August 2019 Moms

Group 4 Check In (Aug 24-31) - W/O 05/05

Est Due Date / Weeks + Days:

Baby is the size of a(n):

What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): 

Upcoming Appointments:

How are you feeling?:



GTKY: (Stole from STM+ Check in) 

Do you live in the same country/state that you grew up in? If so, what do you love about it? If not, what was the most difficult adjustment of moving to the new place?

*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

Re: Group 4 Check In (Aug 24-31) - W/O 05/05

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    Last week was so quiet for our group check in and so many usuals didn’t check in. Hope it’s a bit more lively this week! 

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: Aug 26 / 24w 

    Baby is the size of a(n): eggplant

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): blue 

    Upcoming Appointments: Today! I have my 24 week appointment and an u/s to check in on the little guy. I booked it after last Monday but he’s been so active since then so I’m not worried and just excited to see him.  I think I may have to get my glucose test done too and I need to ask about my rhogam shot.

    How are you feeling?: The usual. Back pain and pelvic pain but my physiotherapist helps. I’ve also been having a lot of BH lately. Otherwise pretty good! I did a hip hop dance class for a bachelorette on Saturday and actually held my own haha! 

    Rants/Raves: I go to Canada this week! But another 8 hour flight sucks and I have tons of work to get done to prepare since I doubt I’ll do any homework while there. I am so excited to see my friends though and eat some amazing food. 

    Also! I’ve been nesting and have gotten so much cleaning that I wanted to do done. We got new curtains for both bedrooms and we got the baby’s dresser set up with all the organizers. I’ve started organizing cupboards and drawers that were a hot mess and it feels so good. I am bringing back tons of baby stuff from Canada so it’ll be nice to put it somewhere rather than have it chaotic in here so I’m glad I got this done early. 


    GTKY: (Stole from STM+ Check in) 

    Do you live in the same country/state that you grew up in? If so, what do you love about it? If not, what was the most difficult adjustment of moving to the new place?

    No, but I am a recent newbie expat. Living in a country where the language is different has been the hardest, especially navigating it all while pregnant, but I think I’ve done a good job. My Dutch reading skills have become great but my speaking skills are still terrible. Also, not having any of the things I am used to having and the availability of it all is hard to adjust too. For example, I went to buy toothpaste today (apparently I haven’t ever bought toothpaste here as my mom brought enough to me to last for a bit) and a medium size tube is €4 which is $6. I buy that st home for $.99 when on sale. These things are hard to get used too. 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    mrosek91mrosek91 member
    edited May 2019

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 8/24, 24+1

    Baby is the size of a(n): I don't remember, some large melon. It feels early for that.

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: GD screening, but not until the end of May

    How are you feeling?: Tired, but good. Lately, I've been getting more stuff done before I hit this tired point, than I was able to in earlier weeks. Also, experiencing intermittent back, or hip pain. Nothing too bad yet, but I just know it's coming. I got one of those massagers that sits on a chair as a gift near the beginning of my pregnancy, and used it only a few times before the boys broke the cord. DH thinks he has another compatible cord somewhere, sometimes it pays to be  married to a pack rat. Soon the pain is going to get worse, and then I will need to push him to actually find it. Also, time to break out the birthing ball. Tip to FTMs if your back is hurting, get on your knees, and rest your chest/head on a birthing ball, let gravity pull your belly down, it really helps.

    Rants/Raves: I guess I kind of ranted and raved in the previous question.

    Questions: GTKY: Do you live in the same country/state that you grew up in? If so, what do you love about it? If not, what was the most difficult adjustment of moving to the new place?
    I grew up in PA, moved to NY for college, spent 6 years there, and then moved to MD when I got married. This is probably more a function of city than state, but in both PA, and NY I was in cities that were laid out as grids, getting anywhere was super simple. Here it's a warren. I leave my house and can turn right or left to get to the same place. It is so confusing!! And everyone here loves to talk about the best routes to get places.
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    @AKuzReve ohy gosh! I can't believe the price of toothpaste! Have fun seeing your little one! It's the best, isn't it?! 😁 Also, I hope you enjoy your trip home! It's snowing here again today.... hopefully you're not stuck coming to this neck of the woods...

