Trouble TTC

TTC Check-in 12/31/2018

Happy New Year all!!!

As always, please double-check your name and confirm your Dx & Rx.

QOTW: Are you doing any new year's resolutions?

2018 BFP Hall of Fame:
lablover78 dx: PCOS, Compound Heterozygous MTHFR Rx: IVF
Tops-2: dx: anovulatory PCOS Rx: Metformin, Letrozole & TI
halfanewt: possible PCOS, MTHFR gene, slight MFI Rx: IVF
seethosestars: dx: DOR Rx: IVF + FET #1
Kim41313: dx: unexplained Rx: IVF
soehlerk: dx: Unexplained Rx: Femara + IUI
Mlight28: dx Unexplained Rx: Clomid
SoonToBeMommaHowe: dx: Unexplained  Rx: naturally until IVF
honeybeebub: dx:septate uterus, MTHFR  Rx:  septum resection surgery, baby aspirin & progesterone
be08ryan:  dx: PCOS and AO Rx: Clomid
kiwielopingbride: Dx: Unexplained Rx: IUI
thothscribe81: dx: unexplained Rx: IVF
kristimh80: dx: unexplained Rx: Injectables + trigger + IUI
BWhitta: dx: PCOS, low AMH and endo Rx: letrozole
Worldtravler0522 dx: PCOS/Unexplained Rx: IVF
Bababatty dx:Low Motility  Rx: IVF
funkykey dx: unexplained Rx: IVF


@aeb1116: dx: unexplained Rx: IUI
@allisona66: dx: waiting for testing
@amac2313: dx: unknown Rx: Clomid
@Asampson87: dx: unexplained + MFI  Rx: metformin + testing
@Bgreenfield10: dx: anovulatory PCOS, LPD Rx: Clomid + trigger
@Brooke4131: dx: Secondary unexplained Rx: in testing
@BenJay: Dx: PCOS/unexplained Rx. Metformin + supplements
@beec2421: dx: PCOS, hypothyroidism Rx: metformin, synthroid, clomid
@bbtobumpie - dx: irregular cycles, in testing. Rx: pending.
@ChristinaV2015: dx: blocked tubes, PCOS, endo + MFI  Rx: lap, OPKs + TI
@ChristenMA83 : dx: MFI Rx: IVF w/ISCI
@Charligirl28: dx: unexplained Rx: Clomid
@courtneyh2013: dx: MFI Rx: IUI + clomid
@drewsdarlin: dx: RPL, PCOS, Hashimotos, low vitamin D and Iron RX: ?
@echocharlietango: dx: Unexplained Rx: trying naturally
@emgem819 dx: PCOS, Rx: provera, femara + Bravelle
@emmasemm: dx: DOR & autoimmune Rx: IVF
@eranvo27: dx: anovulatory PCOS Rx: metformin
@floridanursegirl: dx: unexplained anovulation Rx:Metformin, IUI+Femara+trigger
@fluffybookworm: dx: Anovulation + insulin resistance Rx: Metformin + prometrium + testing
@funkykey dx: unexplained Rx: IVF
@hannahlce: dx: anovulatory PCOS Rx: metformin + letrozole
@Happyin14: dx: unexplained, RPL Rx: IVF
@inthewoods23 - dx:unexplained. Rx: IUI.
@jrm_14: dx: Adrenal/overian insufficiency, Borderline-low AMH, Low progesterone Rx: IUI w/ injectables.
@jmr1515: dx: Mild MFI/morph, fibroid  Rx: Surgery + TI
@kgabhart: dx: Unexplained/PCOS  Rx: letrozole + IUI
@Kate437: dx:anovulatory   Rx:Letrozole + trigger
@Knottie1467155066: dx: unknown Rx: letrozole + trigger + TI
@kls2016 - dx: in testing. Rx: pending.
@ladystout08: dx: unknown Rx: waiting for testing
@leafyarch: dx: MFI, no thyroid Rx: IVF
@linz36: dx: Low AFC, MFI  Rx: testing/IUI
@manhattanmama2: dx: unexplained Rx: IVF
@mirabelle33: dx: endometriosis/endometrioma, DOR, AMA, Rx: IVF
@meganttc3: dx: PCOS, unexplained Rx: waiting to test
@mrsjcrane: dx: unexplained Rx: femara + trigger + TI + 2nd HCG booster
@mighty-mouse: dx:pcos & HA Rx: provera/letrozole + trigger
@mackenzie07 dx: PCOS and Endo  Rx: metformin, letrozole, ovidrel
@MicahDahn: Dx: irregular cycles Rx: preparing for testing
@moloninge Dx:PCOS, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, fibroids. Rx:Metformin,Synthroid,IUI w/letrozole, ovidrel, and progesterone.
@mandasand: dx: low AMH  Rx:IVF (Lupron, Menopur + Follistim)
@Mythril: dx: PCOS (anovulatory) Rx:levothyroxine, metformin and femara + TI
@nurseerin2012: dx: unexplained Rx: letrozole + IUI
@oklahomak: dx: PCOS Rx: metformin/letrozole/estradiol/progesterone+ trigger
@PoeMasque: dx: unexplained Rx: letrozole with TI
@rachlee2010: dx: DOR Rx: IUI
@rmarble23: dx: MFI Rx: IVF
@Samanthaarielxo dx: anovulation Rx: still in testing
@sarah0985: dx: PCOS, possible blocked tubes Rx: Lap
@SM746830: dx: PCOS, blocked tubes Rx: Surgery, Clomid
@starlitfae dx: MFI & balanced translocation, thyroid  Rx: ivf with pgd testing
@SP128: in testing/unexplained
@serownarain: dx: in testing
@sarahven dx:anovulation and PCOS. Rx: femara
@sincethelastday -  DX: is irregular cycles and low morph RX: is Letrozole
@sailorariel - dx: fibroids. Rx: fibroid removal surgery.
@wishing-and-hoping: dx: unexplained rx: poss. IVF
@prpl11butterfly dx: RPL rx: TBD consulting with RE

