June 2019 Moms

Group 3 Check In (June 16-22) week of 11/26

Due date/W+D: 

Baby is the size of a(n): 

Any appointments? Questions?:


How are you feeling?: 

GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?:

Re: Group 3 Check In (June 16-22) week of 11/26

  • Due date/W+D: June 22/10+2

    Baby is the size of a(n): LEGO minifigure

    Any appointments? Questions?: OB appointment today! Yahoo! Excited/nervous about seeing baby today. Hoping everything looks great.

    Rants/Raves?: Rant - Mondays sucks, especially after a holiday weekend. I just want to be cuddled up at home with my dog. Rave - See above.

    How are you feeling?: Physically - blah. Nausea wont give up. Dizziness is getting worse. Emotionally - A weird combo of excited and nervous. Hoping my appointment this afternoon will help.

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: Anything and everything Dr Suess!

  • Due Date: June 21, 10+3

    Baby is the size size of a Brussels sprout 

    Any appts/questions: Appt with the OB on Wednesday, and with high risk practice next Thursday - hoping for an U/S! 

    Rants/Raves: Not really a rant but I had to cancel a cross-country trip this week that I was looking forward to. There will be more trips and this is what’s best for me and the bean right now, but I’m a little bummed. 

    How are you feeling?: Relieved that my spotting has stopped for now! Starting to get more energy and I slept through the night without getting up to pee for the first time since right before I got a BFP. 

    GTKY favorite childhood book: I was obsessed with Shel Silverstein books, and the Ms Piggle Wiggle series
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  • Due date/W+D: 19th/10+5

    Baby is the size of a(n): Strawberry

    Any appointments? Questions?: NIPT/NT screen on December 3rd

    Rants/Raves?: Feeling pretty neutral at the moment

    How are you feeling?: Physically, I’m feeling better. Still tired, but I can make it through the day without a nap. I can’t sleep past 3:00 am because I end up having to pee and the insomnia is real, but I’m not nauseous anymore, so that an improvement. Emotionally, I’m struggling still with the depression. This is going to get TMI for a moment, so skip ahead of you wish. I think a huge part of the anxiety and depression stems from my stress and frustration over not being able to have sex at the moment (pelvic rest thanks to a SCH). I’m really, really missing that intimacy with my husband, and while he’s not pressuring me at all, his mood is decidedly worse and his patience is always less when it’s been a little while. So I end up putting pressure on myself and overanalyzing our relationship and reading between lines that don’t need to be read between (if that makes sense). I’m just really ready to feel like not just a mother but a wife again.

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: Oh, this is a good one! Hmm...I think it depends on when in childhood we’re talking about. I loved The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes. I was a voracious reader and my dad read to me every night before I was able to read myself (and for many years after I could).

    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Due date/W+D: 21st/ 10+3

    Baby is the size of a(n): Brussel sprout

    Any appointments? Questions?: 11 week appt on Friday to do my NIPT

    Rants/Raves?: kind of feeling annoyed by some posters on here who act like they own the thread discussions. I even saw in the random topics thread they have been making fun of other posters. Kind of sad as this is supposed to be a safe space

    How are you feeling?: I feel like I’m getting SOME energy back but at night I’m so tired I honestly feel a little mad at myself that I’m don’t feel up to doing more!

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: my favorite was One Cow Moo Moo! I actually just bought it for a friends new baby BC she asked for books instead of presents. Love that idea. 

  • Due date/W+D: June 22 but tomorrow we get an official due date!!

    Baby is the size of a(n): 

    Any appointments? Questions?:  Go for our first ultrasound tomorrow morning.  SO nervous.  Then have an appointment after that.

    Rants/Raves?: Can this insurance mess from almost a month ago be over already, please???

    How are you feeling?: This pregnancy has been pretty different from my last two.  I feel like the symptoms this time are a lot stronger than they were then.

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?  The Princess and the Pea

  • Due date/W+D: June 16th/11+1

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime

    Any appointments? Questions?:yes, Wednesday we get our first official appointment and US. questions-not really although I do hope that I can get some help in the Nausea/MS department because it's really starting to affect my work

    Rants/Raves?: Rants- I'm tired and sick and tired of being sick. I want yo be able to drink water again.

    Raves I had a really good Thanksgiving week maybe because I mostly sat and rested and napped but it really seemed to help with some of the nausea

    How are you feeling?: whiny 😒

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: beauty and the beast, the babysitter's club, goosebumps, all the Lauren McDaniels books I was a sap even then

  •  I’m really, really missing that intimacy with my husband, and while he’s not pressuring me at all, his mood is decidedly worse and his patience is always less when it’s been a little while. 

    Same. <3 I'm not on pelvic rest, but I'm very much looking forward to feeling more like myself. 