    I'm not totally sure about my Due date now, since the doc for the last month, has been saying I'm +1 ahead of what I would be with the measurement calculation, but he didn't adjust my due date. And the AS (according to what DH read on the pictures) agrees with the doc. So that makes me 23+3, EDD Aug 29.

    Team Green! Trying to stay strong haha.

    Next Appointment is Thursday. Only 6 days after my last one. Both DH can't attend due to work. OB wanted to follow up since he cleared me for light duties at work, and sex 😁.

    I'm feeling better than I was for the last month... Still at the tail end of this never ending illness. A bit of a cough and sore throat. But much better than I was. Heart burn is pretty bad. And the last few days lots of muscle and joint aches.
    I got SO excited today, about the idea of meeting this tiny human of mine!! 😍😍
    Stressing about not having this house ready to sell....possession of our new house is 47 days away..

    Aww man ..I had a question but I don't remember! Baby brain is a real thing! I'm calling things the wrong name all the time 😂
    I'm having a hard time finding a pack n play that has a bassinet/sleeper attachment that is NOT inclined. I don't know why they sell things that are considered unsafe...

    GTKY: I do live in the same city that I grew up in. Currently 10 min from where I grew up haha. My family is here. That's the most important thing.
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    mia8263mia8263 member
    @chillycanadian baby brain is so real this time around. Yesterday I went into McDonald’s for a cup of ice. I walked out with a water. DH goes what happened? I said I don’t know I guess I said ice. Similar thing happened today. It’s crazy how I was able to read book after book with DS2 and this one I can’t even speak right lol 
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    aecmaecm member
    I’ll type out my answers tomorrow (or I guess, later today, since it’s 1am here, lol) but @chillycanadian... our pack and play (Chicco Lullaby Dream) has a flat safe-sleep bassinet attachment. It basically just elevated the bottom of the pack-and-play so you don’t have to reach as far down to get the baby a million times each night (which is super convenient). It ALSO comes with a “newborn napper” that is NOT safe for overnight sleep (too padded, not completely flat) BUT is super lightweight and easy to carry around the house during the day (my DD basically lived in it for her first 3 months). 

    As a general note - there are products that are not considered safe for unsupervised overnight sleep, but that doesn’t mean they’re completely unsafe. If you are awake and have an eye on your baby, it’s totally ok to put your baby in a napper or swing that is padded, or upright, or somehow doesn’t fall into the “safe sleep” category. Safe sleep practices are super important (IMO) if YOU are sleeping or napping - but your kid doesn’t have to be on a flat hard surface at all times if you’re right there and awake to monitor them. 
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @chillycanadian, I know! I was aghast at the price. I’ll just buy when I’m home and bring it back haha. I’ll be in Toronto and the weather has been so unpredictable. Looks like 6 and cold on Thursday but 14 and sunny on Friday. No clue what to pack. 

    Baby brain is so real. Sometimes my words get mixed up or joint and I’m like wait - that isn’t a word. When I write assignments, it takes longer because 1) I can’t concentrate and 2) I can’t recall many words that I need and have to think extra hard. 

    So glad you have been cleared!!! Yayyyy. 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 24w + 2d (WHHHHHHAT), RCS on 8/20 

    Baby is the size of a(n): Cantaloupe apparently 

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: Thursday this week I believe

    How are you feeling?: Surprisingly good, so long as I'm staying hydrated.  This is way easier than my second pregnant, more in line with my first

    Rants/Raves: EFFING HEARTBURN.  My goodness it is HORRENDOUS. 

    Questions: So what would the esteemed members of the group do if AFTER CHANGING JOBS AT 11 WEEKS PREGNANT got an unbelievable offer from another employer at 24 WEEKS pregnant? Am I just being insane to even consider it? I've been extremely upfront about my situation and given my expertise and the industry, I know I'm one of the best possible candidates in the entire region, so, I think they are not deterred.  But I think DH thinks I'm a little crazy for even considering this. 

