June 2019 Moms

Group 3 Check in (June 16-22) week of 12/3

Due date/W+D: 

Baby is the size of a(n): 

Any appointments? Questions?:


How are you feeling?: 

GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in?

Re: Group 3 Check in (June 16-22) week of 12/3

  • Due date/W+D: June 22nd/11+2

    Baby is the size of a(n): Poker chip

    Any appointments? Questions?: Next appt is NT scan and NIPT blood draw on 12/13

    Rants/Raves?: Rave - It's a little bit warmer this week, yay! And we get to see some of DH family this upcoming weekend, so I'm hoping I'm feeling a bit better. Rant - It's Monday (I feel like this is always my rants, but Monday just keeps happening!). Also, my MS was pretty bad this morning. No vomiting, but I keep gagging - apparently loud enough for my hubby to hear it because he kept asking "is that just a cough or something more?". I'm just so hoping the second tri brings some relief!!!

    How are you feeling?: See above.

    GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Zelda! Specifically from Breath of the Wild. I love playing that game, just to see the scenery.

  • Due date/W+D: June 16/12+1

    Baby is the size of a(n): boiled egg🤷🏻‍♀️ (this comparison are weird sometimes) 

    Any appointments? Questions?: not until Jan when me ins kicks in, still trying to decide on the NIPT

    Rants/Raves?: None except its Monday

    How are you feeling?: still feel like I just got off the merry-go-round, between the nausea and dizziness.

    GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Game of Thrones I'd probably die in like 2 seconds but the scenery and the cool beasts I think it'd be awesome, also Harry Potter because I'm just a fan!

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  • @vv826 Game of Thrones would be awesome (minus the dead thing). My husband and I have talked about doing a tour of some of their filming locations in Europe some day!
  • @wearyfuzzball that would be amazing! the dead thing is really creepy but their story and why and how they were made really interests me!
  • Due date/W+D: 6/22, 11+2

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lime

    Any appointments? Questions?: I have an appointment with an endo today because baby is apparently messing with my thyroid. Maybe addressing this will make me less tired? My next OB appointment is Wednesday and my NT scan is next Monday.

    Rants/Raves?: I posted in the symptoms thread that I was largely nausea-free (thankfully!) but apparently that doesn’t extend to being at work. My best guess is the perfumes and air fresheners are messing me up. I had to change all of my soaps and deodorants to unscented for this reason. Just going to suffer through it but it does make productivity difficult.

    How are you feeling?: see above

    GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in?

    Harry Potter! But I also think the Myst (now that’s going back quite a ways) universe would be interesting, if creepy. 

    @vv826 GOT would be really interesting, minus the whole likely death thing! 

  • Hey Group 3! New here

    Due date/W+D: 6/21 - 11+4

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime

    Any appointments? Questions?: NT scan next Friday.

    Rants/Raves?: just getting so difficult to keep this secret to ourselves  

    How are you feeling?: feeling better than I have all pregnancy. Symptoms started to lighten up last week  first I was worried but was due for u/s that week and things were looking right on track. Now I’m trying to enjoy the energy boost and lack is MS and hopefully it doesn’t come back with a vengeance. I’m def getting that headache and light headedness now, I feel like I’ve felt so by the book. 

    GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in?

    Going to have to say Avatar on this one. But this is solely considering the untouched lives of the tribe before things go to shit. Just looks amazing plus you kind of have a dragonish pet

  • @shadeofgreen816 - I do not have GD, but I'm a little worried about it. I was a big baby and so were my two younger brothers (the one was 10lb 8oz @ 2 weeks early!). MH on the other hand was 6 lb even. Go figure. 
  • @Cricket1688 - Ugh, right? My body has changed so much already. I feel like all my weight went from my hips and butt and right up to my chest/ribcage. Nothing fits. 
  • @harrierwife it's so wild to me, i had to order two dress sizes up for an xmas party this weekend and it was still on the verge of tight. My breasts are HUGE so that just make my already wide ribcage/back even wider and my thighs are rubbing together already. Very cute and fun. On the plus side my normal workouts have resumed and I dont feel like such a weakling. My doctor said they will mention if you aren't gaining enough/gaining too much. I had a gf who recently gave birth and she barely gained anything till month 6 and her baby is healthy healthy healthy!
  • Just to add to the weight discussion: you also shouldn’t panic if you go in for an appointment and see that you’ve gained, like, 7 lbs in one month. The next month, it may be none or 1/2 a lb. I found that my weight gain with both my previously pregnancies came in spurts. I’d go in and be so pleased to see if only gained 2-3 lbs and then I’d go back the next month and be up, like, 6 or 7. For what it’s worth, I only gained 25 with my son and 36 with the twins. Your body will do what it will do (like @ShadeofGreen816 said) and as long as (after the 1st tri) you try to eat reasonably healthy, you’ll be fine.
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @KissMeImScottish @ShadeofGreen816 That makes me feel better! I’ve gained 3lbs, which is of course not a lot but I was hoping to be a star patient and not gain any. I don’t think I eat a ton of processed food, but I do eat A LOT because I’m constantly famished. But my OB did say she was less concerned about diet and weight in first tri because it was just important to eat SOMETHING. 

