March 2020 Moms

GTKY 7/13: Usernames

What does your TB username mean?

Re: GTKY 7/13: Usernames

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  • Mine is the first part of my first name and the first part of my last name put together and 28 is my birthday. 😊

    Me: 31 | DH: 33

    DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16

    BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20

    TTC3: 11.18
    BFP: 02.05.19
    CP: 03.07.19
    *really traumatic recovery*

  • I teach music and I love singing. Mine is a play on the Italian sentence “canto bene” (I sing well) which is not at all pronounced as “kantobean” 😂
  • Well I was originally @LuND (and will continue to tag her for all of eternity  :D ), which was my nickname and state I currently live in. SUPER original, no?

    Now I’m the baddest bitch of all reality TV. Upgrade!

    *Formerly LuND*
    Me: 35 | DH: 37
    TTC: 7/2016
    Low AMH, mild MFI
    BFP 7/29/17
    EDD: 4/5/18
    <3  DS born 4/4/18  <3
    BFP #2 7/2/19
    EDD 3/13/20

  • edited July 2019
    Mine is not creative lol, just my name and date we were married. 🤣
  • npkatnpkat member
    Np= nurse practitioner 
    kat= what a lot of people call me instead of kathleen
  • Emily=DD's name
    Love=I mean I love her SO much but also love's just good, no?
    25: Randomly the street address on the first house DH and I bought, and the second house we bought in the same city... what are the chances! It's like our number! 

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • My new last name is Helmett so I thought it fit.

    @varimama heya fellow WoW player! Draenei Hunter here :)
  • Faith over fear is a personal mantra I’ve had while going through IVF. While I was preparing to go through the process, I got myself a shirt with the phrase as well as a necklace that says faith. And 716 is my area code. 
  • @faithoverfear716 I love that expression/mantra!

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • My name comes from my old apartment - my computer was situated by a window, and when I looked out, most of what I saw was the tops of trees.  :)    The '19' is just a random number.
  • @varimama and @heyahelmett yay WoW!  I haven't played in years but I often miss it. My main was a human warlock and my second favorite was my gnome mage.
  • I used to love playing WOW too! My username was our fetus nickname for my now 3 year old son. We didn’t know if he was a boy or a girl and referred to him as Mondo for most of the pregnancy 😂

    My mom even even had a “mondo” newborn hat made for him. Luckily we had a real name for him by the time he came out
  • I picked mine because I have so much bloat going on. Anyone else? 😂😂😂
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