Baby is the size of a/an…grain of 'fleur de sel' which is a grain of sea salt commonly found on salted caramel candies. Fancy.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: DH said he wants to know asap. I am into surprises though.
Upcoming appts: 8/14 with an ultrasound tech and a midwife. I caved and called on Friday, I'll be 8w6d (fx).
How are you feeling? HUNGRY.
Rants/Raves: I had a hiccup last week with the dentist. I am shamefully pretty overdue on a cleaning - fear of dentists. I had an appointment in March, but had to cancel because I was sick. Earliest they could schedule me was July. I told them on the phone I was TTC, but they said, sorry, that's the earliest. I went last week and they wouldn't do the cleaning without having a x-ray done, and they wouldn't do the x-ray without OB consent. I almost cried because I was frustrated. I called another local dentist, they were listed as not accepting new patients with my insurance. I called, and they were able to get me in this week for a cleaning. The receptionist was very sweet. I hope it goes well.
Questions: Anyone willing to share details of exactly what to expect at the first appointment?
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? At work, it's usually computer related, or situation advice. Personal life, it's usually advice, or helping with an event.
@lusineg your appt sounds different from mine. I see midwives, but last time I didn't get an ultrasound until like 20 weeks, and that was the only one we got! I don't remember a lot about the first appointment but they did check vitals like a normal physical (pulse, breathing, BP, etc.), talked to me about the appointment schedule for the pregnancy (once a month appts until the last trimester, then every two weeks and last month every week). Asked if I was taking a prenatal vitamin, answered questions I had, etc. The "fun" part was she got out the doppler to find baby's heartbeat! It was early and she could not detect a heartbeat which she said was normal. I was, of course, totally freaked out! But apparently it's pretty normal. The next time we went back, around 11 weeks, it was easy to find the heartbeat! Such a beautiful sound.
@lusineg haha, I like your creativity with the "size of a..." I considered omitting this question for the group prompt since.... all of our answers would be so close to the same? But yours made me happy I left it in, and I tried to follow suit, tho mine is not as good. I am hoping some of the STM/+ here can answer your question, but I'll be a FTM, so I can't really help. That's a lot of dentist drama!
EDD/W+D: 4w2d
Baby is the size of a/an… Chia seed!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: This seems way too far in the future to think about rn.
Upcoming appts: Waiting (impatiently, stressfully) on a call back from the billing dept. at my ob's to see if they'll let me schedule an appt. & come in before I pay off my prev. balance bc I sent my last payment a few days late & not sure if they're still going to let me "pay what I can" month by month. =/
How are you feeling? Today, I feel good. Yesterday, my back hurt a LOT, but I think it's bc I was trapped inside due to "Barry" & did a LOT of sitting.
Rants/Raves: My rants are being super broke and waiting for this phone call AND it's raining. Then I have a neutral thing, which is that this is a realllly busy week for me, and I am hoping that will keep my mind off things & keep me busy, but also seems super exhausting with it all ahead of me.
Questions: None I can think of now, but I'll pop back in later/later in the week if any come up!
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? Grammar!
@kantobean - Hmmm. I'm not sure what's normal. My office has OB's and midwives available. The receptionist did say that 2 out of their 3 locations have an ultrasound machine, and my first appointment had to be at one of those locations. I asked what type of US, and she says normally abdominal, but trans-vaginal in certain situations.
@kagesstarshroom lol, the Ovia app has a couple different settings for "the baby is the size". Food/animal, and I forget the rest. I thought that one was cute. Someone else posted about it being the size of an Instagram heart too which I thought was neat. Good luck with your OB, hopefully they will work with you.
@lusineg Aw, that's nice that the app gives you different options! A quick Google search didn't do much for me in terms of finding anything but a poppy seed. I just have FF & TB apps--I don't want to overdue it on the apps bc I don't want to get too many PG-related ads to quickly, for fear of how hard it is to stop them once they start coming.
