June 2019 Moms

Weekend Randoms 12/1-12/2

What’s going on this weekend??

Re: Weekend Randoms 12/1-12/2

  • I’ve been lurking in the shadows the last few days. I thought my MS was gone so I don’t know if I caught a bug or what but I’ve been pretty worthless the last week. So this weekend we are cleaning, decorating for Christmas, and laundry :( feels good to get some things done today. Tonight we are going to some friends house so that will be nice to get out of the house!
  • I had planned to run some errands. We went to the mall first and by the time we were done I felt like I had over done it.  So I decided to come home. We are now watching a Christmas movie. 
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  • Christmas party last night memorial service today and tomorrow is laundry grocery shopping day 
  • I cancelled all of my social obligations and plan on staying in my jammies, binge watching the man in the high tower and wrappping some presents.
  • We went to breakfast with a friend this morning. I have big plans to go to the grocery store tonight and pick up Thai food. Tomorrow we have lunch with Santa and hopefully decorating for Christmas because my lazy self still has not done it .
  • MIL is coming! I actually like her, so I’d be excited except Im still dealing with MS which sometimes seems to strike very quickly and for no reason no matter what Im doing to control it. So I’m just hoping I can be any fun at all and at least keep my house above squalor conditions.  
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • @wearyfuzzball Which season are you on? We wanted to start season 3 last night but I was sooo tired.

    I would prefer to stay on the couch, but DH is insisting we get up and go to the grocery store. Perhaps I should not have played my take-out card earlier this week.
  • My Oklahoma Sooners beat Texas in the Big 12 Championship, so today is a good day. I also went to bath and body works for their $9 candle day and got some candles, that was a madhouse but they did a good job of only allowing a few people in at a time. Last year it was wall to wall people. 

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  • @Bababatty We just started - we are 2 episodes into season 1! 
  • @wearyfuzzball Have so much fun! We’re big fans of the show and tell everyone to watch it!
  • vv826vv826 member
    edited December 2018
    my oldest had an orchestra concert today which involved all the orchestra in her district. it was awesome they are some really talented kids. my daughter is a beginner so they play a limited amount but the advanced kids did really awesome and a plus it was mostly all Christmas music. I've also managed to cook and eat without being stuck in the restroom. I really think that work takes its toll on me since it requires me standing or going back and forth the whole day. I'm also hoping to get some Christmas decorations up tomorrow. 

    eta: @amaren-2 usually the Sooners winning would be a bad thing, we're Texas Tech Red Raiders, but today I was hoping they'd win.
  • I made gingerbread cookies for PG announcement photo, did a bunch of online shopping for Christmas, and have been watching football all day, which makes me sad because my team is finished until bowl season.

    Trying to convict myself to go take a shower and pick up my order from Motherhood, and maybe brave the Bath & Body Works next door. I don’t need maternity clothes yet, but I’m kind of obsessed with the full panel black leggings and have been living in them without shame 😜

  • Just me and the 2yo today and she wore me out! DH is on one of his 30hr shifts so he’ll get home tomorrow around noon. DD decided not to nap today and it was a killer. I just felt so awful (MS and heartburn) and just wanted to nap too. I have to work tomorrow so DD will be at the sitters until after DH naps a few hours.
     It’s a new sitter and we do like her but she just rubbed us the wrong way a few weeks ago so I’m considering finding a new one. We pay her hourly during the week and a flat rate for weekends. She asked if she could pick DD up a little early cause it was suppose to storm bad and she was out getting her son. I said fine. Well husband went to pick her up and she charged us for 4hrs, when we only needed her for 2. Just kind of annoyed us both. 
  • Oh goodness. Today has been a waste lol. All I’ve managed to do was two loads of laundry and finishing the dishes. I did take a 3 hour nap! Today was just a really stressful day and I have a huge headache because of it all. Tomorrow I’m meeting up with my CASA kid and going to a Christmas concert. I’ll try to attempt more laundry and decorating for Christmas. 
  • @luckystar28 I’m a bit jealous of the FTM’s too 😂 - toddlers are wild! 
  • @luckystar28 you guys are my heros! 
  • We’re starting the movie Rampage right now, finally free on HBO 👍🏻. I follow Dwayne Johnson on Instagram for the sole purpose of looking at his cheat meals he posts. The amount of food he can eat on a sitting blows my mind.
  • @whitney812 he needs those calories
  • I ended up with the most intensely painful headache today and I have no idea what happened. I had a normal tension headache because I forgot my glasses but when we walked home it evolved into a massively painful thing and it even messed with my vision and equilibrium. I don't know if it was just the cold or the cold and exercise or what but it had me in tears on the bed as soon as I could collapse on it. I even considered asking my husband to call a car to go the last quarter of a mile and normally the mile home is nothing. So I guess from now on I take a hat and walk even slower in the cold. 
  • @whitney812 his cheat meals are amazing.

