Any appointments? Questions?: I have my cerclage f/u appointment today after work. I also hope to get more info on the Subchorionic Hematoma that I have. This will be my first visit with my OB since my ER visit for the SCH.
Rants/Raves?: Not really...I'm an emotional roller coaster lately, but I can never remember what I was so upset/happy about the next day....hormones, amiright?
How are you feeling?: I'm okay-ish. I've been feeling A LOT more RLP lately and I've been pretty crampy since my cerclage which I guess is normal but I'm over it.
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? I'm super pumped to buy a car seat travel system. That's the number one thing that I wish I had had when my son was a baby. I'm not really dreading anything. I'm excited for all of it!
Any appointments? Questions?: I don't go back in until Dec 18th. I'm really hoping I can have my anatomy scan later that week.
Rants/Raves?: probably, but I can't think of anything at the moment.
How are you feeling?: All day nausea is gone, but nausea still hits in the evening and I've probably been throwing up more than I was. My energy is better most days. I get short of breath easily, and heartburn sucks. Still not feeling movement, but I don't usually until after 20 weeks.
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? I don't need a lot besides clothes. (I thought we were done and passed them on to friends.) My mom got baby a really nice swing for Christmas that I'm pretty excited about. I debated buying a new carseat yesterday, but I can't justify it because I still have one that isn't expired. What I'm dreading is working on the nursery. I don't have a lot of storage in my home and right now that room is holding a lot of totes and other things that need cleared out.
Any appointments? Questions?: next appt is dec 4. Seems ages away.
Rants/Raves?: n/a
How are you feeling?: feeling okay physically- emotionally I am so nervous. I am hoping to have some peace once I hear the Doppler at my next appt hopefully.
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? We have most everything but will need clothes and a few toys- my daughters stuff will be 6 years old at the time so dreading having to go through everything but also blessed that we are finally pregnant and blessed with this baby.
@keighty80 I seriously loved the travel system! DD was the best sleeper in the car and stroller (still is!)
Due date/W+D: May 17 / 15w+4d
Baby is the size of a(n): Navel orange
Any appointments? Questions?: 16 week appt next Monday, A/S at 18 weeks on 12/14
Rants/Raves?: *TW loss mentioned* Sunday and yesterday I found out two of my friends have had early miscarriages very recently. Neither live near me but we keep in touch pretty regularly for high school and college friends. I knew they were both trying (one knew I was pregnant, the other I talked to when I was 4 weeks so I didn't tell her). The friend I talked to when I was 4 weeks got a positive pregnancy test right after that and miscarried at 7 weeks and must have literally gotten pregnant right away as she's already 7 weeks again! I think we would have been about a week apart. The other miscarried at 6 weeks (again, got her positive right after we talked and I told her I was pregnant around 9 weeks) and is waiting on her first period but her doc told her not to try for 2-3 months. Weird the difference in recommendation there. We talk every month or two but I'll reach out more now. I felt awkward knowing they were trying (and now miscarried) when I'm pregnant. I feel so horrible that they went through this but am hopeful they'll both have successful pregnancies. *end TW*
How are you feeling?: So much better, it's amazing! This is the glorious second trimester
[Also, Borrowing from Group 2's check in this week ] GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? Similar to others, dreading the expense aspect of the stroller but I feel super confident about my research and the amazing price we got on it during the sales this past weekend. I also bought our diaper bag which I'm so excited about. I could use the one I have but it was cheap ($35 or less maybe on sale) and I learned so much about what I don't want. This diaper bag will be so much better for 2 kids, messes, plus will last me through (hopefully) baby #3 when the time comes.
Any appointments? Questions?: Next appointment is on Thursday, but just a normal check in
Rants/Raves?: Nothing really
How are you feeling?: Still pretty crummy. I need that 2nd trimester energy to kick in
[Also, Borrowing from Group 2's check in this week ] GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? Not super excited about anything to be honest. We have everything from my DS. I guess I would be excited to buy some cute girl clothes if we find out this baby is a girl!
Any appointments? Questions?: I'm seeing a Cardiologist on Thursday bc my heartrate has been really high and I've had palpitations, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Super fun.
Rants/Raves?: got a new laptop for work.. woohoo
How are you feeling?: tired all the time.