AFM... Update: The OB's office called me back & even though the payment arrived a few days after July began, as long as I send something each month they are happy & I am in good standing! Woo!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out. I cannot wait. I even did the Chinese Gender predictor and I know that is crap.
Upcoming appts: 7/31 phone call with the nurse and 8/2 U/S and Dr's appt
How are you feeling? I feel good. I'm actually kind of nervous because my boobs don't hurt that much anymore and the cramps have settled down. I have annoying lower back pain but I have no idea if that's the pregnancy or my new Peloton bike.
Rants/Raves: I just moved to a new area and can't seem to find a dog walking agency for my dog. Everyone is either full or offers multi-dog walks (and she doesn't like other dogs). Oh well. I shall keep looking.
Questions: Can first trimester boob pain come and go? Three days ago, my boobs felt like they were on fire. Now, it's just my nipples being sensitive.
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? I'm a social worker so they come to me for everything Patients? It's usually relationship issues, depression and anxiety. Staff? An unruly patient.
@jpalacious892 I also have had annoying lower back pain--and can't tell if it's from sitting too much or what! You saying that you have it too actually made me a bit relieved, so thank you. AND same about the boob pain! They are definitely less sensitive on some days than others/at certain times of day? Isn't there like--a sort of Uber for Dogwalking type thing? IDK what it's called, but I thought someone I knew signed up for that. Maybe try to find something like that? A larger nat'l corp that organizes workers?
Woah. I came here to complain/ask about lower back pain too, mine is right in the middle! Anddddd same with the tata's. I just started this ride, and already feel so lucky to have TB and you all as a resource.
@jpalacios892 - Since you're new to the area, maybe join local FB groups and ask for recommendations of local dog walkers? I know there are dog training businesses that also offer dog walking as a service too. I have used Wag! probably 6-8 months ago, and I had good experiences, and one meh experience. I wasn't able to request the same dog walker, which I didn't like, as it was based on availabilty. Customer service was not the best to communicate with either. Not sure if that's changed at all since then.
Huh, I'm glad to know I'm not alone with the lower back pain! But I'm not happy that others are suffering, if that makes sense. I took a day off from my bike but it's still bugging me.
@lusineg I have used Wag before in a pinch and they were okay. I'm spoiled because when we were in NYC we had a great local dog walking company that was super responsive and reliable. We would run into our dog walker in the neighborhood and my pup was so happy to see Crystal! I may ask some of my neighbors.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Definitely finding out, so curious!
Baby is the size of a(n): uhh Appleseed? Don’t we all see the same thing on our app? Should I be creative here?
Upcoming appts: none- can’t decide if I want to go back to my midwife group or not.
How are you feeling?: fine! Hungry. Somewhat tired but not terribly so. Excited. Happy!
Rants/Raves: why do I look 3 months pregnant at 5 weeks?! Is this a second pregnancy thing?! I mean I LOVE a pregnant belly, but crickets this is insane!
GTKY: At work, it’s a lot of things I shouldn’t be the authority on, but somehow am. This is not a good thing. I don’t want to be the gatekeeper of institutional knowledge. Learn things co-workers!
Baby is the size of a/an… app says peppercorn! So I’ll say caper.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: We haven’t decided. This is our second kiddo and we found out the baby’s sex at the anatomy scan last time. I may or may not do the genetic screening for this one, since now I’m of “advanced maternal age,” so that would be another, earlier opportunity to know, I suppose. I personally feel equally excited about the prospect of having a boy (the novelty!) or a girl (sisters!), but I know my husband is more invested in the idea of a son this time around, since it could be our last pregnancy. I really like the idea of being surprised, but then I think that if it’s a girl, maybe it’d be better for my husband to find out sooner?
Upcoming appts: 8/13
How are you feeling?: Not terrible. Waves of nausea. All the carb cravings, which I’m trying to Just Say No to. Seems like I’m either constipated or having diarrhea, which I don’t remember happening this early last time...
