and then as soon as I start eating something it repulses me? WHYYYYYYYYY.
DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015
DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017
BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019
BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020
@kagesstarshroom oh man. That is crazy high!
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
@kagesstarshroom That really sucks. I’m sorry.
AFM...I actually got to lay down and take a nap today. DH was laying down too. Riiiight before I got to sleep DS comes in asking for a snack. Then, after he left DH got included on group text about fantasy football and his phone was buzzing every 39 seconds. I kicked everyone out. WTF DS and Group Texts! Can’t a pregnant lady get a nap???
Me: 31 | DH: 33
DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16
BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20
TTC3: 11.18
BFP: 02.05.19
CP: 03.07.19
*really traumatic recovery*
@kagesstarshroom All bills suuuuucccckkkk, but medical bills are definitely the most frustrating to me.
@RanFan28 Sleep interruptions drive me nuts. My DH can sleep through anything and has the hardest time understanding why I can't fall asleep or stay asleep.
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
@kagesstarshroom Whoa that's a butt-load of money!! I'm seriously surprised they won't allow you to do a payment plan on a charge that big, crappy healthcare plan or not.
@EmilyLove25 Lol! That is a big WTF. I think I'm RAVENOUS until I sit down to actually eat and I feel like I've never been fuller in my life, can't eat it, I'd rather eat something else, etc. Ridiculous!
@RanFan28 I'm glad you kicked them out so you could take a decent nap! The cell phone buzzing would have driven me bananas!
My WTF right now is my boyfriend's overall bad attitude; it's really grating my nerves and stressing me out. For the last two weeks, he has had a chip on his shoulder about every little thing. Sometimes he's mad at me for something I said or did (and that makes me feel awful because I know I've been a hormonal mess lately) and other times, he's worked up about something that doesn't really have anything to do with me, but he directs his bad mood at me. I've tried to talk to him a few times about it, but he brushes me off for the most part. He's either angry or dismissive lately and I don't have the energy to deal with it. He's usually a great guy and not an angry person, so this is very out of character for him... I try to give him space, but he complains that I'm avoiding him. If I do go downstairs to his icy cold man-cave (lol it's so cold down in our basement) to engage, he doesn't really acknowledge me. So it's lose/lose right now and I'm just getting fed up.
@kagesstarshroom - Whaaaat!? I'm so sorry! Anyway you can try and call your credit card companies and see if there's any wiggle room with the interest rates? Might not be much, but they may do something.
@momoftoddlers - Spot on.
I'm late to the party, but last night my husband said, "I don't know why you're so tired, you're only 7 weeks pregnant...."....Uh what?! Excuse me? Who you talking to? I asked him if he could pick up a book to read about pregnancy.
EDD: 3/19/20
WTF to the lady in Dicks Sporting Goods who stared and rolled her eyes at me as I’m walking down the aisle carrying a screaming tantrum throwing DS in one arm and a giant effing pop-up canopy tent thing in the other. As if I’m not struggling enough let’s add your judgy judgement to the mix. That’ll help my pregnant hormonal self. Maybe next time offer help to the struggling pregnant lady. Jerk.
@miss.sally WTF to that lady. But also I can't wait until we are VISIBLY pregnant (not just looking like we've gained 10 pounds) because then people DO help you. Yes to everything from me this go around. Can you carry my groceries that I'm clearly capable of carrying myself? Yes. Do I need to leave work early because I'm tired even during the blissful high energy second trimester? Yes. Can I work from home because the roads are bad and you are worried about the baby? Yes. Do I need a 4th prenatal massage? Yes. Yes Yes Yes.
Edited because me=dumb
DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015
DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017
BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019
BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020