May 2019 Moms

Measuring small

I'm currently 29 weeks but measuring at 26. At my 25 week appt I was measuring at 24. They may do a growth ultrasound at my next appt in two weeks. My first baby came at 37weeks and was 5lbs 11oz and I had a retained placenta. Should I be worried about measuring small? Any advice? And has anyone had a retained placenta happen again?

Re: Measuring small

  • @samanthaj7 at my 24 week appointment, they referred me to mfm because, by their measurements, she was dangerously small. MFM said that she’s small, but not dangerously so, and I have a follow up for another growth scan in about 2 weeks. My doctor mentioned that if she’s still small, they will probably monitor me twice a week instead of once when I get closer to term. Have they referred you to MFM? Is your baby’s brain and other structures developing in proportion to his or her body? Hoping for a positive outcome!
  • My best friend had the same issue. She started seeing her OB twice a week towards the end and having bi-weekly ultrasounds to check growth. He ended up being born a week early at 6lb 7oz.
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  • this will make you feel a lot better!!

    I was measuring small, I didn't show for a long time. And now at 31 weeks, I look 4-5 months pregnant. I have been dealing with people telling me how small my belly is and asking is the baby okay etc. Got to a point, I started to worry myself. So at my last apt 28 weeks, the doctor said he was sending me on a fetal assessment becus my stomach is small. I went to the fetal assessment very nervous. Thank God my husband was right by my side. They started doing all the measurements of the baby and guess what. He is perfect. Measured 2 days ahead and weighed 3lbs 7oz at 29 weeks.

  • Congratulations, @truth_trust ! Glad to hear your baby is right on target!!
  • I was told my baby was small too so i had to go to mfm for extra scans and my latest scan said the baby is normal size now. They were concerned the placenta may have been damaged in beginning with high sugar levels in early pregnancy but they werent to concerned cos they said it looked like there was blood flow going through in scan so they just wanted to do extra scans to keep an eye on things. But everything is normal and baby was doing strong kicks so i think the size of scan was a bit off because baby was active they only got measurements from a frozen pic so not sure how accurate that would be. I hooe everything turns out the same for your next few scans that u get good news too
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