Single Parents

Trouble attaching to second child

Yesterday I went to get my first ultrasound done and the entire time it was happening I felt nothing, no excitement or love for this child. I was attached to my first the moment I found out I was pregnant. I've been so stressed and depressed this time around. Recently I found out the father of my 2nd started cheating on me and making plans to leave me for his ex the day after he found out I was pregnant, but insisted the entire time I don't get an abortion. I was considering getting one because I'll be starting school the week I'm due, I have a 2 year old, I'll be working full time, and the dad stayed out all the time drinking and never answered my calls. Now I know why.. I'm so broken... he went to the ultrasound appointment with me and acted so excited he almost started crying.. and I felt nothing. I want to be excited for this baby, but I feel like he stole it from me and I was spending the entire time trying to figure out why he was even there and if his smile was real or not. Is this normal? Will I become attached? I feel so scared and guilty. 
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