Any appointments? Questions?: I have an appointment coming up Thursday. I'm nervous. Wish it was an u/s. I had some spotting last week and the recent TW loss broke my heart and shot my anxiety through the roof.
Rants/Raves?: We are telling my sister on Friday! I'm thrilled.. My mom was ecstatic....even my MIL was happy for a little bit. After that we will probably hold off until closer to Christmas. I'll be well over 12 weeks.
How are you feeling?: OK. Nausea isn't as bad, just comes and goes occasionally. I had some dizziness over the weekend I suspect is from poor appetite and hydration. Staying on top of that this week. Still pretty tired but I'm going to try to go the gym today and see how I feel. I'm itching to work out.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I had those Disney sound storybooks I guess I want NUTS over. Pinocchio and Beauty and Beast!
Any appointments? Questions?: Next week I have another US. I’m not sure if we’re doing the NIPT or I’m just telling them if I want it.
Rants/Raves?: I went to a christening and the following party was treated like a gd wedding. I have been feeling pretty okay since I took a lot of time to prepare mentally for a pregnancy, but this was really excessive and it made me feel really overwhelmed with the expectations that will be put on me.
How are you feeling?: Nausea was at its worst last week. Today I’m okay and making some moves to eat a little healthier. Healthy food I normally like still tastes like grass to me.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I remember reading Ferdinand and Be Kind to Spiders at my grandmas house many times
Any appointments? Questions?: not for a couple more weeks
How are you feeling?: I’ve had some twinges and light cramping here and there. I’ve also had off and on nausea. Most recently, when it comes, it comes on so quickly and strongly, which is very different from how it had been before.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I can’t remember any of the names of them off the top of my head. But I’ve always been a big book lover, so I have lots of favorites I’d like to pass on.
Any appointments? Questions?: not for another 3 weeks: 12/17 prenatal and 12/20 NT scan
Rants/Raves?: I have been digging all the Christmas decor and music that has been popping up. I'm also impatiently waiting to wake up and see a legit baby bump lol. I keep reminding myself that I didn't start showing with my daughter at all until 14 weeks and I am just nearing 9 weeks so it is not even time for my uterus to pop out yet. But I keep rubbing my blump and in my head it seems much bigger and more like a bump than it is lol
How are you feeling?: MS has become mostly just night sickness which is better than the all day sickness it has been. General aches and pains, headaches, some dizziness, and lots of emotional moments. But honestly I don't feel that bad. I had a scary dream that I was at my 12 week prenatal appt and they told me the baby passed away. So I have been super freaked out, but I am trying to chalk it up to anxiety and not over stress myself about things I can't control. I think that is partially why I have been so extra sensitive and defensive about loss experiences lately, aside from just feeling heartbroken for those who go through it.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: "Bedtime for Francis"
@BlondePeanut dreams where you lose a baby are horrific. I’ve had at least 2 dreams like that this pregnancy that seemed so very real. While they’re scary, the good thing is that they’re almost definitely just pregnancy hormones and worry making them.
@kjr9519 As scary as they are and not that I would want anyone to experience them, it does give me relief to know I am not the only one going through it.
Any appointments? Questions?: My next appt is next Thursday. We will finally get to hear the heartbeat!
Rants/Raves?: We had Christmas pics taken on Sunday & one of them will be uses for our announcement photo! I'm so excited to get see how they turned out!
How are you feeling?: I have some nausea throughout the day, but it's manageable.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: The Lorax
Any appointments? Questions?: Dec 3 first ob appt after fertility clinic graduated me last Friday
I get nervous because I don't have any signs baby is ok .. I guess going from weekly or twice weekly check-in to now " normal " appointments I'm just nervous
tiredness is a killer I can literally close my eyes and fall asleep
Happy feeling well !!
How are you feeling?: I feel normal a couple of twinges here and there ! But still nervous
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: The lady with the alligator purse
Baby is the size of a(n): Peanut (whole peanut. I got super confused for a second how just a tiny peanut could be the right size. They must mean in shell yes?)
Any appointments? Questions?: Not atm
How are you feeling?: After all my awful feeling yesterday, I'm starting to feel more pregnant. I can feel my uterus is not normal anymore, which makes me very happy and feeling a lot better. I had this feeling from 5 weeks with my son (it was actually the first symptom I noticed). I guess I'm much squishier and more stretched out then I was then.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I loved the Animal Ark books, Baby Sitters Club, a bunch of Dr. Suess Books, Are You My Mother?, and the Harry Potter series.
