Hey everyone! So I am a size 14/16 and I am struggling with so many thoughts of being pregnant and fat that I wanted to start a thread for anyone else having the same worries and concerns. I actually cried when I started looking for pregnancy books because i don't see anything representing a curvier figure, at least this early on. I already have a belly and I really don't want to take weekly bump pictures. Is that bad? I mean I want to take weekly bump pictures but right now it's really just my fat LOL. I also really want to just give in and eat for two but at the same time, I know I need to make sure I don't gain too much weight. I have NO clue how to both diet and be pregnant. It seems almost crazy to wrap my head around. Anyway, I'm trying. How are you doing?
Re: Plus Sized Pregnancy
Started TTC in November 2018
BFP on 11/28/18; EDD 8/04/19
FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad
This is is the heaviest starting weight for a pregnancy so my goal is to not gain/very minimal gain. I only gained 12lbs in my last pregnancy but could have been healthier and have high hopes for this pregnancy to be healthier.
Me 32
H 33
TTC#1 January 2016 BFP 5/16/2016 DD Born 1/27/17
TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019
I'm totally taking bump pics with my fat behind. So what if it's nothing but chub until week 12-15? These pictures are for me to feel good about ☺️
Also I will say I found pregnancy to be a super body positive experience for me and ended up loving my bump pics, especially after I started showing. Hopefully you'll feel the same way!
Married August 2015
DS born 5/23/2018
TTC #2 July 2020
FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad
5 weeks (right) vs 7 weeks (left)
i am currently, or at least started out a size 22. I will be 3rd trimester on sunday and i definitely have a baby bump. this is my 2nd pregnancy and my 1st one i started out about your size @beccibump
at a 14/16 and i still had a pretty cute bump by the time i hit 2nd trimester. i wouldn't stress about it, and i would recommend taking photos anyway, even if you don't share them with anyone, just so you have them in case you want them in the future. it may not seem noticeable now, but your body is still changing and it will be visible once you look back. also as far as your diet, just do the best you can. i think i only gained about 11 pounds my first pregnancy and i was huge and my son was 8lb 8oz...everyone is gonna be different, but just focus on eating healthy and it will work itself out. Currently, i am only up about 3 pounds since June. i think when you start out a little bigger, you tend to lose weight the first trimester and then gain so that helps.
Congratulations to all of you guys also btw. My birthday is in August so i am always partial to August babies LOL
I was around 190-195 when I got pregnant with DD and gained about 30 lbs by the end of it. Lost most of it initially but then was put on the birth control that won't affect your milk supply and ended up gaining about a pound a week on that stuff. Got up to 235 and my doctor finally switched my pill to something else. I've slowly lost some of it again and got back down to about 215 before this pregnancy. I wish it was more but it's something.
Started TTC in June 2014
Started seeing RE in June 2015
HSG in July 2015 = normal, started Clomid/Ovidrel/IUI cycle in August 2015
Cycle #3 in October afforded 1st month of mature follicles - underwent IUI
BFP on 10/27/15 - EDD 7/8/16
DD#1 born on 7/1/16
TTC #2 in September 2018
BFP on 12/2/18 - EDD 8/16/19
Team Green!
I wish I could be one of those skinny ladies who can take daily bump pics and make a time lapse, but... There's 30 lbs of fat in the way haha.
My goal is to just eat as healthy as I can (food aversions and MS make it tough) and stay as active as I safely can.
And to remind myself once the food aversions ease, that there is no such thing as "eating for two" so I have to behave when there is cake around 😂