Upcoming appts: Went in last Thursday for initial ultrasound and confirmed that there is just one babe, did not see heartbeat yet, next appointment August 1
How are you feeling?: About the same, a bit like a sloth, activity is difficult!! Some aversions but still trying to pin down the triggers, I think it's just whatever is in my vicinity when a wave of nausea hits. A little dizzy occasionally!
Rants/Raves: Time is cruel!! I thought this pregnancy would fly by having two little ones on my hands to occupy my time, but nope, not the case so far.
Questions: Anyone else on progesterone supplements? I am on them again for this pregnancy and was for my second pregnancy as well.
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? Stole this from group 2, because I'm not very creative...maybe if I read more, hmmm...but I occasionally listen to The Hidden Brain and How I Built This podcasts
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Probably finding out.
Baby is the size of a(n): chocolate chip! Which reminds me that I’m hungry for chocolate chips!
Upcoming appts: June 26 but I’m feeling ssoooo impatient about it!
How are you feeling?: I’m feeling good! It’s hard for me to believe that I’m actually pregnant because the only symptom that I’ve noticed is sore boobs. I had some mild cramping last week but that seems to have disappeared!
Rants/Raves: Rave: I got to tell my mom, grandma, and best friend that I’m pregnant this weekend. They live in another state and I really wanted to tell them in person even though it’s so early. I also got to meet my besties newest baby who is 2 months old. Today I’m headed home to my husband and I really missed him so I’m excited for that. Rant: The Uber from the airport to our house was going to be nearly $100. So I decided to take the train to save some $$$
Questions: None at the moment.
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I haven’t been able to get into podcasts but I do love reading and especially now that it’s summer and I’ve got some time. I’m a Harry Potter nerd and reread them ever couple of years. Right now I’m finishing up A Man Called Ove and just started Big Little Lies on the plane this morning!
Upcoming appts: Had my first today, met with the new doctor we chose and her staff. Really liked the office and nursing staff.
How are you feeling?: A little queasy here and there, only a few cookie tossing episode. Overall, really anxious and worried and just want to get out of the "danger zone".
Rants/Raves: Loved getting to do the first appointment today but kind of ranting over the fact that this office doesn't do a sonogram before 10 weeks.
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I love the podcast My Favorite Murder and ALL the Harry Potter books!
| DH 29 - Me 26 - Married 2007 | 2 Kids - 2 Fur Babies |Baby #3 Due July 2015 |
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: absolutely finding out. Like ASAP.
Baby is the size of a(n): 🎲 (or raspberry I think was the fruit)
Upcoming appts: July 26. Cannot come soon enough!
How are you feeling?: So. Dang. Tired. Also nauseated. And the pregnancy rage is real. I cannot believe how much faster my body is changing this time around also. I started having some ligament pains, and my hips are really sore. This is going to be a loooooong pregnancy.
Rants/Raves: I just want to have an entire day to sleep. By myself.
Questions: can’t think of anything!
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I LOVE to read. I devour books. Mostly fiction. My all-time favorite is Pride and Prejudice. But other than that I have too many to even name.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out as soon as we can!
Baby is the size of a(n): blueberry
Upcoming appts: 7/29 and I can’t WAIT. So anxious
How are you feeling?: feeling good so far! I have had intermittent cramping since I found out at week 5. Dr confirms it is normal but still feels weird. No nausea, occasional headaches and I seem to fly off the handle very easily which is a real treat for my husband 🙃
Rants/Raves: RAVE! We are 18 days away from moving into our new home and I am so excited.
Questions: Anyone else using a midwife?
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I listen to My Favorite Murder & the Chris D’Elia podcast every week- love them! I read a lot but nothing is popping out to me at the moment, classics like Gone with the Wind are always good go to’s for me
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Team Green for this baby #3! (Currently have 2 girls)
Baby is the size of a(n): pea
Upcoming appts: 1st US will be 8/1
How are you feeling?: tired, stomach feels a little funky but that’s it
Rants/Raves: also thought I would forget I was pregnant this time while running around after two littles but here I am counting down the data until the first US!
