Baby is the size of a(n): toy soldier (i was better at knowing with DD)
Any appointments? Questions?: Had my 12w appt on Friday, we heard the heartbeat, and everything looked good. I'm changing doctors, because we'll be moving in a couple of months. Next appt is Thursday, it's my Genetic Screening testing, and we'll find out the gender.
Rants/Raves?: Going to be a busy week! Have my holiday party today, and closing on our house on Wednesday. Also, plan on telling work I'm pregnant. I'm dreading this!
How are you feeling?: Feeling okay, still feel sick throughout the day, can't wait for that to pass. And still feeling bloated. My skin is questionable. With DD I was breaking out, and my face was oily, now my face is super dry, and I'm not breaking out, but my skin seems more red and irritated.
GTKY - What's your favorite holiday movie? (it can any holiday): Home alone, or a Christmas Story. We don't celebrate Christmas, but its nice watching them around the holidays.
Any appointments? Questions?: dr. Appt tomorrow and first trimester screen Thursday. Last u/s was 6w 6d so I'm anxious to make sure everything is okay.
Rants/Raves?: crazy couple of weeks. U too moved recently and have to find a new family doctor. It took forever. Called so many and only one was accepting and said they can see me in April! Anyway finally found someone and will be seeing them next week. Telling work either tomorrow or Friday!
How are you feeling?: great other than tired. Cannot wake up to go to the gym for the life of me!
GTKY - What's your favorite holiday movie? (it can any holiday): Elf!
@jacksonbears I'm glad you had a good appointment! Why are you dreading telling work? I'm telling this week as well, and I'm feeling nervous about it too.
@mariajay06 I'm glad you found a doctor that can see you! I'm anxious to see my little one too!
Due date/W+D: 6/13, 12+6
Baby is the size of a(n): plum
Any appointments? Questions?: My next appointment is this afternoon! It's been hard to wait and I'm really looking forward to seeing my little one!
Rants/Raves?: Same as you guys...planning on telling work about the pregnancy later this week...fingers crossed for a positive reaction from my boss!
How are you feeling?: Okay...I'm still nauseous on and off throughout the day, but haven't been throwing up quite as often. I'm really hoping I'm getting close to the end of the nausea, last time it lasted on and off through my entire pregnancy!
GTKY - What's your favorite holiday movie? (it can any holiday): Elf! I also enjoy The Santa Clause, Home Alone, and Christmas Vacation. I love everything Christmas!
@tickledpink123 I have a 16 month old, and I feel like I just came back from that leave (I came back January 2018). Just feel like the timings are close together..but it is what it is. I told my boss yesterday, he thought I was about to quit. He was very supportive, and did acknowledge I'll be out during a busy time, but has confidence I can transition the work. How did it go for you?
@jacksonbears I'm glad it went well and he was supportive! It went well for me boss was pretty supportive. I'm due about a week after the school year ends, but my son came 2 weeks early, so I'm not sure yet if I'll have to miss any work time yet. I'm going to tell the rest of the staff tomorrow.
Re: Group 2 Check-In (June 9-15) w/o 12/3
Baby is the size of a(n): toy soldier (i was better at knowing with DD)
Any appointments? Questions?: Had my 12w appt on Friday, we heard the heartbeat, and everything looked good. I'm changing doctors, because we'll be moving in a couple of months. Next appt is Thursday, it's my Genetic Screening testing, and we'll find out the gender.
Rants/Raves?: Going to be a busy week! Have my holiday party today, and closing on our house on Wednesday. Also, plan on telling work I'm pregnant. I'm dreading this!
How are you feeling?: Feeling okay, still feel sick throughout the day, can't wait for that to pass. And still feeling bloated. My skin is questionable. With DD I was breaking out, and my face was oily, now my face is super dry, and I'm not breaking out, but my skin seems more red and irritated.
GTKY - What's your favorite holiday movie? (it can any holiday): Home alone, or a Christmas Story. We don't celebrate Christmas, but its nice watching them around the holidays.
@mariajay06 I'm glad you found a doctor that can see you! I'm anxious to see my little one too!
Due date/W+D: 6/13, 12+6
Baby is the size of a(n): plum
Any appointments? Questions?: My next appointment is this afternoon! It's been hard to wait and I'm really looking forward to seeing my little one!
Rants/Raves?: Same as you guys...planning on telling work about the pregnancy later this week...fingers crossed for a positive reaction from my boss!
How are you feeling?: Okay...I'm still nauseous on and off throughout the day, but haven't been throwing up quite as often. I'm really hoping I'm getting close to the end of the nausea, last time it lasted on and off through my entire pregnancy!
GTKY - What's your favorite holiday movie? (it can any holiday): Elf! I also enjoy The Santa Clause, Home Alone, and Christmas Vacation. I love everything Christmas!