Well we haven't had a S+TM check in and July is almost over! How are things going on with the big kids?
Age of LOs at home:
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it?
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.)
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive?
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself?
Me: 38, DH: 36
Married Jan 2008
DD Baby Bells born Dec 2016 5 lbs, 12 oz, 18"

so in love

Due with #2 Baby Arya EDD February 2020

Re: S+TM check-in July
Age of LOs at home: DS-3
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? I told DS before DH! He’s quite excited, but he thinks it’s a girl, so he will probably be upset when he finds it’s a boy.
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) No
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? Less supportive than my first pregnancy, kind of has the attitude of “you know what you were getting into” vibes.
GTKY: Massage!
Age of LOs at home: DD is 2.5
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? I have told DD about the baby and she alternates between ignoring it (which is probably good except for trying to stand on me) and being sweet. This morning she laid her lovey blanket on me and patted my breast like goodnight baby. I patted my tummy and told her baby was down there
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) I thought about moving to a 4BR so we could get an au pair but right now it is looking like we will just move DD to a closer preschool in September. This way it is at the beginning of the school year and not close enough to having the baby that she associates the move with the baby. I think we are going to keep our house until we see how my job shakes out.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? DH has been working a lot but when he is home he is very helpful, he does the dishes and DD and I have made some huge kitchen messes lately.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? I would have a massage. I used to get them on the regular when I was kidfree but have not had one in about six months.
Married Jan 2008
DD Baby Bells born Dec 2016 5 lbs, 12 oz, 18"
Due with #2 Baby Arya EDD February 2020
Age of LOs at home: 2 boys, 5 & 3
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? Haven’t told them yet. It feels too early.
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) nope
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? He’s been great. Of course as I say this he’s across the country on a business trip so he’s not here, ha. But that’s not his fault.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? Mani/pedi
Age of LOs at home: 4.5
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? We’ve told her. She’s not excited. Ha ha!
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) No.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? He’s more excited than me. I was content with one, but he’s always wanted more.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? I would go shopping all day by myself.
EDD/W+D: 2/5/20 / 11+6
Age of LOs at home: 3 boys: 6, 4, and 12 months
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? I have told them and they’re very excited. We found out last week that it’s a girl, so they keep asking me if I’m painting everything pink. After three boys, the answer is, absolutely!
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) No
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? He’s great and has always been supportive during my pregnancies. He’s super excited we are having a baby girl for him to spoil (like he doesn’t already spoil our boys).
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? Mani/Pedi
Married Jan 2008
DD Baby Bells born Dec 2016 5 lbs, 12 oz, 18"
Due with #2 Baby Arya EDD February 2020
@leksiL that’s so cute about your daughter patting your breast instead of your tummy! 2.5 is such a cute age!
@AugustGlass my husband travels for work too. Sometimes it’s rough, especially being pregnant! It definitely is nice when they get home to help!
@TennisLove30 aw! Hopefully your daughter warms up to the idea! Lol
Age of LOs at home: DS will be 3 in October
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? Nope - I’m too afraid he will go tell everyone because he never stops talking. He took pictures for our announcement last night and has no clue why. Good thing he can’t read! He was surprisingly cooperative for them though. Maybe he secretly knows.
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) We are building a new house and I’m going to have about 2 months to get everything done and a new nursery set up. Thank goodness this isn’t our first and we can reuse a lot of stuff from DS.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? He is super excited. I think he’s really ready for this one. He has let me be lazy/nap when I am tired, which has been helpful.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? In a perfect world and not pregnant, I drink a glass of wine and chill out watching a good movie. And go online shopping of course
DH: 34
Married: May 2011
TTC #1: May 2015
DS: 10/20/2016
TTC #2: June 2019
#2 EDD: 2/20/2020
Age of LOs at home: DD1 is 3.5 and DD2 is 2
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? No, and it’s been really difficult because DD1 keeps asking for another baby. Sometimes a brother and a sister, but lately she’s been asking for a sister only. So, it’ll be a boy and she will be devastated.
