So this is my first pregnancy, I’m 30 weeks & 1 day today. This is the home stretch! I’m obviously nervous and excited about having my little one and I know every story isn’t the same. I love hearing these stories & I want to hear from you guys how Labor & Delivery went for you. The good, the bad, the ugly (&beautiful); the funny things that happened, did you like your nurse? did you get to deliver with your doctor? what went well? What do you want differently this go round? Anything you’re willing to share!
Re: I want to hear your Labor & Delivery stories!!
Once there, we checked in, they did a swab to confirm it was in fact amniotic fluid, and told me since I had no contraction I would need pitocin. I was in labor 24 hours total. I ended up getting an epidural about halfway in because the contractions from pitocin were brutal. I never dilated more than 6 cm. At the 24 hour mark, they said my daughter's head was stuck/unable to fit down my birth canal and that was the reason I wasn't dilating further. I needed an emergency c section at that point.
They suited up DH and rushed us into OR, where it took maybe 10-15 minutes to get DD out and I heard her cry. After that I'm not sure how long it took to sew me back up because we were too infatuated with our daughter. I was able to hold her and bf right away and we had 1 hour of parent only bonding time before family was allowed to meet her. I did get horrible shakes after my c section that died down within an hour.
My Dr was on vaca when I went into labor, so her associate had to perform my c section, which was fine, he did a great job and was very nice. During my labor and stay, I actually had all wonderful nurses who were very helpful and attentive and I found them super helpful as a FTM helping me learn different things about having a newborn. My hospital does the rooming in, where baby stays with you in your room 24/7 unless they go for a test or you ask for a break. I kept her with me the whole time and I wouldn't have had it any other way.
After a 5 day stay, we went home.
This time around the difference will be that we know my internal anatomy doesn't allow for vaginal birth so we already know going in we will be having a medically necessary RCS. I am nervous about leaving my 1st daughter for 5 days and not being able to sleep in the same place she is, but between DH and family I know she will be fine. The plan is that DH will sleep home with her, although he wants to feel out maybe having her sleep at his Mom's 1 or 2 nights so he can stay with me. I just want her to be happy and comfortable while her new baby sister and I are stuck in the hospital. She is very smart but since she is only 2, I don't know how much she will understand why Mommy can't come home right away.
DD2: woke up motn 39+3 thinking my water might have broke. Went to bathroom, passed mucus plug, changed pants and went back to bed. Got up an hour later and no more liquid. Around 5a couldn’t sleep anymore because of sporadic contractions. Called the hospital and they said sounded like early labor and I’d probably be having baby in the next few days. Went into school and wrote sub plans because something felt off, but Dh went to work. By about 9a contractions were consistent so I called Dh. Drove 25 minutes to hospital with 0 contractions. Thought they’d likely send us home. Got out of the car and water gushed. Signed in and went back to get checked out. Water had broken and I was about 4cm. We got admitted and settled in our room. Nurse asked if I wanted an epidural and I said no because the last one took so long I figured I had time. Next time she came to check I was at 8cm and it was too late. Kind of a blur from there, but I had DD2 med free around 2p.
DC2 is similar, but no back pain this time, just grumpy and restless for the three days or so leading up to labor. Went to the gym to try and get things started. Tried raspberry leaf tea and primrose oil. Went into labor that night at about 3am, again with a movie theater gush. Again, meuconium, but GBS negative, so I had the option to stay home and I did for about 3 hours until my son woke up and my mom came to watch him. It's a small house and I couldn't focus with everyone there, so we went to the hospital. Contractions were unbelievably painful this time and I was unable to urinate d/t baby's position in pelvis, mostly from scar tissue from the first surgery (lots of adhesions). Labored without an epidural for about another 4 hours, to a 6. Then I got an epidural at the behest of my OB "in case of emergency" and unfortunately labor only progressed to an 8 after that (I think it is positional, in my case) and again baby did not tolerate contractions (I have doublet contractions that are very hard on placental perfusion). After about 4 hours at about 8 + a lip and multiple late decels (into the 60s), swelling closed things up to a 7 again and we went for a RCS at about 7:30 that night. Baby came out perfect, screaming and crying, and anesthesia was much lighter this time per my request so although pain was more afterwards (wore off fast), I did fine again with breastfeeding. Recovery took longer, because of all the repairs to correct issues with the first surgery, and it was a bit hard not having hubby in the room all night (he was home taking care of DS1 - whom was still in school for the year). Total labor time: 15 hours.
