Team finding out/pink/blue/green: probably will be finding out as DH says this journey has had enough plot twists already,
Baby is the size of a(n): sesame seed apparently!
Upcoming appts: Did another beta this morning, might do another end of the week if I’m feeling anxious, Intralipids on Friday!
How are you feeling?: Mentally, much better over the weekend for having had the early scan on Friday and seeing the gestational sac at the right size in the right place. Physically the biggest thing is trying to keep my eyes open - tiredness is real. Also my breasts are huge and heavy - but so far not painful. Nausea is ok if I eat every hour... so I’ve broken up my meals into smaller mini meals. Which also helps with the reflux/heartburn I seem to be experiencing.
Rants/Raves: After 8 years living here I called the police twice in a week having never needed to before. Firstly some teenagers celebrating graduating school stole our nice bird feeding table... and then on the empty plot of land behind us I looked out Saturday evening and saw some giant cannabis plants growing. Well I thought they were, but I wasn’t sure. Police came and pulled them up and confirmed yes they were cannabis plants - we live in Northern Europe and normally it is far too cold for them to grow outside here. But it seems global warming has changed that! They were about 6ft tall!!! We think it’s because the ground has been moved and the son of the previous owners probably threw away some... So not sure if the second one is a rant or a rave, but it was quite entertaining!
Questions: Is there a difference between heartburn and acid reflux?
GTKY What shows are you into? There are a few shows I like such as BBT, but my absolute go-to is Greys Anatomy. I have watched every single episode more than 20 times now... maybe I should have saved that for a FFFC!
Me 43 DH 45 Married 12/2016 TTC #1 since 04/2015 AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis 7 retrievals, 3 transfers
Jun19 FET BFP, due date 7th March 2020, DD born Feb20
Sep17 IVF1 - 1ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high) May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality) Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality) Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality) Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst) Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality) Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH) Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
Sep17 - Pergoveris 10-17 Sep, Orgalutran 15-18 Sep, Ovitrelle 18 Sep, ER 20 Sep for 2 follies, 1 mature egg, fertilized, ET 1x 2d 4-cell embryo 22/09, 05/10 BFN Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality
Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Not sure yet, we didn’t find out the first time around- but it would be nice to know if I should be washing all of DDs hand me downs or not!
Baby is the size of a(n): black peppercorn?
Upcoming appts: Aug 1
How are you feeling?: Totally fine
Rants/Raves: This pregnancy doesn’t feel real yet, probably because it happened so quick. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled it wasn’t stressful! But it’s not feeling real yet and the lack of symptoms has me slightly worried. (I was so nauseous with DD until about 26 weeks, exhausted, food aversion, etc)
Questions: Don’t think so
GTKY What shows are you into? Anything trashy and reality on Bravo! Also love Life in Pieces, This is Us, Big Little Lies, Handmaids Tale, The Office and Parenthood is an all time favorite
@emmasemm how funny about the plant!! They were probably shocked that you called them to remove it!!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out. DH and I like to know, and plan.
Baby is the size of a(n): chocolate chip (tomorrow)
Upcoming appts: I need to get my third blood draw today and then I’ll set up my dating US for later this week or next and my first midwife appointment.
How are you feeling?: I’m okay. *TW* my loss anniversary is tomorrow. I just need to get past that. Other than that, possibly TMI, Ive had a lot of diarrhea over the past week. It makes me feel like it’s my version of morning sickness as it goes away after about noon. My skin is also terrible. It’s always bad, but Iran unreal right now. I need to find a good pregnancy safe face wash (recommendations welcome).
Rants/Raves: I’m going to Disney in 2 weeks, and I think I’m going to bring my maternity shorts. I’m so bloated by the end of the day, that my regular shorts don’t fit. I’m just hoping that they will stay up in the morning.
Questions: I guess just wondering what everyone else uses for an acne prone face that is pregnancy safe.
GTKY What shows are you into? Too many! My favorite is Gilmore Girls, but I Watch most shows. I really love dramas, and need to catch up on call the midwife. I have a bunch of shows to watch this summer while I’m off (I’m a teacher).
@emmanemm that’s quite a week you had. Two police calls, and the cannabis one is funny. I also love Greys and have watched it too many times.
**TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned** Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16 BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17 BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19 BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19 BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2 Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage IVF started Feb 2020 retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal. Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy!
