Hello, I wanted to introduce myself and get my situation off my chest as I really have no one to talk to (husband and friends just don't understand). I've been ttc for 6 months, I know this isn't very long but when i first stopped taking birth control I ended up with an intense pain in my uterus. I was diagnosed with a large cyst on one ovary and fibroids inside my uterus. I ended up having surgery because the pain would not stop. The doctor also found and removed more cysts, endometriosis was removed, and scarring adhesions removed. Adenomyosis is also suspected. My recovery was horrible and took over a month to feel up to normal activity, I exercise normally and am not overweight. I felt good and was pain free for about a month after this, had gotten the okay from the doctor to ttc again. Now this cycle I'm back in intense pain the entire cycle, with of course bfn as usual. I feel hopeless, how can I keep ttc when I'm in pain most of the time. Right after surgery I was told to wait another 6 months before seeking a fertility specialist, but with the same pain ramping up again, I think I need further answers.
Re: Introduction
It does sound like you should at the very least talk to your doctor again about the pain you're experiencing. You know you best, and sometimes they don't get it. And you could get a consultation appointment with a fertility specialist to see what their opinion is.