NEWCOMERS:To be added to the Weekly Checkin, please answer the following:

1.  How long have you been TTC?

2.  What is your diagnosis?

3.  What is your current Rx plan?

December FET Spreadsheet
TTC History in spoiler  Instagram
Me 35 - DH 42
Married Oct 2007
TTC Since Oct 2010 - MFI Diagnosis 2012 (Morphology 1% + High DNA Frag)
IUI x2 in 2012 - BFN
IVF #1 Feb 2018 - 9 Retrieved - 8 Mature - 5 Fertilized - 2 Snowbabies - no testing
FET#1 March 2018 - BFP - MMC May @ 10w4d
FET#2 July 2018 - BFN
IVF #2 Nov 2018 - 10 Retrieved - 10 Mature - 8 Fertilized - 2 Snowbabies - no testing
“Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.”― Winston Churchill

Re: TTC Check-in 12/31/2018

  • @inthewoods23 congrats on the first IUI.  Fingers crossed for the results on the 10th.  It's nice that they may have found a contributing factor to the unexpalined infertility.  That sounds promising!

    @kls2016 how did the RE appointment go?

    Anyone have good new years plans?  We'll just be laying low at home tonight, testing out a new board game, in preperation for a Jan 1 game day with my sister and fam.  
    BETA 2 Results in Spoiler

    HCG went up from 41 to 93.6 today (so not quite the 150% increase we would expect in 3 days, but still an increase).  So for now we're still pregnant and have another follow up on Friday.  I'm going to remain cautious unti then.  I will probably wait until our first ultrasound to graduate myself.

    December FET Spreadsheet
    TTC History in spoiler  Instagram
    Me 35 - DH 42
    Married Oct 2007
    TTC Since Oct 2010 - MFI Diagnosis 2012 (Morphology 1% + High DNA Frag)
    IUI x2 in 2012 - BFN
    IVF #1 Feb 2018 - 9 Retrieved - 8 Mature - 5 Fertilized - 2 Snowbabies - no testing
    FET#1 March 2018 - BFP - MMC May @ 10w4d
    FET#2 July 2018 - BFN
    IVF #2 Nov 2018 - 10 Retrieved - 10 Mature - 8 Fertilized - 2 Snowbabies - no testing
    “Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.”― Winston Churchill
  • @ChristenMA83 happy to see your number going up! FX for Friday!

