Any appointments? Questions?: This Friday, have my 18week appt. Geez, can't believe how fast its going!
Rants/Raves?: Headaches are a pain! I think I need to go to bed earlier, but its hard, after DD goes down, I want some me time, but lately we're focused on the house, so i have house stuff. Grr..
How are you feeling?: Besides the headaches and the randome nausea throughout the day, not bad. Just stressed. We have to rent for two months while our house is getting ready, can't wait till the spring time!
GTKY - [Stolen from Group 1&3] Have you made any New Year's resolutions? Yes, it was to survive 2019. With the moving, house renovations, and baby coming, I just want to survive. And also, make all the transitions easy for DD.
@jacksonbears I couldn't imagine going through all those transitions! It'll be a fresh start all the way around!!
Due date/W+D: June 9th/ 18w2d
Baby is the size of a(n): Apparently an elf owl!
Any appointments? Questions?: Too many appointments! Excited for my anatomy scan but it's not until Jan 22nd! I'm going to see my pcp for my skin tonight and Wednesday meeting a new endo since learning obgyn's don't monitor how I expected. Tomorrow we are going for a hospital tour.
Rants/Raves?: Where is all this energy I'm supposed to have second trimester? I mean I'm not falling asleep at my desk but I'm useless without 9 or 10 hours of sleep! Also, I wish my doctor's could be a team. It's stressful being the gopher of getting this one this that one that.
How are you feeling?: Overall I feel good. My skin, especially my face, dermaitis is extremely painful and embarrassing. I have very minimal nausea though!
GTKY - [Stolen from Group 1&3] Have you made any New Year's resolutions? No resolution just trying to take it day by day!
Rants/Raves?: I'm back at work today...very tired, but the kids have actually gone right back into the routine which is very helpful. I'm also thrilled to hear that I'm likely getting a student teacher for the next 12 weeks!
How are you feeling?: Pretty good. I'm just so happy that the nausea is not lasting all day anymore, I've felt pretty good the last week or so.
GTKY - [Stolen from Group 1&3] Have you made any New Year's resolutions? I'm trying really hard to get more organized. We are cleaning our house like crazy in preparation for trying to sell it. It feels great to throw stuff away and get organized. Now I just need to do the same in my classroom!
Appointments/questions? Anatomy scan on the 16th and a normal OB appointment on the 23rd
Rants/Raves: so last week my husband decided that he’s not sure he wants to find out the gender. No reasons, just not sure. After literally several months of telling people that we plan on finding out the gender and discussing gender reveals etc. WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM? I want to know the gender so that I can plan. Also. The man knows I don’t like big surprises.
And i second being hungry ALL. THE. TIME. Seriously though... not enough food ever.
How is am I feeling?: see above for hunger status. And then the only other issue is my eyes have been super dry and I wear contacts and have a sensitivity to lots of solutions so I don’t know what drops to use. I need to call my eye doctor. Other than that, pretty good.
GTKY, New Year’s resolutions? Not resolutions, more like a few, very realistic goals. That I didn’t write down and will probably forget. Oh well.
Any appointments? Questions?: Tomorrow I'm scheduled to get the flu shot. Prior to now I've never got the flu shot even if I worked with children. Anything I should know before I get the shot? I'm nervous to get it for some reason but since it was recommended by my doctor I'm getting it. Tuesday morning I need a specialist regarding my thyroid, a very new issue for me since my thc levels are high, I'm also taking synthroid. Tuesday afternoon will also be a check up with the obgyn, hoping my blood pressure hasn't risen. Who knew so many issue would occur during pregnancy!?
Rant/ raves?: Insomnia has struck and sleeping hasn't been all that fun hence why I'm still tired! Ugh... oh and the restless legs don't help when trying to fall asleep either!!
How are you feeling?: Tired mostly. Not as nauseous but it strikes here and there, hoping it will subside altogether soon!
GTKY - [Stolen from Group 1&3] Have you made any New Year's resolutions?
I haven't taken much time to think about any resolutions but to make it through being a first time mommy!
I got the flu shot at my 8 week appt. I also work with kids, but had never gotten one before. I had no problems with it-my arm was a bit sore but otherwise it was totally fine! I was also a bit nervous, but really didn’t want to risk the flu while pregnant.
Re: Group 2 Check-in (June 9-15) w/o Jan 6
Baby is the size of a(n): game console controller
Any appointments? Questions?: This Friday, have my 18week appt. Geez, can't believe how fast its going!
Rants/Raves?: Headaches are a pain! I think I need to go to bed earlier, but its hard, after DD goes down, I want some me time, but lately we're focused on the house, so i have house stuff. Grr..