@littlebug2010 I’ve been using iS Clinical Cleansing Complex and think it works really well. It’s a little pricey but I use less than a pea sized amount morning and night so one bottle has lasted me almost an entire year. My derm recommends lathering and leaving it on for a few minutes while brushing your teeth, then rinse. Here’s the company’s statements about pregnancy if you wanted to to double check!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: We will find out!
Baby is the the size of a(n): Lentil
Upcoming appts: First appt on July 19th. I don’t know what to expect! Any advice on what to advocate for is greatly appreciated.
How are are you feeling?: Pretty sick. Lots of MS which is the worst of it all, tired too. A bit anxious since this is my first pregnancy and none of my friends have kids, so very glad to have all of you to talk to!!
Rants/raves: We are moving into our first home on Wednesday! Lots of small things to finish packing over the next few days and very excited to get settled.
Questions: Has anyone had a dip manicure while pregnant? I don’t want to get a gel but would like something that lasts longer than typical polish. What I found online seemed that as long as it was done in a well ventilated area it was okay. Thoughts?
GTKY What shows are you into? Love Handmaids Tale and currently watching Boardwalk Empire. Lots of Amazon/Hulu/Netflix watching in our house, especially since I am a teacher and on summer break!
I'm definitely finding out. I'm not patient enough and too much of a control freak to wait.
Baby is the size of a sweet pea.
I'm currently waiting on my doctor to call to schedule my first scan. I can't wait!
Currently, I'm just nauseous, tired, and peeing every two hours or so.
Rant: My mother, bless her, is so excited for me. However... she keeps telling me how she nearly posted about it on Facebook every day. I don't want to announce anything until I'm ready and I certainly don't want everyone finding out from my mother, but now I feel rushed into telling the world.
Questions: Did anyone else get bad cramps the first few weeks? My cramps for weeks 4 and 5 were pretty bad, but they've mostly subsided. I didn't have any bleeding or spotting, but I can't help but worry.
GTKY: I'm in to all things ultra nerdy: sci-fi, fantasy, historical shows. If it exists in those genres, I've watched it.
@rs0806 I’ve not done a dip manicure, but I have had a pedi. I just make sure I go where the fumes are well ventilated. Also, thanks for the rec. I usually use neutorgena, and it’s not great for pregnancy.
**TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned** Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16 BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17 BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19 BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19 BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2 Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage IVF started Feb 2020 retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal. Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy!
EDD 3/5, 5w4d, no symptoms! No sore boobs, nothing... and is anyone else a BBT charter over here? I’ve kept charting every morning out of habit and this morning my temp dipped pretty low like just above coverline and now I’m worried kind of worried 🙁
@NTbaby17 BBT charter over here 🙋🏻♀️ I had a similarly low day about 10 days ago and then it went back up. I think a pattern of lowering temps is potentially concerning, but if it bounces around it’s alright. I think I’ll stop charting soon because it’s giving me more anxiety than being helpful!
@NTbaby17 I have an Ava bracelet and I am still wearing that, but I turned off the temp tracker. It’s tracking it, but not showing me. I have it for tracking sleep.
**TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned** Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16 BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17 BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19 BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19 BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2 Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage IVF started Feb 2020 retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal. Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy!
@laurenm2123 they were busy rubbing the leaves between their fingers and sniffing them.. I have a feeling they had a very “relaxed” afternoon;-)
@littlebug2010 have you tried to check if your breakouts go along with any foods? There are a couple of weird foods which make my skin break out like crazy - and give me diarrhea. Raw pineapple is one! I also found many of the Clinique products have PG safe ingredients, but not the acne solutions range as they contain salicylic acid. Info came from my dermatologist. If you order online you get so many freebies I only do one order per year around $150 and don’t buy any other facial products (cleansing, moisturizing and makeup) in between.
@rs0806 I used to have a gel mani-pedi every two weeks but stopped when we started our IF treatment as we wanted to not risk any little thing. My own nails are really weak and short so I do miss having elegant fingers and toes.
@knottie and all the numbers - can you change your user name? See the pinned post on the main board on how to do it. Then it’s much easier for us to tag you and have a conversation:-)
@ntbaby17 another Charter here, but once I had my third beta last week I stopped- also because the temps here dropped by 20 degrees Celsius over 24 hours and that kind of change does really affect my baseline temp
AFM - beta #4 came in at 4800!
