Hi all! I am brand new to this forum so hello 😘 I am currently 36 years old and last week I was late for AF so I took a FRER and it had a faint line. So I continued to test throughout the week and the tests were all positive including digital ones. So I went to the doctor and they ordered an hcg beta test. They called me and said it was 65 (I tested at 14 dpo) and that number was too low to confirm the pregnancy and they wanted me to go for second draw to see if it doubled. I will find out that result tomorrow. Has anyone had tests that got darker? Is that a sign that my hcg levels doubled? Is 65 a low number at 13-14 dpo? This is my first pregnancy so I have no idea! Thanks for any help
Re: Line Progression and Beta Low??
Anything over 5 is confirmation of pregnancy... Idiots.
Your lines look great mama, everything is as it should be 👌