May 2019 Moms

Group 1 Check In, Week of 11/26

This thread is for those due May 1-7

Due date/W+D: 

Baby is the size of a(n): 

Any appointments? Questions?:


How are you feeling?: 

[Borrowed from Group 2's check in this week] GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? 
DD born PPROM preemie at 36 weeks on 10/1/17 after over a year TI, 
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.

Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

Re: Group 1 Check In, Week of 11/26

  • Due date/W+D: May 2, 17+4

    Baby is the size of a(n): Game console controller/pomegranate 

    Any appointments? Questions?:  Regular check-up on Thursday, my OB just went on maternity leave so I hope I like this one too.  

    Rants/Raves?: Just feeling blah and a lot of things feel like so much effort.  

    How are you feeling?: Really freaking anxious.  Also, just a lot of discharge in general.  

    [Borrowed from Group 2's check in this week] GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why?  We don't need a whole lot this time around, but are getting a bassinet.  I'm excited for that to be set up, as well as the nursery in general.  I don't think there's anything I'm dreading, Lucie's List has been a saving grace with wading through baby stuff.
    DD born PPROM preemie at 36 weeks on 10/1/17 after over a year TI, 
    then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.

    Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
    because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • Due Date: May 7th, 16+6

    Baby is the size of a taco

    Appt./questions: Not till mid-December 

    Rants/Raves: 2 weeks till all finals are over! 

    How are you feeling?: Morning sickness is finally starting to ease, still have to take meds, but at least now I can eat a bit.

    Baby item most excited to get: We just bought a chicco travel system, I can't wait to test it out in the car! 

    Baby item least excited to get: a diaper pail lol. I can't seem to find a brand with solid reviews. 
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  • *lurking from group 3* @nuggetmama369 I love our chicco bravo travel system! And we've had great luck with the ubbi diaper pail as has everyone I've heard that uses it. You can use regular trash bags (as opposed to the other popular brand whose name is escaping me at the moment) and it's contained smells really well. DD is now 15 months and I would highly recommend it.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • Due date/W+D: May 3rd, 17+3

    Baby is the size of a(n): pomegranate 

    Any appointments? Questions?: counting down to the anatomy scan, dec 7th


    How are you feeling?: pretty good, I still have occasional nausea which I hoped would be gone by now but oh well

    [Borrowed from Group 2's check in this week] GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? This is baby two so we don’t need a whole lot- I bought the on the go baby dome today and a new baby bath tub. Super exciting, ha! Not really dreading any purchases. 
  • This thread is for those due May 1-7

    Due date/W+D:  5/5, 17W1D

    Baby is the size of a(n): a turnip

    Any appointments? Questions?: anatomy scan but not until Dec 14

    Rants/Raves?: my husband and I decided I won't be going back to work after this little one is here and I'm struggling soooo hard going every day knowing there's an end date😂

    How are you feeling?: fine for the most part. I've started having occasional heartburn 

    [Borrowed from Group 2's check in this week] GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? I have nearly everything still from my first. I always love buying new wraps/carriers. I think the only thing we really need is a cosleeper/halo bassinet since my son coslept wirh me in my bed and now we have a memory foam mattress so we can't cosleep. Not really dreading anything since we don't need much else. 
  • Due date/W+D: 17w+3

    Baby is the size of a(n): weighs as much as a hockey puck/chipmunk/it was a taco 🌮 on Friday...I love tacos.

    Any appointments? Questions?: Last week I had a normal monthly appt. No major things came up other than they thought I was being weepy which I was, but they were trying extra hard to figure out if it was because of something with the pregnancy, which it wasn’t. I had the most horrendous parent meeting earlier that day and hadn’t had hardly anything to eat all day at the same time. Ugh, it was awful. They finally let me leave after almost an hour of questioning. Love my midwife, but I was definitely tired of the overprotectiveness.

    Rants/Raves?: I’m not overly hungry but I still want to eat all the things.

    How are you feeling?: Good! Thankful too that all is going well!

    [Borrowed from Group 2's check in this week] GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy?
    What item are you dreading? Why? I am excited to buy a double stroller. I want a Bob stroller because the one we have at the moment works so well in the woods...but it’s also the item I’m most dreading because it will cost so much!

  • Due date/W+D: 5/2, 17w5d

    Baby is the size of a(n): pomegranate

    Any appointments? Questions?: Regular checkup this coming Wednesday. A little nervous for it because my body/symptoms have been weird this week so I want to hear the heartbeat for some reassurance, but other then that feeling good. 

    Rants/Raves?: Rant= Insomnia as I write this at 2am, Rave= my friend shipped me the best coconut cookies. I crave coconut flavour anything!

    How are you feeling?: Overall good, no more morning sickness or hip pain from sleeping on my side (Pilates really helped with my hip pain and opening up my pelvis). I am a little anxious as I started to have some scary symptoms that I won't go into but they had me wishing for the morning sickness again haha. 

    [Borrowed from Group 2's check in this week] GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? I'm excited to buy cute baby clothes and a stroller. At the same time I'm also dreading buying a stroller because there are soo many to choose from!!
  • Due date/W+D: May 2, 17+5

    Baby is the size of a(n): slightly bigger taco (gonna continue to use this for a while because thinking of this little one as a floating taco is amusing to me!)

    Any appointments? Questions?:  Had a regular appointment today and heard a strong heartbeat. I feel like I wait in the waiting room longer than I’m with the CNM for these quick check ins...


    How are you feeling?: I am still feeling pretty good.  Getting slight sciatica pain from sitting so much 

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? 

    STM here so I don’t have a lot to buy. We gave most of our newborn clothes away to a friend who fostered an infant so we’ll have to replace that. Our 3 year old still uses her converted crib as her toddler bed so to get her out of that in prep for the baby, she’s getting a bunk bed and she is sooooo excited. This is totally not baby related but we’re getting a new couch for Christmas and I’m sure there will be lots of maternity leave spent on that thing and I can’t wait for that!  We were super blessed by family and friends who purchased most of the big items for us last time so I didn’t really dread buying anything.

  • Due date/W+D:  May 4, 17 weeks 3 days

    Baby is the size of a(n): Chipmunk (Honestly can't believe she's that big already... also SO weird saying she!)

    Any appointments? Questions?: Tomorrow afternoon for a checkup. Considering bringing my son with me instead of having someone watch him but we'll see how it plays out

    Rants/Raves?: Just got back from a 9 day vacation in Florida where we went to Disney, we had an awesome time but everyone was drinking and I seriously was missing it! I did have a glass of wine with Thanksgiving dinner.... that I drank in approx 4 hours haha

    How are you feeling?: Great except for the RLP I've been experiencing lately. I wish that I had kept a diary last time because I feel like this is when it started last time. I'll go to get up and get such bad pains I can't move. Not fun!

    [Borrowed from Group 2's check in this week] GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? I am really excited to buy our double stroller and was hoping for a good sale this week but it was only on sale in red. I'm excited for but also dreading the bedroom furniture just because it's such an expensive purchase but also it's such a fun step in preparing the nursery! Totally wish we could have a big shower for every child! haha
    BabyFetus Ticker
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