Me 43 DH 45 Married 12/2016 TTC #1 since 04/2015 AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis 7 retrievals, 3 transfers
Jun19 FET BFP, due date 7th March 2020, DD born Feb20
Sep17 IVF1 - 1ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high) May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality) Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality) Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality) Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst) Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality) Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH) Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
Sep17 - Pergoveris 10-17 Sep, Orgalutran 15-18 Sep, Ovitrelle 18 Sep, ER 20 Sep for 2 follies, 1 mature egg, fertilized, ET 1x 2d 4-cell embryo 22/09, 05/10 BFN Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality
Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
@emmasemm wow that’s a great beta. I think something might be messing with me, but I have no clue what it is. I haven’t had anything out of the ordinary, but I know PG hormones can really mess with you. Clinique is a good idea though. I’m going out tomorrow to look for something. I can’t take this acne.
**TW Loss/pregnancy mentioned** Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 5/30/16 and MC on 7/6/16 BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17 BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19 BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19 BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2 Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage IVF started Feb 2020 retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal. Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Mommy to a super cute havanesse puppy and baby boy!
How are you feeling?: yesterday awful. Today fine which scares the crap out of me. *TW* Miscarriage 3 years ago I had disappearing symptoms. For my 3 kids I had nonstop morning sickness
Rants/Raves: I wish I could quit my job
Questions: I wish I could remember when morning sickness hit hardest in my past pregnancies. When does yours normally hit?
GTKY What shows are you into? I don’t watch a lot of tv. No time. I prefer to read when I do have time
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Finding out and wanting to do a little reveal on video as I didn't do that with the first two
Baby is the size of a(n): Sweetpea
Upcoming appts: Ultrasound Thursday the 11th
How are you feeling?: @laurenm2123 I was feeling the same way until this past weekend right at 6 weeks, when some nausea and stronger fatigue started creeping in more. I never got full blown morning sickness with the first two, but like waves of nausea and gagging when brushing teeth, which started this weekend as well. All of the stomach issues, constipated one day, the opposite the next, gas pains and cramps
Rants/Raves: Miss you caffeine!!!
Questions: Maybe after this first appointment, curious whether my treatment will be different this time being over the 35 mark
GTKY What shows are you into? Currently catching up on Season 15 of Grey's @emmasemm !!
@rs0806 congrats on the house!! perfect timing to get all moved and settled in early on!!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: As of now we will find out. I'm too excited to not know and I know my husband wants to know.
Baby is the size of: Heart Button on Instagram ( has "Baby Sizes for Millenials" Some of them are pretty cute)
Upcoming appts: Our first prenatal appt. is July 26
How are you feeling?: Hungry! But overall pretty good. Very few symptoms so far. Is it weird that I really want to have the symptoms to "feel pregnant"?
Rants/Raves: No rants, just raves today! Tomorrow morning I hop on a flight to Colorado to see my family and friends! I cannot contain myself if I have to wait another day to tell my mom that I'm pregnant.
@stac4056 I feel you on the caffeine! I am a total coffee lover and would drink it all morning long if I could!
GTKY What shows are you into? Right now Handmaid's Tale and Stranger Things. Though, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to watch Handmaid's because that show already makes me cry
Team finding out: Yes we will find out! I could never not know haha.
Baby is the size of: A sweet pea
Upcoming appointments: My 8 week first prenatal is scheduled for July 24! So far away it feels.
How are you feeling? I get waves of nausea from about 9am-1pm every day but no vomiting yet. Really can't complain too much about that. Boobs are sore and growing like mad. Not really tired or bloated yet. Today I had some light spotting that is making me very nervous. My doc assured me it was normal but I'm watching out. Fingers crossed!
Rants/raves: This is my first pregnancy and so far I am actually loving it. Only my husband knows right now (@bluesting Im5 not telling my mom yet because she would be the same way haha!) When I'm feeling sick I'm also grateful and just so excited.
Questions: Any other vegans/vegetarians out there? I'm wondering if anyone told you not to eat tofu. I read that somewhere and am worrying about it haha. I need that protein!
GTKY: Watching Stranger Things which is one of my all-time favorite shows. We watch Jeopardy every night lol and I love HGTV esp Good Bones. But I'm continually rewatching Friends on Netflix mostly.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: absolutely finding out. I’ll probably order the sneak peek at 10 weeks because I have no chill.
