@projectalice Looks like it's just us so far! But I'm sure they'll come streaming in soon. (Hoping some people in the TWW at TTGP might join us soon!) GL staying healthy! Sorry to head YS is sick.
EDD/W+D: 3/21 3+5
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: idk for now
Baby is the size of a(n): ...bundle of cells?
Upcoming appts: none yet, Working on it.
How are you feeling?: I feel like before I knew I had barely any symptoms except maybe prophetic dreams and feeling "hot," but my skin is a mess all of a sudden, which had started a few days ago. I ~normally~ don't get up this earlier, so the vague sense of nausea could be from that, but yeah, that. And super sore boobs. Emotionally, I'm like AHHHHHH!
Rants/Raves: Haven't told DH yet--going to make signs for the doggos and do so tomorrow, I think. Today, I'm headed to my second and final day of Dissertation Boot Camp, and then when I get home, it's time to prep for Tropical Storm/Tropical Depression/Hurricane Barry (he hasn't made up his mind yet.) So that means---- no accessing the internet most of the day (getting my TB time in now!), a lot (I HOPE!) of writing, and then lots of nerves/activity when I get home.
Questions: I feel like I asked my most important questions rn over in PGAL, but if I think of any....
GTKY What shows are you into? My fave (finished 4ever-ish) TV shows EVER are... Mad Men, Friday Night Lights, and Twin Peaks. As for what's on the air now, it's summer, so what we've been watching that I'm most into are American Ninja Warrior and Masterchef. Finally, on Netflix, we're watching Stranger Things rn, which I also love.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: I'm not sure. I think DH wants to know, I like surprises though.
Baby is the size of a(n): poppy seed
Upcoming appts: At my preconception counseling appointment, the OB said to wait a week after the first positive, and then retest. Then make an appointment. So I'm anticipating somewhere around mid August. I'm resisting the urge to call now though. I'd like to schedule the first appointment with a mid-wife, and I'm not sure about their availability.
How are you feeling?: Physically, great. I had cramping on 7/2, sore tata's. I also had a dream last week that I was BF'ing. So, I'm right there with @kagesstarshroom, lol. I think it's more emotional than physical right now.
Rants/Raves: I think it's going to be a little harder to keep this quiet than I thought. Thinking of ways to tell the people really close to me, and when is the right time for me.
Questions: Did anyone call their OB for an appointment as soon as they saw positive? Or did you wait?
GTKY What shows are you into? Lately, it's been a mix of: The Fall, How to Get Away with Murder, GoT, Grey's Anatomy. I rotate, but I'm not super committed to anything.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out when I'm further along.
Baby is the size of a(n): poppy seed
Upcoming appts: Phone intake with a nurse on 7/31 and ultrasound/OB appt on 8/2
How are you feeling?: Mostly good! Some mild nausea, mildly sore boobs and mild cramps. Emotionally, nervous and excited.
Rants/Raves: I really, really need to get my highlights redone but my OB told me to wait until the second trimester
Questions: How long are you waiting to tell people?
GTKY What shows are you into? Right now, I'm into the new season ofBig Little Lies. We binged watched Stranger Things recently but I couldn't get into this season at all.
@jpalacious892 *tw* i am pgal, so i don’t know who i am going to tell when, truly. DH knows, but i probably won’t tell anyone else until it starts to affect me OR i just give in to my excitement/optimism/hope— and then it will only be my two bffs and mom.
@kagesstarshroom I'm hoping we have some ttgp grads soon too! I have also been hot lately, and haven't told my husband yet. I was hoping to wait till 8 weeks when I have an ultrasound, but we have to take my son to urgent care tonight, and if they prescribe a cream to apply to him I'll have to ask about safety... @lusineg welcome! It is super hard keeping it a secret. I want to tell everyone but I don't want to jinx it. @jpalacios892 I really need my hair done too, but I'm going to wait too. I got some toner shampoo and calling it good for now.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out! H is just certain it’s another girl. We’ll see.
Baby is the size of a(n): no idea
Upcoming appts: 8/5
How are you feeling?: Mostly good. Tired with sore boobs. Nervous af.
Rants/Raves: Honestly I’m a little bummed about losing my body again. I just lost 25 pounds and was hoping to lose 10-20 more. It took me 3 years after having my daughter to actually pay attention to nutrition and workouts. I don’t want to be that out of shape this time, but even with that weight loss I’m starting this pregnancy 10 pounds above where I was when I started the last one. 🙈
Questions: Is anyone’s face breaking out? Ugh.
GTKY What shows are you into? I don’t watch a ton but lately I’ve been working through Parks & Rec for like the fourth time.
@jpalacios892 outside of my husband I don’t plan to tell many people until second tri. I may tell my one coworker after my appointment (I’ll be 7 weeks) because I will need to find a maternity leave sub and do some planning for the year. I’m hoping not to tell my parents/ILs until at least 8-10 weeks. Last time we caved and told them at 6 weeks and it was a nightmare trying to keep them from telling everyone they knew.
@kantobeanThat was, like, my first symptom--the breaking out. It seems to have subsided a bit. I have been too tired/stressed to workout during this hurricane scare (tho everything's fine), but trying to get back on my yoga train today & moving forward. Hopefully the weather will relent so I can get some walking in this week. But I imagine routines like that are hard if you're a STM? I'll be a FTM com March FX.