    GTKY: (Stole from STM+ Check in) Do you live in the same country/state that you grew up in? If so, what do you love about it? If not, what was the most difficult adjustment of moving to the new place?: My family moved around a lot while I was growing up for my dad's job. We actually landed in my current state when I was a junior in HS and I loved it immediately.  There was no adjustment period, people immediately accepted me, and I felt that was when I returned after college/working for several years in other places.  I will never leave!! 

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @peachy0709, I would do it. I’m a job hopper though so I never see qualms in it. Do what makes the most sense for you and if they know you’re pregnant, you’re not hiding anything! My loyalty to employers only goes so far as you have to do what’s best for your career. 

    My H’s coworker who is on the corporate responsibility management team reached out to him and asked if I’d be interested in a role on their team. It requires a native English speaker and is a Communications Manager role in sustainability. She knows I’m very pregnant and was like “we would make it work if she’s the right person for the job.” I read the job posting and it sounds great and right up my alley. I know I could do an incredible job with it. I’m totally going to customise my resume and put it forward. See what happens.

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    @mia8263 hahahaha oh my! I'm glad it's not just me! Everyone is making fun of me (which is fine, as I think it's hilarious). But it IS kinda frustrating not being able to trust myself!

    @aecm thank you!! That's a really good point about supervised time vs sleep time. I just have to try to remind myself that I'm not a complete idiot, or incompetent, and can watch baby for signs of distress. It's funny how as a "medical professional" I have the calm and confidence to deal with insane situations. As myself, I'm chill and relaxed dealing with other people's babies/kids. Yet it seems when it comes to this tiny little life growing inside me, I'm insane, and over protective and nearly panicked about safety and risks.
    Anyway, what you said is very...calming and reassuring. So thank you!

    @AKuzReve at least toothpaste won't take up too much space on the way back haha! could buy a bunch and sell it...and make a nice little profit 😂.
     Oooh Canada and our insane weather. It's snowed twice this week. 2 weeks ago it was a beautiful +18 several days. This week we've been having -3 ... I knew it wasn't actually spring yet, because NONE of the trees are budding. Even so, it's better than the 3 weeks of -55 this winter. So people are still out in shorts haha. And I managed to get sunburned on Saturday, even though it only went up to +4, was mostly cloudy, and I was in the shade of the house almost the whole day....
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    @peachy0709 oh my gosh! Congrats on the job offer! That is such a tough decision! I can't say I have any experience to offer any wisdom on the situation. But I'm all about pro/con lists. I find sometimes even just writing it out helps me realize what I really want to choose.
    Also, I feel ya on the heartburn. Have you found anything that helps? I'm finding TUMS is mildly effective, sometimes. But the chalky-ness is getting difficult for me to handle. Trying to find other solutions
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    @akuzreve How was your appt? Glad you’ve gotten so much done and are feeling good. Sorry about the BH and all the work you have to do. I hope you have a great trip.

    @mrosek91 I feel you on the tired! I thought second tri was the tri of energy but if I could take a daily nap I would, I have taken one every weekend day for the past several weeks. That’s a great tip re the ball.

    @chillycanadian As I understand it most drs don’t adjust due date when LO is measuring less than a week ahead or behind. My LO has been three days ahead since about 9w and they never have adjusted my EDD. Like @aecm I have the Chicco Lullaby Baby Playard which comes with a changing table insert, a “napper” (which is at an incline and I don’t plan to use that for sleep), and a bassinet insert that basically is an additional floor that sits up higher. That part is completely flat. I have it because my niece came to visit us last year so I bought it for her to use while also hoping to have it for a baby of our own. My sister has the same one at home and loves it.

    @peachy0709 I personally wouldn’t change jobs while pregnant (but I happen to know my employer offers the best mat leave policy in this geographic area so that’s part of it). I don’t know what field you’re in but if it’s the norm to move around a lot and you’re inclined to do it go for it. I work in a field where changing jobs twice in a year would probably be a red flag for employers in the future but not all areas are like that. It’s cool you have so many options!