Baby is the size of a(n): chocolate chip!
Upcoming appts: July 26th regular OB, and then a scan shortly thereafter.
How are you feeling?: so-so. I’m really tired but my 2 year old has boycotted sleep lately so I don’t really know if it counts as a symptom. I have waves of nausea, some twinges in my Ute, and random fiery nipples. I had hypermesis gravardium with my last, so I’m praying the morning sickness doesn’t get that bad again.
Rants/Raves: I really need my toddler to start sleeping more regularly. I don’t know what to do. He’s in a toddler bed. But my back is KILLING me from sleeping on the floor next to him, and I know once second tri hits I won’t be able to do that at all.
Questions: favorite maternity leggings that aren’t see-through? I have a feeling I will be living in leggings all winter and I didn’t love the ones I had with DS.
GTKY What shows are you into? I have a few I love on Netflix and Amazon. H and I have been watching Sneaky Pete for the last few weeks.
@das553 Lurking from Group 2 because I am SO bored at work. I'm a lifelong vegan and this will be my third baby (4th pregnancy, but no need to dwell on the short third one). I didn't avoid tofu but I did diversify my protein sources to make sure I was getting a range of "types" of proteins. I DEFINITELY still had tofu/soy/soy yogurt/you name it, but I made sure it wasn't the dominant source of protein. I also NEVER got the hilariously high recommended amount of protein you should get each day... and both my babies were perfectly sized and healthy, so??? I hope that helps. There are also some great books on vegan pregnancy out there if you get bored!
@treetop19 I’m SUPER nervous about adding a baby! DS just turned two this past week, and he still isn’t talking. He throws tantrums because he can’t communicate and I’m terrified of how that will play out when I have a newborn to attend to/nurse/be with. That being said, he does love babies so I think he will make an adorable big brother. I just think the dynamics of everything with take a LOT of getting used to.
@treetop19 definitely nervous about adding on mainly because this will be our third and we will be out numbered!! But my two are 26 months apart and DD reeeeally surprised me at how well she handled everything. She loved her brother of course but wasn’t at a point she really wanted to hold him which was a relief, and I had a c-section so it was non-negotiable that I couldn’t pick her up and hold her so she had some quality time with DH and did great!! @miss.sally same boat with my 18 mo old DS and tantrums, I thought DD was clingy but this kid is next level, but hey, at their age a lot can change in 9 months so here’s hoping!! And I hope you are able to get some sleep soon!!
@stac4056 thank you for the legging rec! I’m going to check them out now. Nursing bras too. Last time I used those shelf bra tanks from express because they’re easy and I usually get really annoyed with the clips. But March baby is going to be different than July so I’ll probably have to wear actual clothing 😂
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Definitely
finding out! First child and I am very much a planner by nature.
Baby is the size of a(n): Opening of a straw
Upcoming appts: July 31st
How are you feeling?: Overall pretty good other
than being tired with very sore breasts and a bit of cramping. So far none of
the dreaded morning sickness, but a twinge of nausea here and there.
GTKY What shows are you into? My guilty pleasure
is pretty much anything on Bravo, other current favorites include Big Little
Lies, Younger and anxiously anticipating the final season of OINTB. All time
favorite show is The Office, which I still watch almost daily.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: we are going to find out as soon as we can! I am a planner!
Baby is the size of a(n): Maine blueberry
Upcoming appts: 1st appointment on 7/29
How are you feeling?: I am feeling great, lots of cramps intermittently which my doctor said is normal, not much of an appetite and SORE boobs haha no nausea yet! (Crossing my fingers MS passes me by)
Rants/Raves: RANT! I am feeling so anxious waiting for my first appointment. This is my first pregnancy so it’s just the fear of the unknown.
Questions: What prenatal vitamins is everyone going with?
GTKY What shows are you into? Currently watching the Bachelorette, Big Little Lies part 2, and Southern Charm (I want Cameran to be my bff 😂) and we are always watching the office.
@emilyace I have tried a bunch of different kinda and I settled on the Olly brand of gummies! (Target). They’re easier on my stomach, and I had a really hard time swallowing horse pills with my heightened gag reflex.
