August 2019 Moms

Plus Sized Pregnancy

Hey everyone! So I am a size 14/16 and I am struggling with so many thoughts of being pregnant and fat that I wanted to start a thread for anyone else having the same worries and concerns. I actually cried when I started looking for pregnancy books because i don't see anything representing a curvier figure, at least this early on. I already have a belly and I really don't want to take weekly bump pictures. Is that bad? I mean I want to take weekly bump pictures but right now it's really just my fat LOL. I also really want to just give in and eat for two but at the same time, I know I need to make sure I don't gain too much weight. I have NO clue how to both diet and be pregnant. It seems almost crazy to wrap my head around. Anyway, I'm trying. How are you doing?
Me: 35 <3 H: 40 <3 FTM!!
Started TTC in November 2018
BFP on 11/28/18; EDD 8/04/19

Re: Plus Sized Pregnancy

  • Oh! And I'm so bloated already that nothing fits. I'm wearing my best sweats to work.
    Me: 35 <3 H: 40 <3 FTM!!
    Started TTC in November 2018
    BFP on 11/28/18; EDD 8/04/19

  • @beccibump it's not bad for you to not want to take bump pictures—you do whatever makes YOU the most comfortable. I am the heaviest I've ever been beginning a pregnancy at 206 pounds; size 18/20. I'm not thrilled about it, but losing weight while pregnant is obviously not something one aspires to do! I'm trying to make decent food choices (morning sickness makes that tough) and stick to a gym routine. Just remember to be kind to yourself and don't compare yourself to other mamas. I also have a belly and I actually have a "B" belly, so until baby pops really well I don't get the cute, round bump. (Usually between 22-25 weeks for me.) It's really easy to compare yourself to the maternity models, Instagram moms, and teensy cute baby bumps but remember that you are BEAUTIFUL. You are growing a person. Your body is doing amazing things!
    FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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  • edited December 2018
    Size 16/18, third child and I hold a lot of my weight in my stomach so I know how you feel. But I love being pregnant and having a baby belly instead of just chub once the bump pops. 

    This is is the heaviest starting weight for a pregnancy so my goal is to not gain/very minimal gain. I only gained 12lbs in my last pregnancy but could have been healthier and have high hopes for this pregnancy to be healthier. 
  • @beccibump Don't worry about the bump pics, I didn't take them until the last couple months of my last pregnancy and don't plan on doing them this time either! I'm a 16 and just want to not gain this time around and exercise more. 
  • Heyo, def didn't lose all the weight I wanted to before baby#2 :(  With baby #1 I actually felt more attractive than I did before and after pregnancy.  Once i actually started showing and wearing maternity clothes I felt good (unless I was sitting then I just felt like a  huge blob).  I am about 10lbs heavier to start this go around, I am praying I get the same feeling, though it took about 20 weeks to show.  I loved doing weekly bump pics.

    Me 32 <3 H 33
    TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

    TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019

  • I was a size 14/16 my first pregnancy and was the heaviest I'd ever been up to that point. Even though I was plus size, my belly was relatively flat and I started showing early, carrying large my entire pregnancy.
    Now, I'm a size 18. I've been working on losing the weight I've gained since having Pickle, but it's been very challenging. Losing weight while pregnant is not a good idea, so this is a great time for you (and me!) to focus on having the healthiest pregnancy possible. This doesn't mean never indulging a craving. Treats are okay in moderation. But focus on incorporating good, wholesome foods into your diet and regular exercise into your routine. Your body will thank you for it! My midwife reminded me that "eating for two" really means adding a few hundred extra calories, not overindulging in whatever we want. I think that's good to keep in mind.
    If you don't want to take bump pictures, don't, but try to be proud of your beautiful body. It's going to do really amazing things in the next several months!
  • With my second, I was a size 16. At my 2w appointment, I'd lost all but 2lbs of the baby weight. By my 6w, I'd lost it and then some. But, I still haven't lost my tummy and eventually accepted I'll always have Left Over H-Man as my mom calls it. On the upside, the girls are fantastic! My goal is to have the same this pregnancy. At 41, I know my skin definitely won't bounce back like it did at 19, or even 35.
  • I'm currently a 16/18 after putting on 10 lbs recently. I'm sincerely concerned about putting on too much weight, so I'm going hard on a plant based diet atm. Still eating meat, but limited amounts, and when I do, it's chicken and fish. My goal isn't to lose weight, but to gain an okay amount while making sure the baby gets tons of nourishment.