    @cricket1688 @harrierwife I seem to be gaining it all in my hips and thighs, and it’s not from those 3lbs. I lost about 10lbs before this pregnancy and my clothes fit the same before as after. I haven’t had to get a Bella Band yet, though. I probably need a new bra, but that requires effort and I’ve heard they’ll just grow more later anyway. Definitely popping out of my t-shirt bras, though, so now I can only wear the full coverage. 

    @ShadeofGreen816 I’m glad you had a good weekend! I’m sorry it was so rainy here on Sunday, but at least it was warmish. What kinds of delicious eats did you get? Are you having much food aversion other than no appetite—sorry, I’m sure you’ve said before!

    Also the endo appointment went well and he’s not concerned. I’m going to take a low dose pill to try and bring my TSH down; it’s not horribly high but still above where it should be. I feel much calmer now!
  • @Bababatty We had some great italian food, some street food, and just popped into restaurants that looked good on Yelp. Luckily we did most of our stuff on Friday and Saturday and had pegged Sunday for relaxing in the hotel before heading to the airport. So, that worked out perfectly. I'm having some mild food aversions but nothing very specific. Only just that I have to force myself to eat anything. I got pesto at a restaurant and it was much more creamy/basily than I'm used to - vs olive oil-y that I would have preferred. So that was a bummer. But the rest of the food was good and I talked DH into splitting some tiramisu with me! 
  • Another quick note on weight: when you go to your appointment (morning v. afternoon) and how you’ve been feeling have a big impact. I was apparently up 3 lbs yesterday at my appointment, but (and this is TMI, sorry), I’ve been SUPER constipated. Today, my system finally seems to be moving again, and I stepped on the scale and nope, back down to maybe 1/2 a lb gained total (instead of 3).
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @KissMeImScottish That is not a fun symptom! Glad it all got cleared out—and also shocking that it could cause such temporary weight gain. Who knew:disappointed:

    @ShadeofGreen816 That all sounds delicious! Really glad you had a great visit and were able to get some great meals—which I recall you’d said a previous week you were looking forward to.

    Does everyone else get weighed with their clothes on? I’m like, “I hope you’re subtracting the 3-to-however much weight I appear to have gained pounds of clothes from that number.”  :D
  • Due date/W+D: June 22/11+3

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime

    Any appointments? Questions?: FINALLY had my first midwife appointment last week and it was pretty great. So different from my past experiences with a OB but I'm liking it so far. I got to pick which tests and thing I wanted to do so I did the preliminary blood tests and urine tests because I think they're good to get a baseline to begin with. I asked for an ultrasound because I've never gone this long without seeing my baby during early pregnancy and my anxiety has been all over the place. So I'll go for that this Friday. She also tried the Doppler and managed to get the heartbeat right away, I couldn't stop smiling all day! OH weigh ins are also completely optional so I don't have to WEIGH myself EVER! 

    Rants/Raves?: Tried to wean myself off dicletin and puked right away so I guess I'm staying in it. In the bright side, this is the LAST week of my progesterone and I'm super psyched to be off it because shoving those pills up my vagina twice a day is not as fun as you would think haha

    How are you feeling?: getting some energy back so I'll take it, especially because work is getting busy AND the semesters almost over so I have exams right away. Very excited for winter break. 

    GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? MCU! Like, everything's always getting blown up or destroyed in some way but also, bearded Captain America Chris Evans exists so... worth it lol Plus, super powers! (maybe) 


  • Due date/W+D: 22nd - 11 w 4 d

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime

    Any appointments? Questions?: NT scan on Tuesday next week.

