Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Formula Guilt

I chose to breastfeed at furst. I actually produce a lot, and donate the excess. I was able to breastfeed my daughter for about 15 months. I now have my second child, and I'm just finding more difficult to breastgebr. I still am producing a log, and I'm not doing anything different. However, I keep getting clogged ducts, and for whatever reason it feels more demanding thus time.
I'm seriously thinking about formula feeding, but I honestly feel so guilty for even thinking about it. Like I would be taking something away from the second child. 

Re: Formula Guilt

  • You might want to talk to a lactation consultant or your pediatrician about how to avoid clogged ducts. Perhaps that would make it easier and make your breastfeeding experience a happier one. With that said, there's nothing wrong with choosing to formula feed. Your babies deserve a happy mother as much as anything else. If nursing is bringing you down, then stop.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • If you choose to FF, there is nothing wrong with it. A fed baby is best, and a happy momma is best too.

    I had to FF, my milk never came in.
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