Yeah, I haven’t had my Starbucks cold brew since I got my bfp and this has been a long shitty week so I’m going to get it. Apparently, a grande has 200mg of caffeine but I need a Venti.
We haven’t DTD since I got my first BFP bc I find it kind of weird like my body isn’t fully mine anymore. I know I can’t hold out on poor DH for the entire 9 months but idk when I’ll give in
Me: 33 | DH: 34 Married: October, 19, 2015 EDD 2/22/17 DS1 born on 3/2/17 EDD 3/8/20 DS2 born on 3/10/20 EDD 11/24/23 (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
@stacey6689 I get a grande in a venti cup and add extra milk and extra ice- lasts a little longer in this heat and feels like a venti. Plus i hate milk on its own so it’s a bonus little bit of calcium
@varimama I think DH is kind of upset i got KU the first try because she was hoping for more guaranteed sex lol. We went from FW to vacation alone where we had sex almost every day for a few weeks and now barely anything. Poor guy! Oh well, I’m tired over here growing a human!!
We’re moving all of our house into a POD to have our floors redone while we are away with my family next week. I got my BFP 3 days before the POD arrived. I basically decided I can’t lift anything heavier than DD, but I’m not actually sure that’s a thing untiater in pregnancy... oh well!
I’m also in bed on TB while I listen to DH making breakfast and taking out the trash, but I don’t plan on moving. I did send DD out to the kitchen to request he make coffee though
@varimama ...we haven't since O+2 bc I had a bad YI & now, post-BFP, I also feel tentative--and, like, unmotivated?
@stacy6689 So I am reading EXPECTING BETTER by Emily Oster, and just got to the part about caffeine! Have you heard of this book? She basically takes on, as an economist obsessed with data, a lot of pregnancy "rules" & tries to understand why the recommendations are what they are--and so far, usually, they are overly over-cautious. Not just over cautious-- but overly so.
My FFFC ...we are way late with our tropical storm prep. We need to pick up the two back rooms that are ground level and flood in bad rain storms, and I need to fill a bunch of bottles with water, and DH needs to take this shed down in the back yard, and every time I think that list only has three things on it, it winds up actually having more-- OOPS. The weather guy was just like, "if you are still prepping, you need to be done by noon." ...though the storm won't reach us til 1am-6am tomorrow morning? So-- I think he is, speaking of, being over-cautious! But I still feel like I should be doing more.
Additional FFFC: I can NEVER spell the word caffeine on the first try and usually not without spellcheck.
@laurenm2123 Took your advise and got the grande in the venti cup. Best idea ever!! Thanks. @kagesstarshroom No I haven't heard of it. Definitely going to check it out. I am all about reading everything pregnancy and baby related lol Thanks. FX the storm isn't that bad.
@stacey6689 I swear sometimes just having the Venti cup helps more even though it’s the same amount of coffee as a grande. Plus no need to feel guilty! It was my “pregnancy hack” last time around, especially because I was able to get in some extra skim milk Enjoy!!
@MrsVP614 no shame girl. Those things carry super duper, teeny tiny risk, statistically. Like minuscule.
@stacey6689 There's statistically zero increased risk from caffeine consumption. So enjoy your venti! And yeah, +1 to @kagesstarshroom recommendation of Expecting Better by Emily Oster.
@varimama I'm lucky that my RE recommends pelvic rest until the first ultrasound/heartbeat is detected (6.5-8 weeks). I think it's TOTALLY overkill since science says there's no risk to the embryo.... but at least it gives me an excuse to close the factory for a bit
@laurenm2123 ha, I totally plan on using this pregnancy to get out of stuff - like lifting much of anything. I'm also making DH clean the cat box, even though there's actually pretty much zero risk from that.
@MrsVP614 I've had lunch meat too! What I really want is some poke, but eating a huge bowl of raw fish on top of warm rice seems much more risky (even though my Japanese grandma basically rolls her eyes at the idea of abstaining). My husband is such a worrier and he'd freak out if I ate poke.
@laurenm2123 My husband was also a little bummed that we got pregnant so quickly with our first. He quickly realized that he got off easy (no pun intended *snort*) last time when I was demanding sex every night of the week during my fertile window this time around.
@kagesstarshroom Good luck with storm prep! That sounds (a) like a ton of work, and (b) super stressful. Hopefully it will all be for naught.
FFFC: I'm on summer break and I have barely been doing any chores. I have been napping when DD naps and generally being tired and lazy. It's my husband's busiest time (he's working 14+ hours a day, 7 days a week) and I STILL expect him to come home and help out a little around the house. I feel bad about it, but I feel resentful if he comes home and does absolutely nothing.
*lurking* @stassischroeder now I feel like I’m part of the cool kids club and I’m pumped about it! ETA not because you lovetit all my stuff, just because you ever have 😂
@stassischroeder I need to get better at love-tits so I apologize to you and everyone really if mine seem sporadic I honestly forget sometimes, sometimes it’s hard to tell if I already did on mobile, and sometimes I get in my own head like omg I love-tit 3 posts the last 2 min from this person she’s going to think I’m obsessed with her 🤣
Me: 33 | DH: 34 Married: October, 19, 2015 EDD 2/22/17 DS1 born on 3/2/17 EDD 3/8/20 DS2 born on 3/10/20 EDD 11/24/23 (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
I always bump from my phone so love-tits happen much more frequently for me than tags do!