Questions: I need to tell my job I’m pregnant(due to workplace risks that I’m currently avoiding) but I’m majorly putting it off.... 🥴
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? A lot of behavioral parenting books as they really interest me, Netflix Dead To Me, annnnd I fall asleep before I start anything these days so mostly only make it through HGtV house hunters 😂
Upcoming appts: hoping to get one this week or next.
How are you feeling?: Currently sucking on a lemon to fend off nausea. Nervous since I lost my last pregnancy around this time.
Rants/Raves: Just moved to San Jose after living in New York for 5 years. Excited to be pregnant, bummed I don't have friends or family around to celebrate with. This happened when I got engaged too!
Questions: Anyone in NorCal south bay? Any doctor recommendations?
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? Finishing up my teaching credentials so I don't have any time for reading these days. Very interested in any podcast recommendations though.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: team finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): ?
Upcoming appts: had my first ultrasound today, 7/17, and I'm happy to report there was a baby with a healthy heartbeat. next appointment, first check-in with the midwife on 8/12.
How are you feeling?: Not too terrible yet, though evenings suck - the fatigue really seems to set in and all I want to do is go to bed ridiculously early. Off and on nausea, so far it's been manageable if I remember to eat often enough.
Rants/Raves: I'm so excited for a good ultrasound result today.. it helps set my mind at ease a little. Rant.. my house - seems to constantly sprout messes everywhere, and I'm too tired lately to keep up. If I see another dirty dish I am just gonna snap.
Questions: none at the moment
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? Love pretty much any book I can get my hands on, though lately I haven't had much spare time for reading. I loved the Little House on the Prairie books when I was young, and I still re-read them to my kids. I am a big fan of the Amish romance novels... huge guilty pleasure. I guess I like reading about simpler times. lol.
Upcoming appts: 7/22... I’ve never been so excited for a Monday before!
How are you feeling?: Physically, fine. Mentally, I’m a mess.
Rants: I’m going CRAZY!! I feel like I had more symptoms week 5-6... all of a sudden I feel normal. The food aversions have disappeared and my boobs aren’t as sore anymore. DH swears my boobs are still swollen but I can’t tell. I swear pregnancy is more difficult mentally than physically. I wish I had the will power to stop googling everything. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the wait between appointments!!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: I think we will find out this time! Let it settle in with DD and know if I need to get her baby clothes out of the basement!
Baby is the size of a(n): Blueberry
Upcoming appts: 1st Appt 8/1- very excited just want to know everything is good. A week of vacation away has helped with the anxiety of waiting until almost 9 weeks for my first Appt
How are you feeling?: Slightly nauseous, exhausted, hungry, bloated, sore boobs, moody
Rants/Raves: So much harder when you have another kid to watch! I’m also convinced I’ve gained about 10 pounds already because all I want is carbs and cheeseburgers
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I love murder stuff too! Currently love Casefile for podcasts. Just finished where the crawdads sing which is good!
@laurenm2123 I started Where the Crawdads Sing, and haven’t gotten into it. I quit and went back to some other books but I keep meaning to go back to it.
Team Finding Out! My mom works at a baby store and is more than slightly enthused to use all her store credit and discounts on her first grandbaby!
Baby is the size of a keyboard key today.
Upcoming (first) appointment 7/25, ultrasound included. So excited to see our Lil' Bumpy for the first time!
Feeling exhausted, moody (I cried over a pack of gummy bears earlier), nauseous all the time. The nausea is making me anxious to the point of being on the verge of a panic attack as I have emetophobia (fear or vomit or anything related to it) but I'm trying to remind myself that it's normal and healthy.
Rants/Raves: I go back to work tomorrow after a 3 week "summer vacation" as mandated by my job and I'm dreading the 10-hour days!
Currently not reading or listening to anything. I kinda just play World of Warcraft
Re: Group 1 (3/1-3/8) Check In W/o 7/15
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): blueberry
Upcoming appts: Went in last Thursday for initial ultrasound and confirmed that there is just one babe, did not see heartbeat yet, next appointment August 1
How are you feeling?: About the same, a bit like a sloth, activity is difficult!! Some aversions but still trying to pin down the triggers, I think it's just whatever is in my vicinity when a wave of nausea hits. A little dizzy occasionally!
