Hi ladies,
I'm Alicia. I'm 36, been married for 6 years and TTC for 5. After too many months of being too afraid of getting bad news and telling myself that it'd just take one more month, I finally talked to GYN in September. HSG showed no blockages and all my bloodwork was normal except for a slightly elevated DHEA-S, but a TVUS showed no cysts, so no PCOS.
After an agonizing month of waiting, my first RE appointment is tomorrow. I'm trying not to worry too much about it, but honestly worrying is kind of what I do best, except maybe denial and magical thinking. Any advice about what I can expect? Thanks!
Me 36, DH 48
Married since 9/9/12
TTC since 9/13
DX: Unexplained infertility 11/18
IUI #1: Jan 19, BFN
IUI #2: Feb 19, TBD
Re: Newb Intro
They tend to start us unexplained ppl w clomid and IUI, which apparently does not have a great success rate. And if that doesn’t work after a few tries, then IVF.
Married since 9/9/12
TTC since 9/13
DX: Unexplained infertility 11/18
IUI #1: Jan 19, BFN
IUI #2: Feb 19, TBD
Don't be afraid to ask them any questions!
TTC #1 since 7.2017
Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies
IUI #1-3 | all BFN
IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20
Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
Bloodwork | 10.21.21 | high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22
DS born 7.19.22 after induction
TTC #2 begins 6.2023
Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
Repeat labs in 8 weeks
Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
TTC put on pause indefinitely
Married since 9/9/12
TTC since 9/13
DX: Unexplained infertility 11/18
IUI #1: Jan 19, BFN
IUI #2: Feb 19, TBD
TTC #1 since 7.2017
Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies
IUI #1-3 | all BFN
IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20
Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
Bloodwork | 10.21.21 | high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22
DS born 7.19.22 after induction
TTC #2 begins 6.2023
Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
Repeat labs in 8 weeks
Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
TTC put on pause indefinitely
Wow, you could be me! Married 11 years (gah, we were such babies!), TTC for over 6. We also waited a long time to get to the RE and OB/GYN -- kept thinking "maybe next month" for 3+ years. Nothing abnormal on all initial testing -- bloods, HSG, sperm analysis, etc. Another one of ye olde 'unexplained's.
There is a fair amount of waiting when you are working with an RE -- whether it's waiting between ultrasounds or cycles, the TWW or just waiting for AF to arrive. Some of the bigger clinics actually have to schedule IVF cycles several months in advance since they are so busy -- imagine that waiting o.o !!!
My RE also likes doing 3 IUI's for unexplained and then moving to IVF if no success. He also prefers to do frozen transfers rather than fresh since he thinks it gives the embies a better chance of success (freezing the embryos gives you time to build up your lining and make everything as perfect as possible, including timing).
You've found a great community of ladies to help you through the process
Summer 2015 - no BFP yet, labs normal, referred to RE
Fall 2015 - Summer 2016 - Further testing all normal. 3 IUI's -- BFN. Recommended move to IVF. Planned cycle for fall 2016.
September 2016 - Surprise natural BFP. MMC @ 8 weeks. RE expressed confidence that we just needed the 'right' embryo.
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 -- Break from TTC
June 2017 - Started IVF; egg retrieval for freeze all cycle. 9 mature eggs retrieved, 5 fertilized. 2 4BB embies on ice.
August 2017 - FET transfer both embies. BFP. Twin pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound. EDD 4/28/18
September 2017 - Twin B stopped developing; Twin A doing perfectly! Graduated from RE @ 10 weeks
March 2018 - Baby Girl born via C/S due to pre-eclampsia -- strong and healthy!
TTC #2
January/Feb 2021 - Freeze-all IVF cycle
March 2021 - FET of 1 PGS normal female embryo. BFP! Beta #1 156, #2 472, #3 1241, #4 5268 EDD 12/5/21 - Christmas baby!
"When all is lost then all is found."
Officially unexplained infertility. We're doing 2.5mg of Letrozole on CD3-7 and IUI for 3 cycles, but it might have to wait till next month because if AF comes when I expect, they would be doing the IUI on Christmas. I didn't realize it at the time to ask, but I doubt they would work on Christmas.
Married since 9/9/12
TTC since 9/13
DX: Unexplained infertility 11/18
IUI #1: Jan 19, BFN
IUI #2: Feb 19, TBD
TTC #1 since 7.2017
Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies
IUI #1-3 | all BFN
IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20
Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
Bloodwork | 10.21.21 | high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22
DS born 7.19.22 after induction
TTC #2 begins 6.2023
Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
Repeat labs in 8 weeks
Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
TTC put on pause indefinitely
@inthewoods23 my app just jumped ahead with 3 days with my prediction so now I have no idea what's gonna happen, or at least not what Clue is thinking, but I'm going to try to relax and deal with what comes as it happens instead of trying to plan. Never tried that before, it should be tons of fun ;P
Married since 9/9/12
TTC since 9/13
DX: Unexplained infertility 11/18
IUI #1: Jan 19, BFN
IUI #2: Feb 19, TBD