    QOTW: Are you doing any new year's resolutions?
    I'd really like to start getting into yoga, even if it's by doing simple YouTube video routines. Otherwise I have a number of habits I'd like to get better about, like not letting dishes pile up on the counter. Those kinds of things.

    AFM, I start the progesterone suppositories this evening. Mine require refrigeration so I'm hoping they don't feel cold. I'm not a fan of feeling cold :D
    *TW* History:
    Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

    TTC #1 since 7.2017
    Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

    IUI #1-3 all BFN
    IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
    FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
    RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
    FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
    2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
    Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
    TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

    Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
    Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
    Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
    Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
    BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
    DS born 7.19.22 after induction

    TTC #2 begins 6.2023
    Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
    Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
    Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
    Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
    Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
    Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
    Repeat labs in 8 weeks
    Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
    TTC put on pause indefinitely
  • Loading the player...
  • @ChristenMA83 - so happy to hear that your beta number has increased! Still really hopeful for you! I hope the waiting before the ultrasound goes by quickly! I can’t imagine how emotionally conflicting this time must be between being nervous and excited. 

    @inthewoods23 - hope they’re not too cold! Lol. Hope the waiting before the 10th continues to go by quickly and smoothly! 

    AFM: nothing new (I swear I’m just a broken record). Just waiting to get a positive OPK. 

    QOTW: I want to get back into playing piano. I was quite the avid piano player a couple of years ago, but kind of fell out of it. Want to pick it back up. In regards to New Years plans, I attended my SIL’s wedding yesterday evening. It was quite nice, however weddings are definitely bittersweet for me now. There’s almost undoubtedly mention about starting a family and being excited to start having kids. As if it’s just a given that it’ll happen. However, it never seems to be a issue for family and friends to conceive when they want, so blah. 
  • Happy new year ladies! FX that it brings us all wonderful things *cough* babies * cough*

    @ChristenMA83 still crossing for you. That's a good rise still.....

    @inthewoods23 refrigerated?! Oh man that's gonna be interesting....fx it's all for a worthy cause. The 10th is looming....

    @sincethelastday I think people are still unwilling to accept that picture perfect scenarios are not truth for many of us. Hopefully your OPK turns soon....

    Afm.. sono hsg thur. I'm anxious. I'm intrigued by what we might be able to see since O is either tomorrow or Thur. Naturally I'm worried there will be an issue found too. Still have 2wks until my results appt.

    **tw loss mentioned** (do I need to tw it here? All good of so....)

    We had a pretty chill night hanging out with my parents, brother, and grandmother. My dad cooked some awesome steaks (fillet is NYE tradition) and I brought over Oreo trifle. I don't really consider this a resolution but I do need to get back to living healthy. Before my loss I was doing great. I very quickly gained in the first 2m and wasn't able to lose anything after. So back to yoga this week. I also need to strengthen my knee back up (old dance injury) and then will start using the treadmill again.
  • @ChristenMA83 movement in the right direction and significant increase :) FX for Friday’s numbers!

    @inthewoods23 i have used the refrigerated suppositories, they’re not bad, the worst part is when they melt and you slowly drip oil down your legs all day....

    AFM: 9 or 10dpo and been cramping on and off with the same fatigue/palpitations I had with my last pregnancy for 3 days. Sooo hard not to be completely convinced I’m KU, but all the tests have been BFN. Going to keep peeing on all the things.....