Rants/Raves: Time is cruel!! I thought this pregnancy would fly by having two little ones on my hands to occupy my time, but nope, not the case so far.
Questions: Anyone else on progesterone supplements? I am on them again for this pregnancy and was for my second pregnancy as well.
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? Stole this from group 2, because I'm not very creative...maybe if I read more, hmmm...but I occasionally listen to The Hidden Brain and How I Built This podcasts
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Probably finding out.
Baby is the size of a(n): chocolate chip! Which reminds me that I’m hungry for chocolate chips!
Upcoming appts: June 26 but I’m feeling ssoooo impatient about it!
How are you feeling?: I’m feeling good! It’s hard for me to believe that I’m actually pregnant because the only symptom that I’ve noticed is sore boobs. I had some mild cramping last week but that seems to have disappeared!
Rants/Raves: Rave: I got to tell my mom, grandma, and best friend that I’m pregnant this weekend. They live in another state and I really wanted to tell them in person even though it’s so early. I also got to meet my besties newest baby who is 2 months old. Today I’m headed home to my husband and I really missed him so I’m excited for that. Rant: The Uber from the airport to our house was going to be nearly $100. So I decided to take the train to save some $$$
Questions: None at the moment.
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I haven’t been able to get into podcasts but I do love reading and especially now that it’s summer and I’ve got some time. I’m a Harry Potter nerd and reread them ever couple of years. Right now I’m finishing up A Man Called Ove and just started Big Little Lies on the plane this morning!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): blueberry
Upcoming appts: Had my first today, met with the new doctor we chose and her staff. Really liked the office and nursing staff.
How are you feeling?: A little queasy here and there, only a few cookie tossing episode. Overall, really anxious and worried and just want to get out of the "danger zone".
Rants/Raves: Loved getting to do the first appointment today but kind of ranting over the fact that this office doesn't do a sonogram before 10 weeks.
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I love the podcast My Favorite Murder and ALL the Harry Potter books!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: absolutely finding out. Like ASAP.
Baby is the size of a(n): 🎲 (or raspberry I think was the fruit)
Upcoming appts: July 26. Cannot come soon enough!
How are you feeling?: So. Dang. Tired. Also nauseated. And the pregnancy rage is real. I cannot believe how much faster my body is changing this time around also. I started having some ligament pains, and my hips are really sore. This is going to be a loooooong pregnancy.
Rants/Raves: I just want to have an entire day to sleep. By myself.
Questions: can’t think of anything!
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I LOVE to read. I devour books. Mostly fiction. My all-time favorite is Pride and Prejudice. But other than that I have too many to even name.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out as soon as we can!
Baby is the size of a(n): blueberry
Upcoming appts: 7/29 and I can’t WAIT. So anxious
How are you feeling?: feeling good so far! I have had intermittent cramping since I found out at week 5. Dr confirms it is normal but still feels weird. No nausea, occasional headaches and I seem to fly off the handle very easily which is a real treat for my husband 🙃
Rants/Raves: RAVE! We are 18 days away from moving into our new home and I am so excited.
Questions: Anyone else using a midwife?
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I listen to My Favorite Murder & the Chris D’Elia podcast every week- love them! I read a lot but nothing is popping out to me at the moment, classics like Gone with the Wind are always good go to’s for me
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Team Green for this baby #3! (Currently have 2 girls)
Baby is the size of a(n): pea
Upcoming appts: 1st US will be 8/1
How are you feeling?: tired, stomach feels a little funky but that’s it
Rants/Raves: also thought I would forget I was pregnant this time while running around after two littles but here I am counting down the data until the first US!
Questions: I need to tell my job I’m pregnant(due to workplace risks that I’m currently avoiding) but I’m majorly putting it off.... 🥴
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? A lot of behavioral parenting books as they really interest me, Netflix Dead To Me, annnnd I fall asleep before I start anything these days so mostly only make it through HGtV house hunters 😂
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): sweet pea
Upcoming appts: hoping to get one this week or next.
How are you feeling?: Currently sucking on a lemon to fend off nausea. Nervous since I lost my last pregnancy around this time.