@miss.sally I am taking the Honest Prenatals now, I started with ritual but they were so expensive and comparatively I’m getting the same nutrients. I also added Oceans Mom Fish Oil
@emilyace My first appointment is on the 29th too. I'm also a FTM so I totally understand your feelings. A friend of mine who went to the same doctor has told me exactly what to expect, so I'm feeling much less nervous. If you know someone who has been to the doctor you are going to, getting info from them may help just a bit.
@miss.sally @emilyace I’m also taking Olly. No real reason I chose them, but they are delicious and haven’t caused any nausea yet! They basically taste like those big peach sour rings we ate as kids
@abbyanneheird if you’re into essential oils, sniffing grapefruit oil was a huge help for me and I had it bad with my last two! Citrus seemed to help over ginger or peppermint , also try “sea bands” acupressure bands , they helped as well
Hi all! Had our first u/s and was a little earlier than expected, so I've moved on over from the Feb board!
EDD/W+D: Mar 2/6w6d
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Definitely finding out!
Baby is the size of a(n): honeybee, bzz bzz! 🐝
Upcoming appts: Labs, genetic testing, etc early August
How are you feeling?: Siiiiick. Was a little worried because our little nugget seemed to be giving me a pass yesterday, but the nausea is back in full force today!
Rants/Raves: These food aversions are really blowing my mind. It seems less like "what foods am I not liking" and more "what five foods can I look at/smell/think about without wanting to barf" 🤢
Questions: none right this second
GTKY What shows are you into? I know Stranger Things S3 is up but for some reason I just can't get myself jazzed to watch it yet? Blaming it on the hormones. Just recently finished S2 of Barry on HBO, which was 💯, and we've been watching Nailed It! on Netflix for late-night mindless enjoyment.
Re: Group 1 (3/1-3/8) Check-In W/o 7/8
EDD/W+D: Mar 7th, 5+2
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: probably will be finding out as DH says this journey has had enough plot twists already,
Baby is the size of a(n): sesame seed apparently!
Upcoming appts: Did another beta this morning, might do another end of the week if I’m feeling anxious, Intralipids on Friday!
How are you feeling?: Mentally, much better over the weekend for having had the early scan on Friday and seeing the gestational sac at the right size in the right place.
Physically the biggest thing is trying to keep my eyes open - tiredness is real. Also my breasts are huge and heavy - but so far not painful. Nausea is ok if I eat every hour... so I’ve broken up my meals into smaller mini meals. Which also helps with the reflux/heartburn I seem to be experiencing.
Rants/Raves: After 8 years living here I called the police twice in a week having never needed to before. Firstly some teenagers celebrating graduating school stole our nice bird feeding table... and then on the empty plot of land behind us I looked out Saturday evening and saw some giant cannabis plants growing. Well I thought they were, but I wasn’t sure. Police came and pulled them up and confirmed yes they were cannabis plants - we live in Northern Europe and normally it is far too cold for them to grow outside here. But it seems global warming has changed that! They were about 6ft tall!!! We think it’s because the ground has been moved and the son of the previous owners probably threw away some... So not sure if the second one is a rant or a rave, but it was quite entertaining!
Questions: Is there a difference between heartburn and acid reflux?
GTKY What shows are you into? There are a few shows I like such as BBT, but my absolute go-to is Greys Anatomy. I have watched every single episode more than 20 times now... maybe I should have saved that for a FFFC!
Married 12/2016
TTC #1 since 04/2015
AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis
7 retrievals, 3 transfers
Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F
Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing
Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high)
May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality)
Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst)
Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality)
Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH)
Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control
Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy
Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis
Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed
Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize
Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN
May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality
Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality
Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality
Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality
Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Not sure yet, we didn’t find out the first time around- but it would be nice to know if I should be washing all of DDs hand me downs or not!
Baby is the size of a(n): black peppercorn?
Upcoming appts: Aug 1
How are you feeling?: Totally fine
Rants/Raves: This pregnancy doesn’t feel real yet, probably because it happened so quick. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled it wasn’t stressful! But it’s not feeling real yet and the lack of symptoms has me slightly worried. (I was so nauseous with DD until about 26 weeks, exhausted, food aversion, etc)
Questions: Don’t think so
GTKY What shows are you into? Anything trashy and reality on Bravo! Also love Life in Pieces, This is Us, Big Little Lies, Handmaids Tale, The Office and Parenthood is an all time favorite
@emmasemm how funny about the plant!! They were probably shocked that you called them to remove it!!