    Due date/W+D: June 17th, 10w5d

    Baby is the size of a(n): Golden Snitch

    Any appointments? Questions?: I have an ultrasound/checkup on Thursday. I'm pretty anxious about it and understand why ladies go out and get a doppler. I've been fretting over the baby's well-being lately. 

    Rants/Raves?: I put up our Christmas tree today. It made me feel good. The in-laws are coming for the weekend and I want the house to look nice and cozy. 

    How are you feeling?: MS comes and goes, but overall its much easier to bear than it had been weeks 6-8. I'm still tired, but no longer need a nap in the afternoon. These symptom changes have me fretting over how the baby is doing. There's been a lot of morbid, pessimistic talk in my head lately and I can't switch this off. This is going to be a long week. 

    TW - fertility issues and loss in spoiler

    I feel like all I hear is bad news lately. We found out that a good friend of MH and I has terrible endo and the Navy won't treat her because it will mess up her deployability status. She could literally be watching her fertility dissolve because the Navy won't give her 6 months of light(er) duty. She's devastated. She has three more years of obligated service before she can get out and see a real fucking doctor. 

    Some TTGP ladies may remember this story, but another friend of ours had a beyond awful prognosis for her pregnancy earlier this year. She wasn't supposed to carry beyond 13 weeks and was expecting a stillborn, but she somehow delivered a full-term boy back in October. His birth was nothing short of a miracle, but he's in bad shape. He has a number of issues including a hole in his heart, one kidney, and is terribly tiny. Well, now his only kidney is failing and he's in hospice care three times a week. He wouldn't survive a transplant even if they could find one his size. His parents are just waiting for him to go. It might be a few more weeks. 

    Then there were our lost TTGP ladies.  <3

    This stuff if making me feel so guilty for being pregnant in the first place. I can't seem to see this for what it is - a blessing. I just don't feel like I deserve this when there are so many women and couples suffering. I suppose I'm waiting for my bad news, too. 

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I had too many to name, really. But the cornerstones were The BFG, Where the Sidewalk Ends, The Giving Tree, Charlotte's Web, etc. I was a voracious reader. 

  • @harrierwife, I just want to hug you. When I was pregnant with my oldest, a lot of the things you are talking about happened in my life as well.

    Every time I felt like I was “safe”, something would happen to a friend and I would spiral into panic again. At 12 weeks, I remember thinking I was out of the first trimester, so I was safe, and then a friend miscarried at 15 weeks. Then I made it past my anatomy scan at 18 weeks before finding out about a friend who went into early labor at 20 weeks and lost her daughter. Then, I made it to 30 weeks and felt like I was so close, and my friend’s sister lost her son to a random cord accident at 35 weeks. By the time they started talking induction because of my blood pressure, I just wanted him out of me.
    END TW

    So I totally understand the concern and the inability to get excited because it feels like everything is going too well and I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I had to tell myself constantly that most pregnancies end well. I had to, for my own sanity. For what it’s worth, it does get easier in the second trimester and easier again in the third. And talking about those feelings helps.

    Unrelated, but yes - that’s exactly it. My libido is so tanked right now, thanks to hormones, so it wouldn’t even really matter if the SCH was there or not. And intimacy is such a huge part of keeping a relationship (or at least, mine) healthy. I always feel on edge when it’s off the table, both for physical reasons and hormonal ones.
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Due date/W+D: 10+2

    Baby is the size of a(n): strawberry

    Any appointments? Questions?: I had my first appointment with my OB today. I was able to hear the heartbeat for the first time. It was 170. My husband guesses that we are having another girl. I was embarrassed because I forgot to shave my legs. UGH. I have my next ultrasound on 12/10 for sequential testing then 12/29 we have an ultrasound to find out the gender. I can’t wait! 

    Rants/Raves?: I haven’t been able to take my medicine for my ADHD and it’s impacting my work. It’s frustrating that I can’t tell my job about the pregnancy yet because I worry about my job. 

    How are you feeling?: Emotionally drained. Tonight I let our dogs out on the porch and my 2 year old closed the door behind me, which means it was locked. I had dinner cooking on the stove. She starting crying and yelling for me, dinner started burning/smoking and I had to call 911. I live in the country so after 8 minutes of her banging on the door, crying and yelling for me, I was able to calm her down and teach her how to unlock the door through the window. The police showed up a couple minutes later. I became a ball of mush on the floor as she tried to wipe my tears. I was terrified and I just wanted to hold her tight. I am  is leaving a spare key outside.

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: I can’t remember. The earliest book I remember was the Fever of 1793. 

