This thread is for those of us who will be first-time moms to chat about our experiences and get to know each other better. Feel free to use the prompts below to begin our conversation and to keep it going for the rest of the month, checking in however you see fit.
EDD/Weeks + Days:
How are you feeling?
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc?
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how?
Re: FTM Check-in // July 2019
How are you feeling?: Pretty good physically! I felt very sick the last week and a half and nausea has gone away, so I’m feeling good about that but also nervous that I’m not nauseous anymore.
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc?: I went to the ER per my OB suggestion 2 days ago (she is out of town and couldn’t see me) due to some intense abdominal shooting pains. Ultrasounds came back okay, I have a few cysts that shouldn’t affect baby at all. I saw the gestational and yolk sac on ultrasound which was so incredible! My HCG was supposedly very high (9,000+) but I have no idea what that means lol. I go in for my official first visit on the 19th!
Rant/Rave/Questions: We moved into our first house yesterday! Busy washing all of the things and trying to get settled. Set up cable and internet today- woo hoo!
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how?: I love to journal so I’ll be writing! Not sharing it with anyone though, it’s more for myself so I can look back on ☺️
How are you feeling?: Happy to report that the spotting has stopped but I am still experiencing some cramping and just overall discomfort in my lower abdominal area. Aside from that I have been getting a lot more sleep and peeing way more than my norm.
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc?: My first appointment is scheduled for the 26th (which feels so far away).
Rant/Rave/Questions: The cramping is really freaking me out. It's not severe at all and there has been no blood or spotting but it's still bothersome. My OB is closed on the weekends so I wouldn't be able to go in till sometime next week if I wanted to. I am going to see how the next few days go and call first thing Monday if it gets any worse. The internet has been both my friend and enemy when it comes to looking up early pregnancy symptoms and what not. I think I'm just going to cave and go in to my OB sometime next week for piece of mind.
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how? I plan on going to the craft store over the weekend to get a scrap book. I would love to document everything if possible lol
@rs0806 I am glad everything turned out okay at the OR. Congrats on your new home. What an exciting time for you!!
EDD/Weeks + Days: 3/21 3+5
How are you feeling? Today, a little crampy, the boobs are a bit sore, but mostly--excited to be KU! & trying not to worry too much at this point and NOT overanalyze every little thing that is OR isn't happening. I am trying to think positively, that's my major motivation right now in terms of mood.
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc? Not yet.
Rant/Rave/Questions: Finishing up my second and last day of diss. boot camp. Really hoping we get a good, active crop of FTMs in this group--in my prev. BMB (***TW*** Which, considering I'm posting in the FTM group, obvs ended in loss for me ***END TW***), we didn't have too many, but I feel like there's something different/special about it being our first time & hoping we can bond over that.
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how? I have a general journal I keep, but I also have a special journal I bought called THE NINE that I am hesitant to start--I photocopied the first 8 weeks and think I will write on the photocopies for now until I feel less... tentative, despite my positive thinking.
How are you feeling? Not terrible! Little sore and crampy, I’ve had rolling waves of nausea a couple times a day for the last week, and I could definitely use a nap. I get motion-sick on everything from planes to hammocks so I’m thinking when the MS hits it might be a KO 😷
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc? Aug 1, first visit! It’ll be 8+1.
Rant/Rave/Questions: Are you bringing your SO to most, some, or all appts? My DH asked me if he should go to the first one and the Drs office didn’t mention anything other than it would be about 30 min.
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how? My best friend is a family photographer, so we’d maybe do a maternity shoot close in a couple months.
@stacey6689 3/10 ftw!
@kagesstarshroom thanks for starting this thread
@rs0806 glad everything at the ER turned out ok! Having just went over the weekend, I know it's not the most fun way to spend your day!
EDD/Weeks + Days: 3/10 ; 5w+6d
How are you feeling? Fine, nausea really kicked in over the weekend.
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc? First OB appt is Aug. 2 but I ended up having a scan over the weekend (went to the ER for reasons) and they saw two sacs!! It's too early to tell if it will end up actually being two viable babies or what, but I'm super freaked out about the possibility of having twins!
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how? I want to use a pregnancy journal and bought a cute one last week
ETA: Copied & pasted this post to Group 2 check-in (posted quick at work) so came back to edit a little.
How are you feeling? Good. A little tired, but that's because my nearly 60lb dog is a bed hog.
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc? 8/14 first appointment w/ US and midwife.
Are you bringing your SO to most, some, or all appts? DH wants to come to all. I don't know if that will change.
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how?
Yes, I purchased the Bump for Joy journal from Amazon. I like it, but there are so many journals to choose from. It's broken up over pre-conception and tri-mesters. I took @kagesstarshroom 's advice, and photocopied the first few pages as well. I think I will look for a more detailed one to write though - I have a blank notebook, but would like some prompts to go off of. Pictures - I would like to do just a couple of transition pictures.