But mostly: excited!
Rants/Raves: it’s a heatwave in the northeast this weekend, but I’m spending a twelve hour shift at the hospital today... so, win?
Questions: I’m trying to avoid giving into the temptation of eating whatever the heck I want all the time during this pregnancy, since I just finally lost all of the weight I gained last time. What are your favorite healthy snacks?
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
EDD is 3/20/20. 5 wks, 3 days and time is moving s.l.o.w.l.y
Team green as of now. We didn’t find out with our other two (both girls) and it was great but I’m leaning towards finding out this time so everyone can shut up about the ‘don’t you want a boy this time’ discussion. Over it.
Upcoming appts- 8/8 for ultrasound with PA-C and then 9/4 for appt w my OB.
Feeling- okay. A little nauseous but I can’t decide if it’s in my head or real. Tired, but that is standard with a 5yr old and 2yr old.
Rants/Raves- we’ve been traveling a lot this summer and our two girls have done awesome with the long drives and getting adjusted to different places. It’s made things so much more enjoyable!
GTKY- Not sure on this one. At work I have a large caseload of clients I help field questions from and at home it’s constant requests for help from my kids.
@orbmaker I’m with you on trying not to eat whatever the heck I want this time. I didn’t quite lose all the weight each time and starting this pregnancy coming off of vacations has me feeling pretty squishy. Also I know more nausea is likely coming and that will mean a diet of carbs and pb&js if it’s like the past two times.
healthy snacks - I like to get the small/individual cups of guacamole and eat with carrots. Not as good as tortilla chips but it works and is satisfying. Also not for everyone but I usually make a bunch of hard boiled eggs to have in the fridge for easy thing to grab when I’m looking for something. The key to me is having things ready/easy to grab because snacky things that aren’t so great for you seem to always be the easiest in those moments! Always looking for more ideas those!!
@orbmaker Almonds! I keep them at my desk with me & they're my first thing to reach to. And also pumpkin seeds.
@acf2020 Yes to it being best to have something easy to grab! I need to hard boil a bunch of eggs-- I was doing that a month ago so I could use them to add protein easily to lunches (soups or salads), but somehow got off that train.
@acf2020 I love hard boiled eggs! just boiled a dozen yesterday. I like to make little open face sandwiches of rice thins, baba ghanoush, and sliced HBE. Guacamole cups is a good idea. I also like 4% cottage cheese with salt and pepper and almonds, but can kinda overdo it with that at times.
@faithoverfear716 it’s totally normal to not be nauseous yet. I know it’s weird this early if you don’t have symptoms and obviously we don’t have bumps yet, but just enjoy this time nausea-free. Chances are we will be feeling it in a week or two. Some people are really lucky and never get MS though!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: I'm team green, DH wants to know!
Upcoming appts: Waiting to hear back from the midwifery group I'm hoping to meet!
How are you feeling?: Anxious, tired, overwhelmed, pelvic cramps, breast pain
Rants/Raves: Rants, I'm on a work trip and really wish I wasn't. Raves, I had previously scheduled a trip to visit my parents next month which will be the perfect time to share the good news in person!
Questions: Lots! Has anyone found any fitness apps, planners, or monitors that are tailored to pregnancy?? Similarly, any pregnancy-minded cookbooks that you all love?
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
LOL... gallbladder pains! ha but other than that I've been helping a lot with organization and education programming.
Baby is the size of a/an…as tall as the M on an M&M
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: definitely finding out! I actually just bought the Sneak Peek test since it was on sale. It can be done as early as 8 weeks, but I’ll wait until after my first appt at 10 weeks. The reviews are great and was actually recommended by an OB I know.
Upcoming appts: 8/20. U/S and full physical. And first time meeting OB. We just moved so it’s all new.