@meliss918 I hate how they have apts structured. I get it, but I hate it. In the beginning, I have zero way of knowing everything is ok and much more mobility. I would rather have weekly apts now and more like monthly at the end. I know they're watching for BP issues and stuff like that, but at least at the end, I can feel the baby kick and am much more likely to know if something is going wrong. Right now, I am so in the dark, and I hate that I can't get more reassurance that everything is progressing normally.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Any appointments? Questions?: I asked for a peace of mind ultrasound and it will be tomorrow. I've been having a lot of lower back pain and I'm a worrier since I experienced a MMC earlier this year.
Rants/Raves?: Thinking about doing our announcement (if we get there) as an ultrasound photo Christmas card. Oh and I also ordered a Doppler so I can hopefully pick up on the heartbeat at home between appointments.
How are you feeling?: Tired. Still have big, veiny boobs. Zero sex drive. Occasional food aversions but nausea is pretty much gone.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: Goodnight Moon
Baby is the size of a(n): Strawberry? App says paper clip today but I like strawberry better.
Any appointments? Questions?: First actual appointment with my OB next week. Can't wait. Her nurse from my OB ed class was a fool, but I did get to talk to another nurse yesterday (because the one from OB ed didn't actually get the answer to the question I asked about the vitamin A in my prenatal) and that was much better....
Rants/Raves?: Kind of both, related to that question. I knew we were supposed to be staying away from retinol (and retinyl palmitate), but that stuff is in EVERYTHING in my bathroom -- facial moisturizer, lipstick, lotion, the whole nine. Turns it out is also in my prenatal, to the tune of 4000 IUs. So I asked at my OB ed class if I needed to switch prenatals, or if that was OK but I still needed to avoid any topical retinyl palmitate, which she didn't know but said she'd find out. Got a call from a different nurse this week saying that nope, my prenatal is fine! But when I asked about the topical stuff, she didn't have any record of that (grrrr) -- but reassured me that as long as I'm under 10,000 IUs total in a given day, that's the recommended upper limit. Vitamins kind of overdo everything, including that, and topically, very little of what's absorbed by the skin gets into the bloodstream, so not to worry about my face lotion or lipstick. YAYYYYYY!!!!! I don't have to feel like my face belongs to a lizard! Obviously other OBs may have different recommendations, but if mine is cool with that I am too.
How are you feeling?: Entirely asymptomatic. Had a little hip pain last night, but that's about it.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little? Heckedy Peg! Which, reading as an adult, is MESSED UP. But I loved it as a kid. And I still read The Witch of Blackbird Pond every year.
@BlondePeanut I loved the Francis books when I was little!!!
Due date/W+D: originally June 23rd but baby is measuring 3 days ahead so June 20th. 11 weeks today!
Baby is the size of a(n): Lime.
Any appointments? Questions?: My next appointment is December 7th.
Rants/Raves?: I’m so excited to be out of the 1st trimester. I’m super stressed about my appointment next Friday. PGAL brain.
How are you feeling?: I’m exhausted all the time. I also have really terrible heartburn. I think most of my MS is because of the heartburn. I had two great days when I didn’t puke and I felt like I could eat anything. Today I had awful heartburn and threw up after eating dinner. I’m hungry but I’m scared to eat anything! I also am scared to take zantac becuase the last three times I’ve taken it, i threw up right after.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?:
Due date/W+D - Hi! My due date is June 24th and my own birthday is June 20th! This will make me 38 if the baby is born 6-20 or later. I am 10+5 weeks.
Baby is the size of a prune.
Any appointments? Questions? My next appointment is January 7th.
Rants/Raves - I had my first ultrasound 2 days ago and I was so relieved to find out everything is okay! I was also surprised to see so much detail in the pictures When I got the 1st pic with my 1st child, the baby looked like a peanut. Also, my DH is helping out a lot more this time. Last time he seemed to think it was all in my head because his mom got pregnant at 42 and didn't even realize it. We had a talk after the first baby was born about how what being supportive really meant though.
How are you feeling? I think I am finally getting over the constant nausea, but I am still exhausted.
Favorite book when I was a child- I loved the American Girl series.
Any appointments? Questions?: Just had a Pap smear on Tuesday and got to see the little lovebug on a Doppler. My next real u/s is the 10th, and I think we’ll be doing our first trimester screening then too.