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out. DH and I like to know, and plan.
Baby is the size of a(n): chocolate chip (tomorrow)
Upcoming appts: I need to get my third blood draw today and then I’ll set up my dating US for later this week or next and my first midwife appointment.
How are you feeling?: I’m okay. *TW* my loss anniversary is tomorrow. I just need to get past that. Other than that, possibly TMI, Ive had a lot of diarrhea over the past week. It makes me feel like it’s my version of morning sickness as it goes away after about noon. My skin is also terrible. It’s always bad, but Iran unreal right now. I need to find a good pregnancy safe face wash (recommendations welcome).
Rants/Raves: I’m going to Disney in 2 weeks, and I think I’m going to bring my maternity shorts. I’m so bloated by the end of the day, that my regular shorts don’t fit. I’m just hoping that they will stay up in the morning.
Questions: I guess just wondering what everyone else uses for an acne prone face that is pregnancy safe.
GTKY What shows are you into? Too many! My favorite is Gilmore Girls, but I Watch most shows. I really love dramas, and need to catch up on call the midwife. I have a bunch of shows to watch this summer while I’m off (I’m a teacher).
@emmanemm that’s quite a week you had. Two police calls, and the cannabis one is funny. I also love Greys and have watched it too many times.
Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
IVF started Feb 2020
retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: We will find out!
Baby is the the size of a(n): Lentil
Upcoming appts: First appt on July 19th. I don’t know what to expect! Any advice on what to advocate for is greatly appreciated.
How are are you feeling?: Pretty sick. Lots of MS which is the worst of it all, tired too. A bit anxious since this is my first pregnancy and none of my friends have kids, so very glad to have all of you to talk to!!
Rants/raves: We are moving into our first home on Wednesday! Lots of small things to finish packing over the next few days and very excited to get settled.
Questions: Has anyone had a dip manicure while pregnant? I don’t want to get a gel but would like something that lasts longer than typical polish. What I found online seemed that as long as it was done in a well ventilated area it was okay. Thoughts?
GTKY What shows are you into? Love Handmaids Tale and currently watching Boardwalk Empire. Lots of Amazon/Hulu/Netflix watching in our house, especially since I am a teacher and on summer break!
I'm definitely finding out. I'm not patient enough and too much of a control freak to wait.
Baby is the size of a sweet pea.
I'm currently waiting on my doctor to call to schedule my first scan. I can't wait!
Currently, I'm just nauseous, tired, and peeing every two hours or so.
Rant: My mother, bless her, is so excited for me. However... she keeps telling me how she nearly posted about it on Facebook every day. I don't want to announce anything until I'm ready and I certainly don't want everyone finding out from my mother, but now I feel rushed into telling the world.
Questions: Did anyone else get bad cramps the first few weeks? My cramps for weeks 4 and 5 were pretty bad, but they've mostly subsided. I didn't have any bleeding or spotting, but I can't help but worry.
GTKY: I'm in to all things ultra nerdy: sci-fi, fantasy, historical shows. If it exists in those genres, I've watched it.
Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
IVF started Feb 2020
retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
IVF started Feb 2020
retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
@littlebug2010 have you tried to check if your breakouts go along with any foods? There are a couple of weird foods which make my skin break out like crazy - and give me diarrhea. Raw pineapple is one!
I also found many of the Clinique products have PG safe ingredients, but not the acne solutions range as they contain salicylic acid. Info came from my dermatologist. If you order online you get so many freebies I only do one order per year around $150 and don’t buy any other facial products (cleansing, moisturizing and makeup) in between.
@rs0806 I used to have a gel mani-pedi every two weeks but stopped when we started our IF treatment as we wanted to not risk any little thing. My own nails are really weak and short so I do miss having elegant fingers and toes.
@knottie and all the numbers - can you change your user name? See the pinned post on the main board on how to do it. Then it’s much easier for us to tag you and have a conversation:-)
@ntbaby17 another Charter here, but once I had my third beta last week I stopped- also because the temps here dropped by 20 degrees Celsius over 24 hours and that kind of change does really affect my baseline temp
AFM - beta #4 came in at 4800!