How are you feeling? Pretty good mostly. I’ve had a couple so so days, but it’s mainly a headache and when I get headaches, I get nauseous. I had absolutely no symptoms my entire 1st pregnancy, so it’s weird to have some already.
Rants/Raves: I’m so bummed my 1st appt is so far away. I was really hoping to get in around 8 weeks.
Questions: no
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
Something health related... what is this rash, does this need stitches, you think I broke it, do I really need to take all these medications 🧐
@faithoverfear716 yes, completely normal! I somehow got away with zero nausea my first pregnancy. It’s a weird feeling to want to have it, but definitely nice not to.
@faithoverfear716 Totally team Wanting To Be Nauseated. I have had moments of vague nausea from time to time, but I want the real thing to make it feel real, so I totally get your feeling! but at the same time, I have had two friends who didn't know they were KU until well into their pregnancies & both came out w/ healthy, amazing kids, sooo. I just keep reminding myself of that!
@npkat I've never heard of that sneak peak test! I'm going to look into it.
Also wanted to jump in here and say how effing proud I am of everyone's "baby is as big as..." descriptions. Group 3 wins in that arena!
@kagesstarshroom it’ll be interesting to see if it’s right. I think it’s like 99.6% correct after 9 weeks. I didn’t use it my 1st go around but thought it would be fun to try this time!
Re: Group 3 (3/17-3/24) Check-In w/o 7/15
EDD/W+D: 3/19, 4w+4d
Baby is the size of a/an…grain of 'fleur de sel' which is a grain of sea salt commonly found on salted caramel candies. Fancy.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: DH said he wants to know asap. I am into surprises though.
Upcoming appts: 8/14 with an ultrasound tech and a midwife. I caved and called on Friday, I'll be 8w6d (fx).
How are you feeling? HUNGRY.
Rants/Raves: I had a hiccup last week with the dentist. I am shamefully pretty overdue on a cleaning - fear of dentists. I had an appointment in March, but had to cancel because I was sick. Earliest they could schedule me was July. I told them on the phone I was TTC, but they said, sorry, that's the earliest. I went last week and they wouldn't do the cleaning without having a x-ray done, and they wouldn't do the x-ray without OB consent. I almost cried because I was frustrated. I called another local dentist, they were listed as not accepting new patients with my insurance. I called, and they were able to get me in this week for a cleaning. The receptionist was very sweet. I hope it goes well.
Questions: Anyone willing to share details of exactly what to expect at the first appointment?
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? At work, it's usually computer related, or situation advice. Personal life, it's usually advice, or helping with an event.
EDD: 3/19/20
@lusineg haha, I like your creativity with the "size of a..." I considered omitting this question for the group prompt since.... all of our answers would be so close to the same? But yours made me happy I left it in, and I tried to follow suit, tho mine is not as good. I am hoping some of the STM/+ here can answer your question, but I'll be a FTM, so I can't really help. That's a lot of dentist drama!
EDD/W+D: 4w2d
Baby is the size of a/an… Chia seed!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: This seems way too far in the future to think about rn.
Upcoming appts: Waiting (impatiently, stressfully) on a call back from the billing dept. at my ob's to see if they'll let me schedule an appt. & come in before I pay off my prev. balance bc I sent my last payment a few days late & not sure if they're still going to let me "pay what I can" month by month. =/
How are you feeling? Today, I feel good. Yesterday, my back hurt a LOT, but I think it's bc I was trapped inside due to "Barry" & did a LOT of sitting.
Rants/Raves: My rants are being super broke and waiting for this phone call AND it's raining. Then I have a neutral thing, which is that this is a realllly busy week for me, and I am hoping that will keep my mind off things & keep me busy, but also seems super exhausting with it all ahead of me.
Questions: None I can think of now, but I'll pop back in later/later in the week if any come up!
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? Grammar!