    I'm totally taking bump pics with my fat behind. So what if it's nothing but chub until week 12-15? These pictures are for me to feel good about ☺️
  • I don't even know what size I am because I never stopped wearing maternity clothes from my last pregnancy! Lol. In my defense, it's only been 6 months. But I'm also still not back down to my pre pregnancy weight which is tough. I'm going to try and be as healthy as possible with this one so I'm not trying to lose double weight next year.

    Also I will say I found pregnancy to be a super body positive experience for me and ended up loving my bump pics, especially after I started showing. Hopefully you'll feel the same way! 
    Me 30 Him 30
     August 2015
    DS born 5/23/2018
    TTC #2 July 2020

  • I'm fat and pregnant! I feel like its going to take a while to show, just because I have so much other stuff going on in my midsection...But from having other plus sized friends have kids I know I will definitely show. I don't really plan on doing many progression pictures and if I do they probably won't go online. I'm hoping I can still pump myself up to do a maternity photo shoot further down the line. I have been constipated/nauseous the past few weeks and have dropped 2 lbs...I see my Dr on Wednesday for the first time and will see what she says. Most places I can see say to not expect to gain too much weight if your BMI is already high which mine is. I'm just hoping to stay healthy and happy (and eventually not feel so nauseous)
  • boymom312boymom312 member
    edited December 2018
    My advice... take the pictures! You don’t have to show them to anyone if you don’t want to. What’s the harm in that? I’d really rather have the option to look back 3, 4, 10 years from now than to not have that option and wish that I had taken them. Last I checked, time travel  is still a long way off (depending on who you ask anyway). 



  • I took my first belly picture yesterday at 5 weeks (I know, it's silly, I'm not even showing yet) despite self-consciousness. Rock those bellies if you wanna, mamas!
    FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Third time plus size mom... My best piece of advice is for everyone (especially those of you who carry your weight in your belly already) to buy a Belevation belly band. I have just the band as well as the mid-thigh shorts, which I prefer! And size down!!! They run big! They help shaping your belly into more of a pregnant looking belly, versus just fat, and they support your belly too. Helps with the aches and pains that come with a growing bump!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • So in the spirit of body positivity, I'd like to share bump pics (okay, right now it's bloat) in this thread if y'all are up for it!

    5 weeks (right) vs 7 weeks (left)

  • Hi! I’m a size 12/14. You are reading my mind. I carried very big. This is my second and I’m so scared of gaining weight. With my first I went from a size 4 to what I am now a size 12. I gained 55 pounds that I never dropped. So with this pregnancy I’m trying to eat healthier since I know they won’t be happy with me losing weight. I rocking the c section bulge so I don’t know how fast I will show. I am super bloated. Besides all that I’ve been job hunting. So I don’t know how that would work if I start showing early. I know I don’t have to tell my employer until a month before I’m due but I’m nervous that they would be able to tell and not hire me. 
  • I took my first picture on Saturday.  Yep, just look fat hahaha.  I'm going to keep taking pictures, though.  I know I'll show eventually, and I'll regret not having pictures.  I've been researching belly bands and things that will help shape me out.  
  • zionsmama85zionsmama85 member
    edited December 2018
    *lurking from March 19*

    i am currently, or at least started out a size 22. I will be 3rd trimester on sunday and i definitely have a baby bump. this is my 2nd pregnancy and my 1st one i started out about your size @beccibump
    at a 14/16 and i still had a pretty cute bump by the time i hit 2nd trimester. i wouldn't stress about it, and i would recommend taking photos anyway, even if you don't share them with anyone, just so you have them in case you want them in the future. it may not seem noticeable now, but your body is still changing and it will be visible once you look back. also as far as your diet, just do the best you can. i think i only gained about 11 pounds my first pregnancy and i was huge and my son was 8lb 8oz...everyone is gonna be different, but just focus on eating healthy and it will work itself out. Currently, i am only up about 3 pounds since June. i think when you start out a little bigger, you tend to lose weight the first trimester and then gain so that helps.