Rants/Raves: Just moved to San Jose after living in New York for 5 years. Excited to be pregnant, bummed I don't have friends or family around to celebrate with. This happened when I got engaged too!
Questions: Anyone in NorCal south bay? Any doctor recommendations?
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts?
Finishing up my teaching credentials so I don't have any time for reading these days. Very interested in any podcast recommendations though.
EDD/W+D: March 6, 6w3d
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Already know: team pink (IVF)
Baby is the size of a(n): Chocolate Chip
Upcoming appts: First ultrasound on 7/18
How are you feeling?: Rough. Nausea, dry heaving, bloated, exhausted,
Rants/Raves: I have a prenatal massage today and I am soooooo excited.
Questions: nada
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? Love the Tony Hillerman Navajo mysteries books
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: team finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): ?
Upcoming appts: had my first ultrasound today, 7/17, and I'm happy to report there was a baby with a healthy heartbeat. next appointment, first check-in with the midwife on 8/12.
How are you feeling?: Not too terrible yet, though evenings suck - the fatigue really seems to set in and all I want to do is go to bed ridiculously early. Off and on nausea, so far it's been manageable if I remember to eat often enough.
Rants/Raves: I'm so excited for a good ultrasound result today.. it helps set my mind at ease a little. Rant.. my house - seems to constantly sprout messes everywhere, and I'm too tired lately to keep up. If I see another dirty dish I am just gonna snap.
Questions: none at the moment
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? Love pretty much any book I can get my hands on, though lately I haven't had much spare time for reading. I loved the Little House on the Prairie books when I was young, and I still re-read them to my kids. I am a big fan of the Amish romance novels... huge guilty pleasure.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Finding out!
Baby is the size of a: Blueberry
Upcoming appts: 7/22... I’ve never been so excited for a Monday before!
How are you feeling?: Physically, fine. Mentally, I’m a mess.
Rants: I’m going CRAZY!! I feel like I had more symptoms week 5-6... all of a sudden I feel normal. The food aversions have disappeared and my boobs aren’t as sore anymore. DH swears my boobs are still swollen but I can’t tell. I swear pregnancy is more difficult mentally than physically. I wish I had the will power to stop googling everything. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the wait between appointments!!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: I think we will find out this time! Let it settle in with DD and know if I need to get her baby clothes out of the basement!
Baby is the size of a(n): Blueberry
Upcoming appts: 1st Appt 8/1- very excited just want to know everything is good. A week of vacation away has helped with the anxiety of waiting until almost 9 weeks for my first Appt
How are you feeling?: Slightly nauseous, exhausted, hungry, bloated, sore boobs, moody
Rants/Raves: So much harder when you have another kid to watch! I’m also convinced I’ve gained about 10 pounds already because all I want is carbs and cheeseburgers
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I love murder stuff too! Currently love Casefile for podcasts. Just finished where the crawdads sing which is good!
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
team? Finding out ASAP! Like. I bought a Sneak Peak test on Prime Day.
Baby is the size of a honey bee!
My first appointment isn’t until the 30th. I found out I was pregnant at 11dpo, so this has been an absurdly long wait 😬.
I’m exhausted. And nauseous, which I didn’t have with baby number 1.
My sense of smell has already taken off and it’s the worst. I’m also endlessly hungry! All I want are cheese quesadillas 😭😭😭
Team Finding Out! My mom works at a baby store and is more than slightly enthused to use all her store credit and discounts on her first grandbaby!
Baby is the size of a keyboard key today.
Upcoming (first) appointment 7/25, ultrasound included. So excited to see our Lil' Bumpy for the first time!
Feeling exhausted, moody (I cried over a pack of gummy bears earlier), nauseous all the time. The nausea is making me anxious to the point of being on the verge of a panic attack as I have emetophobia (fear or vomit or anything related to it) but I'm trying to remind myself that it's normal and healthy.
Rants/Raves: I go back to work tomorrow after a 3 week "summer vacation" as mandated by my job and I'm dreading the 10-hour days!
Currently not reading or listening to anything. I kinda just play World of Warcraft