I haven’t seen a team green check in in a while, I apologize if it’s there and I just missed it. How many of us are still out there? How are anatomy scans going and is anyone having a hard time staying team green? Nursery plans? We had our scan last week and it was not hard to stay strong. My husband didn’t even ask once about finding out which surprised me. My daughter is also ok with the surprise. I’m thinking of decorating the nursery with moon and stars theme. I cannot remember the normal format of questions for these check ins so feel free to add on.
Re: Team green check in?!!
Still holding strong, AS is Friday, despite the drama I detailed in Randoms yesterday.
We're also thinking space/science/STEM for a nursery. I sort of wanted to do a more general STEM (chemistry, robots, etc.) plus space/sky, but the latter is turning out to be much easier to register for/find bedding/rugs/etc. for. There's plenty of wall art and such for the other stuff, but some of the big items less so. I know it's a bit early to register, but we started because our home city doesn't have a baby store since Babies R Us went under and we were in a city with Buy Buy Baby AND PB Kids.
I want to redo our guest bath, at least partially, to more kid friendly and also a nautical theme or a rubber ducky theme, the latter if I can find the shower curtain I own that's that theme from college. We just finished an upstairs bath, so the only thing that couldn't move up would be the shower curtain, since the upstairs is a glass shower, so redoing the decor wouldn't actually mean throwing out/wasting much at all...
Other team green moms, do y'all have names picked for both?!?!
I am still team green (18W5D now) and I have my anatomy scan next week Wednesday... I can't lie I have debated finding out. We didn't with our first (DS) and LOVED the surprise but like @xtinecatherine I am a planner and would be nice to know if I am keeping all my boy items or able to collect some girl things! I almost wonder if I will save money though by not buying stuff for the next 5 months. With our first we did nursery very simple and neutral and will reuse all of the baby gear. Newborn clothes and 0-3 months all neutral as well. Plus it'll be summer, baby will be living in a onesie and sleepers!
@greeneyedgirl12 We have names for girl ... but no names for boy... another reason would be nice to know if I need to stress over thinking up a boy name haha.
Either way, we are still team green!
Name wise, we don't have names for either yet. I'm hoping to have maybe two names for a boy and two for a girl and we will decide when he/she is born!
Have any of you started thinking about coming home outfits yet?! Will you buy an outfit for each sex or just one that's gender neutral?
It's funny because I don't stress about the 'not knowing,' but when I have friends who are pregnant, I am on pins and needles waiting for them to find out. I can be patient for my own but not others' babies!
@ccmama3 - Are you familiar with Kickee Pants? I'm lowkey obsessed (member of several b/s/t groups AND we're headed to the sample sale in Nashville next month haha). They have the SWEETEST and softest little footies for babies! I bought (used) several options for going home outfits and took them all to the hospital. Some were greens and grays which could work for either, and I did have 1 pink which I ended up needing!
We have decided we wont find out at the actual ultrasound, we will have the tech write it down for us. I told DH that I would like to find out just the two of us like it would be if we waited to be surprised. So we will see how Monday goes
one of the nursing staff though... ruined it for us. I know it wasn’t on purpose but I feel robbed. I’ve calmed down and am handling it pretty well. My ob has removed that nurse from my care team, which was really nice of her. Happy to be carrying another beautiful boy, but sad we didn’t find out the way we planned to.
@nolemomma14 a good friend of mine was in a similar situation as you. She really wanted to be team green and her hubby really wanted to find out. They got the envelope and he found out just him and she still got to be team green. He didn't tell anyone the whole rest of the pregnancy! I wouldn't trust my hubby not to accidentally spill the beans but if yours would keep it a secret maybe you can consider it!
I want finding out to be a fun experience, even if it isn’t how I originally planned. A good friend of mine is going to meet us at target after our scan and is going to get an outfit and wrap it for us. Then we will take it home and open it just the two of us. Not the surprise at birth I was hoping for, but I think it’ll still be special for both of us!
On nursery.. we won't really have one. We have one spare room and it serves as a part-time office for DH, guest room and will also be the baby's part-time room. We will not be decorating at all, just getting something for LO to sleep in and maybe a glider that can later be moved into our bedroom.
@greeneyedgirl12 We are not even close to narrowing down names. I keep adding to our lists and occasionally I run names by DH to veto. We will probably have a handful of each ready to go by June.
@ccmama3 I would like to try to make something but I'll probably do a simple kimono top and wool diaper cover in neutral colors.
@hellmanpartyof5 Oh my gosh that is terrible, I'm sorry you weren't able to have your surprise.
Lol @ nursery plans... There's no nursery. We'll have officially outgrown our house and need to figure out who's going to share rooms. I'll keep this baby in with us for 6+ months but no idea after that. It's stressing me out. Hubs says we need a 5th BR but I really don't want to move again.
I'm planning to bring one neutral outfit like a white sleeper.
We'll have one of each name. So far we have a boy name and half a girl name. I feel like we used all our good girl names on the 3 we already have.
@ccmama3 It's ultimately up to you if you want to find out early... but honestly there was such a high for me at delivery I think they could have told me I gave birth to a lizard and I would have still been overjoyed.
@canuckmomma that is our plan too... if we do end up finding out we'll still be "team green" in the minds of everyone else. That high is something I didn't experience with my other two and I think is what I was hoping to have as a result of being team green. So something to think about. I'm literally changing my mind daily lol!
@Cbeanz were you team green with all of yours? Did you have hope for a certain gender any of the times and I have the opposite of the hope? (Do you have all girls??? I can't remember!!) I know it's a bit personal, but just curious.
Third time around was different (you can probably relate, right??) - I wanted a boy pretty badly, it was supposedly our last, and I felt it would be a boy. It was on my birth plan that Dad would announce the sex. So when she was delivered I waited to hear the words from him. My heart was racing. But he was silent for several seconds. I turned around and looked up at him to see why he wasn't announcing anything! And he was just staring at her, with tears in his eyes, trying to speak and wasn't able to get the words out. It was the most precious moment of all our births and I'll never forget it. So in the moment there was zero disappointment. After being home a few days it sank in that we were an all-girl family and I was a little... let down? But I got over it pretty quickly and embraced the girl mom role.
This time I have no preference. That moment when you meet the newest member of your family, not knowing what they look like or who they are - it's just incredible.