
*Trigger* Loss of PGS embryo

I’m new here, but not new to IVF. I just miscarried a PGS embryo and I’m looking for someone who was successful after a PGS loss. This was my 2nd FET, the first was a fail and this one we made it to 6 weeks. We still have 3 frozen “normal” embryos but we are so scared that something else is going on. Anyone?

Re: *Trigger* Loss of PGS embryo

  • @Cossab89 I didn’t do PGS but just wanted to chime in about a recent experience and some words from my doc. I had a miscarriage after a fresh ivf cycle and told my doc how petrified I am that if there was no chromosomal abnormality, this could just happen again. She said that chromosomal abnormalities are not the only fluke thing that can cause a miscarriage. Apparently there can be other things wrong w the embryo and when I talked to a genetics counselor, she said it could’ve even implanted in a bad spot. I guess take this w a grain of salt, but just wanted to share those words.. Also, perhaps consider testing the D&C/ miscarriage tissue just to confirm? PGS is pretty accurate but nothing’s perfect. 

    I know there’s a lot of talk these days about immune issues and embryo rejection. My RE doesn’t seem to want to go down that path so I can’t speak to that arena..
  • @cossab89 my two echo the prior post, there are numerous reasons for miscarriages and abnormalities not compatible with life that PGS cannot eliminate. It can only look at chromosomal abnormalities. But PGS definitely has it’s place for the right circumstances (I won’t get into all of mine). Some FET can just not work (we hate to hear, and scary for me personally given I’m about to transfer the one embryo we have, but true), and sometimes it’s other issues. At the very least I would hope your RE is at least looking to see if there are any potential issues that can be addressed. This process is so difficult, I wish all the best for you.
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  • @mackorori and @somewhereinnyc thank you for responding. I’ve read so much in the last four days about what could be wrong and there are many things I am hoping they will test or at least consider at my next consult. They push PGS testing at the practice for women over 35 and I’m right on the border at 34. They make it sound so promising even when I know deep down that there are so many other things that can happen. My faith is strong but I’m tested with each fail wondering why. I hate that anyone would have to carry this stress around. I hope that you both receive your miracles soon.
  • @Cossab89 I'm so sorry for your loss.  I'm a firm believer that even with all the improvement in IVF, there's still a certain amount of "luck"  (and bad luck, unfortunately) involved.  Maybe see if there's clotting or immune that your RE can easily test for and rule out for peace of mind before transferring another embryo?  Crossing my fingers and sending positive vibes that maybe your last embryo just stuck to the wrong spot and that the next transfer will be a healthy pregnancy!   
    ***pregnancy mentioned***

    Me: 27/ DH: 29
    Dx:  obstructive azoospermia 
    IVF#1:  October 2015
    10/7/2015:  ER  11 retrieved, 8 mature, 7 fertilized w/ ICSI
    10/12/2015:  Transferred 5AA and 4AA blasts, froze one 4AA and 4BB
    Beta #1 9dp5dt:  122!!! BFP!
    Singleton, due June 2016

  • You could ask for a recurrent loss panel. It includes some blood tests regarding blood clotting disorders than can  cause miscarriages. 
  • @Cossab89 I also had a miscarriage in November from a PGS normal embryo. My REI said the whole system has to work and it could’ve been lining or whole host of other stuff. Don’t give up hope!
  • @Cossab89 you and I are in the same boat, girl! Our first transfer with PGS tested embryo was a total fail. No pregnancy. Our second, we added a scratch test and then the antihistamine protocol. That time it worked but we found out at our first scan no fetus just a sac. So we miscarried and it was indicative of a genetic abnormality said the doc. We just had our consult today for our next go around. Luckily we have four embryos left that are all allegedly “normal” but I too am afraid the same thing will happen again. This is our third miscarriage. Our first two were from natural cycles. So for our next transfer, doc wants to use levonox even though i haven’t tested positive for a blood clotting disorder. He also wants to put two embryos in. I’m nervous. What does your doc want to do for your next round? 
    TTC History in Spolier:
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    Diagnosis: Me: Unexplained. Him: 1% morphology pre-washed.
    IUI  - CANCELLED Jan IUI - 100 mg Clomid Days 3-7. Cancelled after Estrace stunted follicle growth. BFN 
    IUI #1 - Feb/March, 2017 IUI - IUI+7 days Clomid+HCG trigger shot. March 1st IUI. 3/15 BFN
    IUI # 2 - August, 2017 IUI -  7 days Clomid + HCG trigger shot. IUI on August 12. 8/26 BFN 
    *TW* November 1st, BFP. Ended in MC @ 6 w 3 days. 11/20/17. **Natural Cycle with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs. 
    IUI #3 Feb 24 2018, IUI + 7 days Clomid + HCG Trigger Shot. Feb 24 IUI. 3/12 BFN
    *TW* 5/10/18 BFP/MC. Natural Cycle. 1st Beta 232, 2nd 850. No Fetal pole seen on U/S, 5/30/18. Medicated MC on 6/23. 
    IVF #1, Stims begin on August 17th. ER, 8/28/18. 32 Eggs Retrieved, 18 mature, 18 Fertilized. 12 Day 5. 6 Blasts Tested Normal with CCS. 
    FET 1, 11/6/19. 1 Embryo Transferred. NEG BETA 11/15
    FET 2, 1/29. 1 Embryo to Transfer. +HPT 2/5. Beta 2/7 = 137, 2nd HCG = 317. MC at 6w4d. No fetal pole seen on U/S

