What physical traits are you hoping this baby gets from you? And from your SO?
What about personality traits from each of you?
Obviously we all want a healthy baby, but any traits you hope they don't get?
Second+timers what are some traits your LO's are already showing of yours of SO?
Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Re: GTKY 12/3
What about personality traits from each of you? DS is really sharp, silly and energetic, which both DH and I were like as kids. I can't say we're going to end up with any children much different than that but I hope the next one rolls at a slower pace.
Obviously we all want a healthy baby, but any traits you hope they don't get? Aside from not inheriting my MTHFR mutations, nothing really.
Second+timers what are some traits your LO's are already showing of yours of SO? Neither DS or DH can ever really sit still for long, they have the silliest sense of humor, always want to be creating something or investigation something or just generally moving their bodies. They also rub their feet together the exact same way. He's basically DH's son and just inherited some physical traits from me.
I hope they get DH's kindness and my comfort with public speaking. Those are the two personality traits DH and I compliment each other on the most
I hope ole he/she gets my husbands worth ethic and his goofy sense of humour, and my love of reading.
I really hope by some miracle this baby doesn’t inherit our stubbornness but since it runs on both sides it isn’t likely.
DD has my eyes and DH’s curls, she loves reading and music like mommy and loves crafts and art like daddy. She’s very stubborn which she gets from us both and she’s got an amazing sense of humour which I think she inherited from both of us too!
I hope they get DH's eyes. I love his blue eyes! Green eyes runs on his side of the family too. From me, I don't know yet.
What about personality traits from each of you?
My work ethic and DH's wit
Obviously we all want a healthy baby, but any traits you hope they don't get?
Please don't have DH's sweatiness. Poor DD sweats like a hog in summer too and I feel terrible for her. Also I hope they don't get my teeth. Braces are a pain.
Second+timers what are some traits your LO's are already showing of yours of SO?
DD is bullheaded like me. Both DH and I have curly dark hair, and so does DD.
my eyes & teeth, his nose & complexion
What about personality traits from each of you?
Loyalty & patience
Obviously we all want a healthy baby, but any traits you hope they don't get?
DH bowels 😂💩
Personality wise my calmness and patience and SO's work ethic and passion.
I'm happy with whoever baby ends up being and will love all his/her traits equally:)
DD is SO's clone in every way. She does have my height, eye colour, and curls though. But that's it. The rest is pure SO. Which I was hoping for. I would like to see more of my temperament in the next one though.
I hope this baby is logical and open minded like me and is a hard worker and as passionate as H.
H and I both have quite the tempers. It would be nice if it would skip this kid. Also H and I both have bad ears. Mine are huge and H's stick out. Also would be nice to skip this kiddo.
-DS1 is H's mini. Personality and looks. H's brown eyes, olive skin but he is short and a bit more stocky like me. Very, very outgoing.
-DS2 is my mini. Again personality and looks. He has blue eyes paler skin but is tall and skinny like H. He's much more reserved and quiet like me until he gets mad.
-DS3 looks more like me. He has blue eyes more olive skin like H but is short and stocky like me. Outgoing like H but can be very shy like me.
-DS4 is also H's mini. Brown eyes, more olive skin skinny like H but short like me. Very outgoing.
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
I hope to see my patience and understanding in my LO. I want it to be able to see the world from a perspective that isn't its own. I hope it gets the soft heart and loyalty of its father.
I don't want it to have my big nose or horrible double chin. I don't want to see DH's anger or my people pleasing.
This was fun. Never actually thought about that before!
What about personality traits from each of you? I hope this one has DH's calm nature. Our boys have my head strong attitude and are constantly pushing the limits. I'm so thankful for it though.
Obviously we all want a healthy baby, but any traits you hope they don't get? my nose and daddys teeth
Second+timers what are some traits your LO's are already showing of yours or SO? Our boys are very head strong, just like their momma. While it can be draining and overwhelming at times, I wouldn't change it for anything. They're so full of compassion and love with their whole beings. They know what they want and they fight for it. I just hope we make it to 18 with some sanity left
What about personality traits from each of you? I just want it to have its own little personality.
Obviously we all want a healthy baby, but any traits you hope they don't get? I hope it doesn’t get my anxiety, OCD, or Tourette’s. And their fathers addiction trait.
Second+timers what are some traits your LO's are already showing of yours of SOmy 3 year old is my mini. He has bad anxiety and OCD and I’m terrified he’s going to start showing signs of Tourette’s soon.
My 2 year old is just so clingy to me— which my MIL says that’s how my SO was like.
My boys
Me and DH. The youngest is my mini in looks, all DH in personality. The oldest looks like DH and my stepson, but is my heart twin. He does take after his dad a lot in the smarts department too
I would love to have a mix of the dark hair and blue eyes. And for everyone to have DHs teeth. But after that, we seem to make pretty kids, so I'll be happy with whatever!
Personality: My husband’s easy-going nature and positive outlook, my determination and common sense, my athleticism, either one’s intelligence, his patience, my sense of humor
physically: My hubby's greenish eyes, blonde hair and my olive tone skin, his height and fast metabolism.
Personality: Hubby's love for all people, my patience and our sense of humor/wit.
What about personality traits from each of you? Im def much more laid back than my DH so I hope that part of my personality is dominant. But DH is much more artistic and musical than me so hopefully those shine through.
Obviously we all want a healthy baby, but any traits you hope they don't get? My poor son - the first one - has like 6 cowlicks in his hair. He is doomed. He also has a severe dairy sensitivity - that I also have - which I wouldn't wish on anyone. Luckily you can get just about anything dairy free these days tho
Second+timers what are some traits your LO's are already showing of yours of SO? My 2nd son is just like me. He's sweet, cuddly, has a temper when he doesn't get his way and loves to sleep. First son is just like DH - loves music, very very smart, intuitive, and always analyzing everything and asking a million questions. Both boys love to cook, not necessarily eat, but are super into it. DH is a Chef and we met in culinary school.