Special Needs

Provisional Autism Diagnosis

Hi Everyone, in a few days my LO will be 26 months.  at 18 months old, she was given a provisional autism diagnosis.  She began ABA, OT and Speech Therapy at 21 months.  She's doing really well and has been getting really good progress reports.  She is most delayed in speech although she can say over 50 words and she understands a lot - just not using sentences.  huge diff from 18 months when she wasn't doing much.  is anyone in a similar situation? I've been having trouble finding someone to discuss things with.  thank you

Re: Provisional Autism Diagnosis

  • Hello!  Unfortunately, there is not a lot of traffic on here.  I have two kids with autism, although we are still trying to get my 7.5 year old diagnosed! 
    My kids are older, but I have been where you are.  That is great that she is making such great progress and hopefully she will continue to grow!
    It is hard to find other parents that understand what you are going though, but if you can, it is such a wonderful resource and makes such a difference.  I am fortunate that my boss’ daughter is on the spectrum and have a friend with an autistic daughter.  Our public school system has a special needs family group and an autism specific group.  Joining a Facebook group has been a big help too!
    My son was really delayed with speech. At 30 months, he was speaking at a 17 months level and comprehensive was only 9 months.  At 5 he graduated speech therapy, although his teacher and I think he may still need it, since his pragmatic speech could use some improvement.

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