December 2019 Moms

Pregnancy Announcements


Re: Pregnancy Announcements

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    @blueskychicago12 yes to the career. I just started my job less than 2 months ago. 

    Personally,  I know people will act all excited but I am not excited about it and don't want to have to process their enthusiasm. At best I feel neutral.  I just don't want to discuss the details with people and have to act like I'm thrilled.  This baby just feels like even more work in an entirely too stressed out life most of the time. 
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    @bookworm492 If it means anything, I had a LOT of anxiety for several weeks after finding out. While I was also excited, I totally understand the stressful time of life and adding on something else that seems almost burdensome. Right now I'm maintaining a career, and my husband is Navy, so we know we're going to be picking up and leaving the area in the next year or so, and I was already trying to mentally prep for that. In addition, I'm beginning to try and pursue my dream of having a novel published, and finding out I was pregnant was like hitting a brick wall--like all my dreams were going to suddenly come to a halt and I wouldn't have time for writing, or for my husband, or for surfing, or for traveling, or for all the things I LOVE to do while childless. And it's true, it's a LOT. You have every right to be anxious, and it's okay to not be excited while you're processing--I wasn't all the time. I'm still not every day. A lot of days there were tears. And there still are some days...and that's okay. Because it's a HUGE life change, and it's normal to feel all the emotions.

    But, in expressing these thoughts, my aunt actually gave me some of the best advice in an e-mail to me (which I'm copying and pasting), "Life, schedules, routines and priorities change! You'll get lots of advice, try some, but adapt what works for you. Don't worry about it and be flexible until you can establish new routines and schedules based on your family's needs."

    Basically, what she was saying was take it one day at a time. It's okay for things to be crazy, and it's okay for you to be nervous. Things are going to change...but then, that's the only real constant in life, is change. Eventually we'll all find our new grooves, and it'll be good for US. It doesn't mean we give up ourselves, or our careers, or our lives altogether, but we readjust and regroup and do it a new way. And before you know it...well, that new way becomes an old routine, and you wonder how you ever did life before.

    Sorry for the rambling...hope this made some kind of sense.
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    @rjgmcmanus it does,  thanks.  I agree what works best for me these days is to take it one day at a time. The job I left back in April (at the same time I found out about this) was such an awful experience I honestly wonder if I have some elements of PTSD or trauma from it. It does change how I act day to day since then,  every day I have to deal with anyone at my old job I end up having major anger issues and can't sleep etc.  But I digress :) I do have a professional lined up to discuss this with. 

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    @bookworm492 I'm so sorry you dealt with something so awful, but I'm glad that you're going in to talk to someone about it. I've had to go in for counseling a few times in life to work through some things on and off, and I hate that there's such a stigma around it, because really, one of the best things a person can do for themselves is actually RECOGNIZE that they need help beyond their own capabilities and then go and GET that help.

    One day at a time, lady. Or, if even that seems too much, 10 seconds at a time. Have you ever seen the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? If not, do it. It's hilarious. But one of the quotes from that show that resonates with me the most is, "I learned a long time ago that a person can stand just about anything for 10 seconds, then you just start on a new seconds. All you've got to do is take it 10 seconds at a time."
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    @rjgmcmanus lol I haven't seen that show but it's similar to what my crossfit coaches say!
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    @bookworm492 Your crossfit coaches sound like wise people! :-D
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    So I made these photo holders for my parents and printed out pictures of my son, 1 of which he's reading a book called "I'm a Big Brother, along with the ultrasound picture from last week and gave it to them as gifts when we visited this past weekend. My mom got it right away, my dad didn't say anything and I was assuming it was because he was waiting for his wife to see and comment, but it turns out he thought I included an old ultrasound picture of my son for some reason  :D 
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    @CapricaAndrea  That is so perfect, I love it.
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    @CapricaAndrea - those are so cute!!

    I've been starting to dread telling more family. I've pretty much told those I'm closest too but I have some difficult relationships in my family and while I wouldn't say I'm emotionally blocked, I do feel like I have some walls up. I'm kind of scared of all the love and excitement? I remember having similar feelings around getting married...I think I just have a hard time with people putting expectations of how they think I should feel..and I am really excited so I don't quite understand why I feel so reluctant. Anyways. Not quite sure how I'm gonna go about announcing to the rest of my friends and family.
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    Trying to find a cute saying for a facebook announcement to my friends and clients I'm a hairstylist and I know all my clients will be so excited 

    Was thinking about...

    Boy oh boy! We have some news Hunter and Ryland's baby brother is due 12/2! 

    Should I leave the date or just say due? 
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