Married 12/2016
TTC #1 since 04/2015
AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis
7 retrievals, 3 transfers
Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F
Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing
Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high)
May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality)
Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst)
Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality)
Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH)
Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control
Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy
Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis
Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed
Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize
Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN
May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality
Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality
Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality
Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality
Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
Married: 7/21/12
BFP: 12/4/16 Due 8/8/17 -- Its a boy! Born 8/14/17
BFP: 5/19/19 and MC on 5/27/19
BFP: 6/24/19, MC on 7/24/19
BFP: 10/24, no heartbeat on 11/27, D&C 12/2
Officially diagnosed with Secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage
IVF started Feb 2020
retrieval and PGT testing: 18 retrieved, 17 mature, 16 fertilized, 9 to blast, 8 PGT normal.
Transfer #1: June 14, 2020
Team finding out/pink/blue/green:def finding out
Baby is the size of a(n):chocolate chop
Upcoming appts: July 23rd
How are you feeling?: yesterday awful. Today fine which scares the crap out of me. *TW* Miscarriage 3 years ago I had disappearing symptoms. For my 3 kids I had nonstop morning sickness
Rants/Raves: I wish I could quit my job
Questions: I wish I could remember when morning sickness hit hardest in my past pregnancies. When does yours normally hit?
GTKY What shows are you into? I don’t watch a lot of tv. No time. I prefer to read when I do have time
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Finding out and wanting to do a little reveal on video as I didn't do that with the first two
Baby is the size of a(n): Sweetpea
Upcoming appts: Ultrasound Thursday the 11th
How are you feeling?: @laurenm2123 I was feeling the same way until this past weekend right at 6 weeks, when some nausea and stronger fatigue started creeping in more. I never got full blown morning sickness with the first two, but like waves of nausea and gagging when brushing teeth, which started this weekend as well. All of the stomach issues, constipated one day, the opposite the next, gas pains and cramps
Rants/Raves: Miss you caffeine!!!
Questions: Maybe after this first appointment, curious whether my treatment will be different this time being over the 35 mark
GTKY What shows are you into? Currently catching up on Season 15 of Grey's @emmasemm !!
@rs0806 congrats on the house!! perfect timing to get all moved and settled in early on!!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: As of now we will find out. I'm too excited to not know and I know my husband wants to know.
Baby is the size of: Heart Button on Instagram ( has "Baby Sizes for Millenials" Some of them are pretty cute)
Upcoming appts: Our first prenatal appt. is July 26
How are you feeling?: Hungry! But overall pretty good. Very few symptoms so far. Is it weird that I really want to have the symptoms to "feel pregnant"?
Rants/Raves: No rants, just raves today! Tomorrow morning I hop on a flight to Colorado to see my family and friends! I cannot contain myself if I have to wait another day to tell my mom that I'm pregnant.
@stac4056 I feel you on the caffeine! I am a total coffee lover and would drink it all morning long if I could!
GTKY What shows are you into? Right now Handmaid's Tale and Stranger Things. Though, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to watch Handmaid's because that show already makes me cry
Team finding out: Yes we will find out! I could never not know haha.
Baby is the size of: A sweet pea
Upcoming appointments: My 8 week first prenatal is scheduled for July 24! So far away it feels.
How are you feeling? I get waves of nausea from about 9am-1pm every day but no vomiting yet. Really can't complain too much about that. Boobs are sore and growing like mad. Not really tired or bloated yet. Today I had some light spotting that is making me very nervous. My doc assured me it was normal but I'm watching out. Fingers crossed!
Rants/raves: This is my first pregnancy and so far I am actually loving it. Only my husband knows right now (@bluesting Im5 not telling my mom yet because she would be the same way haha!) When I'm feeling sick I'm also grateful and just so excited.
Questions: Any other vegans/vegetarians out there? I'm wondering if anyone told you not to eat tofu. I read that somewhere and am worrying about it haha. I need that protein!
GTKY: Watching Stranger Things which is one of my all-time favorite shows. We watch Jeopardy every night lol and I love HGTV esp Good Bones. But I'm continually rewatching Friends on Netflix mostly.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: absolutely finding out. I’ll probably order the sneak peek at 10 weeks because I have no chill.
Baby is the size of a(n): chocolate chip!
Upcoming appts: July 26th regular OB, and then a scan shortly thereafter.
How are you feeling?: so-so. I’m really tired but my 2 year old has boycotted sleep lately so I don’t really know if it counts as a symptom. I have waves of nausea, some twinges in my Ute, and random fiery nipples. I had hypermesis gravardium with my last, so I’m praying the morning sickness doesn’t get that bad again.
