Hi ladies! Here are some questions if anyone is interested:
1) How are you feeling this week?
2) What are you doing to take care of YOU this week?
3) As we move into the holidays, how are you ladies handling it? Anyone have super holiday stress? I know a lot of people can struggle with holiday time for a whole swath of reasons, so feel free to dump any feelings here! (does not have to be pregnancy related)
GTKY: Where is your happy place (as in, where can you go where you just feel completely at peace and calm?)?
Hubby and Me
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Re: Mental Health Thread Week of 11/26
Umm, if I could get even one load of laundry done, or one small thing clean that would be AWESOME. My MIL is coming to visit, and she keeps yelling at me not to clean, but my home is a pigsty so it has to be a bit better than this at least. Now if only I could feel good enough to even stand long enough to clean anything.
I'm sort of ignoring the holidays at the moment. I want to finish decorating, but seeing as I can't even clean that is not happening right now. I haven't even bothered to plug my tree in the last two days. DS's gifts are ordered and on the way. I hope that since I'm 9 weeks today this and next week will be the worst and by the time I get to Christmas I will feel good and can enjoy it. A girl can dream right? I also am still trying to figure out who, if anyone, will be here for Christmas, and am already figuring out how to tell the in-laws NOT to come (MIL is not married to FIL. My MIL is one of those amazing MILs, but FIL and his wife and our family really don't get along, and I have a lot of long-standing resentment towards them, so I REALLY don't want to deal with them when I don't feel good. Or ever)
My happy place is the ocean, or deep in the forest. Or on the open road traveling with DH. We use to travel a ton and I really miss it. I hope its something we can do regularly as the kids get older
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
1) How are you feeling this week? crappy so bad that I had to call in again. this worries me because they take call ins very seriously and I honestly need this job but I also cant go and ve stuck in the back because I'm dizzy or in the rr throwing up all day. it's also really hard to be puking your guts out and then come out to deal with the public.
2) What are you doing to take care of YOU this week? I'm going to try my hardest to be at work the rest of the week and be on time. I feel like if I cam accomplish 1 simple thing then I will feel better.
3) As we move into the holidays, how are you ladies handling it? Anyone have super holiday stress? I know a lot of people can struggle with holiday time for a whole swath of reasons, so feel free to dump any feelings here! (does not have to be pregnancy related)
stressed we are pretty tight financially and I hate that we have to extremely limit gifts for my girls. not that I want them to get tons of things but honestly even small things seem straining right now.
GTKY: Where is your happy place (as in, where can you go where you just feel completely at peace and calm?)? Colorado, I love Colorado
To be honest, I haven’t really connected with this pregnancy. With my son I was ecstatic from the moment I found out. I’m guessing this is normal 2nd time around stuff but I’m more anxious and sometimes scared with this one. I know how uncomfortable I’ll be in a few months. I know how much labor and delivery freaking hurts. I know how incredibly tired I’ll be for months on end. I cant wait to meet my squish but I’m also kind of dreading it. I’ll be 14 week so on Thursday so I’m hoping it get excited soon!
For me, I’m keeping up with bi-monthly chiropractor visits and monthly massages. That helps keep my stress down and physical discomforts at ease.
Holiday wise - it’s low key since we have no family anywhere close. Christmas Eve we’ll go out to dinner. My husband switches to nights December 1st, so while he’ll be home Christmas Day, presents will happen after he wakes up in the early afternoon. He works 5pm-5am when on nights so he needs to sleep until about 1pm. Four months of night shift has me stressed but we’ll survive! They switch every 4 months.
2) My first pregnancy I was over-cautious of everything and I literally stopped painting my nails and dying my hair. This time I realize I can do those things per my OB who said I should do those things if they make me feel pretty, so I plan on doing my hair this weekend and giving myself a facial. A mini mommy makeover I guess.
3) I am excited to have Christmas off and spend time with family. However, this time of year is really rough on my husband because his birthday and the anniversary of his twin's suicide is right before Christmas so it really effects him. It happened 6 years ago but he struggles so badly with it, understandably. The excitement of the pregnancy and the joy he gets from my daughter has seemed to help him substantially but I know he is still in pain which is hard. And those 2 dates are fast approaching so I have some dread it may trigger his depression.
GTKY: I envision the forest/river with grandmother willow from Pocahontas. It seems so peaceful. As for a "real place" I would say in the forest with lots of greenery and peaceful quiet, especially with a gentle waterfall. We are a super outdoorsy family so we go to places like that for our family adventures when the weather isn't as cold as it is here now.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
This week has been hard. Im writing this while dealing with a bout of sadness. I think the biggest issue has been that I’m not getting enough sleep. My anxiety has been becoming more prevalent. I keep worrying about my health. The other day I had weird heartburn pain and Immediately had the thought I was having a heart attack. I feel sick after eating and think I have diabetes. Just the basic crazy brain I used to deal with. I’m disappointed it’s back.