I’m used to talking in a private group from my June 16 BMB so I either use real names or there’s no real need for tags, but I’m trying here because there’s so many people to get to know here!
I feel like a bump newbie and oldie at the same time haha
@varimama We haven’t DTD since my BFP either and my reason
is that I. Want. A. Break.
@MrsVP614 LOL I’ll definitely be getting my hair
highlighted. Like maybe not my publc hair (lol) but come on, folks…
@keeksie84 OMG you deserve to relax… first of all, you have
a kid all day which is nearly ALWAYS more exhausting than working, and also,
you’re growing a kid… so like def nap, ya know?
FFFC I can't wait (god willing) for the third trimester when we make a Facebook group and can finally see what we all look like, ya know?
Omg you’re all over here feeling badly for not putting out and my H won’t come near me with a ten foot pole 😂 I’m ok with it presently, but I’ll start getting really annoyed come second tri.
Another FFFC: I was part of the huge mass exodus from the bump a few years ago. I was very active on the TTCAL and IF boards. I almost feel like I’m cheating being back here. But alas, here I am!
Re: FFFC 7.12
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
@varimama I think DH is kind of upset i got KU the first try because she was hoping for more guaranteed sex lol. We went from FW to vacation alone where we had sex almost every day for a few weeks and now barely anything. Poor guy! Oh well, I’m tired over here growing a human!!
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
I’m also in bed on TB while I listen to DH making breakfast and taking out the trash, but I don’t plan on moving. I did send DD out to the kitchen to request he make coffee though
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
@stacy6689 So I am reading EXPECTING BETTER by Emily Oster, and just got to the part about caffeine! Have you heard of this book? She basically takes on, as an economist obsessed with data, a lot of pregnancy "rules" & tries to understand why the recommendations are what they are--and so far, usually, they are overly over-cautious. Not just over cautious-- but overly so.
My FFFC ...we are way late with our tropical storm prep. We need to pick up the two back rooms that are ground level and flood in bad rain storms, and I need to fill a bunch of bottles with water, and DH needs to take this shed down in the back yard, and every time I think that list only has three things on it, it winds up actually having more-- OOPS. The weather guy was just like, "if you are still prepping, you need to be done by noon." ...though the storm won't reach us til 1am-6am tomorrow morning? So-- I think he is, speaking of, being over-cautious! But I still feel like I should be doing more.
Additional FFFC: I can NEVER spell the word caffeine on the first try and usually not without spellcheck.
@kagesstarshroom No I haven't heard of it. Definitely going to check it out. I am all about reading everything pregnancy and baby related lol Thanks. FX the storm isn't that bad.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
@stacey6689 There's statistically zero increased risk from caffeine consumption. So enjoy your venti! And yeah, +1 to @kagesstarshroom recommendation of Expecting Better by Emily Oster.
@varimama I'm lucky that my RE recommends pelvic rest until the first ultrasound/heartbeat is detected (6.5-8 weeks). I think it's TOTALLY overkill since science says there's no risk to the embryo.... but at least it gives me an excuse to close the factory for a bit
@laurenm2123 ha, I totally plan on using this pregnancy to get out of stuff - like lifting much of anything. I'm also making DH clean the cat box, even though there's actually pretty much zero risk from that.
@kagesstarshroom FX you get everything done in time!
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
FFFC: I sometimes withhold love-tits until I find a reason to like someone
Maybe that just means I've been on TB for way too long lol.
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
@laurenm2123 My husband was also a little bummed that we got pregnant so quickly with our first. He quickly realized that he got off easy (no pun intended *snort*) last time when I was demanding sex every night of the week during my fertile window this time around.
@kagesstarshroom Good luck with storm prep! That sounds (a) like a ton of work, and (b) super stressful. Hopefully it will all be for naught.
FFFC: I'm on summer break and I have barely been doing any chores. I have been napping when DD naps and generally being tired and lazy. It's my husband's busiest time (he's working 14+ hours a day, 7 days a week) and I STILL expect him to come home and help out a little around the house. I feel bad about it, but I feel resentful if he comes home and does absolutely nothing.
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
I’m used to talking in a private group from my June 16 BMB so I either use real names or there’s no real need for tags, but I’m trying here because there’s so many people to get to know here!
I feel like a bump newbie and oldie at the same time haha
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
@varimama We haven’t DTD since my BFP either and my reason is that I. Want. A. Break.
@MrsVP614 LOL I’ll definitely be getting my hair highlighted. Like maybe not my publc hair (lol) but come on, folks…
@keeksie84 OMG you deserve to relax… first of all, you have a kid all day which is nearly ALWAYS more exhausting than working, and also, you’re growing a kid… so like def nap, ya know?
FFFC I can't wait (god willing) for the third trimester when we make a Facebook group and can finally see what we all look like, ya know?DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015
DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017
BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019
BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020
Im also bad about love-tits. 🤷🏼♀️