June 2019 Moms

TW - Goodbye

Well, as expected, I did not get good news at my appointment today and it's time to say goodbye. I hope you all have wonderful, easy pregnancies. And so much love and good luck to all my PGAL ladies. 

Re: TW - Goodbye

  • srscott3srscott3 member
    edited November 2018
    Oh @ruby696 I am so so sorry for your loss. You will be greatly missed ❤️
  • fuck. I am so sorry @ruby696
  • Loading the player...
  • @ruby696 im so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself. My thoughts are with you. :heart: 
  • I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you so much love 

  • Oh no. My heart sank when i saw this. Im so sorry you didn’t get good news. I hope these next few weeks can bring you rest and healing 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • I am so so very sorry. Truly all my love and thoughts. My heart is broken for you right now, I will remember your little one. Please, my friend, take care. 
  • I'm so sorry for your loss.
  • I am so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs and hopes for healing your way
  • I’m so sorry for your loss.
  • eleven_eleven_ member
    edited November 2018
    I'm so deeply sorry. This is so unfair that you are going through this again. You will be missed so much  <3
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    DS:  March 2014
    DD: May 2015
    BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
    BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
    BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
    BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN  <3 

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I'm so sorry ruby.  My heart is breaking that you're going through this again.  I know you were prepared for bad news but that never makes it any easier.  I hope you are able to find some peace on this difficult journey <3 
    Me: 35  H: 35
    Married: 4/5/13

    "You know that place between sleep and awake, 
    that place where you can still remember dreaming?
    That's where I will always love you.  
    That's where I'll be waiting."
    ~Peter Pan 

    BFP #1: 11/12/12  EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13
    BFP #2: 10/29/17   MMC dx @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
    BFP #4: 3/2/18  MC 3/9/18
    RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
    BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl  :'(
    Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
    BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19  <3  Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 
    BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022 
  • I am so sorry for your loss!
  • I have been waiting for your update all day. My heart sank when I saw this post. I'm so sorry for your loss. We will miss you! 
  • I’m so angry this keeps happening to you. The PGAL thread won’t be the same without you. Love you friend and I know sorry just never seems like enough, but I am sorry. 
    *TW* Spoiler
    Me: 33 DH:30
    DD: Aug '16
    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • My heart just sank. This is such a kick in the gut - I was so hopeful for you. I’m so, so very sorry. I know words can’t possibly do justice to how you’re feeling, but my heart is breaking for you. I hope you find peace and answers. We will
    miss you greatly.
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Oh @ruby696 I’m so so sorry to hear this. My heart is aching for you. I wish this wasn’t happening for you. There really aren’t words to express just how sad I am for you. I’ll be thinking of you. Take care of yourself my friend. 
  • @ruby696 oh I'm so sorry!! I was so hoping for good news today! I'm so so sorry you're going through this again. Thinking of you and take care of yourself!
  • Lurking.....

    @ruby696 I'm sorry. I'm here (as you know) to talk if you need/want. Lots of hugs for you 
  • @ruby696 i am so sad to see this news. You have been such a supportive and lovely part of this board and I am truly sad that you are experiencing this pain again. It’s unfair. I’ll be sending you healing thoughts and wishing you well. 
  • I am so so sorry! This is definitely not fair :( I will be thinking and praying for you and your family. This group will definitely not be the same without you! (Hugs) ❤️ 
  • @ruby696 my heart sank when I saw this. I feel like there are no words - I’m just so sorry you’re going this pain and heartbreak again. We’ll miss you. 
  • I am so sorry for your loss. I will miss you around here, healing thoughts your way. 
  • Oh @ruby696 I'm so sorry. I saw the thread title and that it was you who started it and my heart just sank. You'll be truly missed, and I hope you can find some time for healing and peace.
  • I’m so sorry @ruby696. I hate that you have to go through this again. Sending you so many hugs. 
  • Lurking...

    @ruby696 I was so hoping you would get better news today, this whole process is such a struggle. I hope you are able to take some time for healing, thinking of you...
  • Damn it, I'm so sorry @ruby696! I know you were expecting this but I know it's still hard. you'll be missed I hope you find healing and answers soon 
  • I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. 
  • I am so sorry.  I was hoping for you so hard. I will be thinking of you.
  • Oh @ruby696 I am so, so sorry.  I was really hoping that yours would be one of those good news stories.  My heart hurts for you.  This is so unfair, and you will be missed.  Take care of yourself snuggle those kids extra close.  Hugs.
  • **lurking**

    I'm so sorry for your loss @ruby696. I was in May with you and was hoping so hard for you that this would be your rainbow. I wish you comfort and peace during this awful time. Hugs. 
    Me: 32 │ DH: 35 
    Married 8/16/13
    BFP#1 DS 11/13/16
    BFP# 2 MMC dx @ 13w 10/30/18
    BFP# 3 Preemie DD born at 38w (IUGR) on 8/28/19 weighing 5.5lbs. Our little miracle  <3

  • Oh no. I am so sorry. Please take care of yourself. 
  • I am so sorry.
  • I’m so sorry to hear this. I was really hoping for good news for you. You’ll definitely be missed.
  • I am so so sorry! My thoughts are with you and your family.
  • Oh no. I'm so sorry-- take good care of yourself. PGAL will miss you. 
    TTC History
    TTC #1 Sep 2017-Sep 2018 
    BFP 11/30/2017 | MMC 12/31/2017
    BFP 6/22/2018 | CP 6/27/2018
    BFP 10/5/2018 | EDD 6/14/2019
    Baby girl born 6/19/19

    TTC #2 May 2020-November 2021
    BFP 7/18/2020 | MonoDi Twins | MMC 9/10/2020
    BFP 11/7/2020 | CP 11/9/2020
    RE Consult January 2021 | Dx "borderline DOR"/RPL
    IVF with PGT:
    Standard Antagonist:
    ER #1 3/27/2021 7R | 5M | 3F | 2B | 1 PGT-A Normal, 1 low-level mosaic
    ER #2 4/22/2021 10R | 7M | 3F | 2B | 0 normal, 2 aneuploid
    ER #3 5/19/2021 2R | 1M | 0F
    Estrogen Priming Antagonist:
    ER #4 7/10/2021 5R | 4M | 3F | 1B | 1 PGT-A Normal
    Duostim  (Standard Antagonist):
    ER #5 9/22/2021 13R | 11M | 8F | 5B | 2 PGT-A Normal, 1 low-level mosaic, 2 aneuploid
    ER #6 10/9/2021  9R | 6M | 4 F | 1B | 1 aneuploid
    FET #1  11/5/2021 | EDD 7/24/2022
    Baby boy born 7/19/22

    TTC #3 since May 2023 (ntnp)
    IVF Started Fall 2023 (Standard Antagonist)
    ER #7 10/6/2023 | 9R | 6M | 5F | 3B | 2 aneuploid, 1 high-level mosaic
    ER #8 10/31/2023 | 5R | 4M | 3F | 1B | 1 PGT-A Normal
    FET #2 11/27/23 | CP (bHCG = 8)
    FET #3 planned Jan 2024

  • I’m so sorry it wasn’t be the news you were hoping for. I hope, when you’re ready, that you get your rainbow baby. Love to you and your family
  • Oh my heart aches for you. I'm truly sorry. I hope you find strength in your family and take time for yourself. 
  • I'm so so sorry for your loss and you will be greatly missed around here. Thinking of you and your family. 
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