[Also, Borrowing from Group 2's check in this week ] GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? Excited to get new diapers dreading pretty much everything else. 💸💸
Any appointments? Questions?: Had my 15w check up today, so excited to hear the heartbeat and calm some of my anxiety / worries.
Rants/Raves?: Still sick at least once a day, and I'm not showing AT ALL. My doctor isn't worried that I haven't gained any weight (still down ~5 lbs from when I found out, but stable between 11w and 15w), but my husband is starting to worry that I'm not eating enough / gaining at a healthy rate / impacting baby.
How are you feeling?: Still waiting for that 2nd trimester energy to kick in... Any day now would be greatttt.
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why?: Super excited for the nursery stuff! We're finding out the sex this weekend (yay gender reveal party!!!) so we haven't really bought anything for baby yet because the nursery theme is different for boy / girl. It's our first, so everything is exciting - not really dreading anything except maybe seeing my credit card bill 😂
@atomiccatherine I lost 5lbs between start of pregnancy and my 16 week appointment last time and then I started gaining weight (I expect I was steady from 14-16 weeks). The amount of calories that your baby needs is still so small, you're fine as long as your doctor isn't worried (which you said is the case). I'm showing but I'm a STM and am not sure that I was last time at 15 weeks. I'm still down about 2-3lbs - I think I lost less weight this time because I knew which snacks/foods I can stomach or to keep around for a quick stabilizer which took me a few weeks the first time.
Any appointments? Questions?: Had my 16wk appt today. Heart beat is good
Rants/Raves?: Gained 8 pounds since last appointment!!! Dr said it is normal, as it is first gain since I got pregnant, but I am freaking out that at this rate I will be rolling down the stairs
How are you feeling? Pretty good...and hungry
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why?: Will probably start with nursery and stroller....if I ever figure out how to open and close them
Any appointments? Questions?: Had a quick check in today. My midwife couldn't find the heartbeat and had to get the ultrasound. That was a very stressful minute or so, but baby was dancing away and doing fine.
Rants/Raves?: I wish I could go in weekly for baby checks. The next three weeks are going to be brutal.
How are you feeling?: Still super tired but otherwise OK.
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? The item I was most excited to buy was the stroller. While peeking at it at BuyBuyBaby my Mom decided to impulsively buy it for us. It was a really sweet gesture though it feels a bit early to be buying anything. I am dreading buying diapers. I want to cloth diaper and the options and types are overwhelming.
@jkduer not only we have the same DD but had our 16th app the same day. Glad all is good. I could imagine how scary that minute was getting the US. It took a bit for dr to find heart beat for me too and those seconds felt very long and scary. Glad you got to see your baby dancing around
@jkduer And @dfirstimer I have the same due date as well! My appt was supposed to be this week but they bumped it to next week. The wait is definitely brutal- I wish I could go in every week as well. We did ivf as well and so I have been super nervous this whole pregnancy.
@jkduer and @dfirstimer and @bpietronicco also same due date! I had my 16 week check up on Monday and will find out the gender once the blood test results are back hopefully next week. Still on the fence about a gender reveal as boyfriends parents live out of town and we would like to include them too. This is my first so I’m nervous and excited!!
@bpietronicco, @heavenlytee617 that is great, same DD and same appointment cadence. @bpietronicco good luck next week, I know for our 20th wk because of holidays we are going to have to wait one or more weeks and it is going to feel like ages before we get to hear the heart and see our little bean. @heavenlytee617 hope you get your results soon. We haven’t told anybody yet we found out yesterday it is a girl and I am also a FTM
@dfirstimer I am having to wait til 21 weeks too for the anatomy scan. I wish I could go a week earlier but that’s not how my perinatologist’s office works. Jan 2 seems so far away. Are you able to have any other appointments in between? I scheduled an 18 week check up because I’m a FTM and everything being so new I like the extra reassurance.
@jkduer wouldn't weekly check ups just to hear the heart beat be amazing?! Because of the holidays, we had the option to do our anatomy scan Dec 19 or Jan 2, and my husband was like oh Jan 2 is fine. Had to make something up about a work conflict on the spot and push for Dec 19 because I did nottt want to wait that long in between appointments!
