February 2020 Moms

S+TM check-in July

Well we haven't had a S+TM check in and July is almost over! How are things going on with the big kids?


Age of LOs at home:

Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it?

Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) 

How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive?

GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself?
Me: 38, DH: 36 
Married Jan 2008 
DD Baby Bells born Dec 2016 5 lbs, 12 oz, 18" <3 so in love <3
Due with #2 Baby Arya EDD February 2020

Re: S+TM check-in July

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  • leksiLleksiL member
    @therealbitts so fun that you will have a girl with three big brothers! She will be one protected girl! :) My nephew (5) loves DD so much it is so cute he gets so excited to see her. Kids can be so sweet (sometimes)
    Me: 38, DH: 36 
    Married Jan 2008 
    DD Baby Bells born Dec 2016 5 lbs, 12 oz, 18" <3 so in love <3
    Due with #2 Baby Arya EDD February 2020

  • @daffodil_shoe I bet your son will eventually be excited to have a brother! Mine play really well together, for the most part. It’s neat to watch them grow their friendships with each other and bond. 

    @leksiL that’s so cute about your daughter patting your breast instead of your tummy! 2.5 is such a cute age!

    @AugustGlass my husband travels for work too. Sometimes it’s rough, especially being pregnant! It definitely is nice when they get home to help!

    @TennisLove30 aw! Hopefully your daughter warms up to the idea! Lol
  • @craftywitch oooh! I need to find a spa place like that! DH would like that too! Sorry your son is in a bit of a regression. Hopefully he gets back to his normal self soon! 
  • EDD/W+D: Feb 20, 9w5d

    Age of LOs at home: 2

    Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? We haven’t told DD yet. We will in about 2 weeks when we tell family. 

    Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) Nope, we moved into a bigger house a year ago. 

    How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? Less into all the details this time around since we have been there, done that. But he is generally being supportive. 

    GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? A pedicure, massage, and a glass of wine. Alone!
  • EDD/W+D: 2/27 8w5d

    Age of LOs at home: DD age 2

    Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? Not yet, because she’s a parrot and will for sure tell someone before we are ready. 

    Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) We JUST moved this past weekend. Looking forward to continuing to settling in. 

    How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? He’s been good :) 

    GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? ICE CREAM 🍦 
  • EDD/W+D:. 2/12, 11w4d

    Age of LOs at home: 5

    Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? Yes, DD is super excited and promises to love the baby, even if it's a boy (her words)

    Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) Not really, just adapting to no longer being a family of 3

    How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? Relatively well. He's trying to accommodate my cravings 

    GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? Face mask, laying in bed and reading a book/taking a nap 
  • STM + question. When did you feel your 2nd, 3rd etc baby move? This is baby 3 for me and I swear I just felt movement, not gas, but I feel like it’s still too early? 🤔 I’m 13+5. I think I felt #2 move around 15/16 weeks but can’t really remember. 
  • @clee5711 this will be my 4th baby. I’m 14 weeks and *pretty* positive I’ve felt some flutters. With my last two, it was around 15 weeks I think.
  • I havent felt any flutters lately. So maybe it was just gas? Hoping nothing is wrong. Go back to the doctor on the 15th.
  • @clee5711, I swear I felt the baby move this past weekend at 12w5d and was told I was crazy, but I havent felt a similar movement since.   I felt my first at about 15 weeks 
  • I haven’t felt it again so I’m thinking it wasn’t the baby. You’d think I’d have more of a clue what I was doing the third time around 😂
  • @clee5711 I'm only a 2nd time mom but completely forgot everything about pregnancy in the three years since i've done this :-D Now I understand why people do pregnancy journals.
    Me: 38, DH: 36 
    Married Jan 2008 
    DD Baby Bells born Dec 2016 5 lbs, 12 oz, 18" <3 so in love <3
    Due with #2 Baby Arya EDD February 2020

  • I totally thought I felt a few little flutters. But then my OB told me that I have an anterior placenta on Tuesday and to not expect to feel anything until 20 weeks. Hmm...maybe these gas bubbles are playing tricks on me. 

    Anyone have an anterior placenta with your prior pregnancies? 
  • @lanie1000 I had an anterior placenta with my first but I still felt her at 16 weeks. This LO I have been feeling on and off, mostly when I'm lying in my stomach hehe
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