@kagesstarshroom good to know it’s not just me! I think you’ll find a routine that works for you, but give it time! A lot of women put pressure on themselves to be right back at it (work, fitness, cooking amazing meals, whatever “it” is) in just a few weeks or months. For me, it honestly took 18 months just to feel human and balanced at work and home. Then another 6 months before I was actually sleeping well. And then another 6 months before I started working out again.
give yourself grace and know it takes time. But it’s going to be a beautiful journey getting to that place!
Re: Group 3 (3/17-3/24) Check-In W/o 7/8
EDD/W+D: March 18, my baby sister's birthday. (4, +1)
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out when I'm farther along
Baby is the size of a(n): the edge of a dime
Upcoming appts: booking an appointment today
How are you feeling?: Very tired and hungry
Rants/Raves: I'm really hoping my son doesn't get me sick. He caught some awful stomach bug.
Questions: not yet
GTKY What shows are you into? I like a lot of them but I'm currently binge watching X files.
EDD/W+D: 3/21 3+5
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: idk for now
Baby is the size of a(n): ...bundle of cells?
Upcoming appts: none yet, Working on it.
How are you feeling?: I feel like before I knew I had barely any symptoms except maybe prophetic dreams and feeling "hot," but my skin is a mess all of a sudden, which had started a few days ago. I ~normally~ don't get up this earlier, so the vague sense of nausea could be from that, but yeah, that. And super sore boobs. Emotionally, I'm like AHHHHHH!
Rants/Raves: Haven't told DH yet--going to make signs for the doggos and do so tomorrow, I think. Today, I'm headed to my second and final day of Dissertation Boot Camp, and then when I get home, it's time to prep for Tropical Storm/Tropical Depression/Hurricane Barry (he hasn't made up his mind yet.) So that means---- no accessing the internet most of the day (getting my TB time in now!), a lot (I HOPE!) of writing, and then lots of nerves/activity when I get home.
Questions: I feel like I asked my most important questions rn over in PGAL, but if I think of any....
GTKY What shows are you into? My fave (finished 4ever-ish) TV shows EVER are... Mad Men, Friday Night Lights, and Twin Peaks. As for what's on the air now, it's summer, so what we've been watching that I'm most into are American Ninja Warrior and Masterchef. Finally, on Netflix, we're watching Stranger Things rn, which I also love.
EDD/W+D: 3/19 / 4w0d
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: I'm not sure. I think DH wants to know, I like surprises though.
Baby is the size of a(n): poppy seed
Upcoming appts: At my preconception counseling appointment, the OB said to wait a week after the first positive, and then retest. Then make an appointment. So I'm anticipating somewhere around mid August. I'm resisting the urge to call now though. I'd like to schedule the first appointment with a mid-wife, and I'm not sure about their availability.
How are you feeling?: Physically, great. I had cramping on 7/2, sore tata's. I also had a dream last week that I was BF'ing. So, I'm right there with @kagesstarshroom, lol. I think it's more emotional than physical right now.
Rants/Raves: I think it's going to be a little harder to keep this quiet than I thought. Thinking of ways to tell the people really close to me, and when is the right time for me.
Questions: Did anyone call their OB for an appointment as soon as they saw positive? Or did you wait?
GTKY What shows are you into? Lately, it's been a mix of: The Fall, How to Get Away with Murder, GoT, Grey's Anatomy. I rotate, but I'm not super committed to anything.
ETA: Question section....
EDD: 3/19/20
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out when I'm further along.
Baby is the size of a(n): poppy seed
Upcoming appts: Phone intake with a nurse on 7/31 and ultrasound/OB appt on 8/2
How are you feeling?: Mostly good! Some mild nausea, mildly sore boobs and mild cramps. Emotionally, nervous and excited.
Rants/Raves: I really, really need to get my highlights redone but my OB told me to wait until the second trimester
Questions: How long are you waiting to tell people?
GTKY What shows are you into? Right now, I'm into the new season of Big Little Lies. We binged watched Stranger Things recently but I couldn't get into this season at all.
@lusineg welcome! It is super hard keeping it a secret. I want to tell everyone but I don't want to jinx it.
@jpalacios892 I really need my hair done too, but I'm going to wait too. I got some toner shampoo and calling it good for now.
re: hair, I might just get it cut and hope that it looks better when my ends (I need my balayage redone) are not so busted.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out! H is just certain it’s another girl. We’ll see.
Baby is the size of a(n): no idea
Upcoming appts: 8/5
How are you feeling?: Mostly good. Tired with sore boobs. Nervous af.
Rants/Raves: Honestly I’m a little bummed about losing my body again. I just lost 25 pounds and was hoping to lose 10-20 more. It took me 3 years after having my daughter to actually pay attention to nutrition and workouts. I don’t want to be that out of shape this time, but even with that weight loss I’m starting this pregnancy 10 pounds above where I was when I started the last one. 🙈
Questions: Is anyone’s face breaking out? Ugh.
GTKY What shows are you into? I don’t watch a ton but lately I’ve been working through Parks & Rec for like the fourth time.
give yourself grace and know it takes time. But it’s going to be a beautiful journey getting to that place!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Later on with gender reveal
Baby is the size of a(n):poppy seed
Upcoming appts:none yet
How are you feeling?: fatigue, wanting salty food
Rants/Raves: How long should I wait to tell my job?
Questions: Am i supposed to show extremely fast? this will be my 3rd pregnancy.
GTKY What shows are you into? house, rhob, KUWTK, Dance moms