
Reoccurance of Spontaneous Multiples?

117ict10117ict10 member
edited November 2018 in Multiples
hi Ladies! - I have two singletons and a set of spontaneous fraternal twins. One of my singles had a vanishing twin.  I find myself in the early weeks of expecting  again and cannot shake the warning from my OB of the chance of spontaneous multiples on future pregnancies and am wondering how many of you have experienced more than one spontaneous  set of multiples.  Any repeat experiences?
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Re: Reoccurance of Spontaneous Multiples?

  • My great grandmother had 4 singles then two sets of twins. I had twins and was told the chance of having them again was very high. My body happened to drop two eggs, they both got fertilized. Since it just seemed to happen it can and possibly will happen again. 
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