    He is also a cheat meal to me. When he posts with/about his daughters I swear to God I think I can feel my ovaries vibrate. 
  • @dntstpbelieveing most Fridays we get take out  after has DS has gone to bed for this exact reason. 
  • @dntstpbelieveing I make my toddler eat tat the table and I eat on the couch sometimes 😂 
    @TJtheGoat a highlander is on my short list too! Although at this point so is a minivan! Hope you get it :)
  • If it was only up to me, I probably would buy the Odyssey (I just love those automatic doors), but the man refuses to consider a van at this point. The Highlander has a lot of the cool stuff though (nanny mirror on the sunglasses storage, built-in sun shades in the second row, and tri-zone climate control) that make it very Mom-friendly. And they are still doing their Black Friday deal so the 2018s are discounted and 0.9% financing. It’s a lot of money though. It’s a big decision for us, since we don’t currently have a car payment. I’ll let you guys know if we get it. 
  • DH and I also mostly only eat on the couch. It’s way more comfortable. 
  • We are seeing Fantastic Beats 2 today.  I debated about whether or not I should see it in the theater.  I was warned in my PGAL that there are two child loss scenes in there.  I know in detail what happens, so hoping I can just maybe look away during those parts.  I really want to see the movie and wish they hadn't put that in there.
  • kjr9519 said:
    DH and I also mostly only eat on the couch. It’s way more comfortable. 
    On the weekends, for breakfast, I sit on the couch and make my 3.5 y.o. sit in his little arm chair pulled up to the coffee table. 
  • @sparklingdiamond I must say I'm jealous because I've been wanting to watch it but more importantly I hope you can enjoy it!
  • @sparklingdiamond I've been trying to line up babysitter to go but have not been able to this far. Good to know about those scenes. I had no idea .
  • @kjr9519 Same! And also we have a small kitchen so by the time dinner is ready the table is covered in dishes. Our biggest issue is that we don’t usually eat until 8pm because we have not perfected the quick meal. Going to need to work on that...
  • We eat on the couch because we don’t have and dont have room for a dining table. But I pay for it dearly because my toddler is a hurricane with food and I desperately want a dining room that I can cord off and make him eat all his food in there so there’s only food mess in that one room. I’ll relax again when he doesn’t just throw food everywhere, but if I could do it I would definitely be Team No Food anywhere but the dining room. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • @ki1244 I love ECF, I might have to start using that. Also, our table is where all the mail ends up. Good to know we’re not the only ones. 

    @marijaa333 that’s super cute!

    @sparklingdiamond I watched Fantastic Beasts a couple of weeks ago while we were visiting family for Thanksgiving. I wore myself out that week and slept through half of the movie (which I never do in theaters), so I was barely conscious for those scenes. I’m kind of glad that was the case because I didn’t know about it before hand.
  • ncm1919ncm1919 member
    edited December 2018
    @TJtheGoat is this your first baby (sorry I can’t recall off the top of my head)? I totaled my car when I was in the first tri with my daughter and got a new one. I would suggest test driving it again and doing LOTS of annoying stuff with your arms completely full. If you don’t have a baby, I’d honestly go to a friends house and borrow theirs and see how easy/hard it is to do what you need while you’re holding a wriggling mess of a kid. 

    I say this because my car (Honda pilot) probably isn’t what I would have bought if I had known what I know now. My old car had a feature where you pulled on the door handle twice and all doors opened. The pilot doesn’t so you have to open the door, unlock manually and then get baby into the back. None of this is easy when you are sandwiched in a parking lot with a toddler with a death wish/wants to play in traffic. I would also love my car to have the feature where you tap the bumper with your toes and the back hatch opens up. Mine doesn’t. 

    All of these are first world problems. But if you’re buying a new car, it’s a good time to worry about them. 
  • When we moved into our new house 3 years ago we went from ECF (love that acronym @ki1244) to table people. For two reasons. We got new lightesh grey furniture my husband didnt want wrecked with spills and we can still see the tv from the table lol
  • Our apartment is super small and the area which is supposed to be the dining room is carpeted (ew) so I turned that space into my reading nook. We have TV trays and eat in the living room :smile:
  • @ncm1919 yes this is my first. It does have the power lift gate (not with the foot though) and the auto unlock . I agree with you on the handsfree features, but we are upgrading from a bare bones Mazda3 so I’m just excited to have Bluetooth and leather. Thanks for the tips though! I’m in awe of all you ST and TTM that are managing all this pregnancy stuff and taking care of small humans. 
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