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) No, we just built a 4 bedroom house this winter. So we are all set.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? During my first pregnancy DH would wake up very early and make me breakfast before work... and during my second pregnancy he slacked off, but did give me a spa day which was nice... this pregnancy he just keeps harping on me to get over my morning sickness and eat sardines because they’re good for brain development.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? A child free night out with DH.
Age of LOs at home: 6, 8
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? Yes, last night. We got them gamer tshirts that say Leveling Up to Big Bro. The oldest's says (Again). I'm ot sure they really believe it.
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) Probably buy a new car, finish the basement.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? Of course. He is so excited. This little guy/girl was a bit of a surprise- my husband is getting a vasectomy next month. So he's shocked and so happy.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself?
An entire day/night, alone in my quiet, clean house, watching ID or SVU.
EDD/W+D: Feb 27th (ish). I won’t have an actual date until my anatomy scan
Age of LOs at home: DS 3.5. DD 18months
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? We told them but neither of them seems to say anything about it which is fine with me! We haven’t told anyone so I’m glad they aren't sharing the news!
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.)
We are hoping to move closer to family at somebody point but that could be next year or a few year ago down the road.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? I feel like I’m not even pregnant. I have lots of symptoms but we just don’t talk about it. We are both really excited but I think we are afraid to begin the dreaded name game haha
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself?
Anything at the spa, alone! Lol
Age of LOs at home: 3
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? Yes. I thought well because he keeps telling me "I love the baby in you belly", but this week he has started taking his baby photos off the fridge, using baby talk, and having a ton of accidents while saying he's wearing a diaper. Soooo not so great?
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) We're planning to buy a bunk/crib combo for DS's room which will now be the kids room, but otherwise no.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? DH is awesome- He's been taking care of all chores and DS responsibilities and letting me sleep 10-12 hours daily and lay on the couch moaning that I don't feel well. He's headed off to his new job this week, but with my MS clearing up it seems like we'll be back to our 50/50 split with good timing.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? Spa day alone with DH- a place with a pool, hot tubs, saunas, a massage, and then fancy juice bar kind of deal.
Married Jan 2008
DD Baby Bells born Dec 2016 5 lbs, 12 oz, 18"
Due with #2 Baby Arya EDD February 2020
Age of LOs at home: 6
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? My husband and I told her on the 11th after our first ultrasound. She is very excited about it and telling anyone (even my random customers at work) that I have a baby in my belly. She is really loving coming up with names and is pretty convinced it will be a girl.
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) Eventually we will need to move. We have wanted to move anyways, but this is going to speed that process up. Although, it won't be for a year or so after the baby is born because we have stuff we need to do around the house before putting it up for sale.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? He is a champ. He and I were both really wanting this, so he has been great with everything. He is working crazy hours right now (leaves at 3:30am and doesn't get home until 6pm) so as far as helping me around the house, that has been zero lately. But this job should be over soon and I will have my helpful, not zombie of a husband back.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? Massage and facial.
Age of LOs at home: 2
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? We haven’t told DD yet. We will in about 2 weeks when we tell family.
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) Nope, we moved into a bigger house a year ago.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? Less into all the details this time around since we have been there, done that. But he is generally being supportive.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? A pedicure, massage, and a glass of wine. Alone!
Ages of kids: DD1 is 7 and DD2 is 5
Have you told the kids?: Yes, we told them almost right away. They’re both very excited. DD2 keeps telling everyone “mommy is pregnant” so basically cats outta the bag there. Lol. One is hoping for a brother and the other wants a sister.
Big lifestyle changes?: Not really, although we will need to buy a new van before this baby but that was already something that was in the plans. My van has 243,000 miles on it, seems to need repairs fairly regularly, only has 1 sliding door that currently opens, etc. Gonna use DH’s end of the year bonus to put towards a new van.
