Hi all, I hope this one is okay to post! I was thinking a weekly fitness check in would be useful. I'm by no means some kind of super fit gym bunny, but I really want to try and continue working out throughout this pregnancy. Hopefully others are interested too!
1: How far along are you?
2: What are your goals for the week ahead?
3: How was last week?
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity?
Re: Fitness Check In - 12/3
2: What are your goals for the week ahead? We're in fully rainy, grey, gross season here so getting motivated to get out and go to the gym is HARD. I'm aiming for at least three days at the gym... we'll see. I had GD last time, and found that working out helped keep my numbers low. I've been slacking due to pure exhaustion + MS, but really want to force myself to just get moving.
3: How was last week? Total bust. Hoping to restart this week.
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity? I really love weight lifting and Pilates. Cannot stand running -- I always feel like running is such a romantic activity (all you need are sneakers! you can do it anywhere any time! etc.!) but I hate it so much whenever I force myself to do it. So, I will be doing zero running this pregnancy, lol. Walking on the treadmill + trashy TV will be as far as I get.
2: What are your goals for the week ahead? Walk my dog at least twice
3: How was last week? Terrible, haha. I can feel my energy coming back a little bit this week, so I really want to add exercise back into my life little by little.
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity? Roller derby!! I'm so thankful to be pregnant, but being off my skates is already a struggle.
1: How far along are you? 11w3d
2: What are your goals for the week ahead? Get to the gym at least 3 times
Does lifting your arm to change the show count?
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity? I like strength training but it’s a pain at my gym because the weights are never where they should be and the men monopolize the machines. It also doesn’t help that they’ve turned most of one floor into a cross fit thing. If DH didn’t also want to work out, I’d seriously consider a women’s only gym.
BTW I found a book that is basically how to work out when you’re expecting. I really like it, although her plan calls for you to go to the gym 5 days a week, which is laughable.
@die_frau On Sunday I walked on the treadmill and watched some Kardashians! +1 for the treadmill and trashy TV.
I watched "Vanderpump Rules". It's the only way!
2: What are your goals for the week ahead?
Workout 4-5 times. Try not to eat like a guy who just moved into his freshman dorm.
3: How was last week?
i did well exercise wise. I did bar 4x and ran once. It’s the only thing I do for myself even if it has to be at 6a
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity? Bar method without a doubt. I like being outside in the nice weather and I’ve geown to enjoy running as well
2: What are your goals for the week ahead? Workout at least 3 times. 4 would be ideal.
3: How was last week? I haven't consistently worked out since my BFP. Prior to that I was dedicated so this has been a big change for me. I've been to nausea and tired prior to this week.
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity? Weight training. Or running. I love both for different reasons. Running really lets me get out of my head and not have to focus on anything. Weight training makes me think about what I'm doing, my form, etc.
2: What are your goals for the week ahead?
To get back to walking my dog 2x a day but realistically I'd love to get back to walking him once a day as I have been neglecting him at this point. Kind of nervous for the juggle of newborn plus high/medium drive dog. Ive been working out 3x a week the whole pregnancy but only the last 2 weeks have felt like I actually worked out like I did pre pregnancy.
3: How was last week?
I wasn't here for the discussion last week but I did great at my 3 workouts, not so great with my dog walks.
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity?
hmmmmmm can I be honest I have never LOVED working out, but since I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease I have tried to live a healthier lifestyle and feel stronger physically. Lifting weights certainly has done that for me.
2: What are your goals for the week ahead? Go for a walk/run tonight and Thursday!
3: How was last week? I did more than the week before (ran/walked Thursday, and ran/walked a 5k on Sunday), but not by much haha.
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity? I’m a runner! I was running half marathons before I got pregnant. I was just coming back from injury right before I got pregnant, so I wasn’t running as much before and my endurance was already down. Now, running is nearly impossible, so I walk a lot, but I’m still trying to get out there! Hoping I won’t have to start completely over after the baby, but it’s totally worth it anyway.
@Bababatty, what’s the name of the book? I’d like to do some different workouts, so it sounds great (though 5 days a week is definitely not happening!)
2: What are your goals for the week ahead? I’d like to go to the gym with DH at least twice this week.
3: How was last week? I went to the gym once. I took it really easy because I’ve barely been exercising at all recently.
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity? I really like walking, but it can get time consuming to really get a lot out of walking, so I also enjoy going to the gym and running when I have someone to go with.
2: What are your goals for the week ahead? Get back to the gym. PERIOD. My nausea came back yesterday full force so we will see how that flies.
3: How was last week?
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity? @runyogamom & @caratdeana i really miss running. I backed out of the marathon I was training for due to a herniated disc and then the BFP came along....Which I'm relieved I did because the weekend of the marathon was the first weekend I started vomiting. I usually run, spin or do HIIT training so to take several weeks off has been tough. I'm itching to get back. Good for all you ladies still kicking ass.
1: How far along are you? 11w exactly
2: What are your goals for the week ahead? Actually do something. I've been soooooooo lazy since my BFP (and let's be honest, a while before that).
3: How was last week? Better, actually. I teach Pilates once a week at the Y, so I've been consistent with that, but I actually made it to the Zumba class I used to love for the first time in a few months. I still kinda took it easy (the teacher is pretty intense usually -- I would actually get a WORKOUT in there, vs just kind of wiggling around like some classes) but it was nice to feel like I did something. Sadly she's gone this week and next and I don't know that I want to bother going if a sub is there.
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity? I do like Zumba. I actually got the old Wii Zumba "games" (it's not really a game, but I don't know what else to call it...discs?) for Christmas last year so I could get in a home workout and not have to go to the gym or rely on their schedules, which was nice. Might give that a try again this week, for that matter! Otherwise, obviously I enjoy Pilates since I'm teaching it every week at 5:30 a.m., and I have a pretty good setup where I'll pull up a Leslie Sansone walk-at-home video on my iPad and stick that next to my big TV and walk a couple miles in my living room while I watch Gilmore Girls.
2: What are your goals for the week ahead? Just to do at least 3 - 30 min workouts. I’d like to build in some weight training though. I still walk my dogs everyday for 2 miles.
3: How was last week? I was finally able to get one cycling workout in on Sunday. That was my first workout since the end of September. I’ve had such terrible MS that I haven’t been able to do anything beyond walking my doggos. I’d really like to get to the point where I get 3-4 cardio sessions in and 3 weight training sessions in per week. I’m used to exercising everyday pretty much and my DH and I would do long 3+ hr rides on the bikes. I miss that 😥
4: GTKY: What's your favorite workout activity? Love getting on my road bike!! 🚴🏽♀️