  • @manders85-2 Hey! It’s so frustrating right?! My doctor is adding Lovenox to our protocol for the clotting precaution. I’m currently waiting on my blood work that I had done Saturday. They are running my thyroid again, clotting, and autoimmune. My doctor is leaning towards clotting or genetically abnormal. I have three more frozen. I just got my period last week. My doctor doesn’t want to start anything for two more cycles. I know it’s not a guarantee, I just feel frustrated that we spent the extra money. I almost want something else to be wrong to give me faith in my other embryos. When do you expect to try again?
  • @Cossab89 first, I’m so sorry for your loss. And it’s probably not what you’d want to hear but I had failures with 4 PGS normal embryos. I had 1 MMC, 1 CP and 2 BFN.

    All my blood tests came out normal. What gave me some hope was that I’ve done ERA before using my last PGS embryo and it came back that I need another 12 hours of PIO. I felt so confident after that last transfer but unfortunately ended up with the flu the folllowing day. I think that the fever must have been a factor for me getting a BFN. 

    *TW* I was left with no embryos, did another IVF, this time havent had a good response and ended up transferring on day 3. I’m now holding my almost 5 months old baby. 

    If i had to suggest something I’d say ask for ERA, blood tests and I also did uterine biopsy to make sure that there is nothing there that’s preventing the embryo from attaching or developing. 

    Good luck! 
    TTC history in spoiler box:
    Me: 42, single
    Hysteroscopy: 2013
    IUI #1-2: 2013 BFN
    Surgery 10/2015: Planned to start trying again but had a surgery. (Not related to fertility)
    Surgery 5/2016: Planned to start trying again but had another surgery. (Not related to fertility)
    IUI  #3-5 (with Clomid): summer 2016 BFN
    IVF #1: 11/2016. 30R; 21M; 20F; 8B (6 day5 & 2 day6); 4 normal after PGS
    Medicated FET #1: 1/31/2017 transferred 1 embryo 3AA. BFP. Embryo stopped growing at 6w 1d. MUA at 9w 3d.
    Medicated FET #2June 2017 - cancelled...
    Hysteroscopy #2: June 2017
    Medicated FET #2: 8/7/2017 transferred 1 embryo 5BB. BFP. Ended in CP.
    Medicated FET #3: 10/11/2017 transferred 1 embryo 3AA. BFN
    ERA: December 2017 - need an extra 12 hours of PIO
    Medicated FET #4: 1/24/2018 transferred 1 embryo 4AA. BFN
    Out of embryos.  :'(
    IVF #2: 03/2018.

  • I’ve had a total of 9 miscarriages, 5 early chemicals, and 3 resulting in d&e’s. My first pgs normal is also currently ending in a chemical. My RE also re ran my APS, Lupus, and anticardiolipins. He also is suggesting era but I’m not sure about it since I have no problem getting pregnant just staying pregnant. Just want to let you know you’re not alone! GL!
  • @marianmet I was in a similar boat. Have had 5 MCs. After the first three had the clotting panel done and found out I have a clotting disorder. For my most recent transfer it was a PGS normal embyro with lovenox added to the protocol...thought that would do it but ended up having another MC. We did another retrieval and got 2 normal embryos. My doctor suggested we do an ERA before our next FET since it has been so hard to get normal embryos. I was torn because I don't have a problem getting pregnant either..just staying pregnant. She explained it to me that even if you are getting pregnant it may not be the ideal time and the implantation may therefore not be as ideal or strong as it could be which can factor into a MC. Don't know if that helps you make your decision or not, but may be worth talking to your RE about it. Currently waiting for the results of my ERA.
    History in Signature 
    Me & DH: 33
    September 2015: Chemical pregnancy/Miscarriage
    October 2016:  1st IUI - BFN
    November 2016: 2nd IUI - Cancelled due to cyst
    December 2016:  3rd IUI - BFN
    January 2017: 4th IUI - BFN
    April 2017: 1st IVF Retrieval - 3 embryos (1 transferred, 2 frozen) - BFP 
    May 2017: Missed miscarriage @ 7 weeks, D&C
    August 2017: 1st FET - BFP & Miscarriage @ 6 weeks
    November 2017: Hysteroscopy to remove adhesion 
    December 2017: 2nd FET - BPF & Miscarriage @ 6 weeks
    February 2018: 2nd IVF Retrieval - 1 embryo, PGS tested normal 
    August 2018: 3rd FET - BFP & Miscarriage @ 5 weeks
    September 2018: DX with blood clotting disorder
    November 2018: 3rd IVF Retrieval - 2 embryos, both abnormal 
    February 2019: 4th IVF Retrieval w/TESA for DH - 2 Embryos, both PGS tested normal
    April 2019: ERA test
    June 2019: 4th FET - BFP & Miscarriage @ 5 weeks
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