@kagesstarshroom lol, the Ovia app has a couple different settings for "the baby is the size". Food/animal, and I forget the rest. I thought that one was cute. Someone else posted about it being the size of an Instagram heart too which I thought was neat. Good luck with your OB, hopefully they will work with you.
EDD: 3/19/20
AFM... Update: The OB's office called me back & even though the payment arrived a few days after July began, as long as I send something each month they are happy & I am in good standing! Woo!
EDD/W+D: 3/18/19 - 4w6d
Baby is the size of a/an… waterbear
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out. I cannot wait. I even did the Chinese Gender predictor and I know that is crap.
Patients? It's usually relationship issues, depression and anxiety. Staff? An unruly patient.
Upcoming appts: 7/31 phone call with the nurse and 8/2 U/S and Dr's appt
How are you feeling? I feel good. I'm actually kind of nervous because my boobs don't hurt that much anymore and the cramps have settled down. I have annoying lower back pain but I have no idea if that's the pregnancy or my new Peloton bike.
Rants/Raves: I just moved to a new area and can't seem to find a dog walking agency for my dog. Everyone is either full or offers multi-dog walks (and she doesn't like other dogs). Oh well. I shall keep looking.
Questions: Can first trimester boob pain come and go? Three days ago, my boobs felt like they were on fire. Now, it's just my nipples being sensitive.
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? I'm a social worker so they come to me for everything
@jpalacios892 - Since you're new to the area, maybe join local FB groups and ask for recommendations of local dog walkers? I know there are dog training businesses that also offer dog walking as a service too. I have used Wag! probably 6-8 months ago, and I had good experiences, and one meh experience. I wasn't able to request the same dog walker, which I didn't like, as it was based on availabilty. Customer service was not the best to communicate with either. Not sure if that's changed at all since then.
EDD: 3/19/20
@lusineg I have used Wag before in a pinch and they were okay. I'm spoiled because when we were in NYC we had a great local dog walking company that was super responsive and reliable. We would run into our dog walker in the neighborhood and my pup was so happy to see Crystal! I may ask some of my neighbors.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Definitely finding out, so curious!
Baby is the size of a(n): uhh Appleseed? Don’t we all see the same thing on our app? Should I be creative here?
Upcoming appts: none- can’t decide if I want to go back to my midwife group or not.
How are you feeling?: fine! Hungry. Somewhat tired but not terribly so. Excited. Happy!
Rants/Raves: why do I look 3 months pregnant at 5 weeks?! Is this a second pregnancy thing?! I mean I LOVE a pregnant belly, but crickets this is insane!
GTKY: At work, it’s a lot of things I shouldn’t be the authority on, but somehow am. This is not a good thing. I don’t want to be the gatekeeper of institutional knowledge. Learn things co-workers!
EDD/W+D: 3/18, so 5 weeks and a few days.
Baby is the size of a/an… app says peppercorn! So I’ll say caper.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: We haven’t decided. This is our second kiddo and we found out the baby’s sex at the anatomy scan last time. I may or may not do the genetic screening for this one, since now I’m of “advanced maternal age,” so that would be another, earlier opportunity to know, I suppose. I personally feel equally excited about the prospect of having a boy (the novelty!) or a girl (sisters!), but I know my husband is more invested in the idea of a son this time around, since it could be our last pregnancy. I really like the idea of being surprised, but then I think that if it’s a girl, maybe it’d be better for my husband to find out sooner?
Upcoming appts: 8/13
How are you feeling?: Not terrible. Waves of nausea. All the carb cravings, which I’m trying to Just Say No to. Seems like I’m either constipated or having diarrhea, which I don’t remember happening this early last time...
But mostly: excited!
Rants/Raves: it’s a heatwave in the northeast this weekend, but I’m spending a twelve hour shift at the hospital today... so, win?
Questions: I’m trying to avoid giving into the temptation of eating whatever the heck I want all the time during this pregnancy, since I just finally lost all of the weight I gained last time. What are your favorite healthy snacks?
