I’m new here, but not new to IVF. I just miscarried a PGS embryo and I’m looking for someone who was successful after a PGS loss. This was my 2nd FET, the first was a fail and this one we made it to 6 weeks. We still have 3 frozen “normal” embryos but we are so scared that something else is going on. Anyone?
Re: *Trigger* Loss of PGS embryo
I know there’s a lot of talk these days about immune issues and embryo rejection. My RE doesn’t seem to want to go down that path so I can’t speak to that arena..
Diagnosis: Me: Unexplained. Him: 1% morphology pre-washed.
IUI - CANCELLED Jan IUI - 100 mg Clomid Days 3-7. Cancelled after Estrace stunted follicle growth. BFN
IUI #1 - Feb/March, 2017 IUI - IUI+7 days Clomid+HCG trigger shot. March 1st IUI. 3/15 BFN
IUI # 2 - August, 2017 IUI - 7 days Clomid + HCG trigger shot. IUI on August 12. 8/26 BFN
*TW* November 1st, BFP. Ended in MC @ 6 w 3 days. 11/20/17. **Natural Cycle with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs.
IUI #3 Feb 24 2018, IUI + 7 days Clomid + HCG Trigger Shot. Feb 24 IUI. 3/12 BFN
*TW* 5/10/18 BFP/MC. Natural Cycle. 1st Beta 232, 2nd 850. No Fetal pole seen on U/S, 5/30/18. Medicated MC on 6/23.
IVF #1, Stims begin on August 17th. ER, 8/28/18. 32 Eggs Retrieved, 18 mature, 18 Fertilized. 12 Day 5. 6 Blasts Tested Normal with CCS.
FET 1, 11/6/19. 1 Embryo Transferred. NEG BETA 11/15
FET 2, 1/29. 1 Embryo to Transfer. +HPT 2/5. Beta 2/7 = 137, 2nd HCG = 317. MC at 6w4d. No fetal pole seen on U/S
All my blood tests came out normal. What gave me some hope was that I’ve done ERA before using my last PGS embryo and it came back that I need another 12 hours of PIO. I felt so confident after that last transfer but unfortunately ended up with the flu the folllowing day. I think that the fever must have been a factor for me getting a BFN.
*TW* I was left with no embryos, did another IVF, this time havent had a good response and ended up transferring on day 3. I’m now holding my almost 5 months old baby.
If i had to suggest something I’d say ask for ERA, blood tests and I also did uterine biopsy to make sure that there is nothing there that’s preventing the embryo from attaching or developing.
Good luck!
Hysteroscopy: 2013
IUI #1-2: 2013 BFN
Surgery 10/2015: Planned to start trying again but had a surgery. (Not related to fertility)
Surgery 5/2016: Planned to start trying again but had another surgery. (Not related to fertility)
IUI #3-5 (with Clomid): summer 2016 BFN
IVF #1: 11/2016. 30R; 21M; 20F; 8B (6 day5 & 2 day6); 4 normal after PGS
Medicated FET #1: 1/31/2017 transferred 1 embryo 3AA. BFP. Embryo stopped growing at 6w 1d. MUA at 9w 3d.
Medicated FET #2: June 2017 - cancelled...
Hysteroscopy #2: June 2017
Medicated FET #2: 8/7/2017 transferred 1 embryo 5BB. BFP. Ended in CP.
Medicated FET #3: 10/11/2017 transferred 1 embryo 3AA. BFN
ERA: December 2017 - need an extra 12 hours of PIO
Medicated FET #4: 1/24/2018 transferred 1 embryo 4AA. BFN
Out of embryos.
IVF #2: 03/2018.
September 2015: Chemical pregnancy/Miscarriage
October 2016: 1st IUI - BFN
November 2016: 2nd IUI - Cancelled due to cyst
December 2016: 3rd IUI - BFN
January 2017: 4th IUI - BFN
April 2017: 1st IVF Retrieval - 3 embryos (1 transferred, 2 frozen) - BFP
May 2017: Missed miscarriage @ 7 weeks, D&C
August 2017: 1st FET - BFP & Miscarriage @ 6 weeks
November 2017: Hysteroscopy to remove adhesion
December 2017: 2nd FET - BPF & Miscarriage @ 6 weeks
February 2018: 2nd IVF Retrieval - 1 embryo, PGS tested normal
August 2018: 3rd FET - BFP & Miscarriage @ 5 weeks
September 2018: DX with blood clotting disorder
November 2018: 3rd IVF Retrieval - 2 embryos, both abnormal
February 2019: 4th IVF Retrieval w/TESA for DH - 2 Embryos, both PGS tested normal
April 2019: ERA test
June 2019: 4th FET - BFP & Miscarriage @ 5 weeks