A lot of us have questions about our pregnancies, whether we're FTMs or STM+s. We have a lot of threads running right now, so if you create a thread for your own question, it can get buried fast or clutter up the board. So if you have a pregnancy-related question this month, post it here and we'll respond quickly!
Keep in mind that we are not trained medical professionals. If we tell you to ask your OB, we're not brushing you off: it really is better you bring your situation to your doctor (or midwife, etc).
We also encourage you to try the search function! Chances are your question has been asked already, possibly in a previous BMB. On the top right of your screen in the desktop view, you can enter part of your question in the search bar select which board to search, and how to sort your results. Click Go to find your results. If that's still too broad, click the down arrow in the results page search bar for an advanced search featured that lets you filter by title, author, and time since it was posted. (So, you can filter out posts that are older than one year, six months, etc.)
With that, ask away!
Re: Got Pregnancy Questions? Ask Them Here! (December)
We also have had a high deductible plan for my previous pregnancies and our current insurance doesn't it so it's out of pocket. Even if insurance did cover it, we'd skip.
There's no right or wrong answer. It's preference.
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
@nopegoat yeah I definitely keep waffling on what decision to make. We will see!
@indulgentgypsy yeah, I am considering not if it will be outrageous in price.
I haven’t done the testing with my first two and won’t with this one either. Similar to @nopegoat DH and I are both younger and don’t have a history of anything on either side of the family, so we’ve decided not to have it done.