  • @harrierwife I'm sorry your feeling so bad! I hope the 2nd tri brings you some relief. I'll be thinking of you.
    @snjwatts13 I'm so sorry that has to be so scary! I'm glad your both okay though probably still shaken up!
  • babyleachmanbabyleachman member
    edited November 2018

    Due date/W+D: Due June 16/11wks+1day

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime

    Any appointments? Questions?: next appointment is set for dec. 7. I’ll be out of the first trimester then! Finally!

    Rants/Raves?: just constant nausea and exhaustion. It’s so hard when it’s not the first pregnancy because you can’t nap whenever you want! Haha

    How are you feeling?: not terrible but not great. 

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: pat the bunny...classic!

  • @wearyfuzzball I hope your OB appointment went well! I love Dr. Suess—any favorites? I’ve always been partial to the Lorax, which continues to be timely (sadly).

    @pigglesworth Good luck with your OB appointment tomorrow and your high risk appointment this week! What a relief that your spotting has let up—and I’m jealous that you got to sleep through the night. I curse my bathroom and bedroom being at opposite ends of the apartment.

    @KissMeImScottish I’m so sorry about your depression. I can commiserate on that front although i know they’re not for the same reasons. I hope you’re able to feel a bit more normal soon.

    ALSO OMG I loved the Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes!! I haven’t met many people who know it. I loved the story and the illustrations. 

    @pai314 Hope your OB appointment goes well today!

    @vv826 Good luck at your OB appointment tomorrow! Also, did you mean Lurlene McDaniels? Because if so, I’m right there with you! I checked so many of those books out of the library I’m surprised I never diagnosed myself with some kind of cancer or incurable disease, lol.

    @harrierwife Good luck on Thursday! I feel the same way—fretting because some symptoms have eased up. Although I was super tired again last night at 8pm, which was a source of relief. ;-)

    @snjwatts13 LOL to the forgetting to shave your legs. I’d feel the same way! Like, I realize you’re all up in my Lady bits, Doctor, but I hope you can forgive the prickly legs. ;-)

    Also oh wow, that is so scary about being locked out! I can’t imagine how terrifying and frustrating that must have been. I’m glad you were able to call 911 and that you got back in before anything bad happened. 

    @BabyLeachman Hopefully exiting first tri brings you some relief!

    @nadiacho I commiserate on the wanting to do more but being too tired. Last night I was definitely going to go to the gym, clean, and set up the Christmas decor. I laid on the couch for three hours instead.

    Due date/W+D: 6/22, 10+3

    Baby is the size of a(n): Brussels sprout

    Any appointments? Questions?: Had a blood draw for a thyroid panel yesterday because my TSH is slightly elevated. And my RE’s office is continuing to monitor me while I wean off progesterone and estrogen. Next OB appointment is next Wednesday.

    Rants/Raves?: I can’t wait to be done with the progesterone. We’ve been doing the shots for 8 weeks now and DH and I are both very over it.

    How are you feeling?: Tired. So tired.

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: The Little Engine That Could, TS Elliot’s Book of Practical Cats, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, and A Child’s Garden of Verses. My Dad read all of these to us, and he has always reminded us to say, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can,” every time we encounter a challenge.

  • @Bababatty Appointment went great! Got to see the baby on the US and it actually had a head, arms and legs! 🤣 The last US just looked like a blob, so it was very cool. I have always had a thing for Are you my mother and Green eggs and ham, but honestly they are all great.
  • @wearyfuzzball Hooray!! I was so impressed at the rapid change from blob to human-like entity. :D  It certainly makes you feel better, lol! And that is an excellent selection, but you’re right, you really can’t go wrong with Suess!
  • @Bababatty ugh I really need to start proof reading every word yes Lurlene! they were so sad but I would read them so quickly.

    @wearyfuzzball I'm glad everything went well today and yay to seeing the body parts it's so exciting to see them start looking like babies!
  • @KissMeImScottish - Thank you. Really. I haven't shared these feelings with anyone IRL - just trying to put on a brave face I guess. Plus, so few people know about the pregnancy so there's not many people to talk to anyway. MH isn't much help - he's much more optimistic than I am about this which is a 180 from our normal - ha!

    @vv826 - <3

    @Bababatty - Girl, I can't wait to get off the progesterone either. 

    @wearyfuzzball - isn't it to crazy to see a HUMAN in there?!?! 
  • @vv826 @harrierwife I'm seriously not over the fact that the doctor shoved a camera up my vuh jay jay and showed me a mini human doing flips in my uterus! Pregnancy is like MAGIC. 
  • @wearyfuzzball until you've gone through you don't ever truly know how uncomfortable and beautiful all at once pregnancy is 
  • Due date/W+D: June 17/11+2 

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime 

    Any appointments? Had an appointment last week at 10 weeks and got a surprise ultrasound since they couldn’t pick up babies heartbeat on a Doppler.  I’ll go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound and genetic bloodwork and I’m excited to find out the gender (hopefully in time for Christmas!) 

