March 2020 Moms

STM+ Discussion - 7/8


Re: STM+ Discussion - 7/8

  • I’m 4w1d

    baby is the size of a poppyseed

    DD is 3

    I feel ok. Boobs are sore and I’m tired. No nausea yet. I’m nervous about what life with 2 littles will mean for our family. 

    I’m visiting a friend this weekend and I really want to blab the news, but I’m going to be strong and not tell. 

    This pregnancy, like others have said, I want to stay more active and eat better! I just lost 25 pounds (since March). I know I’m going to gain it back, but I would like to not gain MORE than that. We’ll see. I have been running, weight lifting, and tracking my calories (though I think I may need to stop because it might make me crazy during pregnancy). I’m hopeful I can stay fit during pregnancy. 
  • @WorkingOnMyNightCheese amazing sn from the funniest show of all time. Well done!
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  • kantobean said:
    @WorkingOnMyNightCheese amazing sn from the funniest show of all time. Well done!

  • EDD/Weeks + Days: 3/26, 3w4d 

    Size of baby: tiny ball of cells 

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? 8, 5, 2

    How are you feeling? Anxious! I don’t think it’ll feel real until my first u/s. 

    Rant/Rave/Questions: None at the moment

    Are you going to do anything different this pregnancy than your previous ones? I really want to soak this up as it’s my last. Less time worrying and more time enjoying and documenting. 
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