June 2019 Moms

Introduction plus

Hello, please call me Mim.
I am a mother of two, with my third on the way. My due date is June 29, 2019.
My two daughter are ages four and five. They are eleven months apart. Their father is unable to help financially and is not atound, but we still respect him as their father. I have been a single parent since they were both one. 
About one year ago, i found a new partner. He is not anything like I've had before, very family-oriented, a graduate and getting his bachelors degree, from a small town which i think compliments that he is very simple minded. I love him. 
It's hard for me to allow him to get close enough. My pregnancy is a blessing but woth little financial help i can't help but worrying if i might be alone again. I know that their are no red flags. He is young and he is devoted to me. I just havent been close with anyone in so long. 
For any single parents, or experienced, have you ever had a hard time completely opening up? I know this question might seem silly.
I hope you all are having a great day. I look forward to having vreat conversations and maybe make some cyber acquaintances.!!

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