@jkduer what a great idea having an in between check up. I am also a FTM. I don’t have any appointments in between but will be leaving the country for the holidays from the 17th until the 2nd to visit my parents so just hoping my growing belly is reassurance and hopefully we get to start feeling the babies move in the next few weeks which will also help. Next appointment feels far far away.
@jkduer@dfirstimer@atomiccatherine FTM also and my clinic refuses to do anatomy scans prior to 20 weeks to help prevent us from not getting the answer. I guess they figure baby is more willing to cooperate at 20 weeks than 18 or 19? Not sure how that works! Lol. I scheduled an optional doppler appointment at 16 weeks because otherwise I’d be going almost 2 months between appointments and I wasn’t having it! The anatomy scan still seems like ages away but in reality, is in 24 days! I’m hoping the Christmas holiday allows it to come much quicker than it feels! Good luck on your waits!
I had my a/s at 20 weeks last time but the MFM (my insurance is weird and wants me to go to MFM for ultasounds) said "come back in 6 weeks" at our 12 week NT so I'm all for it with my SCH (we're team green). My OB's office has nothing to do with that scheduling but I'm glad to have 16 and 20 week appts on either side of the 18 week a/s.
Re: Group 3 Check In Week of 11/26
Due date/W+D: 05/21, 15 Weeks
Baby is the size of a(n): Orange!
Any appointments? Questions?: I have my cerclage f/u appointment today after work. I also hope to get more info on the Subchorionic Hematoma that I have. This will be my first visit with my OB since my ER visit for the SCH.
Rants/Raves?: Not really...I'm an emotional roller coaster lately, but I can never remember what I was so upset/happy about the next day....hormones, amiright?
How are you feeling?: I'm okay-ish. I've been feeling A LOT more RLP lately and I've been pretty crampy since my cerclage which I guess is normal but I'm over it.
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? I'm super pumped to buy a car seat travel system. That's the number one thing that I wish I had had when my son was a baby. I'm not really dreading anything. I'm excited for all of it!Due date/W+D: 5/16. 15w5d
Baby is the size of a(n): orange
Any appointments? Questions?: I don't go back in until Dec 18th. I'm really hoping I can have my anatomy scan later that week.
Rants/Raves?: probably, but I can't think of anything at the moment.
How are you feeling?: All day nausea is gone, but nausea still hits in the evening and I've probably been throwing up more than I was. My energy is better most days. I get short of breath easily, and heartburn sucks. Still not feeling movement, but I don't usually until after 20 weeks.
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? I don't need a lot besides clothes. (I thought we were done and passed them on to friends.) My mom got baby a really nice swing for Christmas that I'm pretty excited about. I debated buying a new carseat yesterday, but I can't justify it because I still have one that isn't expired. What I'm dreading is working on the nursery. I don't have a lot of storage in my home and right now that room is holding a lot of totes and other things that need cleared out.Due date/W+D: 5/15, 15+6
Baby is the size of a(n): Orange
Any appointments? Questions?: next appt is dec 4. Seems ages away.
Rants/Raves?: n/a
How are you feeling?: feeling okay physically- emotionally I am so nervous. I am hoping to have some peace once I hear the Doppler at my next appt hopefully.
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? We have most everything but will need clothes and a few toys- my daughters stuff will be 6 years old at the time so dreading having to go through everything but also blessed that we are finally pregnant and blessed with this baby.@keighty80 I seriously loved the travel system! DD was the best sleeper in the car and stroller (still is!)
Due date/W+D: May 17 / 15w+4d
Baby is the size of a(n): Navel orange
Any appointments? Questions?: 16 week appt next Monday, A/S at 18 weeks on 12/14
Rants/Raves?: *TW loss mentioned* Sunday and yesterday I found out two of my friends have had early miscarriages very recently. Neither live near me but we keep in touch pretty regularly for high school and college friends. I knew they were both trying (one knew I was pregnant, the other I talked to when I was 4 weeks so I didn't tell her). The friend I talked to when I was 4 weeks got a positive pregnancy test right after that and miscarried at 7 weeks and must have literally gotten pregnant right away as she's already 7 weeks again! I think we would have been about a week apart. The other miscarried at 6 weeks (again, got her positive right after we talked and I told her I was pregnant around 9 weeks) and is waiting on her first period but her doc told her not to try for 2-3 months. Weird the difference in recommendation there. We talk every month or two but I'll reach out more now. I felt awkward knowing they were trying (and now miscarried) when I'm pregnant. I feel so horrible that they went through this but am hopeful they'll both have successful pregnancies. *end TW*
How are you feeling?: So much better, it's amazing! This is the glorious second trimester
[Also, Borrowing from Group 2's check in this weekGTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? Similar to others, dreading the expense aspect of the stroller but I feel super confident about my research and the amazing price we got on it during the sales this past weekend. I also bought our diaper bag which I'm so excited about. I could use the one I have but it was cheap ($35 or less maybe on sale) and I learned so much about what I don't want. This diaper bag will be so much better for 2 kids, messes, plus will last me through (hopefully) baby #3 when the time comes.