Rants/Raves?: The hubby could no longer contain his excitement and told a lot of our friends at a party last night. I still think it’s a little too soon, but they’re also like our stand-in family (we live 10+ hours away from family), so I know they’ll be supportive too. Plus, it was pretty obvious because I wasn’t drinking, and I’m already starting to show. Otherwise, I’m loving every minute, even when I’m puking!
How are you feeling?: Overall, a lot better, especially now that I’m learning what works for me (like making eating a 3 am snack if I wake up hungry). The constipation/gas is the worst though—I have a lot of gas pains.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I honestly can’t remember from when I was really little, but I loved Mrs. Piggle Wiggle when I was a little older.
Any appointments? Questions? I have an appointment next week on the 11th I’m hoping to hear the heartbeat we’ve only seen it flicker at the last appontment. Also did an early 1 hour gluolcose test since I had Gestational Diabetes with my duaghter. Passed the test, that was relieving!
Rants/Raves? Sleep keep evading me! But what’s new?
How are you feeling?: Overall, a TON better! I’m noticing spicy or acidic food effect me more - but no neasea all day which is glorious! Just kinda getting uncomfortable in my pants, I’m thinking a belly band will help - I didn’t move to maternity/band until like 5 months with my last babe so I think it’s early but mannn do I think it would help.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I remember really loving the Ramona books. I also just got a box of books from my childhood and am loving reading them to my daughter, one I feel nostalgic about is Christina Katerina - when the little girl quits the family. Hilarious!
Re: Group 4 Check-in (June 23-30) w/o 11/26
Due date/W+D: 9+6
Baby is the size of a(n): water bottle cap
Any appointments? Questions?: I have an appointment coming up Thursday. I'm nervous. Wish it was an u/s. I had some spotting last week and the recent TW loss broke my heart and shot my anxiety through the roof.
Rants/Raves?: We are telling my sister on Friday! I'm thrilled.. My mom was ecstatic....even my MIL was happy for a little bit. After that we will probably hold off until closer to Christmas. I'll be well over 12 weeks.
How are you feeling?: OK. Nausea isn't as bad, just comes and goes occasionally. I had some dizziness over the weekend I suspect is from poor appetite and hydration. Staying on top of that this week. Still pretty tired but I'm going to try to go the gym today and see how I feel. I'm itching to work out.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I had those Disney sound storybooks I guess I want NUTS over. Pinocchio and Beauty and Beast!
Due date/W+D: 7/4, 8+4
Baby is the size of a(n): peanut
Any appointments? Questions?: Next week I have another US. I’m not sure if we’re doing the NIPT or I’m just telling them if I want it.
Rants/Raves?: I went to a christening and the following party was treated like a gd wedding. I have been feeling pretty okay since I took a lot of time to prepare mentally for a pregnancy, but this was really excessive and it made me feel really overwhelmed with the expectations that will be put on me.
How are you feeling?: Nausea was at its worst last week. Today I’m okay and making some moves to eat a little healthier. Healthy food I normally like still tastes like grass to me.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I remember reading Ferdinand and Be Kind to Spiders at my grandmas house many times
Due date/W+D: 6/23 / 10+1
Baby is the size of a(n): strawberry
Any appointments? Questions?: not for a couple more weeks
How are you feeling?: I’ve had some twinges and light cramping here and there. I’ve also had off and on nausea. Most recently, when it comes, it comes on so quickly and strongly, which is very different from how it had been before.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I can’t remember any of the names of them off the top of my head. But I’ve always been a big book lover, so I have lots of favorites I’d like to pass on.
Due date/W+D: 7/03 (delivery scheduled 6/26) 8+5
Baby is the size of a(n): grape
Any appointments? Questions?: not for another 3 weeks: 12/17 prenatal and 12/20 NT scan
Rants/Raves?: I have been digging all the Christmas decor and music that has been popping up. I'm also impatiently waiting to wake up and see a legit baby bump lol. I keep reminding myself that I didn't start showing with my daughter at all until 14 weeks and I am just nearing 9 weeks so it is not even time for my uterus to pop out yet. But I keep rubbing my blump and in my head it seems much bigger and more like a bump than it is lol
How are you feeling?: MS has become mostly just night sickness which is better than the all day sickness it has been. General aches and pains, headaches, some dizziness, and lots of emotional moments. But honestly I don't feel that bad. I had a scary dream that I was at my 12 week prenatal appt and they told me the baby passed away. So I have been super freaked out, but I am trying to chalk it up to anxiety and not over stress myself about things I can't control. I think that is partially why I have been so extra sensitive and defensive about loss experiences lately, aside from just feeling heartbroken for those who go through it.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: "Bedtime for Francis"
Baby is the size of a(n): Cherry
Any appointments? Questions?: My next appt is next Thursday. We will finally get to hear the heartbeat!
