Detroit Babies

Crittenton vs. Troy Beaumont

Hi, new here!  I know this board seems VERY slow but I wanted to try anyways.  My husband is having major surgery next month and we were discussing pulling the goalie to start trying right after since we are both a little older than we wanted to be.  I am trying to decide between staying with my current OB/GYN or switching to a new one.  I have a list of questions to check with the new practice to see but they also have admitting privileges at different hospitals.

So long story short, any particular pros vs cons to Crittenton or Troy Beaumont?  If one is much better or worse than the other I may pick my doctor based primarily on the hospital options.  Thanks!

Re: Crittenton vs. Troy Beaumont

  • I’d say they are comparable. STM delivering out of TB but my SIL was at Crittenden for her kids. They have a better menu 😉 but rooms are comparable and staff is wonderful at both. 
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