    Congratulations to all of you guys also btw. My birthday is in August so i am always partial to August babies LOL 
  • @courtneykersey I mentioned it above, but I HIGHLY recommend Belevation! I love the band, but love the pettipant even more!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I've been feeling the same. Size 14/16 and gained Holiday weight before I found out I was pregnant. Super worried about pushing over that 200lb mark. Been overweight my whole life. Trying to focus on healthy eating and getting in some exercise. This is my first so I'm nervous about over doing it and losing the pregnancy. Been given the advice to just listen to my body, don't over eat, and to stay active. 
  • With my 1st my starting weight was 220lbs size 16, and I totally had a super cute bump by mid 2nd tri. With this pregnancy I am starting at 200lbs, i wanted to be lower for my 2nd pregnancy, but hey 20lbs less is something i am proud of, and just hoping to stay more active this time around to keep weight gain in check. 

  • It really helps to know I'm not the only one with these feelings!  I'm a size 18/20 but I lost over 100lbs over the past year/year and a half.  My big concern is that I have excess skin around my stomach from the weight loss (plus some fat is still there) so I'm worried I won't show for a long time.  Also like others I'm not sure if I want to do bump pics because I'm embarrassed still of how I look.

    Thank you @vvitchhazel for the suggestion of Belevation belly band!  I already added it to my Amazon list.

    Me:37 MH:37
    TTGP since 07/2017
    **TW** in spoiler
    DX: PCOS, anovulatory, AMA
    Femara X3: no response
    Clomid X3: BFN (cyst and thin lining)
    IUI (Dec '18) MMC
    IVF (April '19) 9 retrieved, 7 fertilized, 2 normal PGT-A
    FET 06/12/19 - BFP! EDD 02/27/20

  • @celticknotfire Congrats on the weight loss! That's amazing!

    I was around 190-195 when I got pregnant with DD and gained about 30 lbs by the end of it. Lost most of it initially but then was put on the birth control that won't affect your milk supply and ended up gaining about a pound a week on that stuff. Got up to 235 and my doctor finally switched my pill to something else. I've slowly lost some of it again and got back down to about 215 before this pregnancy. I wish it was more but it's something.

    Me: 31  DH:35
    Started TTC in June 2014
    Started seeing RE in June 2015
    HSG in July 2015 = normal, started Clomid/Ovidrel/IUI cycle in August 2015
    Cycle #3 in October afforded 1st month of mature follicles - underwent IUI
    BFP on 10/27/15 - EDD 7/8/16
    DD#1 born on 7/1/16

    TTC #2 in September 2018
    BFP on 12/2/18 - EDD 8/16/19
    Team Green!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Question: any of you who have seen your doctor yet have any comments from the doctor about your weight? I'm the same weight now as I was when I delivered my youngest and I'm just worried about what the doctor will say. It's a new doctor and she didn't mention anything at my yearly in October, but everything changes once you're pregnant.
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

  • I feel ya on not wanting to take bump pictures. Im size 12/14, and the heaviest I've ever been at 205. I've never been thin in my life. But I gained 30lbs after my first MC (going on various pills really threw me outta wack). Lost some of it, but gained another 10-15 after my last. Weight watchers, calorie tracking and other programs have been useless for me. I was hoping to lose 30lbs before this baby came, but nothing seemed to work. So here we are.
    I wish I could be one of those skinny ladies who can take daily bump pics and make a time lapse, but... There's 30 lbs of fat in the way haha.

    My goal is to just eat as healthy as I can (food aversions and MS make it tough) and stay as active as I safely can.
    And to remind myself once the food aversions ease, that there is no such thing as "eating for two" so I have to behave when there is cake around 😂
  • @sourlemon I was 222 today (started at 215ish, went up to 226, lost due to MS) and they said nada. My FNP said that I can only safely gain up to 25lbs, but I already knew that.  I think they're more focused on other health metrics like BP, triglycerides, A1c, and cholesterol(at least at my clinic), and my recent screens are all good.
  • Thanks @deecherise. I'm at 180ish now. Hoping to stay as close to 200 as possible. With my first pregnancy, my OB was just awful when I gained about 12 pounds during the first 20 weeks...and I started that was at 130. Even though my last OB never said anything about it (gained 30 starting at 150) I still have anxiety about it because that first rude doctor. 
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

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