@tkbmama fingers crossed for your bub to come before 41w2d!
My Tuesday appointment was somehow "misplaced" and the only other one available was apparently Sunday, so that's when I go... A little bummed, because I won't be 41 weeks yet, and the baby is "as healthy as can be" according to the doctor who read my non-stress test output today.
I welcomed my little cherub on the 30th of May at 22:23. IOL due to reduced foetal movements and suspect macrosemic - she weighed a healthy 4.088kg (9lb). She got very stuck in my pelvis due to rotating into a DOP position during labour and after a lot of unsuccessful manual manipulation it was decided that a c-section was our best and safest option as she had retreated back out of my pelvis and he heart rate wasn't coming down below 200bpm. Was a great decision because she had passed meconium during the labour process and her head was extremely moulded, almost to the point of causing damage. 3 weeks down, 3 to go until I can become my independent self again!
Good luck to those who are yet to have their babes
My due date was June 8th. I had my son, Kason on June 15th at 3:58pm (41 weeks exactly). Went without an epidural and only a small amount of pain med through IV at the end.
Re: Any babies born yet??
meet baby Iris, born June 7th, 7.10pm, 7lbs 12oz, and 21.5 inches long!
Good luck to those who are yet to have their babes