Rants/Raves?: We had Christmas pics taken on Sunday & one of them will be uses for our announcement photo! I'm so excited to get see how they turned out!
How are you feeling?: I have some nausea throughout the day, but it's manageable.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: The Lorax
Due date/W+D: June 25th, 10+1
Baby is the size of a(n): lego minifigure
Any appointments? Questions?: We just had an appointment monday, ultrasound on Dec 11th and next appointment Dec 28th.
Rants/Raves?: Rave: Doc found the heartbeat at my appointment on Monday at 9+6 with the doppler! It was so exciting! No rants so far today.
How are you feeling?: Pretty good as long as I keep up on my zantac and eat before I get nauseous.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little? Green eggs and Ham.
FTM here!
Due date/W+D: June 29/ measuring 9+1
Baby is the size of a(n): kidney bean
Any appointments? Questions?: Dec 3 first ob appt after fertility clinic graduated me last Friday
I get nervous because I don't have any signs baby is ok .. I guess going from weekly or twice weekly check-in to now " normal " appointments I'm just nervous
tiredness is a killer I can literally close my eyes and fall asleep
Happy feeling well !!
How are you feeling?: I feel normal a couple of twinges here and there ! But still nervous
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: The lady with the alligator purse
Hapoy Monday!
Due date/W+D: 9W1D , July 2nd/ 8W4D, July 6th
Baby is the size of a(n): Peanut (whole peanut. I got super confused for a second how just a tiny peanut could be the right size. They must mean in shell yes?)
Any appointments? Questions?: Not atm
How are you feeling?: After all my awful feeling yesterday, I'm starting to feel more pregnant. I can feel my uterus is not normal anymore, which makes me very happy and feeling a lot better. I had this feeling from 5 weeks with my son (it was actually the first symptom I noticed). I guess I'm much squishier and more stretched out then I was then.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I loved the Animal Ark books, Baby Sitters Club, a bunch of Dr. Suess Books, Are You My Mother?, and the Harry Potter series.
@meliss918 I hate how they have apts structured. I get it, but I hate it. In the beginning, I have zero way of knowing everything is ok and much more mobility. I would rather have weekly apts now and more like monthly at the end. I know they're watching for BP issues and stuff like that, but at least at the end, I can feel the baby kick and am much more likely to know if something is going wrong. Right now, I am so in the dark, and I hate that I can't get more reassurance that everything is progressing normally.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
Due date/W+D: 6/29, 9+4
Baby is the size of a(n): Cherry
Any appointments? Questions?: I asked for a peace of mind ultrasound and it will be tomorrow. I've been having a lot of lower back pain and I'm a worrier since I experienced a MMC earlier this year.
Rants/Raves?: Thinking about doing our announcement (if we get there) as an ultrasound photo Christmas card. Oh and I also ordered a Doppler so I can hopefully pick up on the heartbeat at home between appointments.
How are you feeling?: Tired. Still have big, veiny boobs. Zero sex drive. Occasional food aversions but nausea is pretty much gone.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: Goodnight Moon
Due date/W+D: June 25, 10.1
Baby is the size of a(n): Strawberry? App says paper clip today but I like strawberry better.
Any appointments? Questions?: First actual appointment with my OB next week. Can't wait. Her nurse from my OB ed class was a fool, but I did get to talk to another nurse yesterday (because the one from OB ed didn't actually get the answer to the question I asked about the vitamin A in my prenatal) and that was much better....