Due date/W+D: May 16th/ 15w5d
Baby is the size of a(n): orange? I think?
Any appointments? Questions?: Next appointment is on Thursday, but just a normal check in
Rants/Raves?: Nothing really
How are you feeling?: Still pretty crummy. I need that 2nd trimester energy to kick in
[Also, Borrowing from Group 2's check in this weekGTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? Not super excited about anything to be honest. We have everything from my DS. I guess I would be excited to buy some cute girl clothes if we find out this baby is a girl!
This thread is for those due May 15-21
Due date/W+D: may 19; 15+2
Baby is the size of a(n): I forgot to look 😬
Any appointments? Questions?: I'm seeing a Cardiologist on Thursday bc my heartrate has been really high and I've had palpitations, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Super fun.
Rants/Raves?: got a new laptop for work.. woohoo
How are you feeling?: tired all the time.
[Also, Borrowing from Group 2's check in this weekGTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? Excited to get new diapers
Due date/W+D: May 21st, 15w1d
Baby is the size of a(n): Eggo waffle
Any appointments? Questions?: Had my 15w check up today, so excited to hear the heartbeat and calm some of my anxiety / worries.
Rants/Raves?: Still sick at least once a day, and I'm not showing AT ALL. My doctor isn't worried that I haven't gained any weight (still down ~5 lbs from when I found out, but stable between 11w and 15w), but my husband is starting to worry that I'm not eating enough / gaining at a healthy rate / impacting baby.
How are you feeling?: Still waiting for that 2nd trimester energy to kick in... Any day now would be greatttt.
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why?: Super excited for the nursery stuff! We're finding out the sex this weekend (yay gender reveal party!!!) so we haven't really bought anything for baby yet because the nursery theme is different for boy / girl. It's our first, so everything is exciting - not really dreading anything except maybe seeing my credit card bill 😂Due date/W+D: May 15, 16w+1
Baby is the size of a(n): Avocado
Any appointments? Questions?: Had my 16wk appt today. Heart beat is good
Rants/Raves?: Gained 8 pounds since last appointment!!! Dr said it is normal, as it is first gain since I got pregnant, but I am freaking out that at this rate I will be rolling down the stairs
How are you feeling? Pretty good...and hungry
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why?: Will probably start with nursery and stroller....if I ever figure out how to open and close themDue date/W+D: May 15, 16 weeks 1 day
Baby is the size of a(n): Avocado/CD
Any appointments? Questions?: Had a quick check in today. My midwife couldn't find the heartbeat and had to get the ultrasound. That was a very stressful minute or so, but baby was dancing away and doing fine.
Rants/Raves?: I wish I could go in weekly for baby checks. The next three weeks are going to be brutal.
How are you feeling?: Still super tired but otherwise OK.
GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? The item I was most excited to buy was the stroller. While peeking at it at BuyBuyBaby my Mom decided to impulsively buy it for us. It was a really sweet gesture though it feels a bit early to be buying anything. I am dreading buying diapers. I want to cloth diaper and the options and types are overwhelming.@jkduer @dfirstimer @atomiccatherine FTM also and my clinic refuses to do anatomy scans prior to 20 weeks to help prevent us from not getting the answer. I guess they figure baby is more willing to cooperate at 20 weeks than 18 or 19? Not sure how that works! Lol. I scheduled an optional doppler appointment at 16 weeks because otherwise I’d be going almost 2 months between appointments and I wasn’t having it! The anatomy scan still seems like ages away but in reality, is in 24 days! I’m hoping the Christmas holiday allows it to come much quicker than it feels! Good luck on your waits!