Trouble TTC

Should I see a second gynecologist for a second opinion?

My husband and I have been married for 7 months, and we've been ttc for 6, and we are still not pregnant, I'm frustrated and stressed out with the situation. I went to see a gynecologist 3 months ago and she didn't give me any answers. She didn't examine me thoroughly, and didn't seem to take very serious, as I am 19. My husband and I are financial stable, and ready to start our family, but it seems we are having a bit of trouble. My predicament is, is that I don't know if something is wrong with one of us, or if it's just taking a while. I track my cycle and we have sex every day, so we're not missing the fertile window. So my question is, is should I go see a different gynecologist for a second opinion?

Re: Should I see a second gynecologist for a second opinion?

  • Hi! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to get a second opinion. Did your gynecologist give you any feedback? Unless there is an already existing issue that may affect fertility, most doctors usually wait to take action or do testing until you’ve been trying for one year to conceive, as it can take a normal, healthy couple a year to get pregnant. I know how frustrating it can be to wait month after month (I remember being impatient at the 6 month mark). Again, I don’t think there’s any harm getting a second opinion. You also may find support on the Trying To Get Pregnant board on here as there are a bunch of women there who are at all different stages of trying (this board mainly focuses on women who have received some form or other of an infertility diagnosis and most are going through fertility treatment). Hope you gain success soon! 
  • I think it definitely wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion, especially if you don't feel like your current gyno is not helping you at the level you want. Are you having any other issues with your cycle? Missed periods, excessive cramping and pain, etc.? Sometimes you can get an infertility diagnosis without trying for a year first if they can diagnose something like PCOS, anovulation, endometriosis, etc. I know how frustrating it can be, and I'm sorry you're experiencing this! I would recommend trying not to stress about it too much, as stress negatively affects your ability to conceive. I know that's easier said than done, but just trust your body and find strength in your partner and find joy in the journey! Good luck! 
    married to DH on March 15, 2018 <3 TTC since May 2018
    dx: PCOS, hypothroidism <3 tx: timed intercourse with meds (dexa, clomid, letrozole, metformin, trigger shots)
    First TTGP: 5/9/19 BFN, 6/21/19 BFN, 7/29/19 BFN, 8/1/19 started a break from tx, 11/16/19 surprised with a BFP! LO born 7/7/20
    Second TTGP: started meds for first cycle of tx on 10/13/21

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