    Rants/Raves?: it took the specialty pharmacy almost 3 weeks to deliver my Diclegis so until this week, I’ve been miserable and now that I have the medicine, my nausea is letting up.  Also, none of my clothes fit and o haven’t announced yet so I can’t pull out the maternity clothes 

    How are you feeling?: nausea is starting to subside (woohoo!), boobs hurt a little less, but the mood swings are so real! Everyone/thing absolutely annoys me! hopiny this subsides soon too! 

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: pat the bunny

  • @KissMeImScottish your talk about your dad reminds me of my dad! He used to read to me every night, usually until he fell asleep!  :D We read all kinds of things - the Narnia books, Harry Potter. He loves to read to my DD now and its so heartwarming
    @harrierwife I am sorry you're feeling that way and surrounded by so much. How hard that must be. Hopefully as things go on, you'll be able to feel better. Once I could feel baby it made a world of difference. Also I did end up buying a doppler around 14 weeks last time, because I couldn't stand it. 

    Due date/W+D: June 22 (seems like a lot of us!) so 10+5 toady

    Baby is the size of a(n): Strawberry

    Any appointments? Questions?: None 'til next week. I had labs drawn this week, but that was a big drawn out thing that never needed to happen. So, of course, they were normal.

    Rants/Raves?: Since today's my friday, it's all rave. DH and I leave for a trip to NYC tomorrow for the weekend. Almost a baby-moon, I guess, since we know we wont be able to get away for a while, just the two of us. I miss DD already though. 

    How are you feeling?: Monday and Tuesday I thought I had caught a GI bug. I felt SO BAD and was 100% more nauseated than I had been. I thought maybe my MS finally was catching up to me, but then *TMI* I had horrible diarrhea all day Tuesday so I"m thinking maybe it was a bug of some kind. Anyway, I'm so glad to be back to "normal." I still have NO appetite and can only eat a tiny amount at a time. So I've lost some weight, but the same thing happened with my last pregnancy so I'm not as worried as I was last time

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little?: Oh so many. Little kid, probably the Velveteen Rabbit. As I got older, Harry Potter obviously (does that count? I still love it), Nancy Drew, Boxcar Children... I was also a voracious reader. I wish I still was - I'm out of the habit and seem to fill my time with other things these days. 

  • @ShadeofGreen816 -I COMPLETELY understand why ladies go out and get dopplers, now. I'll sheepishly admit to thinking that they were totally silly before a few weeks ago. 

    As a followup, I had an OB appt yesterday and it went really, really well! MH came, too, which made everything that much better. We heard the heartbeat on the doppler for the first time and MH's face was stunned - I'll never forget it. 

    I then asked for an US even though they didn't have me slated for one, and they fit us in. Not only did they fit us in, the tech (who is an ANGEL) let us hang in there for almost 40 mins. The baby was moving like crazy ....I could have watched it all night....

    The tech even zoomed in on the baby's different parts and explained to us what we were seeing - we saw all 4 chambers of the heart, the placenta, the umbilical cord, the spine and the skull/brain. I really loved that she took the time to show us that much detail. And baby is measuring exactly 11+1 which was a relief. 
  • edited November 2018
    @ShadeofGreen816, yes! I love that. My dad is a story teller - one of the absolute best pictures of him is a slightly out of focus picture from behind him, his arms spread wide, at my sister’s wedding as he read her “Guess How Much I Love You” for his wedding toast. It was “their” book when we were little. I have so many fond memories of him reading Narnia and Lord of the Rings and the classics like Tom Sawyer and Treasure Island to us. He also used to pull out these gorgeous leather volumes out from this beautiful bookcase we have that came over from Scotland on the ship when my family emigrated and he would read The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Longfellow to us. I loved to listen to him tell stories when I wasn’t little. I actually came down the stairs from putting the twins to bed the other night when my family was over for dinner and he was reading to my oldest and I had to stop on the stairs before he noticed me and listen. (Sorry to go on like that - can you tell I’m a total daddy’a girl? Haha)
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Due date/W+D: June 22, so 10+6

    Baby is the size of a(n): Strawberry

    Any appointments? Questions?: next appointment isnisnt until the 11th

    Rants/Raves?: combined rant and rave: DD is sick, backup daycare (grandma) couldnt take her today so I started my weekend early and im getting lots of cuddle time with my baby girl

    How are you feeling?: nauseous, and so so congested. 

    GTKY - What was your favorite children's book when you were little? I dont think I had any one favorite. It really enjoyed many Christopher Pike books for a long time though

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