    QOTW: I never do NY resolutions, but I have been working on eating more whole, plant-based foods. I also have been hitting the gym every other day this last week, but that’s only because I started a new job with a free gym and was just cleared to run again after breaking my foot :)
    Me: 39 SO: 36

    Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

    TTC#1 since November 2015
    9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
    10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
    1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
    March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

    TTC #2 since July 2018
    May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @PoeMasque good luck with the pee things.  I hope you start getting + soon.
    @prplbttrfly77 good luck with the HSG tomorrow. 
    @inthewoods23 I'm on 2x daily suppositories, but they don't have to be refrigerated.  If find if I put them in laying down and stay that way for 15 minutes I get less leakage through the day.  This was a game changer for me with suppositories.

    QOTW: I always forget to answer these.  I don't have any new year's resolutions other than to stay happy.  DH and I seem to be in such a good place lately, even with all the stress going on, and I just want to hang on to that.  We didn't do anything for new years, just watched the last 15 minutes of the CNN NY with Anderson Cooper before midnight and laid low at home.  We hosted a new years day game day with my family yesterday though which was tons of fun.
    December FET Spreadsheet
    TTC History in spoiler  Instagram
    Me 35 - DH 42
    Married Oct 2007
    TTC Since Oct 2010 - MFI Diagnosis 2012 (Morphology 1% + High DNA Frag)
    IUI x2 in 2012 - BFN
    IVF #1 Feb 2018 - 9 Retrieved - 8 Mature - 5 Fertilized - 2 Snowbabies - no testing
    FET#1 March 2018 - BFP - MMC May @ 10w4d
    FET#2 July 2018 - BFN
    IVF #2 Nov 2018 - 10 Retrieved - 10 Mature - 8 Fertilized - 2 Snowbabies - no testing
    “Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.”― Winston Churchill
  • @PoeMasque the leakage hasn't been that bad for me. I have been using a pantiliner so that probably helps from too much of it getting everywhere

    @ChristenMA83 I did lay down last night which I think helped, but it still gets everywhere. I plan on buying some of those extra long pantiliners. The ones I have don't have much absorbancy and they're small (I've always used them as backup for tampons because they always leak for me). TMI but, right now it leaks past the pantiliner and onto my underwear so hopefully getting the larger and more absorbent ones will keep me feeling dry.
    *TW* History:
    Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

    TTC #1 since 7.2017
    Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

    IUI #1-3 all BFN
    IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
    FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
    RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
    FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
    2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
    Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
    TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

    Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
    Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
    Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
    Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
    BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
    DS born 7.19.22 after induction

    TTC #2 begins 6.2023
    Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
    Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
    Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
    Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
    Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
    Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
    Repeat labs in 8 weeks
    Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
    TTC put on pause indefinitely
  • @PoeMasque - hope you start getting some positives! Sounds pretty optimistic if you’ve been having similar symptoms you had before! FX! 
  • @PoeMasque I didn’t find the Sono HSG was that bad. I’ve heard others that say the complete opposite. I had mine in August, and was on a plane for work within a few hours! Good luck!

    I’ve been lurking for a while. I’ve been TTC for 11 months. My diagnosis will be a lot more clear next week when I get in with the RE, but my family doctor hasn’t been able to confirm ovulation. I’ve changed my diet, lost 25 lbs. started some supplements and acupuncture and temps are looking a lot more normal. It’s not believed to be PCOS, and my cycles are regular, so I’m counting down the next 7 days TIL I’m at the doc! 

    As for resolutions, hoping to add to the weight loss and possibly focus on a bit more self care/mental health. This journey has not helped, hoping to regain a bit of my sanity! 

    Nice to to meet you all! 
  • @PoeMasque I didn’t find the Sono HSG was that bad. I’ve heard others that say the complete opposite. I had mine in August, and was on a plane for work within a few hours! Good luck!

    I’ve been lurking for a while. I’ve been TTC for 11 months. My diagnosis will be a lot more clear next week when I get in with the RE, but my family doctor hasn’t been able to confirm ovulation. I’ve changed my diet, lost 25 lbs. started some supplements and acupuncture and temps are looking a lot more normal. It’s not believed to be PCOS, and my cycles are regular, so I’m counting down the next 7 days TIL I’m at the doc! 

    As for resolutions, hoping to add to the weight loss and possibly focus on a bit more self care/mental health. This journey has not helped, hoping to regain a bit of my sanity! 

