Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment):
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable):
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?):
Questions for the group:
GTKY: Are you prepared for the holidays? Any plans for New Years?
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD17 I think I Od Saturday. Had slight temp rise yesterday and good rise this morning so waiting for one more to confirm.
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): prenatals coq10 and dhea
Questions for the group:
GTKY: Are you prepared for the holidays? Any plans for New Years? My shopping is now and partly wrapped. I made two kinds of cookies over the weekend so I’m pretty ready. No New Years plans. Will probably stay home and play games with DH and DS
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD 21
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): Pre-natals, Omega 3s, Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, Husband awaiting results from a semen analysis, eating right and moderate exercise (strength training twice a week and walking the dog).
Rants/Raves: Just started reading "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and don't really like the idea of checking cervical fluid or taking my temperature each morning. The peeing on a stick first thing is pretty stressful too. I am not a morning person, at all, so that's probably why it bothers me. Wish it could be done at night.
Questions for the group: I am overweight and just wonder if people have noticed their fertility improving as they lost weight. I'm currently losing weight but very gradually in a healthy manner (about one pound a week).
GTKY: Are you prepared for the holidays? Any plans for New Years? I'm pretty much ready and have wrapped everything already. Several visitors are coming so it will be hectic but hopefully fun too. I'm debating whether or not to tell my mom that I'm finally TTC. I don't want to get her hopes up as I am her only daughter (although she had grandchildren out the wazoo from my many brothers).