Rants/Raves?: Kind of both, related to that question. I knew we were supposed to be staying away from retinol (and retinyl palmitate), but that stuff is in EVERYTHING in my bathroom -- facial moisturizer, lipstick, lotion, the whole nine. Turns it out is also in my prenatal, to the tune of 4000 IUs. So I asked at my OB ed class if I needed to switch prenatals, or if that was OK but I still needed to avoid any topical retinyl palmitate, which she didn't know but said she'd find out. Got a call from a different nurse this week saying that nope, my prenatal is fine! But when I asked about the topical stuff, she didn't have any record of that (grrrr) -- but reassured me that as long as I'm under 10,000 IUs total in a given day, that's the recommended upper limit. Vitamins kind of overdo everything, including that, and topically, very little of what's absorbed by the skin gets into the bloodstream, so not to worry about my face lotion or lipstick. YAYYYYYY!!!!! I don't have to feel like my face belongs to a lizard! Obviously other OBs may have different recommendations, but if mine is cool with that I am too.
How are you feeling?: Entirely asymptomatic. Had a little hip pain last night, but that's about it.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little? Heckedy Peg! Which, reading as an adult, is MESSED UP. But I loved it as a kid. And I still read The Witch of Blackbird Pond every year.
Due date/W+D: originally June 23rd but baby is measuring 3 days ahead so June 20th. 11 weeks today!
Baby is the size of a(n): Lime.
Any appointments? Questions?: My next appointment is December 7th.
Rants/Raves?: I’m so excited to be out of the 1st trimester. I’m super stressed about my appointment next Friday. PGAL brain.
How are you feeling?: I’m exhausted all the time. I also have really terrible heartburn. I think most of my MS is because of the heartburn. I had two great days when I didn’t puke and I felt like I could eat anything. Today I had awful heartburn and threw up after eating dinner. I’m hungry but I’m scared to eat anything! I also am scared to take zantac becuase the last three times I’ve taken it, i threw up right after.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?:
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
Baby is the size of a prune.
Any appointments? Questions? My next appointment is January 7th.
Rants/Raves - I had my first ultrasound 2 days ago and I was so relieved to find out everything is okay! I was also surprised to see so much detail in the pictures When I got the 1st pic with my 1st child, the baby looked like a peanut. Also, my DH is helping out a lot more this time. Last time he seemed to think it was all in my head because his mom got pregnant at 42 and didn't even realize it. We had a talk after the first baby was born about how what being supportive really meant though.
How are you feeling? I think I am finally getting over the constant nausea, but I am still exhausted.
Favorite book when I was a child- I loved the American Girl series.
I am due 6/28 10 weeks and 2 days today
baby is the size of a kumquat
I have an apt Monday after work with an ultrasound.
I am very nervous because right now my history is 2 kids 2 losses.
I feel ok but nausea and gag all the time. I am okay with that, it could be much worse.
My favorite books were the Bearenstine bears book.
Due date/W+D: June 26, 10w5d
Baby is the size of a(n): Strawberry
Any appointments? Questions?: Just had a Pap smear on Tuesday and got to see the little lovebug on a Doppler. My next real u/s is the 10th, and I think we’ll be doing our first trimester screening then too.
Rants/Raves?: The hubby could no longer contain his excitement and told a lot of our friends at a party last night. I still think it’s a little too soon, but they’re also like our stand-in family (we live 10+ hours away from family), so I know they’ll be supportive too. Plus, it was pretty obvious because I wasn’t drinking, and I’m already starting to show. Otherwise, I’m loving every minute, even when I’m puking!
How are you feeling?: Overall, a lot better, especially now that I’m learning what works for me (like making eating a 3 am snack if I wake up hungry). The constipation/gas is the worst though—I have a lot of gas pains.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I honestly can’t remember from when I was really little, but I loved Mrs. Piggle Wiggle when I was a little older.
Due date/W+D: June 27, 10+1
Baby is the size of a(n): Lime
Any appointments? Questions? I have an appointment next week on the 11th I’m hoping to hear the heartbeat
we’ve only seen it flicker at the last appontment. Also did an early 1 hour gluolcose test since I had Gestational Diabetes with my duaghter. Passed the test, that was relieving!
Rants/Raves? Sleep keep evading me! But what’s new?
How are you feeling?: Overall, a TON better! I’m noticing spicy or acidic food effect me more - but no neasea all day which is glorious! Just kinda getting uncomfortable in my pants, I’m thinking a belly band will help - I didn’t move to maternity/band until like 5 months with my last babe so I think it’s early but mannn do I think it would help.
GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I remember really loving the Ramona books. I also just got a box of books from my childhood and am loving reading them to my daughter, one I feel nostalgic about is Christina Katerina - when the little girl quits the family. Hilarious!