How are you feeling?: Besides the headaches and the randome nausea throughout the day, not bad. Just stressed. We have to rent for two months while our house is getting ready, can't wait till the spring time!
GTKY - [Stolen from Group 1&3] Have you made any New Year's resolutions? Yes, it was to survive 2019. With the moving, house renovations, and baby coming, I just want to survive. And also, make all the transitions easy for DD.
Due date/W+D: June 9th/ 18w2d
Baby is the size of a(n): Apparently an elf owl!
Any appointments? Questions?: Too many appointments! Excited for my anatomy scan but it's not until Jan 22nd! I'm going to see my pcp for my skin tonight and Wednesday meeting a new endo since learning obgyn's don't monitor how I expected. Tomorrow we are going for a hospital tour.
Rants/Raves?: Where is all this energy I'm supposed to have second trimester? I mean I'm not falling asleep at my desk but I'm useless without 9 or 10 hours of sleep! Also, I wish my doctor's could be a team. It's stressful being the gopher of getting this one this that one that.
How are you feeling?: Overall I feel good. My skin, especially my face, dermaitis is extremely painful and embarrassing. I have very minimal nausea though!
GTKY - [Stolen from Group 1&3] Have you made any New Year's resolutions? No resolution just trying to take it day by day!
Baby is the size of a(n): Hershey Bar
Any appointments? Questions?: Nothing right now.
Rants/Raves?: I'm back at work today...very tired, but the kids have actually gone right back into the routine which is very helpful. I'm also thrilled to hear that I'm likely getting a student teacher for the next 12 weeks!
How are you feeling?: Pretty good. I'm just so happy that the nausea is not lasting all day anymore, I've felt pretty good the last week or so.
GTKY - [Stolen from Group 1&3] Have you made any New Year's resolutions? I'm trying really hard to get more organized. We are cleaning our house like crazy in preparation for trying to sell it. It feels great to throw stuff away and get organized. Now I just need to do the same in my classroom!
Baby is the size of a(n): pomegranate
Any appointments? Questions?: Anatomy scan in the 23rd
Rants/Raves?: I’m echoing @amelhe on this one. I’m just tired all the time! And hungry. And I really want more than one cup of coffee per day 😢
How are you feeling?: See above. Otherwise good.
GTKY - [Stolen from Group 1&3] Have you made any New Year's resolutions? To get this house organized!
Baby is the size of: a pomegranate!
Appointments/questions? Anatomy scan on the 16th and a normal OB appointment on the 23rd
Rants/Raves: so last week my husband decided that he’s not sure he wants to find out the gender. No reasons, just not sure. After literally several months of telling people that we plan on finding out the gender and discussing gender reveals etc. WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM? I want to know the gender so that I can plan. Also. The man knows I don’t like big surprises.
And i second being hungry ALL. THE. TIME. Seriously though... not enough food ever.
How is am I feeling?: see above for hunger status. And then the only other issue is my eyes have been super dry and I wear contacts and have a sensitivity to lots of solutions so I don’t know what drops to use. I need to call my eye doctor. Other than that, pretty good.
GTKY, New Year’s resolutions? Not resolutions, more like a few, very realistic goals. That I didn’t write down and will probably forget. Oh well.
Babies are the size of a(n): sweet potatoes
Any appointments? Questions?: I’m in another state studying for the bar for a month, so my next appointment is as soon as I come back
Rants/Raves?: not a FTM but this is my first time having twins and I feel like I’m in a whole new ball game
How are you feeling?: I feel more aches and discomfort
GTKY - Have you made any New Year's resolutions? Pass the bar exam
Baby is the size of a(n): pomegranate
Any appointments? Questions?: Tomorrow I'm scheduled to get the flu shot. Prior to now I've never got the flu shot even if I worked with children. Anything I should know before I get the shot? I'm nervous to get it for some reason but since it was recommended by my doctor I'm getting it. Tuesday morning I need a specialist regarding my thyroid, a very new issue for me since my thc levels are high, I'm also taking synthroid. Tuesday afternoon will also be a check up with the obgyn, hoping my blood pressure hasn't risen. Who knew so many issue would occur during pregnancy!?
Rant/ raves?: Insomnia has struck and sleeping hasn't been all that fun hence why I'm still tired! Ugh... oh and the restless legs don't help when trying to fall asleep either!!
How are you feeling?: Tired mostly. Not as nauseous but it strikes here and there, hoping it will subside altogether soon!
GTKY - [Stolen from Group 1&3] Have you made any New Year's resolutions?
I haven't taken much time to think about any resolutions but to make it through being a first time mommy!