Rants/Raves: I really need my toddler to start sleeping more regularly. I don’t know what to do. He’s in a toddler bed. But my back is KILLING me from sleeping on the floor next to him, and I know once second tri hits I won’t be able to do that at all.
Questions: favorite maternity leggings that aren’t see-through? I have a feeling I will be living in leggings all winter and I didn’t love the ones I had with DS.
GTKY What shows are you into? I have a few I love on Netflix and Amazon. H and I have been watching Sneaky Pete for the last few weeks.
DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015
DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017
BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019
BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020
Team finding out: I've decided I wanted to find out this time.. didn't do it with DS and while the surprise was nice, I want to know this time.
Baby is the size of: A poppyseed?
Upcoming appointments: Have my first blood draw today.. fingers crossed for good betas.
How are you feeling? So far, nothing but sore boobs off and on.
Rants/raves: Happy to be joining a BMB again, but nervous for a sticky bean after my last loss.
Questions: Anyone else nervous if you have other children how adding another is going to go?
GTKY: I have to join the Stranger Things bandwagon, love that show. I also am a fan of home makeover type shows.
I also stocked up on that line of clip down nursing tanks, so stretchy to fit over my belly at it’s biggest but also form fitting enough that I wear them still!! But like soft stretchy, not that nylon, cut off your circulation kind of material!!
@miss.sally same boat with my 18 mo old DS and tantrums, I thought DD was clingy but this kid is next level, but hey, at their age a lot can change in 9 months so here’s hoping!! And I hope you are able to get some sleep soon!!
EDD/W+D: March 7th/5&5
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Definitely finding out! First child and I am very much a planner by nature.
Baby is the size of a(n): Opening of a straw
Upcoming appts: July 31st
How are you feeling?: Overall pretty good other than being tired with very sore breasts and a bit of cramping. So far none of the dreaded morning sickness, but a twinge of nausea here and there.
GTKY What shows are you into? My guilty pleasure is pretty much anything on Bravo, other current favorites include Big Little Lies, Younger and anxiously anticipating the final season of OINTB. All time favorite show is The Office, which I still watch almost daily.
EDD 3/5/20, 6w 0d
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: we are going to find out as soon as we can! I am a planner!
Baby is the size of a(n): Maine blueberry
Upcoming appts: 1st appointment on 7/29
How are you feeling?: I am feeling great, lots of cramps intermittently which my doctor said is normal, not much of an appetite and SORE boobs haha no nausea yet! (Crossing my fingers MS passes me by)
Rants/Raves: RANT! I am feeling so anxious waiting for my first appointment. This is my first pregnancy so it’s just the fear of the unknown.
Questions: What prenatal vitamins is everyone going with?
GTKY What shows are you into?
Currently watching the Bachelorette, Big Little Lies part 2, and Southern Charm (I want Cameran to be my bff 😂) and we are always watching the office.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: For sure going to find out! I’m already feeling like it’s a girl. I felt this way with my first and I was accurate!
Baby is the size of a(n): peppercorn?
Upcoming appts: We have our first appt on July 31. Can’t wait!
How are you feeling?: Terrible honestly. Tired, morning sickness is more like all day sickness, headaches, moody..
Rants/Raves: How do some mommas have no morning sickness at all...🤦🏽♀️
Questions: Gimme all the morning sickness relief ideas!
GTKY What shows are you into? I’m really in to This is Us, 13 Reasons Why, Dead to Me, Orange is the New Black
EDD/W+D: Mar 2/6w6d
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Definitely finding out!
Baby is the size of a(n): honeybee, bzz bzz! 🐝
Upcoming appts: Labs, genetic testing, etc early August
How are you feeling?: Siiiiick. Was a little worried because our little nugget seemed to be giving me a pass yesterday, but the nausea is back in full force today!
Rants/Raves: These food aversions are really blowing my mind. It seems less like "what foods am I not liking" and more "what five foods can I look at/smell/think about without wanting to barf" 🤢
Questions: none right this second
GTKY What shows are you into? I know Stranger Things S3 is up but for some reason I just can't get myself jazzed to watch it yet? Blaming it on the hormones. Just recently finished S2 of Barry on HBO, which was 💯, and we've been watching Nailed It! on Netflix for late-night mindless enjoyment.