My personal opinion is that I am one of the few who is incredibly sensitive to the epidural, my BP drops, and this makes it hard for baby to tolerate labor especially with such aggressive contractions (which I was fighting, to be honest, so I'm sure that doesn't help). I also am very small with babies on the larger size of normal (despite no GD and great diet), and positioning is not going to be ideal for me if I am in bed. I think that if I had babies that was not in the 80-90th percentile, and opted out of the epidural so I could move around and handle the pain more in my own way, I could have had vaginal births. BUT - I don't regret the labor because - scientifically sound or not - in my mind the labor gave the baby the heads up that it was time to come, and I personally believe that this helped them be ready to thrive once they were delivered and I also believe that my body was more ready to breast feed... and emotionally I was more ready to bond, because of the efforts I put into it.
For #3 we are keeping our options open. We have a RCS scheduled for 6/26, but if I go into labor earlier and baby is 8lb or smaller (DC1 was 8lb5oz) we will have a TOL (for VBA2C). The reason being I would like the option of more kids, BUT if I have to have a third c/s, this will be my last (considering tying my tubes). 3 major surgeries is enough for me.
Like you said every labor and delivery is different. The best part of both of mine was hearing the first cry. And then going home from the hospital to my own bed!
@jbm925 i’m glad you’re keeping your options open and being more in control of your labor and delivery for baby 3.
with DD2 we had moved and I was at a new practice. The day before I went into labor, I had talked on the phone to my sister about my fears of the new OB not being as patient as the previous. Thankfully I didn’t need a patient doc, my body took care of all of that
After checking in, we basically just walked the halls to see if that would bring on labor naturally, which it didn't. We started pitocin around 6:30am. I made it until 5cm before I got the epidural. Started pushing at 6:30. Pushed for 3 hours before OB said, "normally I would tell you that you aren't trying hard enough but you have tried every trick in the book and he's not budging." I mean, even with the epidural, I literally tried every position you could think of and my poor husband saw waaaayyy more than he ever bargained for. (I will say, the most comfortable position to push is was on my hands and knees.)We decided to do the c-section b/c by then I was so exhausted from not sleeping and no food and everything else, I could hardly keep my eyes open. I threw up during the pushing part and also in the c-section which wasn't great fun.
c-section was done and baby boy was born at 10:40pm. He was perfectly fine but I was so exhausted, I barely remember any of it. That's the worst part. I remember the anesthesiologist taking a few pics for my husband and I and my husband getting to help clean him off etc. I remember getting to hold him and bf in the recovery room. But other than that I don't remember much. They were worried about hemoraging so I remember them doing all of the pushing on my abdomen to get the uterus to start contracting back to normal. That was probably the worst part b/c for the next 2 days they would come in and pump on my stomach which felt like they were beating me on top of the c-section. My nurses were awesome though. They took such good care of me and helped answer all of my new mom questions.
This time around, we have a scheduled c-section at 11am so I plan on taking a shower that morning and making sure I've eaten a good meal the night before (maybe even a small snack early am but we'll see). If I go into labor early again, I am going to try to deliver naturally but I am also not feeling the same type of pressure to do it only 1 way. We make all of these plans and baby sometimes has a different idea so I'm really good as long as she is good. I work only about 15 min from the hospital but I live about 45 min away so my only hope is to make it to the hospital on time.
TTC since Oct 2013
IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI)
ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized
Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal
FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016
IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!
TTC since Oct 2013
IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI)
ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized
Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal
FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016
IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!