June 2019 Moms

Who else felt their baby move at 11 weeks?

This is my second pregnancy and I have felt my baby move twice now. And i know the difference between gas and the baby flutters. Has any one else felt their baby move this early yet?

Re: Who else felt their baby move at 11 weeks?

  • I can feel it at 10 weeks, 4 days. It’s not all day long and yesterday I don’t think I felt it at all, but today has been off and on. This is my 3rd pregnancy. I was in the hospital earlier this week, and on Monday I felt flutters ALL DAY. On Tuesday, we had an ultrasound, and caught the little bean flipping all over, doing cartwheels on the screen, and I could feel the flutters then too lol.
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  • I'm 12 weeks and a few days and I felt it for the first time today. STM.
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