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 8/29 / 23w4d

    Baby is the size of a(n): Grapefruit (I think?)

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: Supposed to have one next Monday but need to reschedule due to a work trip. It will just be a hearing HB/measuring/checking urine appt anyway.

    How are you feeling?: Good except sometimes so tired. On Saturday I got up after sleeping in, was totally useless, took a nap, did a few errands, and was so tired all day.

    Rants/Raves: I’m a little worried we have a lot to do around the house and it’s not really happening. For one thing we have some extra furniture a friend of DH’s is supposed to pick up and it seems like it’s never going to happen. We also need to redo the floors and paint the baby’s room. Eek.


    GTKY: (Stole from STM+ Check in)

    Do you live in the same country/state that you grew up in? If so, what do you love about it? If not, what was the most difficult adjustment of moving to the new place?

    I’ve always lived in the US but I’m on my fifth state of residence. I like where I live although politically it’s a lot more conservative than where I grew up. The great thing is it doesn’t get that cold here. The bad thing is outrageous (like, one of the worst places in the world) pollen and it gets very very hot in summer. Luckily everywhere you go has central air.

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    @chillycanadian - Unfortunately, I've already moved past TUMS and am taking OTC pills.  Last time I had to get Rx level relief because I kept throwing up from the heartburn. Hopefully you can survive on the TUMS and glasses of milk. 

    @zamora_spin - So definitely not the norm in my industry, but I was in my last role for 5 years. My goal was to be in my current role for at least 5 years again but honestly, I think this offer (if we can make it work) would be way better than my current situation.  My current role does offer a lot of flexibility, but it's a different industry than where I cut my teeth and I really miss that industry. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @peachy0709 I threw up 3 times from the heartburn while I was sick and coughing super hard. Once all over myself in the shower. Lovely. At least that hasn't happened in a bit!
    But I can only imagine how bad this will get as the bump gets bigger and squishes things more... :(
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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 8/26 - 24 weeks

    Baby is the size of a(n): eggplant

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): Pink

    Upcoming Appointments: I had an appointment this morning - my glucola test

    How are you feeling?: My back is really starting to ache, but otherwise feeling good!

    Rants/Raves: Rant: According to the American Pregnancy Association no fasting is needed to prepare for the 1-hour glucola test. Why then do they make pregnant women fast beforehand? I was soo hungry this morning. Rave: Shoutout to DH for being great and taking me to breakfast after my appointment this morning. He's also building a new vanity for our bathroom (so we can finally get rid of the pedestal sink) and it looks so good! I can't wait for it to get installed.


    GTKY: (Stole from STM+ Check in) 

    Do you live in the same country/state that you grew up in? If so, what do you love about it? If not, what was the most difficult adjustment of moving to the new place? No, I live 8 hours (and 3 states away) from where I grew up. The adjustment wasn't too hard since I moved when I left for college and just never left!
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    aecmaecm member

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 8/24, 24+2

    Baby is the size of a(n): cantaloupes

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): blue x2

    Upcoming Appointments: WEDNESDAY! I get to see the boys again for my monthly US (to check my cervical length and monitor for growth restriction) and then I check in with my NP.

    How are you feeling?: Slow and sluggish. SPD is still bugging me quite a bit - it hurts to do stairs, get up from a seated position, and roll over in that’s fun.


    Rant - I just posted over in the Monday B*fest thread about not being able to get Mother’s Day brunch reservations at my favorite restaurant. I’m super upset.

    Rave - y’all...we’re hitting 24 weeks...ya know, early stage of viability!! 

    GTKY: (Stole from STM+ Check in) 

    Do you live in the same country/state that you grew up in? If so, what do you love about it? If not, what was the most difficult adjustment of moving to the new place?

    I should just copy my answer from the STM thread but I’m a nutshell, I grew up in Canada, moved around a lot and ended up back in IN (where I went to college) so moving back here was pretty easy. I enjoy our town / suburb a lot, since we have great amenities and easy access to more urban stuff without having to live in an urban environment. We’re not moving anytime soon. 

