Pregnant after a Loss

Spotting 6th week, previously had a miscarriage

Had a MC august 2018 started bleeding around week 6th.
I'm pregnant again 6 weeks today and started spotting again, Will I have another miscarriage?
I'm really scared, has this happened to anybody here? Or going thru this?

Re: Spotting 6th week, previously had a miscarriage

  • I have been through this too and all is currently good! I miscarried last June at 6 weeks, 1 day. This time I started spotting at 5 weeks 1 day which turned into heavier bleeding with a gush the next day. I had brown spotting the rest of the week and was terrified it was happening again. My doctor said he has heard this many times and it often can be just fine! We saw the heartbeat the next week, and now we will be 12 weeks tomorrow with a healthy little boy (per NIPT, heartbeat check and Ultrasound). Keep your hope and prayers up as well as your fluids! I took a few sick days off work to rest with my feet up during the bleed. I really hope this passes for you soon too! 
  • I had spotting around week 6 of this pregnancy and am now almost 18 and all is good! Light spotting, especially if it’s dark and brownish in color can be totally normal. This is around the time you can have implantation bleeding - and many other known and unknown causes. Hang in there! 

    Can you call your doctor for a quick check either by u/s or hormone levels?
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