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
EDD is 3/20/20. 5 wks, 3 days and time is moving s.l.o.w.l.y
Team green as of now. We didn’t find out with our other two (both girls) and it was great but I’m leaning towards finding out this time so everyone can shut up about the ‘don’t you want a boy this time’ discussion. Over it.
Upcoming appts- 8/8 for ultrasound with PA-C and then 9/4 for appt w my OB.
Feeling- okay. A little nauseous but I can’t decide if it’s in my head or real. Tired, but that is standard with a 5yr old and 2yr old.
Rants/Raves- we’ve been traveling a lot this summer and our two girls have done awesome with the long drives and getting adjusted to different places. It’s made things so much more enjoyable!
GTKY- Not sure on this one. At work I have a large caseload of clients I help field questions from and at home it’s constant requests for help from my kids.
healthy snacks - I like to get the small/individual cups of guacamole and eat with carrots. Not as good as tortilla chips but it works and is satisfying. Also not for everyone but I usually make a bunch of hard boiled eggs to have in the fridge for easy thing to grab when I’m looking for something. The key to me is having things ready/easy to grab because snacky things that aren’t so great for you seem to always be the easiest in those moments! Always looking for
more ideas those!!
@acf2020 Yes to it being best to have something easy to grab! I need to hard boil a bunch of eggs-- I was doing that a month ago so I could use them to add protein easily to lunches (soups or salads), but somehow got off that train.
@kagesstarshroom will try pumpkin seeds!
EDD/W+D: March 17/ 5w4d
Baby is the size of a/an…number 2 pencil eraser
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: We are excited to find out when able
Upcoming appts: First ultrasound this Monday!
How are you feeling? Thankful, Excited, tired, lazy, and hungry lol
Rants/Raves: Just incredibly grateful to be here in this place. It’s been a long road for us to get here.
Questions: is it weird to not be nauseous at this point? I’m sure I’ll regret saying this but I almost want to feel it to know this is real.
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? Cooking/ nutrition, hair/makeup, or giving impartial advice.
EDD/W+D: 3/21/2020
Baby is the size of a/an… earring back!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: I'm team green, DH wants to know!
Upcoming appts: Waiting to hear back from the midwifery group I'm hoping to meet!
How are you feeling?: Anxious, tired, overwhelmed, pelvic cramps, breast pain
Rants/Raves: Rants, I'm on a work trip and really wish I wasn't. Raves, I had previously scheduled a trip to visit my parents next month which will be the perfect time to share the good news in person!
Questions: Lots! Has anyone found any fitness apps, planners, or monitors that are tailored to pregnancy?? Similarly, any pregnancy-minded cookbooks that you all love?
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
LOL... gallbladder pains! ha but other than that I've been helping a lot with organization and education programming.
EDD/W+D: March 18, 5+3
Baby is the size of a/an…as tall as the M on an M&M
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: definitely finding out! I actually just bought the Sneak Peek test since it was on sale. It can be done as early as 8 weeks, but I’ll wait until after my first appt at 10 weeks. The reviews are great and was actually recommended by an OB I know.
Upcoming appts: 8/20. U/S and full physical. And first time meeting OB. We just moved so it’s all new.
How are you feeling? Pretty good mostly. I’ve had a couple so so days, but it’s mainly a headache and when I get headaches, I get nauseous. I had absolutely no symptoms my entire 1st pregnancy, so it’s weird to have some already.
Rants/Raves: I’m so bummed my 1st appt is so far away. I was really hoping to get in around 8 weeks.
Questions: no
GTKY: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
Something health related... what is this rash, does this need stitches, you think I broke it, do I really need to take all these medications 🧐
@npkat I've never heard of that sneak peak test! I'm going to look into it.
Also wanted to jump in here and say how effing proud I am of everyone's "baby is as big as..." descriptions. Group 3 wins in that arena!