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @peachy0709 I have to second @zamora_spin that I would worry about how it would look on your resume if you decide to move on in the future. But if it really sounds like the right job for you, and the maternity leave benifits are comparable or better than where you are now, you should go for it. If you plan on being there for 5 or more years, than you can just leave these few months off the resume. Also, as someone in HR you would know the right answers if they asked about it.
    @AKuzReve @chillycanadian I have a lot of family and friends in Israel, and whenever my parents visit they pack one suitcase that is only stuff for other people, stuff that is hard or expensive to get there. They do it as a favor, since it's family/friends, but they probably could make some money on it...
    @kminacap my doctor told me that I don't have to fast, I just can't have anything very sugary. I'm sorry you had to fast for that. Hope the results come back good.
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    I’m thinking about it haha. And we have the better brands in NA! 

    I got my requisition for the glucose test. I’ll probably do it next week. I do have to fast and we go straight to a 2 hr test instead of 1 hr first. 

    Appointment was great. He was moving so much and he flipped yesterday so he is currently head down. We got some cute pictures of his face and he was trying to hide it. I don’t know how people have u/s when team green. He was flashing us hardcore. 😂😂 he currently weighs 720g and legs are still 78%. How are you so tall, baby boy?! 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    @mrosek91 and @zamora_spin - I really do appreciate the input.  I think for me the big thing is that I don't want to be hopping around - the point of moving was to be able to be in a job for the next 5-10 years, I just looked around, however, and wasn't quite sure I could last where I am for 5-10 years.  So... we'll see.  It's honestly the crazy thing I've ever considered and I'm extremely risk adverse!!! 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 8/31, 23+4

    Baby is the size of a(n): grapefruit

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): pink

    Upcoming Appointments: Tomorrow! Just a 24 week checkup, should just be a urine sample and a Doppler check.

    How are you feeling?: Good! Really feeling the burnout from the end of the school year and testing season, but the end is in sight!

    Rants/Raves: Only 5 more weeks of school and I won't have much to do the last few weeks since the seniors get out of school earlier than everyone else. We're right in the middle of state and AP testing, so that's always the worst!


    GTKY: (Stole from STM+ Check in) 

    Do you live in the same country/state that you grew up in? If so, what do you love about it? If not, what was the most difficult adjustment of moving to the new place?

    I live in a different state, but about 1.5 hours away from where I grew up. I wish we lived closer to family, especially with the baby coming. Most family is within 1.5-2 hours, but my MIL and SFIL live 7 hours away and some of my siblings live all over the place for work and school. We don't have very many local friends other than coworkers, so I'm really hoping to make some mom-friends somehow!!

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    @AKuzReve We've been nesting and getting things done around the house too - it helps me to feel more prepared! An 8 hour flight sounds like no fun but glad you get to visit Canada! Glad you had a great appointment!
    @mrosek91 I hope you can find a cord that works for the massager! I'm sorry you're having back pain, I have some too but it's very sporadic.
    @chillycanadian Yay for being cleared for sex!!!
    @peachy0709 I think if it's your dream job, it's definitely worth considering. I'm sure you've looked into their maternity leave policy since that would directly affect you, but I know that some policies aren't effective until you've been employed for 12 months.
    @zamora_spin I feel like we have so much to do too! It helps to do a little bit every weekend if we can.
    @kminacap My OB's office didn't make me fast - they told me to just eat a normal breakfast. Which I did, but then the tech that drew my blood acted like I should have fasted and that it could affect my results. I ended up passing, but the conflicting advice was annoying!
    @aecm I hope you got your mother's day plans figured out! It's definitely frustrating that you need to make the plans yourself!
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    So at my OB appointment today, my fundus was measuring 26! Which is more than 2 cm more than last week haha. Which is 2 weeks ahead (since I should he 24 today).
    Doc was like "ha very well could have a huge baby!"
    Oh my ...
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