    Nice to to meet you all! 
    Glad to hear you might get some answers. I think you might have meant to tag someone else, I had a HSG several years ago and you’re right it’s not that bad. 

    You might also also want to change your name on here, it’s hard to tag you with the system generated name. 

    I have ave the same issue as you, everything looks fine, but sub-optimal post ovulation progesterone. It’s apparently an “easy fix” with clomid or letrozole, but we are going on 4 months of that and so far no luck, but I’m almost 39, so that may contribute. 
    Me: 39 SO: 36

    Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

    TTC#1 since November 2015
    9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
    10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
    1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
    March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

    TTC #2 since July 2018
    May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @PoeMasque You’re right, I meant to tag someone else. I’ll call it a newbie mistake (when really it was just silly!) 

    hope you you have some success soon. 

    Now im off to figure out how to change my display name! 😁
  • Just a follow up, AF arrived today, one day early. Lesson learned yet again: you just can’t trust symptoms! :(
    Me: 39 SO: 36

    Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

    TTC#1 since November 2015
    9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
    10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
    1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
    March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

    TTC #2 since July 2018
    May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @PoeMasque - oh, so sorry! It sounded really like it was going to happen! It just sucks so bad when you start thinking you have symptoms and then AF arrives. Hope you can take it easy this weekend!
  • @ChristenMA83 - oh, and good luck today! Hope you get really good numbers!! Keep us posted! 
  • @PoeMasque so sorry.  I hate it when the symptoms fool us.

    I start a new job Monday morning, so I will likely be less active here.  Please start the weekly check in threads without me.  If today's numbers come back good I may still hang out here at least until the first ultrasound...but I dont k ow if I want to "graduate" before our 10 week loss milestone.  I'm a little torn...but feel free to kick me out if you want  :)
    December FET Spreadsheet
    TTC History in spoiler  Instagram
    Me 35 - DH 42
    Married Oct 2007
    TTC Since Oct 2010 - MFI Diagnosis 2012 (Morphology 1% + High DNA Frag)
    IUI x2 in 2012 - BFN
    IVF #1 Feb 2018 - 9 Retrieved - 8 Mature - 5 Fertilized - 2 Snowbabies - no testing
    FET#1 March 2018 - BFP - MMC May @ 10w4d
    FET#2 July 2018 - BFN
    IVF #2 Nov 2018 - 10 Retrieved - 10 Mature - 8 Fertilized - 2 Snowbabies - no testing
    “Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.”― Winston Churchill
  • @sincethelastday thank you for the kind words. I’m actually taking this as progress, I’m going to assume we just had implantation failure (would explain symptoms without positive test), which would mean we were able to make an embryo, just might not have been viable, so it gives me some hope for future cycles :) 

    @ChristenMA83 stay as long as you like! Those early weeks can be exciting and stressful, we are here to support you! Hopefully the new job is a good distraction :)
    Me: 39 SO: 36

    Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

    TTC#1 since November 2015
    9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
    10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
    1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
    March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

    TTC #2 since July 2018
    May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Hello everyone! You may have read my post on the board, but just in case you hadn't...

    DH (35) and I (30) have been TTC for about a year and a half. We started seeing our RE back in October, and test results came back to reveal that my body wasn't ovulating due to chemical imbalances, I had a cyst on one of my ovarian tubes, annnd I had a mild case of endometriosis. Since then I've had a laparoscopy to remove the cyst and what they could of the endometriosis.

    I've been prescribed to take 100mg of Clomid CD 5-10, go in for US for RE to watch development of  follicials, then take a trigger shot when told to get o going. 36 hours after shot we're to BD, plus the next two days. (I've been told by the nurse it's the perfect timing for the little guys to get to the egg without dying. We'll see I suppose?)

    I'm on round two and was cleared this morning (CD 3), they didn't see any new cyst development, so I'm back to Clomid here in a few days.

    Thank you for sharing all of your own struggles. It definitely helps knowing I'm not the only one going through this.

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