EDD: 3/19/20
How are you feeling?: tired, sick, hungry, and now my boobs are sore. Staying busy and snacking constantly seems to help.
Upcoming appts: July 18th (seems early but it is just pregnancy confirmation, maybe ultrasound)
How are you feeling?: tired, sick, hungry, and now my boobs are sore. Staying busy and snacking constantly seems to help.
GTKY: I ordered a journal to fill out to document the pregnancy for myself. DH wants to do maternity pictures but that will be in quite a long time.
How are you feeling? Bloated, sore breasts, fatigue
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc? 7/26 2nd ultrasound
Rant/Rave/Questions: I'm really resisting getting too emotional one way or the other right now. I think after going through infertility process it'll be a long time before I feel settled and hopeful.
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how? I'm keeping the ultrasound pictures and kept the picture of embryo on day of FET for scrapbook. Not sure on journaling but I might.
Feeling? Bloated, Sore boobs on and off, some dizziness and occasional nausea. Fatigue has really ramped up, like as soon as I hit 6 weeks yesterday I started feeling like a nap was needed on my lunch break. I have a 2 1/2 hour commute to and from work every day so thats been fun as well.
Upcoming appts? First OB visit 8/2
Bring DH to appts? He is def coming to the first because they are doing an ultrasound, but i dont know about the future. He is a teacher so when school starts back it may be harder for him to come.
Rants: DH seems to be having more "sympathy symptoms" than I have actual symptoms. He just had to go buy ice cream the other night at 9pm because he was craving it and ive never once seen him eat ice cream. I complain about fatigue, he complains about fatigue and how he was only able to nap for 15 minutes (he is on summer break.) Ive had bad pregnancy rhinitis, he swears he has a sinus infection. Anyone else having this happen with their DH or SO??
Documenting? I am keeping a monthly journal I got in my bumpbox and we are going to take bump pics. Havent decided about maternity photos yet.
How are you feeling? I feel good. My breasts are tender but that's about it. My lower back is killing me, but I don't know if that's the pregnancy or exercise.
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc? Not yet. I have one on 8/2. I'll be 7w2d then.
Rant/Rave/Questions: I am incredibly unmotivated about job hunting at the moment.
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how? I've thought of a journal, and I'm thinking of taking a pic every week.
@pdx2020 - DH is planning to come for the first appointment, and the ultrasounds. He started a new job and is nervous about taking too much time off work.
EDD/Weeks + Days: 7w2d
How are you feeling? Overall feeling pretty good - I've had trouble sleeping and am pretty tired during the day. Need to eat every few hours to avoid feeling nauseous but I do feel pretty positive overall, as I know symptoms could be so much worse.
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc? 1st appointment on July 31st - has felt like forever since we found out and I can't wait to go to the doctor and really start the process.
Rant/Rave/Questions: Any other moms in their mid to late 30s? I am 35 and in my area (greater NYC), this is not considered late for starting a family, however I know medically this puts you in a different category. I think we chose to have a baby at the right time for us but am still worried about how this will impact the pregnancy/baby's development. I know it's somewhat irrational, but when the age of 35 has been drilled into your head as being "old for conception" for so many years, it's definitely on my mind daily.
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how? I haven't.. but am open to the idea.
How are you feeling? Amazingly stellar. No MS not tired. Just not able to eat as much as normally can and constant anxious feeling in my stomach. Slightly winded today on my walk which is not normal for me since I typically workout 5-6 days a week.
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc? Just had my 3rd round of BW this morning to confirm I am progressing appropriately. Conceived through IUI and never did an HPT, found out through BW last Wednesday.
Rant/Rave/Questions: My sister is also pregnant with her first, due September. Throwing her shower in 2 weeks, don't want to steal her thunder so I am waiting till we get the first ultrasound to tell our parents. Also, I am 37. My DH and I were not in a place to try and conceive until I was 35, despite being married for 10 years. We're in a fabulous place now and this couldn't have come at a better time but I feel like my age is such a factor. Also, a chance for twins because I did IUI!
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how? Definitely but not sure how just yet! I love journaling so maybe that, paired with photos.
How are you feeling? Ok. Extremely tired. No MS, but a little bit of nausea if I go too long without eating.
Any upcoming appointments/testing/results, etc? My first ob appointment is 8/8, but I’ve been getting weekly pregnancy monitoring. I’ve had 3 ultrasounds. Baby is growing right on schedule and has a strong heartbeat.
Rant/Rave/Questions: My husband ate the last of my ice cream. He was at work when I found out. He was very lucky.
GTKY: Have you considered documenting your pregnancy in any way? If so, how? I’ve always been a journal writer, but I don’t know if I’d keep up with it.