DD born PPROM preemie at 36 weeks on 10/1/17 after over a year TI,
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
This thread is for those due May 1-7
Due date/W+D:
Baby is the size of a(n):
Any appointments? Questions?:
How are you feeling?:
GTKY: You get to choose your own superpower - what do you choose and why?
Re: Group 1 Check-In w/o 12/3
Due date/W+D: May 2, 18+5
Baby is the size of a(n): Baby Tribble/Artichoke
Any appointments? Questions?: Anatomy scan on 12/19, followed up with my December checkup on 12/24. Progesterone shot #3 today.
Rants/Raves?: I'm on cold #2 of this pregnancy and I didn't understand how much I took breathing through my nostrils for granted until I couldn't at night anymore.
How are you feeling?: Pretty good, a little worn down. Also my anxiety got so bad the last few days that I contacted my psychiatrist, I've been playing phone tag with her office so I'll see what she says.
GTKY: You get to choose your own superpower - what do you choose and why? Telekinesis, so I don't have to get up to get things.then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
Due date/W+D: May 3rd 18+4
Baby is the size of a(n): artichoke
Any appointments? Questions?: anatomy scan on Friday! Hopefully everything looks good
Rants/Raves?: none
How are you feeling?: good, everything has been pretty uneventful so far
GTKY: You get to choose your own superpower - what do you choose and why? Mind reading seems like it would be funThis thread is for those due May 1-7
Due date/W+D: 18w2d, 5/5
Baby is the size of a(n): an artichoke
Any appointments? Questions?: anatomy scan 12/14 hoping everything looks great and we find out if we're having a boy or girl! I won't see my midwife again until the New Year though. She was sad she'd have to wait to find out sex until then lol.
Rants/Raves?: I'm so angry for my mother in law. My husband's middle sister and her husband moved in with his mom about 18 months ago with their, at the time, 3 kids because they couldn't afford to make it on their own. No shame there you do what you have to, however since they've been there that have had another child, the sister quit working and her husband quit is decent job to start his own business. My mother in law's house is constantly a mess. She says feels like her room is her only personal space because the kids have taken over the rest. The kitchen is always messy and she loves to cook but has to scrub it all down first. All of this she puts up with because they have no where else to go. Then this week the sisters mother in law shows up for a 2 week stay and they never even gave her a heads up as a courtesy! They're totally taking advantage and it just really gets to me probably because I've been there. I had to move in with my mom when I was a newly single mom but I s busted my ass over the last 3 years to buy a home and get on my feet. Ok end rant.
How are you feeling?: Great! My energy is finally back and I'm so excited for the holiday fun!
GTKY: You get to choose your own superpower - what do you choose and why? I'm going to say super speed so I can get all the cleaning and whatnot done faster and get on with my day. I would have also been able to catch that glass of water my son knocked over this morning 😂.@mrsdee15 try a Vicks waterless vaporizer! It's a godsend when I can't breath with a cold. We just plug it in right near the bed and usually I can sleep through the night with no issue.
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
Baby is the size of a(n): piece of string cheese
Any appointments? Questions?: anatomy scan 12/13.
Rants/Raves?: I can feel Atticus moving around more which is so great. My favorite part of being pregnant.
How are you feeling?: Pretty awful. I updated in symptoms thread but most of my symptoms are related to HG, dehydration, and sciatic nerve pain. Only 20 weeks left. I’m not counting or anything.
GTKY: You get to choose your own superpower - what do you choose and why?
To pause time for everyone but me. So I can catch up on 8 hours of sleep, unpause time and be awake and energized for work and the toddler.
This thread is for those due May 1-7
Due date/W+D: 5/5, 18w2d
Baby is the size of a(n): artichoke
Any appointments? Questions?: Anatomy scan is next week... I'm already excited. Hopefully everything looks good and we find out the sex so we can pick a name... that will be tough.
Rants/Raves?: There's another pregnant chick at my work and I cannot stand her. She's always holding her belly and being insufferable. She's the epitome of that "Pregnant Women are Smug" video I shared a while ago and it's just... ugh. You are more than just your uterus! (Or at least you should be!)
How are you feeling?: Today was a super emotional day at my school. I am not a "hugger" and I hugged like 100 kids as part of a "Challenge Day" assembly today. I also spent the day in tears over the heavy stuff so many of these kids have going on in their lives. I would be happy to sleep for like a week and to not be touched again by anyone for like a month.
GTKY: You get to choose your own superpower - what do you choose and why? @ashleaf2018 I would 100% also choose time control. Sleep, grading papers, reading alllll the books.... I have a lot of things I'd like to catch up on.@ashleaf2018 I’m jealous you are feeling Atticus more and more. I could feel Kyler so much earlier last time - like 15 weeks. I think I have felt some kicks every once in a while with this baby, but they are very faint. I’m thinking I must have an anterior placenta this time around but no notes were made about it on my last ultrasound so I guess I won’t find out until the anatomy scan in a couple weeks 🤷🏼♀️
Due date/W+D: due May 4th (18w+4 on Tuesday)
Baby is the size of a(n): a sugar glider
Any appointments? Questions?: nada for a couple of weeks. US scheduled for 12/18.
Rants/Raves?: See post above, but I want to really feel this baby kick. I know it will happen in due time, but I want it now. *stomp stomp* On a happy note, my son turned 2 on Sunday and we had the best time with my parents, my in-laws, the SIL, and my husband. We took him to see his first movie, The Grinch, and he loved it. He’s potty training too at the moment, so I was nervous he wouldn’t tell me when he needed to go, but he ended up holding it the whole time and told me when the movie was done that he needed the bathroom. He was such a rockstar! I’m a super proud mom right now.
How are you feeling?: great! Tired, but great! This weekend was buuuusy!
GTKY: You get to choose your own superpower - what do you choose and why? I’m torn between flying - cause that would be so cool - and telekinesis - cause it’d be awesome not to have to move to get something or I could clean the house but not actually have to lift a finger.... um, I think I just convinced myself that telekinesis would be amazing!Due date/W+D: May 2, 18+6
Baby is the size of a(n): French toast stick? I’m just guessing because I’m eating that for breakfast 🙈
Any appointments? Questions?: Our anatomy scan is on Monday. I’m not sure anxious to know the sex but I am getting excited.
Rants/Raves?: I have a forward facing job with the public and every interaction lately has been difficult and stressful. People can be so cruel even when you are trying to help them.
How are you feeling?: I have been feeling good. My upper ribs are so sore and feeling bruised already. Not sure what that’s about.
GTKY: You get to choose your own superpower - what do you choose and why? Teleportation. I would love to go Bora Bora for the sunset, Paris for a snack, and Spain for a flamenco show and then back to my own bed for the night ☺️@brie_and_almonds. I have a couple of coworkers who only want to talk to me about the baby and I’m like, there is more to me than the baby. I
@fuscok88 that is really sad. It really blows my mind that people can be so selfish and unable to self-reflect enough to see they are hurting other people. Hopefully your SIL figures it out soon!
@teesmee agreed. I hate going there because it's not my place to say anything to his sister because we really just got married but the way they treat my MIL is ridiculous. It's to the point she came to my moms for Thanksgiving with my siblings and I instead of cooking at her house for her kids. Also teleportation would be an amazing superpower. I would go to so many places in Europe for the food lol.
Amazing that you can feel Atticus from the outside. It at least gives you some hope given how awful the HG is for you. Makes me sad that you aren’t feeling well again. You’re a rockstar ⭐️ Regardless, I think it’s so cool that both our babies are going to be close in age!!