    Rants/Raves?: rant: we got move to a new building at work this week. The new people we sit next to are SO loud and distracting!  Rave: SO and I are taking a little mini trip down to TX this weekend to watch the Cowboys v Eagles game. I can't wait, but I'm going to miss DD like crazy. 

    How are you feeling?:  nauseous but so hungry at the same time. 

    GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? I would probably also have to go with Harry Potter on this one. 

  • Due Date 6/21, 11w 5D

    Baby is the size of a macaron

    My first MFM appt tomorrow, should get an ultrasound and I’m hoping orders to get my genetic testing blood draw. Meeting 3 providers. 

    Rants/Raves - not really a rant but I’m bummed I failed my 1 hour glucose test by 2 pts. Waiting to hear what next step is. I got it early because of my weight, and some other factors.  Also, yesterday let myself get dehydrated and woke up at 3 A.M. with bladder spasms....this is twice I’ve gotten dehydrated, can’t let it happen again! I had at least 2 liters but I really need like 4. 

    Feelings: Very anxious. I will feel so much better after seeing the little peanut tomorrow! 

    GTKY: I would love to be snuggled up right now in the cottage from The Holiday. I would not say no to being at Hogwarts either though. 
  • @pigglesworth have you tried iced water or lemon water to convince yourself to get extra? I was really good about water pre pregnancy but since being pregnant really hate room temp water? Ice water has been amazing delicious. That sounds so stupid. But it helped me. 
  • @pigglesworth I have found the same as @cricket1688 I used to prefer room temp water but since being pregnant I prefer really cold water or I eat ice chips a lot too help me still hydrate 
  • @pigglesworth Not to be super repetative, but I agree so much with @cricket1688 and @mra15 . Before I was pregnant I really only drank room water temp and I drank it in a contigo with a straw. I could NOT stomach water for a while, then I switched to ice cold water with lemon and it was a gamr changer. It's the only way I can drink it now. I also use my fake Walmart yeti which keeps my water nice and cold all day and not using a straw is way better. On days when I really struggle with water, I try and drink some Gatorade.
  • Thanks ladies! We just got a new fridge (door ice maker was broken in old one) so I have been enjoying crushed ice ice water!! Drinking with a straw really helps. I’ll add some lemon for sure, i was in a good habit of making a big pitcher of infused water every day and got out of the habit. My soda stream needs a new cartridge, carbonated water seems to help too. 
  • Due date/W+D: 6-18/12+2

    Baby is the size of a(n): I'll go with the plum

    Any appointments? Questions?: Just did my monthly appointment Monday and NT/NIPT yesterday. NT came back all fine and will be waiting on the results of the blood test. It was honestly more fun to watch my husband watching the baby move around than to watch the baby. He's so excited. 

    Rants/Raves?: I think this is the only time I've ever lost weight and simultaneously lost the ability to button my pants. Thankfully eating is getting to be a lot easier most days so I can correct the weight trend. 

    How are you feeling?: I can't get to sleep a lot of nights and still completely fatigued no matter how much I sleep but otherwise feeling better most of the day. My abdomen has felt like I've been doing extra stretching without the benefit of the exercise to go with it. 

    GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? I don't know really but it would have to be somewhere warm. I hate the cold wind here in the city when the temps drop. 

  • So at my scan yesterday they moved my due date up by SIX days and one of my first thoughts was 'Oh no, can I still stay in week three?' haha
    So I'm now apparently 12 weeks 6 days with a due date of June 16. My birthday is the 17th so we're creeping every closer to having this baby steal my birthday 😂

  • @AshleighDB yiuup I'm still group 3 and my Due date is June 16..... My DD2 is the 21st and has already said she doesn't want to share a birthday 🤦🏻‍♀️ 
    so I'm hoping this little is on time
  • This one will come right around my mom's birthday and she'd be ecstatic to share it I think. Her babies, 3 of us, all have a birthday within three weeks of each other. I asked her if she had a favorite time of year or something :D
  • @messymyranda I told DH I wonder what it is about that time of year that we get bored😄
  • Haha I am due 6/18, all three of my other kids have birthdays between mid June - to the first week of July. There apparently is something about October. 
  • AshleighDBAshleighDB member
    edited December 2018
    My husband, son, and I are all between Mother's  Day and Father's Day so adding another one in is not such a big surprise haha Our daughter is the outlier here in December. Also the only non-Gemini in the house. 

  • I’m going to be 8/9 months pregnant at the start of extremely hot Florida summer. Maybe for kid number two DH and I will get busy in the new year and hope for a winter baby and cool weather 🤣
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