2) What are you doing to take care of YOU this week?
I can’t think of anything. Which makes me feel guilty. I’m just trying to get through the week.
3) As we move into the holidays, how are you ladies handling it? Anyone have super holiday stress? I know a lot of people can struggle with holiday time for a whole swath of reasons, so feel free to dump any feelings here! (does not have to be pregnancy related)
I am so looking forward to the holidays because I have a two week break! I am a little stressed about my sister. She had a complete hissy fit during thanksgiving weekend about my SO being there. Short version: she moved away and hasn’t been home for thanksgiving in about 3 or 4 years. She came home for thanksgiving this year and wanted it to be just her, me, and our parents. Which was completely unreasonable. I love my sister but she still thinks the world revolves around her. She’s not nice to my SO at all. She’s actually mentioned his weight in a very derogatory way. Only to me and my mom thank goodness. I honestly think she doesn’t like him.
So I am stressed that she is going to be a pill during Christmas.
GTKY: Where is your happy place (as in, where can you go where you just feel completely at peace and calm?)?
Goodness, I am not doing well with these questions today. I can’t think of any where
Yesterday was a rough one (posted in last week's thread, should have started this one instead, whoops) but after spending some time in the Bible and prayer I started feeling a lot better. I totally recognize that not everyone shares the same faith I do, and I don't want to come off as preachy or anything -- but 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 came to me while I was over in Philippians (trying to think of things that were right, true, noble, pure...): For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. That imagery -- that this is a FIGHT, and the territory I'm fighting for isn't physical but it's still for me and my heart and my well-being -- that really helped me visualize things differently. The anxiety and guilt over having mixed feelings on this pregnancy weren't weighing me down as much (I still have those thoughts from time to time, but have been able to quiet them by trusting that this is God's plan) -- so the enemy needed a new angle. This time it's fear, probably unfounded, over Baby's safety. But recognizing that he's using arguments and pretensions that set themselves up against what I know of God -- the God who loves me, who has a plan for me, and who has chosen this path for me -- lets me do with those thoughts exactly what I need to: take them captive. It doesn't mean pretending those fears aren't there, it means putting them under control. If they're valid, and there is something wrong with my pregnancy, it doesn't change who God is; it means I can still trust my savior with whatever he has in store for me. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord. If I believe that, then any fears I have can be acknowledged, but if they take away from what I know of God, they can be taken captive instead of allowed free reign in my mind. So long story longer -- I've been up and down, but today is up again.
2) What are you doing to take care of YOU this week?
I'm working from home more, which lets me be more comfortable (AND get more done, which helps me feel better too). Not that that was intentional -- we had a blizzard here over the weekend and the roads were stupid on Monday -- but I'm on day 3 of not going in and my to-do list has SHRANK sooooo let's keep it rolling.
3) As we move into the holidays, how are you ladies handling it?
Just fine here! We decorated the living room yesterday (my house looks like a Hallmark store now...DH's family loves figurines and ornaments and such, so I actually cleared off an entire bookshelf to put up all of his Peanuts dancing figurines and Disney music train things (he loooooooves them, and I love how happy he gets from turning them on, so whatever...I'll never have the Pinterest house, but his happiness is worth it). We're decorating the tree tonight over charcuterie, chocolate covered cherries, cookies, and eggnog while playing the Muppet Christmas Carol. December is nuts with basketball games and such, so planning much else can be tough, but we're staying in Nebraska for Christmas this year, which is great. Technically it's his year, but my sis and her family will be in town for Christmas this year (and visiting her DH's family next year), his aunt and uncle and their kids are with the other side of the family this year too (so we wouldn't get to see them), and flights to Virginia were INSANELY expensive for the 2.5 days we could go. So instead, we're doing New Years with his family -- the basketball team plays at Maryland on the 2nd, but since they fly out for NYE (because they don't trust the guys in town on their own) and have a full extra day there, and DC is an easy drive for his family, I'm flying out too and we'll have a couple days with them for WAY less money (and it syncs up schedules better).
GTKY: Where is your happy place (as in, where can you go where you just feel completely at peace and calm?)? This probably sounds bizarre, but my couch, with Farmhouse Rules playing on my TV. Nothing calms me down like watching an obese grandmother burn through a pound of butter in every meal on a farmstead in a kitchen I'd like to imagine is what heaven looks like.