How is SO handling everything?: He’s been a lifesaver. He’s stepped up so much to help with the kids, housework, cooking (or more accurately getting me whatever takeout I’m craving) etc. He’s probably more excited than I am right now about having another baby. Lol.
GTKY: I’m a foodie so I’d probably go to a great restaurant and indulge in some amazing food.
Age of LOs at home: DS is 2.5
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? Yes, he's sweet when we are actively talking about it, he seems curious. But I don't think he totally grasps it yet.
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) We are moving into a bigger home at the end of September. DS will start pre-k in January once he turns 3 so I'm hoping that gives him enough adjustment time before the baby changes everything! He usually adapts well to change, I'm hoping that continues.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? He's getting excited, I think now that we're going to appts it seems more real to him. He's happy for DS to have a sibling.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? Time out alone or date night with DH.
Me: 39 DH: 36
Married: Sept 2018
DS: December 2016
#2 EDD Feb 2020
Age of LOs at home: DS1 will be 3 in September and DS2 will be 14 months in a few days
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it?
The Big kid knows and will randomly come over and kiss my belly or tell me he’s excited for another baby. He swears it’s a girl so 🤞🏼
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) Nothing too crazy. Trading my crV in for a mini van at some point before this baby comes. Ds1 will start preschool in September so I’m glad that will be an established routine before the new baby. We also potty trained and put him in a toddler bed recently. The hardest thing will be weaning DS2.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? Super busy and stressed with work but he’s great when he’s home
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? Wine or beer and catching up on something on tv. Ice cream has now replaced alcohol.
Age of LOs at home: DD turned 2 last month.
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? We have, but I don’t think she completely understands yet. Maybe when my belly grows more she’ll get it.
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) We just got a bigger car this weekend. With two car seats and a dog, we needed to add a third row.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? He’s been really great. He’s been overworked at the office lately, but is still picking up my slack without complaining. I appreciate him so much.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? Pre-pregnancy it would be a nice whiskey (served neat) and some good TV. Nowadays, I’m content taking a hot shower and hopping in bed early.
Age of LOs at home: 9 months
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? Yea. It I don’t think he gets it...
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) nope!
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? He’s so excited. He’s a bit nervous about money since we have had some unexpected expenses come up (need a new roof now instead of next year, AC broke during the heatwave) but we are fine
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? A bottle of wine to the face and some netflix
Age of LOs at home: DD age 2
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? Not yet, because she’s a parrot and will for sure tell someone before we are ready.
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) We JUST moved this past weekend. Looking forward to continuing to settling in.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? He’s been good
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? ICE CREAM 🍦
Age of LOs at home: DD is 5.5y; DS will be 4 in September
Have you told the kids about the baby yet? How are they taking it? Yes. They are both very excited and hoping for their same-sex baby sibling. One is going to be seriously disappointed. Haha.
Are there any big life changes your family are going to have to take because of the baby? (moving, new school, etc.) DD just stared her Kinder Prep classes this week and will be in them through 8/14. Then she starts Kindergarten on 8/26 along with dance classes for both kids. DD does ballet, tap and acro. DS does ballet and tap.
How is your SO handling everything? Are they supportive? He's handling it all okay. I love my SO, but he's not the most communicative fella. He's supportive and will do whatever I ask of him (eventually) but I do HAVE to ask.
GTKY: It's been a rough day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself. In a perfect world, how do you treat yourself? I would love a spa day! Pedicure, back massage, facial. I was a day of comfort and pampering!
Me: 35
DH: 37
Married: May 2011
DD: Dec 2013
DS: Sept 2015
#3: EDD 2/28/20
Married Jan 2008
DD Baby Bells born Dec 2016 5 lbs, 12 oz, 18"
Due with #2 Baby Arya EDD February 2020
Anyone have an anterior placenta with your prior pregnancies?