What ten things are making you happy today?
*TW* Spoiler
Me: 33 DH:30
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
Re: Ten things tuesday!
2. My labradoodle because she’s fluffy and adorable
2. Gatorade, for saving my life every day
3. iMessage group chat for allowing me to message my friends all day
4. Catching up on a tv show while DS napped
5. Daniel Tiger for being so darn entertaining
6. Amazon for delivering an awesome gift for DS (street rug for his cars)
7. DoorDash for delivering dinner tonight
8. My stretchy yoga pants
9. Getting ahead of Christmas shopping
10. Booked our trip to LA next month!
2. It seems like the sun/warmth finally came where I live, its been a weird spring.
3. Leftover food! Had my birthday lunch this weekend and theres enough leftovers for the whole week. Yay for no cooking!
4. My dog, he is the greatest.
5. My husband working so hard, he amazes me.
6. We have our February vacation all planned out.
7. My ability to keep going to the gym despite pregnancy/tiredness.
8. Also having finished our Christmas shopping early this year. Best feeling to not have to stress over that.
9. Christmas being so close!!
10. Working from home all day today, caught up with some netflix binge
2. Seeing my little in-utero kiddo hop and bop around on the US
3. My husband for just being a great guy
4. Cheese - i love it!
5. My cleaning ladies - they are an absolute live saver in helping to keep our house clean
6. Not having to go to work today
7. Agree with @andrean_123 that Christmas is getting closer!
8. Watching food network shows and not having to do much work today
9. Powdered sugar donuts, 'cause yeah, those happened today
10. That besides the terrible MS, our baby is developing on schedule and doing well!
2. My business is making some progress, finally
3. I had a good night sleep last night and actually woke up rested
4. I have a newly, and fully-restocked fridge tonight!
5. I'm making BLTs for dinner because why the hell not
6. Our Christmas tree is up
7. The temps have been cool lately so I've been able to break out my handknit socks
8. My husband - he's so handsome and thoughtful
9. My friends - they've been so supportive lately
10. Bacon
1- my hubby for bringing me cupcakes to work
2- my cat for being extra snuggly
3- my boss for being super easy going thru this first trimester
4- my family even if they drive me nuts
5- my clients through my side hustle
6- milder winter temps
7- sleep
8- being so much closer to being done first trimester
Thats all i got i cant think of 10 things.
1. My pup is home
2. DH (although the dear can be contended at the moment) is picking up dinner tonight
3. MIL is taking my daughter to preschool in the morning tomorrow, that cuts out an hour of driving with a sick kid for me
4. I have kitchen cabinets in my kitchen!
5. We are picking up our Christmas tree today! Eep!
6. My momma is just the best for too many reasons to list
7. I had some friends and people I know really come through for us in an unexpected way this week. I have been so touched and humbled
8. My daughter is getting Christmas this year and we have had so much fun getting excited over it.
9. We don’t not have an elf on the shelf
10. I am pregnant
2. My sister is back from Hawaii and we finalized plans to hang out all day Friday.
3. I got Friday off work.
4. My kitty is sleeping on my belly. Has been doing this a lot lately so we joke he is incubating the baby.
5. Cousin sent me a video of her daughter wrapped in a blanket yelling " I'm a burrito!"
6. Christmas lights are up!
7. Work wasn't too busy today so I actually took a mini nap at my desk during lunch to fend off neusea.
8. 24/7 Christmas music starting now.
9. Strawberry Italian ice.
10. My manicure is fire.
2. my husband he can be a jerk sometimes but he knows when I need him and steps up
3. mangos
4. my job and how understanding not just now but also when I got sick with panic attack
5. cold weather I just prefer it to hot weather
6. my sister and brother they just love me and are always there
7. this thread because it makes me see how many wonderful things I have even when I feel bad
8. a shower it refreshed me
9. Spanish soap operas they're so dramatic and funny
10. the little girl I babysit she is just full of sass
2. My son
3. My pups
4. Ginger candies
5. The beautiful snow outside
6. My girlfriend being induced tomorrow
7. My siblings
8. My parents
9. Getting out of work 2.5 hours early today
10. My Christmas lights/decor
2. My husband who gives his all for us. There is no one I would rather have in my corner.
3. That I have the ability to provide a fun filled Christmas for my family. DH is on call/working Christmas Eve and Christmas day which is really hard for him to be away from DS so I am spoiling both of them and we will make just slightly different memories.
4. I'm greatful for my new dog who is our courthouse facility dog at work. We have had her for about 3 weeks and while she is a lot of work I was able to see one of our states Attorney's curl up on the floor and love on her today. While she is there for the kids she is also there to support the staff. Sometimes we just need to hug something.
5. My bed
6. My best friend who was willing to take DS for the night when DH got called in and I had an emergency interview come in at work.
7. In follow up I'm thankful my emergency got rescheduled for tomorrow so I can be home with DS.
8. This morning was my last dose of progesterone so I'm done with suppositories!
9. Pink lemonade which is about the only thing thing helping my mouth funk.
10. DS is officially only talking about himself in 3rd person by his full first and last name and it's the cutest thing ever.
2. Getting a head start on some gift wrapping tonight.
3. Online shopping. Oh how dangerous the "1 click ordering" button is on Amazon..
4. We booked our vacation for March/April!
5. The breakfast buffet at work. So perfect with managing daily cravings and aversions.
6. My adorable pup who's nuzzled up against me keeping me warm.
7. Orange juice. You're my hero ❤
8. My mother - she is seriously amazing in every possible.
9. The current book I'm reading and hiw suspenseful its getting.
10. Saved the best for last - my husband. I know he is having a hard time finding the right things to say or do, but I know he is putting in 100000% effort to support me. I've never felt so close to him, even with the lack of sexy time (MS - I'm looking at you..)
2) DD. She is so darn sweet. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be her mom.
3) Being pregnant. It really is a huge blessing and not something I take for granted.
4) Oreos. I’ve eaten a whole package in 3 days, so...
5) Christmas. I LOVE Christmas and everything about it.
6) My church. Its full of amazing people who pray for us and this baby all the time.
7) My students. They’re seriously the best. One of them (who suffers from major depressive episodes) left a handwritten note in my mailbox saying how much he appreciates me and how welcomed I make him feel every day. Hormones made me ugly cry when I found it.
8) My friends. I have a great supportive group of girlfriends.
9) Bathtubs. I’m basically living in the bath this pregnancy.
10) Razors. The biotin in my prenatal is making the hair on my head grow really fast, andplusalso the hair in my pits. Did I mention how understanding DH has been? 😂
1. My husband who has really stepped up helping me out while I’ve been so sick.
2. Finding cheap plane tickets to go visit family for Christmas.
3. My nice, cozy, warm house.
4. Having our Christmas tree up already.
5. Family members that call to check up on how I’m feeling.
6. My sweet friend who sends encouraging texts to me.
7. Our Christmas plans got simplified which means less stress for me.
8. Getting out of the house this evening (which has been kind of a challenge for me here recently).
9. Quality time with my husband.
10. My comfy bed.